Tmnt Boyfriend Scenarios

By AnnabethToTheWriting

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Introduction That Nobody Will Read
When You First Meet -Leo
When You First Meet -Raph
When You First Meet -Donnie
When You First Meet- Mikey
Thinking About Him- Leo
Thinking About Him- Raph
Thinking About Him- Donnie
Thinking About Him- Mikey
His Thoughts Of You- Leo
His Thoughts Of You- Raph
His Thoughts Of You- Donnie
His Thoughts Of You- Mikey
You Meet Again- Leo
You Meet Again- Raph
You Meet Again- Donnie
You Meet Again- Mikey
He Thinks Of You- Leo
He Thinks Of You- Raph
He Thinks Of You- Donnie
He Thinks Of You- Mikey
You Meet...Again./ Getting His # Leo
You Meet... Again./ Getting His # Raph
You Meet...Again./Getting His # Donnie
You Meet Again.../Getting His # Mikey
Texting Him- Leo
Texting Him- Raph
Texting Him- Donnie
Texting Him- Mikey
Friends? Leo
Friends? Raph
Friends? Donnie
Friends? Mikey
Hanging Out - Leo
Hanging Out- Raph
Hanging Out- Donnie
Hanging Out-Mikey
(First XR?) He Loved Me First- Rapheal x AdoptedDaughter!Reader part 1
A Fallen Warrior ? X Reader
Joking Around- Leo
Joking Around- Raph
Joking Around- Donnie
Joking Around- Mikey
Sound Of Silence Dad!Raph X SilentDaughter!Reader
Calming Him Down (all)
Leo X Reader Innocence
Funny Times (all)
Meeting His Brothers -Raph (part 2)
Meeting His Brothers -Leo
Meeting His Brothers -Raph
Meeting His Brothers -Donnie
Meeting His Brothers -Mikey
Welcome To The Lair- Leo
Welcome To The Lair- Raph
Welcome To The Lair- Donnie
Welcome To The Lair- Mikey
Shredder and His Crazy Daughter
Leo X Thunder Scared Reader
Meeting His Father- Leo
Meeting His Father- Raph
Meeting His Father- Donnie
Meeting His Father- Mikey
Welcome To The Lair- Leo Part 2 (short)
He Loved Me First Pt2 - Raphael x AdoptedDaughter! Reader
Playing With His Brother (All)
What His Family Thinks (All)
Mikey x Depressed/Numb Reader
Realizing That You Like Him -Leo
Realizing You Like Him- Raph
Realizing You Like Him- Donnie
Realizing You Like Him- Mikey
Playing It Off Cool - All
Realizing He Likes You - Leo
Realizing He Likes You - Raph
Realizing He Likes You - Donnie
Realizing He Likes You - Mikey
You Get Jealous -Leo
You Get Jealous -Raph
You Get Jealous -Donnie
You Get Jealous -Mikey
Secrets -Leo
Secrets -Raph
Secrets -Donnie
Secrets -Mikey
Secrets Pt 2
He Loved Me First Pt3 RaphXAdoptedDaughter!Reader
First Fight -All
Apoligies -All
He Admits That He Likes You- All
Holding Hands- Leo
Holding Hands- Raph
Holding Hands- Donnie
Holding Hands- Mikey
The Best Hugs- All
You Take Care Of His Brother- All
You Defend His Brother
Different -LittleSis!Wolf Reader x Bradford
Shredder's Daughter x Turtles
Invisible- WolfHybird Reader
When Ya'll Make Out ;) -Requested
You Take A Hit For His Brother- All
Waking Up -All
Healing- Leo
Healing- Raph
Healing- Donnie
Healing- Mikey
Arthur Note
Turtles x Gangster Girl
Stay. Mikey x Reader
Stay. Mikey x Reader Final
Imagine Warning:Sensitive Content
About Upcoming Chapters
He Loved Me First Raph x Daughter!Reader Part 4
Assassin Reader x Turtles
April Reader x Turtles
My Love MikeyxReader
He Doubts Your Safety -All
He Gets Jealous -All
Cat Mutant x Tigerclaw
Cat Mutant x Leo
Donnie X Soulmate!Reader
Diagnosed Mikey x Reader
Clowns. Mikey x Reader
Mating Season -All
Little Sis HumanKidReader x Turtles
All The Way DonniexReader
Shot MikeyxReader
Power of Seduction RaphxReader
Are You Safe? RaphxReader
Just Guys Being Guys AllxReader Platonic
Leave Before You Love Me MikeyxReader
Turtle Food
The Idea Of Me- Songfic MikeyXReader
Someone Breaks Into Your Apartment
Keep It Steady LeoxReader
Last Minute Changes
They See Scars On Your Back -All
A Mile In Your Shoes BodyguardLeo! X Reader
Unexpected. DonniexReader
Mutations Kid!ReaderXTurtles
Assassin Reader X Turtles Pt 2
Assassin Reader x Turtles Pt. 3
Assassin Reader x Turtles Pt 4
Assassin Reader X Turtles Pt 5
Assassin Reader x Turtles Pt 6
Assassin Reader x Turtles Pt7
Assassin Reader x Turtles Pt8
Assassin Reader X Turtles Pt9
Heartache With Gentle Hands LeoxReader
Comfort ???xReader
The Missing Pet RaphXReader

