Love Is Not Torture

By WillowRando

58.6K 1.5K 1.5K

everyone knows Kageyamas past and his middle school life they thought they knew everything about him they wer... More

the new crow
the new crow part2
filling in the boyfriends
he's back~
new plan
setters sleepover
training camp begins!
let's play a game...
good morning
sumas true smile ☺
a new friend
bytrayal 🖤😔🖕🏼
if I can't have him no one can!
a child
mizus new change
bonus chapter
fuck you Suma scum
revenge atlast
quick question not an update

enemy or aille?

1.5K 49 17
By WillowRando

"Hello takashi" a young male voice said in the dark room, "hey hiro" takashi said "wait! This is hiro!? He's real!" mitsuke said surprised "what's going on?" Suga asked confused once again "when we were 5 or 6 takashi kept telling me about a boy 2 years older then us named hiro who was his best friend but I thought he was just making it up to not feel as lonely When I was needed in the kitchen" mitsuke said. "Well he is real" takashi said "honestly mitsuke I'm offended that you didn't believe I was real" but I said with a pout.

Hiro was 10 old and has straight dark brown hair blue eyes and a calming smile, he was wearing a dark blue tee shirt and a flannel over shirt, he was also wearing a pair of blue jeans with a grey beanie. And of course sitting on a bean bag in a dark too.

"Can you turn on the lights?" takashi asked and he clapped making all the lights turn on to show a room that was pretty nice and painted dark blue with with a large oke built in bookcase a small bed that looked relatively normal, a desk that was pretty big for a child's room and a trophy case with a bunch of awards for spelling bees math contests marathons and some other sports including volleyball.
"So that was your cart of volleyballs in that celler area?" Suga asked and Hiro looked confused "yes but what did you use them for?" Hiro asked very confused " these guys are really strong they used the volleyballs and hit the steal door my me and miwas cell so much and so hard it broke! Then some of them opened the hole more so me and miwa San could get out" Takashi said happily and Hiro just stared in absolute shock "you used volleyballs that Jones touched in like years and were able to break threw a door made of renforced steal?!" Hiro said in shock and they nodded "man that's scary how strong are you guys?!" Hiro asked and they just shrugged "well that aside Hiro i-" Takashi started but was cut of by hiro

"-need my help escaping?" hiro finished and takashi nodded "man it's gonna be really boring without you but ok" hiro said and stood up from the beans bag he was sitting on. "So what's Your plan?" Hiro asked and takashi explained it to him.

(after explaining)

"Well that a well thought out plan. But do those people even know what the antidote is?" hiro said and takashi responded " don't worry there is a list of the things in the room and everything is labeled so they should be fine." takashi said
(just pretend they know that)

Soon they all left the room to head to sumas room.

(with nekoma)

When they reached the room they looked around for the list and soon found it.

The grabbed the list and found a plastic bag near by. They began searching the room for the ingredients.

"Guys I found one" yamamoto said and placed it in the bag. They continued to look for the ingredients but weren't having the best luck.

"Damn it we've only found 5 out of 20 ingredients ingredients" Kuroo says and they all sigh "geez and we thought we had an easy job" fukanaga says and continues to look for ingredients.

Soon they had found 19 of the 20 needed but the last ingredient would be hard to find "DNA from the person whose DNA was in the original love serum" in other words they needed sumas DNA...

Meanwhile with miwas group

"How will we get past the maids?" goshiki asked and miwa was thinking for a second before spoting a closet with uniforms, "I have an idea just follow me" she whispered and snuck to the closet that was conveniently out of the maids line of sight.

Miwa proceeded to grab a maid dress and some guard uniforms "put these on" she said handing them the guard uniforms and they all put them on while miwa went to a different area in the for some reason large closet to change "peak and I'll slit your throats" she said threating them and they just nodded in fear before starting to get changed.

After everyone was ready they all came out And followed miwa, they sneaked pass the maids no problem well almost no problem "who are you?" one of them came up to miwa "o-oh I'm new here and was just looking around to get to know the place" miwa said and laughed nervously "No your not, we always get notified when we get New staff members" the girl said and miwa started to sweat "wait a minute....your that girl that the master had brought a few years ago...miwa right?" she said and miwa looked surprised "uhm...." was all miwa could say "oh don't worry I'm not going to hurt you or anything I'm yuki 215 I took care of your siblings And taught them when they came here" she said and miwa sighed "ok can you help us find a way to escape?" miwa asked and yuki nodded "I would love to but I'm positive that it's not just you guys" she said and miwa nodded in confirmation that she was right "ok so bring them all here in 1 hour that's when everyone goes on break" yuki said and smiled "just so you know I'm only helping you because i don't want to see more people get?hurt here so don't be late! Also here is a small list of chores, do them so you don't look suspicious and as for your friends have them guard the four main entrances" yuki said firmly before walking off back to her chores.

"Well ok then I'll get started on these you guys get to the doors" miwa said before leaving to Do the chores, Once everyone was in position they waited.

Meanwhile with the crackheads

They were successfully distracting the guards, bokuto had made something fall in a near by room where Tanaka and Nishinoya where waiting, they lured in 3 guards and took all of them down knocking them unconscious and taking their weapons and communicators. They then lured in a few more and disabled all security cams so that no one could check them, mattsukawa had hacked into them And put them on a loop of some guards doing their jobs. After that they hacked into the real security cams so that for the security guard it was in loop but for then it was the real thing.
They kept look out for anything suspicious.

With aoba johsai

They had reached the room but there was some sort of code on the door. "How are we gonna get threw that?" watari asked but then mad dog came over and looked at the lock for 5 minutes before opening it. "H-ho....w?" yahaba said shocked and mad dog replied "if you look hard enough you can see the finger prints in the keypad and also someone left a note of the side of the door" he then pointed to the note and everyone just felt stupid.

Once they were inside they looked around and tried to locate each item, there were 5 items on the list so it should have been fairly quick but they were harder to find then they thought.

Soon 4 of the five were found and of course the last item had to be locked inside a safe that needs a key that they didn't have but soon found.

Soon they had all five objects and left to the meeting place outside.

Now all that's left is to take out Suma...

A/N ok I know this isn't that great of a chapter but here it is I hope y'all at least liked it a little

Bye have a wonderful day!

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