The Baby Problem

Od whitewolf_warrior

50.2K 1.9K 5.3K

What happens when one of the most hated, cold, and mean country turns into a baby due to a lab accident? Will... Více

The Accident
First night
Japan's lessons
The meeting
Secret Room
Sunglasses (⌐■-■)
The park
Cat clues
Fluffy Clouds
* Hey *
Check-up part 1
Check-up Part II
The News
Amongs the confusion

Behind the eyepatch

1.6K 66 186
Od whitewolf_warrior

South Korea's POV:

I am currently in America's car, with Japan and America obviously, going to Soviet's house. America was able to use the license plate to find where the house was located, which was easily done since he only needed to put in the numbers on the computer and then the information would pop up. I honestly expected for the computer to take a while before retrieving the information but it surprised me when it only took a few seconds for it to get that information.

I sighed as I looked out through the window, watching how the buildings slowly started to get replaced by tall pines. According to the GPS, Soviet's house is somewhere hidden in the forest, away from the city. No wonder no one has seen him.

I really hope that Soviet didn't do anything to my little brother. If he did something, if he hurt North..... I would never forgive myself for being so irresponsible. I just can't go on if I know that North got hurt because I wasn't responsible enough to look after him. I just really hope that North is alright.

(Time skip, due to lack of motivation)

Third Person's POV:

America's car was parked near the large house of the Soviet Union. The three countries waiting for the right opportunity to strike. They really hadn't thought about the possible guards that were literally everywhere. They wondered how they may pass through and get North without anyone noticing.

Soviet on the other hand was inside his home feeding North a bottle of milk which North was almost done with. After North finished it, Soviet put the bottle away. "So what do you want to do, little guy?" Soviet asked while he held North. North looked outside the window and said, "baaaeeeee!" Soviet chuckled, "so I guess we will go outside then."

Soviet started to walk to the front door, hugging North close to him. He then went outside and walked towards the forest away from his house and the guards. North looked around in wonder, trying to see all of the trees and listening to birds singing. North was enjoying the forest which can be seen by his smile and occasional giggling. Soviet smiled at North as he watched his amusement to the forest. Soviet continued walking for a while before stopping near a creek. North tried to reach the creek, wanting to play and splash in the water. Soviet chuckled at North. "I'm afraid that you're too small to play there... you'll get swept away in that water current if I let you in," Soviet stated while North made some small upset noises.

South Korea, Japan, and America had noticed Soviet walking to the forest with North Korea... alone. They took that opportunity to follow them. South Korea tried to get a glimpse of his brother to see if he was alright but Soviet was always in the way and America kept on pulling him back into their hiding places. South just wanted to make sure North was alright but he had to wait until Soviet was far away enough so they can take North back. Japan was quietly listening to what Soviet said and trying to make her presence as unnoticeable as possible.

Soviet continued walking, next to the creek. North continued to look at the water with amazement and curiosity. He really wanted to go in there and touch the water and the cold smooth stones that hid behind the water. Soviet looked at North from time to time when walking. He also listened to the sounds from the forest, the soft wind in the trees, the bird's chirping, the water, a suspicious twig breaking... Soviet stopped walking when he heard a twig break. America wasn't being careful to where he placed his foot and accidentally stepped on a twig causing the noise. America, Japan, and South froze and tried to not make any sound, so Soviet will hopefully walk away and not come here to investigate the sound. Soviet stared at where the sound came from and slightly squinted his eye to see if there was anything there. After what seemed a whole eternity Soviet continued his walk, assuming a squirrel made the noise. The three countries let out a breath they were holding, feeling relieved that they weren't caught.

North looked forward to where Soviet was taking him and let out a small gasp at the sight in front of him. There was a beautiful waterfall that had a small rainbow appearing nearby. North has never seen such an amazing thing, so he started to make surprised and happy small child noises while moving his stubby little arms and legs in excitement. Soviet smiled and walked to a giant rock a little away from the waterfall and placed North there. North continued to express his excitement through his large smile and happy noises. Soviet looked at the waterfall smiling softly while also having North in his view just in case he falls off the rock.

Suddenly America came out of his hiding spot and tackled Soviet down, taking him by surprise. Soviet let out a small yelp as he fell down, not expecting such action to happen. Japan and South came rushing out of their hiding spots as well. South went straight to little North while Japan went to help America keep Soviet pinned down. "What are you all doing here?! How did you even find me!?" Soviet yelled out in anger. "That's something for me to know and for you to find out," America replied. Japan nodded before saying, "we came here because you kidnapped North Korea."