Overprotective (All the guys)

521 15 4
By AnnabethToTheWriting

Your in-laws being overprotective of you, Mikey's pregnant wife, because they're all excited about the baby.

The moment you told Mikey you were pregnant, he'd been so happy. You never thought he could be so... well, excited. Mikey was normally excited about everything in life, hyper and all the ready to discover anything it had to offer, but this time he was excited.

You'd imagined the thoughts of motherhood many times growing up but not once did you think about carrying a mutant ninja turtle's baby in your belly.
And when it came true that you were in fact pregnant with his baby, again, another unpredicted thing was just how overprotective the whole family would become over you.

You were close with all the guys, including Splinter. You and April were practically sisters at this point. Casey and Vern were like crazy relatives in your mind. When you told the family, it had been quite funny. Donnie asked how far along you were and you told them you'd been a month along now, just wanting to have been sure you were pregnant before spilling the beans.

Since you and Mikey were married and living in the lair, it was pretty normal for you to take care of the guys. Sure, they were grown men that could do it themselves, but it gave you something to do and people to dote on. They were all super busy and had their own lives, each one also needing some time away from doing their own things. This meant you'd gladly volunteer for dishes or sweep their rooms for dirty laundry and run it through for them. You didn't do this all the time, though. Leo often helped out and did his brother's things. Mikey would join in and make it a game. Raph would quietly stalk around and do his chores when he needed to. Donnie, though he appeared to help, it was more rare. He was so holed up into his lab he really didn't have dirty dishes or laundry all the time. It was mostly just the other brothers.

Splinter would help when you got up to clean the living room after a movie night- that is, if you were the first up. Splinter watched you very carefully when it came to how dedicated you were to cleaning up. You now had to do your job online because of stress, which was actually more stressful online than doing it in person. Now, you dealt with people electronically or monitored what needed to be monitored. It was a simple process as long as Mikey didn't mix up files and papers on your desk while trying to find some of his art supplies.

This being said, on month two, you really began to see overprotective behavior within the family.

Of course Mikey had made sure to tell you to relax. Stress was the last thing his amazing wife needed, but he wasn't going to stop you from doing day to day tasks that you ran into your habits. You'd warned him not to mess with your schedule too much because that would bother you. So he wasn't to intervene unless he felt you needed it.

First in line was Raph. As previously stated, Raph was quiet when he had to do his own chores. It was in the evening and you just finished work, the stress of a customer bringing you to want to clean. It helped get your mind off of it at least, so you started sweeping rooms and tossing clothes into dirty hampers. One after another, you carried somehow already full hampers across the lair to the washer Donnie had installed. Raph had been reading a comic in his room and finally emerged from said room when you were unloading the dryer.

When he saw the full basket of clean laundry in your hands, his eyes grew wide as he closed the distance in the room between the two of you. "Woah, I don't think yer supposed ta be carryin' that."

You moved the basket to rest on your hip and wiped at your forehead, a small layer of sweat already making its way to the surface of your skin. "It's fine, I got it." Regardless, Raph's hands had already pried the hamper from your grasp against your protest.

"It's no big deal, I can get it for ya." And with that, he walked off to fold the laundry himself, murmuring under his breath about women being impossible.


You joined him, simply because it had been your chore to keep your mind at bay, though you did notice he worked fast to get most of it done before you did. What was up with that?

You were now three months along.

