Chasing After A Dream {A.M} (...

By InsaneMaker

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Skyler is a normal high school girl who plays soccer to pass her time but she also had a passion for music. H... More

Cast 2


809 18 7
By InsaneMaker


Skyler laughed at the two boys who continued to look through the sand. "Hey, have you guys seen Ally anywhere?" Austin and Sky both turned around to look at Trish. She looked worried and the blonde girl only wondered why. "I think she went swimming with Kira." The boy looked towards the beach. "Oh. Those two sure are connected at the hip today, huh?" Skyler can't think of a day she felt like that. Leo was always by her side and had never made her feel left out or alone. "You worried or something?" Asked Sky, moving her foot in circles on the sand. She had just gotten back and it seemed like there was drama happening between the two girls. "No but they're all cutesy, and B.F.F. -Ey, and some might even say unbearably obnoxious." Trish huff with an angry look. Austin only nodded and Sky didn't really know what to say to her. "I think it's a-dorable." The blonde girl made a face not understanding what they meant. She has never thought of friends as cute or adorable. "Yeah, they're like.. Twinsies."

"Okay, the next person who says "twinsies" is going to get hurtsies." Austin took a step back being afraid. Skyler laughed, shaking her head at the boy. She could never think of a time she has been scared by Trish. She had been so nice to her and has never thought of her wanting to hurt her. "Oh, I see what's going on here. Someone's jealous." The blonde girl looked down at her phone seeing a message from her other group chat. It was the Descendant's cast and they were all checking up on each other. "Wha-a-a-a-at?" Austin looked between Dez and Skyler who was smiling down at her phone. He only wondered what she was looking at. What could have caused her to smile? "Look, you're Ally's B.F.F. and the one who books her gigs. No one can replace you." Her green eyes look up at Dez. Sometimes Dez surprised her with his knowledge, she turned her phone off focusing on her friends. In that movement Ally and Kira walked towards them with bright smiles. "Hey, guys!"

"I just booked Ally a gig here at the beach club!" Both girls squealed and the blonde girl fake smiled. "I guess you can be replaced." Skyler shoved Dez's shoulder, making him take a set back. "You're not helping." Her death glared at him. Trish looked sad seeing the two girls smile and hug excitedly. Skyler wrapped an arm around Trish trying to comfort her. The girl placed her head on her shoulder and accepted the hug not believing what she was seeing.


Back at Sonic Boom, Skyler sat on the counter top looking through her lyric journal. She wanted to focus on her music now that she was back home. Being in Vancouver and filming took all her time and energy that she never had time to write anything anymore. "I'm so excited I get to sing at the beach club luau tomorrow night. Maybe if it goes well, I can get a regular gig there." Skyler may not be looking at the girls but she was listening to what they were saying. "Oh, it'll be great. We're gonna have so much fun!" Both girls smiled with excitement. Trish's face turned into sadness. "Yeah, you guys are. I have to work." The blonde girl smiled, finding a song almost finished. Great, she could finish it tonight and have it ready by tomorrow. The hard part would be remembering the melody or beat to the song. "Don't not ask us what we're doing with all this digging equipment. It is top secret." She looked up seeing both boys rushed down the stairs with shovels.

"Okay, fine. We're searching for buried treasure, but do not ask us how we know where to look." Austin nodded ready to leave but stopped as soon as he heard his best friend talk again. "Okay, fine. We found a treasure map, but do not ask us..." Trish spoke up for everyone who was listening. "Dez, no one cares." Ally shook her head and Skyler's eyes went back to her journal. Austin placed a hand on his shoulder. "I care, buddy. I care." Dez turned around and place hand on top of Austin. They both smiled at each other breathing in deeply. They both left in a rush wanting to go find the treasure. "On that note. I'm gonna go." Skyler jumped down from the cabinet. She walked out heading home to finish the song. Walking in the house the first thing she did was put on a t-shirt and some shorts. She walked into the small basement that had been turned into a music room. She grabbed her guitar and found the beat right away. She wrote down the notes.

The blonde girl smiled at the process she had spent the entire afternoon finishing the song. She laughed in excitement once she finished the song. Ugh she missed this so much. Sitting down and writing her heart down. Once the song was finished she decided to take a break and grab some food. She did end up going up for dinner but as soon as she was done she rushed back down. Skyler got herself a granola bar and another water bottle. She also answered her friends while being up stairs. She laughed at the few memes Booboo was sending. The front door opened and Leo came in with two girls and a guy. "Sky your home. I was looking for you at Sonic Boom and the beach club." She smiled, putting her phone away. "I was looking through my journal and got inspiration to write."