Soviet then gave them a confused look. "Kidnapped? I didn't know that someone was watching him... I just found him by himself near the pond with no countries or nations nearby. I assumed that no one knew about his situation and so I brought him with me," Soviet said. Japan's cat ear twitched as America said, "how do we know you aren't lying and only wanted to take advantage over North Korea because of his situation?" Soviet rolled his eye as he answered, "that seems like something you would do to him, not me." America was about to protest when Soviet continued, "you hated him when he was normal, both of your governments aren't in good terms with each other, and you both threatened yourselves. I had taken cared of North before and he was perfectly fine under my care, plus if I really wanted to take advantage of him then I would have hurt and mistreated North Korea."

What Soviet said did make sense, and America looked at South, who was holding the small country, to see that North looked well and unharmed. North was smiling happily as he hugged his older brother, happy to be reunited. "Can you guys let go of me now?" Soviet asked, annoyance lacing in his voice. Japan let go of him but America still kept him pinned down. Soviet and America were glaring at each other. "So care to explain how you're still alive since you supposedly fell, for how long, and why no one has known of your existence till now?" America asked while continuing his glare. Soviet answered, "I had fallen, but was reborn in a way after a few years. I still had my memories and still was the same as before. The Unions know of my existence, I had asked to keep my reappearance a secret from everyone. They agreed as long as I follow the laws, rules, I have no power, and they check on me every month so I can report on my activities...."

"How do I know you aren't lying? Maybe the Unions don't know of your existence because I'm sure if they did they would've told me," America growled continuing his glare. Soviet rolled his eye, "of course you would say that... the American always has to know about everyone else's business."

"That's not true-" America tried to defend himself, but Soviet had enough of this so he pushed America off of him and got up. America didn't like that Soviet did that, so he got up and said, "you pushed me!" To which Soviet responded, "and you tackled me down." The two then started to throw insults at each other, raising their voice in the process. North looked at the two feeling a bit scared at their loud voices, so he started to whimper. South and Japan noticed this. South tried to calm North down while Japan tried to stop America and Soviet from fighting each other.

America out of pure anger jumped at Soviet trying to hit him. Soviet was quick to notice America's sudden attack and pushed him down, but America, who didn't expect that, held on to a certain eyepatch, tearing it off. America hit the floor and looked at his hand that was holding the eyepatch of Soviet. Everything was dead silent, even the wind stopped blowing and the birds were gone as well, the only exception was the water that continued to roar in the current. The atmosphere was so tense you can cut it with a knife. All four countries looked fearfully to Soviet. He had an unreadable expression. No dared to move, including North who felt uneasy by the situation.

Soviet snatched his eyepatch from America glaring at him with his two perfectly healthy eyes. The eye behind the eyepatch was not injured, had no scar, it only was a different color from the other, the eye was in a yellow color while the other one was green. America gave Soviet a nervous smile and quietly said, "s-so you h-had two eyes this whole time..." Soviet growled at him, making the American instantly shut up. North looked at the two not liking the intense atmosphere, so he started to tear up. Soviet looked at North and noticed his glossy eyes and unshed tears. He sighed and calmed himself down, making the atmosphere more bearable.

North was only sniffling right now, while hugging South Korea. Everyone felt awkward about the current situation and no one knew what to say next. America, not liking the silence, brought it upon himself to be the first one to speak, "so.... why do you wear the eyepatch if your eye is perfectly fine, unless you're ashamed of having two colored eyes." The last part was said slightly quieter. "Says the country that hides his eyes behind some old glasses," Soviet responded. Surprisingly, America didn't even defend himself, he just glared at Soviet through his sunglasses. Soviet sighed, "I guess it won't kill me in telling you why I wear an eyepatch......"


Soviet was calmly sitting in his living room's couch next to the fireplace. He was reading some reports while drinking some warm hot chocolate. The house was quiet, and warm, the atmosphere welcoming.

Suddenly the front door was kicked open by a young child that was yelling, "папа! папа! (Papa! Papa!)." Soviet was on his feet and quickly went to the child. "What happened Russia? Why are you yelling for, did something happen?" Soviet asked, concern tracing his features. Russia had tears in his eyes and was sniffing. "I didn't mean to! I didn't mean it!" The young country said with sadness, fear, and regret. "Tell me what happened," Soviet told his son, trying to figure out Russia's distress. "I-It's North Korea...." Russia started, "w-we were playing b-by that place you told us n-not to be in, t-the f-frozen lake. I-I pushed North a-a little too hard and h-he fell o-on the ice. I-I think h-he hit against a frozen rock or something because he s-started bleeding." Russia was in tears after he finished his story.