Next in line to being overprotective had been Leo. You'd been scrubbing the dishes after dinner -which you made- when he came to the counter. "Hey, why don't you straighten up the table and I get the dishes?"

You looked up at the leader and shrugged. It wasn't out of the normal for him to offer to wash the dishes, but the way he'd said it had set you off a bit.

You dried your hands and turned to the table to throw away trash and put everything in place for breakfast the following morning- only to see everything had already been done.

You turned back around to help Leo with the dishes again, going to insist on drying and putting away, but he'd blocked you from having any room to do anything.


Donnie had been next.

Now you were four months and your belly had grown. There was an obvious baby bump from under the tank top you'd been wearing, a flannel over your arms because you'd been cold.

You were changing several lights throughout the lair that were too dim or blew out all together. One flickering light in particular had drove you up the wall and made you change them yourself, the thought of watching or asking someone else to do it making you shake your head. Why ask when you could do it perfectly fine?

Donnie had been working on a project, so you grabbed one of his tall ladders and got to work.

The purple clad turtle had come out for a simple coffee break, saying hi as he passed you into the kitchen- only to shoot out of said room seconds later. He was watching you as if he'd witnessed you murder someone, three fingered hands whipping around as if trying to flag you down.

"What in the world are you doing, Y/n? Get off that ladder, you could get hurt! What if you fall off?"

"The only reason I'd fall off is by your distraction, Donnie." You mumbled, screwing in a new light and watching it glow. You smiled in victory, hands on your hips.

But then you felt yourself leaning back. Arms waving to regain your balance, you'd not registered that Donnie had physically grabbed you off of the ladder himself, hands hooking under your armpits as if you were a child. You only realized this when you were back on the floor and Donnie scooped up the ladder. "I'll finish the lights... then this ladder is going away out of your hands. You need to be more careful, we don't need you hurt."

Six months in had been a bit harder, but you were still productive and continued to do whatever it was you did. You still had three months until you were more than likely to pop, which was far enough away in your mind that you decided to dedicate your day to scrubbing.

You wanted to deep clean.

Scrubbing the floors, the walls, counters, everything. You wanted to take everything apart, reach every nook and cranny, bleach away germs and stains and dust away any dust that lingered. You wished to polish and wash fancy jars that lined the kitchen, the boys never having used them so they gathered dust. You took the kitchen completely apart before putting it together again, you'd already scrubbed the walls and currently, you were on your hands and knees with a brush scrubbing every inch of floor the room had to offer. Though it had taken a while to get everything done and a bit of elbow grease had been required, it wasn't terribly hard. Your bump was at the annoying stage of getting in the way, but you were managing. Granted, now that you'd managed to get onto the floor you weren't sure how you were going to get back up. Maybe one of the guys would come across you when you were finished and help you to your feet.

After a particularly hard scrub at a particularly difficult stain on the floor, you jumped as someone cleared their throat. "May I ask what you are doing down there, child?"

Your eyes gazed up and towards Splinter, who stood in the doorway with a puzzled look as he admired your handywork. "Oh, hi!" You grinned and looked around the room yourself from your place, hands propping you up. "It's so clean, isn't it?"

"It is indeed," He hummed before looking back to your home on the floor. "Have you been working on this long?"

You glanced at the time and frowned, eyes widening slightly. Had you really lost track of time that bad? You debated on your response. "If I say no, would you believe me?"

"Unlikely." But he couldn't help but smile at the guilty look on your face. "Have you finished?"

"I only have this one section left, then I'll be done." You pointed at the patch of flooring that still needed scrubbed. Splinter nodded and entered the kitchen carefully before extending his hand in offering.

"Why don't you take a fast break to rehydrate, Y/n? I doubt you've given yourself much time for that today by the looks of it."

"Okay, just a few minutes." You took his hand and stood. For an old rat, he was very strong. You grabbed a water from the fridge and drank from it before screwing the cap back on and preparing yourself to finish the floor, but upon turning around, Splinter was on his own hands and knees scrubbing away. "Splinter!" You scolded, but it fell onto deaf ears.

"Why don't you have a seat, I doubt you've given yourself much of that today as well. And while you are at it, why don't you tell me what else needs done? I believe my sons have some work to do. They've allowed this home to be quite messy."

You did take a seat, but instead of listing things that needed done, you watched your father in law scrub at the flooring and thought about how you possibly could've ended up in a family this great, and how lucky your child would be to be a part of it too.

Even though they could be a bit overprotective.

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