"Oh. Guys this is Skyler. Skyler this is Jordan, Gemma and Layla." She waved at them not really knowing what was going. Jordan is light skin mixed with dark skin. He was definitely taller than she was. He wore a blue short sleeve and black shorts. Gemma was also taller than her and curvy. A little tan with dark brown hair. She was wearing a shirt of a band she has never heard of and blue jeans. Layla was more her height with beautiful light skin and dark brown wavy hair. She was rocking a white t-shirt with a leather jacket over it and black jeans. "They are a band and are looking for a lead singer. I told them I might know one." Skyler nodded not really knowing what to say. She looked out of place. She started to walk towards the basement where her guitar and journal was. Leo followed her so did everyone else. "You couldn't have called me or sent me a text message?"

"My phone died. Anyways are you up for it? I know you're an amazing singer and maybe this will help?" Her green eyes looked at her best friend. He was giving her a pleading look. After all he thought she would agree right away. He knew this would probably help her with her singing career. "I won't agree until I hear you all play and if I like it." They spent the rest of the night playing. Skyler's grandmother so happened to love playing not only the guitar but the drums as well. Jordan and Layla both played guitar and Gemma played the drunks. She liked how they played now it mattered if they would work as a band. "Okay. I wrote a new song and I came up with the music for it. Hear it and let's just see what we come up with."

All of them start throwing ideas and Leo not only being good at filming he was also good and modifying music on the computer. They continued to talk and argue here and there not liking some ideas. They spent all night. They didn't even think of the band name or when they would record the song. All of them ended up falling asleep except for Skyler who stayed away messing around with the music. Gemma and Layla had both fallen asleep on the couch, Leo on the big bean bag and Jacob fell asleep sitting down leaning against the couch. Skyler screamed when she found the amazing beat for the song. They all woke up from the scream. "Guys I found the beat. Are you all willing to record later?" She asked, looking away from the music sheet. Everyone agreed, deciding to meet up after Ally's performance at the beach club.

Skyler headed up stairs to get ready. She quickly took a shower not wanting to be late to her friend's performance. She changed into a light blue with white striped spaghetti strapped summer dress. She blow dried her blonde hair and was quick to curl it. After she put on lotion and slipped on her brown lace up flat sandals. She applied a small amount of makeup to just cover her dark circles, mascara, and lipstick. She was good to go, she grabbed her keys and took her car. The blonde girl drove not making any stop knowing it would cause her to be late. Skyler parked her car and walked towards the beach club praying to god she wasn't late. She didn't want to seem like a bad friend for arriving later. Her green eyes looked around at the Hawaii theme party. It looks amazing. She walked down the stairs meeting Trish who gave her a smile. "Hey, Trish." The blonde girl pulled her into a warm hug.

"Hi, how do you always manage to look beautiful?" Skyler pulled away chuckling. She never tried too hard because she didn't have the need to. After all she was only looking good for herself. The girl only shrugged, biting her bottom lip. "It's just makeup." She lowered her head for Trish to wrap a flower necklace around her. "Well I think you look beautiful." The blonde blushed a little. She has always appreciated the sweet compliments and comets her friends would give her. "You're beautiful too. How is it going with Ally?" Hearing Ally's name made Trish huff out loud. Things were not good in her mind. Ally didn't understand what Trish was going through. She would never put anyone else above her best friend. "We talked but then she made it about Kira again. I just don't know what to think." Skyler placed a hand on her shoulder. "You are an amazing person inside and outside. If Ally can't see what she's putting you through or how great you are then it's her lost. Anyone would love to have you as a best friend Trish." The Latina girl smiled at her and wrapped her arms around her. The blonde always knew what to say to them to make them feel better. "Thanks Skyler."

Skyler hugged her back before walking away. She made her way towards the food and grabbed herself a drink. Her green eye looked around looking for her friends who happened to be throwing sand at Ally's father. 'Why am I friends with them?' She asked herself looking away from them. Skyler took a sip from her water. "Hey, Skyler." She turned around seeing Jordan standing near her. She didn't know he knew about the beach club. The blonde didn't even know until Ally and Trish told her about it. "Jordan., Hey." He gave her a quick hug. He started to serve himself when Austin noticed them both. "I didn't know you'd be here." Skyler smiled at him playing around with her cup. Jordan placed one last piece of shrimp into his plate. He stood next to her looking at the whole scenery. "Neither did I. Actually Leo told me about it and I thought ''why not past the time." She bite the inside of her cheek while smiling at him. Of course Leo would do that because he was such a nice person. "Oh? I didn't know you two were that close."