Soviet was now more worried. "Where is he now?" Soviet asked. " Russia quickly told him, "h-he is in t-the forest, I t-tried to bring him here but he f-fell asleep on the way and I g-got scared s-so I ran h-here to get you because I-I couldn't wake him up." If Soviet wasn't concerned before, he is now. "Show me, and let's hurry," Soviet urged Russia and he nodded.

The two went out to the cold weather. Soviet didn't even put his coat on, being more concerned on North's well being than his own. Russia quickly ran to where North was, Soviet trailing behind him. Russia lead Soviet to North's motionless body in the snow. North had blood covering half of his face which was smeared on the snow underneath him. He looked so small, so fragile like that. Soviet swiftly picked North up and checked his pulse. After knowing that he's still alive he quickly went back home with Russia following behind feeling more guilty about the situation.

When arriving home, Soviet told Russia to go to his room while he took care of North. Russia didn't want to leave but left so he couldn't cause more trouble than he already had. Soviet took North to a room and called in a medic to help treat North. When they cleaned North's blood to see the injury, they saw that he hit directly on his eye to which it couldn't be saved. After cleaning and doing everything they could, the medic left saying that North only needed rest now. Soviet stayed by North side the whole time though. Russia came in to see North a while after the medic left. He expressed how sorry he was for the accident, he felt guilty for everything. Soviet said it was alright, but he hoped that Russia learned that he should follow his rules because things like that could happen and that he should be more careful around North as he was younger and smaller than Russia.

Two days later, North Korea was sitting on the carpet near the fire. He was hugging his knees close to his chest as he looked at the fire. When he woke up after the accident he almost screamed in fright when he saw his reflection and his missing eye. He was quiet and had a look of sadness ever since. Russia told North how sorry he was and literally begged on his knees for North to forgive him. North did forgave him, though he is still saddened by the accident. The other kids were worried for North when they saw him. After they got over the shock of the news, some of them said that North looked "cool" with the scar saying he looks like a villain from one of the stories. Others just felt bad for him and hugged him, some asked him a bunch of questions. Soviet tried to stop his kids from asking too many questions so it wouldn't cause stress on North Korea.

Soviet walked to the Korean holding two cups of hot chocolate. "Have room for one more?" Soviet asked. North scooted slightly to the side making room for Soviet. Soviet sat down next to him and offered North a hot chocolate. North took the cup and just held it in his hands. There was silence between the two for a while, but that silence was soon broken when Soviet spoke up, "so how are you feeling?" North Korea just shrugged while staring down at the warm liquid inside the cup he was holding. Soviet sighed before saying, "is there something bothering you? You've been very quiet since the incident, more than usual." North didn't say anything, continuing to stare at the cup with hot chocolate. Soviet looked at North, waiting for his answer.

"A-am I..... am I ugly?" North quietly whispered. Soviet quickly answered, "niet, you're not ugly, you're a handsome young country." North clutched his cup before saying, "but this scar makes me look ugly... people won't like me because of it." North was tearing up when saying this. "It doesn't make you look ugly-" Soviet tried to say but North cut him off, "but it does! They said I look like a villain and people don't like the villains in the story. I saw how the younger ones looked at me with that look of fear and slight disgust..." North was trying to not let his unshed tears fall while shaking. Soviet set his cup of hot chocolate to the side and hugged North. "You're not any of that North... They just reacted like that because they were just shocked, they told you that you look like a villain to try making you feel better. I'm sure it wasn't their intention to make you feel worse about yourself," Soviet softly said, while North quietly let his tears fall.

After another moment of silence, North was able to calm down. Soviet then let go of the hug pulled out something from his pocket, an eyepatch to be exact. "If your scar is concerning you, you can always put this on to cover it. It won't help you get your eye back but it could help," Soviet said while North took the eyepatch. North then wore the eyepatch, but he still didn't seem to be happy. "Thanks Soviet... but I still don't feel better, I still feel like people will judge me," North mumbled. Soviet looked at North sadly, he wanted to help him feel better but didn't know how.

Then, an idea appeared in Soviet's head. "I'll be right back," Soviet said as he stood up. North only nodded before Soviet left. North was looking at his warm hot chocolate and took a small sip, feeling the warm liquid go through his body. Soviet came back, and North looked up at him. Soviet was wearing an eyepatch as well. "Maybe you won't feel so bad if you had an eyepatch buddy," Soviet said. "You don't have to do that," North responded. Soviet shook his head, "I'm doing it so you won't be alone and sad about the scar. I want for you to be happy and if that means I have to wear this 'cool' eyepatch then so be it." North had a small smile now.

"So eyepatch buddies?" asked Soviet.

"Eyepatch buddies" responded North with a smile.

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