"Were not. We actually have known each other since middle school but didn't get close to each other until now." She grabbed a plate and served herself some food. She knew she would need it, especially talking to Jordan. He was such an attractive looking guy and it was hard for her to talk to him alone. She felt the need to distract herself from looking deeply into his eyes and getting lost in them. "That's nice." Is all she said focusing on putting food on her plate. Austin may be talking with Dez but it didn't stop him from looking over at them. Skyler looked beautiful tonight in her summer dress and the small amount of makeup she wore. "I heard you play soccer." A smile instantly made its way onto her face. She missed running and hitting the ball. She was actually going to see the coach tomorrow and ask her about it. The blonde wanted a spot back on the team and the coach knew how great she was. She was one of the best players in the school and needed her in the team.

"I do. It's something I like doing out my music life. I got it from my mom. She used to be a great soccer player when she was younger. I may look like a pretty face with a pretty voice but I will crush you in the field." She chuckled, hearing him chuckle along. She took a bite from her sushi looking away from him. "I'll keep that in mind. I'm really good at dancing but don't tell anyone. No one really knows other than my mom." He whispered the dancing part at her. Her head tilted to the side wonder, why? Why didn't he want people to know? "Is there a reason why you don't want anyone to know?"

"I.. uh.. I get stage fright dancing in front of people." Her mouth fell open and she nodded. She understood that completely. When she was seven she started posting covers on the internet and when people ask for her to perform on stage she would freeze. Her grandmother was the one that helped her out of stage fright. "I completely understand that." Jordan gave her a soft smile. He was glad she understood that not many people did. "Aloha, everybody." Ally spoke on the microphone and Skyler quickly placed her empty plate down. "Oh, hey. It's about to start." The blonde walked towards Austin and Dez who stood next to the stage. "I'm Ally Dawson. Welcome to Shredders' grand opening!" Austin made eye contact with Jordan. "Let's get this luau started." People cheered ready to dance if they wanted too. Austin felt the need to step closer towards Skyler. She didn't notice since her eyes were on Ally ready to watch her perform. Everyone saw how the pig flew across the sky towards the stage and landed on Ally. They all had their mouths wide open in shock. All you could hear was Ally screaming getting hit by the big flying pig. "Honey, are you okay?" No one could hear her due to the apple in her mouth. The apple was once in the pig's mouth but now it was on Ally's.

"She's trying to say something." Dez took the apple out of her mouth. "Get his thing off me!" She pleaded. Skyler also made her way towards her with a worried look. "Oh. We're on it." Dez places the apple back into her mouth. The blonde girl gave him a look. "Seriously?" She shook her head taking the apple. The boys took the pig off her and gently placed it on the ground. Ally quickly got up and fixed her dress. "Ally, I'm so sorry!"

"I can't believe you ruined my performance! You did this on purpose!" Sky got off the stage not wanting anything to do with their fight. It didn't have anything to do with her in the first place. "What?! Why would I do that?" Her eyes widened and she turned around to look at Jordan who had no idea what was going on. She had forgotten that he had never met the rest of her friends. "You've been jealous this whole time and now you're trying to get back at me! You're supposed to be my best friend!" Now everyone was staring at the two girls. Of course people would stare; they like the gossip and drama. "I can't believe you'd blame me for this! If you really think I'd stoop that low, then maybe we're not best friends!"

"Maybe we're not!" Scoffed Ally walking away. Trish watched her leave with a sadness in her eyes. Sky gave Jordan a fake smile shrugging her shoulders. "We should go. We still have that thing tonight."

"Right. I'll see you two later." She waved at her friends walking alongside Jordan. Austin furrowed his brows not liking how the boy looked at Skyler. Jordan placed a hand on her small back and they both left. They walk in silence towards her car. On their way to her house he asked her a question that shocked her. "So is there something between you and Austin?" She bit her lip staring at the road. Why would he think that? Austin didn't like her. He likes Ally and would do anything to be with her. But what she didn't know is that they decided to focus on their careers ending their relationship. "What makes you think there's something between us?" Her green eyes looked side to side making sure no car was coming. She drove into her neighborhood road. She tapped on the steering wheel. "I guess the way he looked at you said a lot. I think he likes you. I could feel him sending daggers in my direction."

Skyler parked outside her house not answering to what he said. She tried not to think about it because she knew that Austin didn't like her like that. How could he? After Ally was more beautiful than she was and he always seemed to be into brunette. Plus she made a promise to herself she would never tell Austin the truth about her feelings unless he someday told her he felt something for her. She knew that day would never come because he is utterly in love with Ally. Walking inside the room everyone seems to be there already waiting for the two of them. "How'd it go?" Ask Leo, setting up the microphone. The other two girls scroll through social media on their phones. "Well she didn't perform. A pig flew at her and ruined the whole performance."

"Really?" Gemma sat up locking her phone. Skyler only nodded walking towards the microphone. "I'm ready when you are." The blonde nodded, grabbing the head phones. She placed them on her head standing in front of the microphone. The music sheet was in front of her so she could look at the lyrics.


Austin called Skyler to let her know that Ally was performing tonight at the beach club. She wasn't going to be able to attend due to her band playing tonight. Jordan was able to find a place to perform which was a fundraiser for schools that needed money. Of course Austin was sad that he wasn't going to be able to attend because he was going to see Ally. There it is again. Austin only cared about Ally. He chose Ally instead of going to Skyler's performance. It did bring her down a little but she tried not to focus on it too much. They came up with the band name very last minute naming themselves the dream. Skyler fixed her hair looking at herself one last time in the mirror. She quickly rushed down stairs meeting with the rest of the band. They were splitting up Jordan, Gemma and Layla would go with her in her car. And Leo would take her mother and grandmother.

Once they arrive a few people seem to know who she was by her songs. She took a few pictures before heading backstage. They knew they were rushing the whole band thing but this would be the only way they would know they could work together. After all they all wanted to be part of a band. They only hope everything went well. Skyler let out a huff holding on to her hands. It's been a while since she has performed in a group of people the last time was at the new froyo place. A man came to give her a microphone in which she thank. Her green eyes looked through the small opening where you could see the people by the stage. There was a lot more than there was at the froyo place. She really wished that Austin was here. I mean last time she sang she was comfortable and her nervousness left because of him. She looked into his beautiful brown eyes and it felt like she was only singing to him. Now here she was without Austin who was meant to be here for her. Except he was at Ally's performance. She didn't hate the girl but did wish sometimes she was her.

Ally had everything. An amazing voice, she was beautiful, a gorgeous smile, beautiful brown hair, an amazing personality and the most amazingness guy you could ever have. A guy who isn't only your boyfriend but your best friend. She closed her eyes, moving her head around and popping her neck. "I'm so excited!" The blonde girl opened her eyes to see Layla nervously jumping up and down. Gemma was making a beat with her stick on her things, also feeling nervous. Jordan was tapping his foot on the ground. "You guys we'll do great. Come here." She pulled them all into a group hug. Layla wrapped her arms around her small body, Gemma hug Layla from behind and Jordan from the side. "No matter what happens, remember to have fun. And if it doesn't go well I hope that afterward we are still friends." They chuckled, pulling away from the hug. They had just met in the matter for three days and the girl really wanted to get to know them more. Maybe then she will have her own friend group instead of always third wheeling with the other three. Skyler after all did have her friend group with the Descendant's cast it was her, Chelsea, Cameron and Booboo.

There was something about this group that made her feel welcome and that she belonged. "Bring it in." Jordan placed his fist out and they all did the same. "In three we say The Dream. 1, 2, 3." They all smiled at each other before saying, "The Dream!."

"Are you guys ready?" A backstage crew member made their way towards them. In which they all turned around to look at him. He handed them their ear pieces and they all thanked him. Skyler was the last to walk up the stairs feeling a big wave of nerves hit her. 'Just breathe and have fun.' She told herself before walking up. She was thankful that there was a curtain in front of them. Skyler turned around to look at her friend who was getting ready. Gemma sat down by the drums, Jordan and Layla both put on their eclectic guitars. "Please welcome The Dream." The blonde nodded at Jordan who started playing the guitar. The curtain revealed the band and she turned around to sing. "We are wound up like a clock. Rolling' like we rock." Skyler wrapped both her hands on the microphone looking around in the crowd. She might be smiling much but when she did smile it made the song ten times better than it was before. Jordan walked around stage with a bright smile playing his guitar.

They were all enjoying themselves. It seemed after all they sounded amazing together. "Say hey!" Skyler raised her arms with a bright smile on her face. She giggled seeing Leo jump and clap of excitement while still recording. 

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