Hounds of War [Yandere Genera...

By J_C_Coltt

150K 10.7K 4.7K

"There are two kinds of men, the conqueror and the conquest, those who eat and those who get eaten. Which kin... More

1. Arrival of General Denlleonis.
2. Scout the Perimeter.
3.Dismay and Disgust.
4. A Long Way From Home.
5. The Meek General.
6. The First Conquest.
7. Friendly Intervention.
8. Bitter Warning.
9. The King's Response.
10. New Regime.
11. The Punishment For Deserters.
12. Why Is She Following Me?
13. Man The Army.
14. Attempted Seduction.
15. The Road to the Confrontation.
16. Falling Apart.
17. Nurturing the Beast.
18. Petty Talk.
19. The Second Conquest.
20. Pull Yourself Together.
22. Hidden Resentment.
23. Impudent Jealousy.
24. A Reminder.
25. An Order That Cannot Be Ignored.
26. Midnight Ride.
28. A Tender Connection.
29. The Alliance.
30. The Third Conquest.
31. Returning to the Army (Again.)
32. Request to the Court of Estain.
33. Illness.
34. Feverish.
35. Bonding.
36. The Old Dog of the Army.
37. One of Us.
38. Growing Tensions and a Secret Letter.
39. Enemy to All but One.
40. A Stalker's Stalker.
41. Just Comrades?
42. The Gods of War.
43. Forced Alliance.
44. Midnight Memories.
45. A Truth That Can Not Be Spoken.
46. The Broken Heart of the Heartless.
47. Sibling Rivalry.
48. Laying Plans.
49. Guilty of Love.
50. What Kind of Men are You?!
51. The Army on the March.
52. The Eve Before the Attack.
53. The Assault.
54. The Assault pt2.
55. Burn it to the Ground.
56. City of Smoke.
57. Within the Chaos.
58. Vascini up in Flames.
59. The War's End.

21. Returning to the Army.

2.3K 190 22
By J_C_Coltt

Several weeks after general Denlleonis and general Baccoso had left, those on the western edge of the camp were surprised when they saw a small cloud of dust appear on the horizon. Moments later two riders came into sight, and the soldiers realized that it was the two generals, at last, returning from their expedition away.

The soldiers hurried to spread the word among the army and alert the other generals of the good news. The reign of terror that Meccio had brought upon the army made them all feel relieved that there would be some order in how the army was administered once general Denlleonis returned to command.

Even though Esclave and Meccio had labored around the clock for the last several days trying to repair the damage that he had caused, it still wasn't enough to erase the fear that the soldiers felt for General Vilu, having seen exactly what he was capable of while consumed with rage.

All three generals rushed to the western side of the camp as soon as they heard the news of general Denlleonis' and Baccoso's return. They arrived just in time the watch the two riders cross the last distance to the camp.

The brightness of the afternoon sun made it difficult to make out the details of the riders as they cantered past the first few tents. They were forced to slow their horses, then stop to avoid trampling over the crowd that had gathered to welcome them back. All of the soldiery, including Esclave and Meccio, stood firmly at attention and saluted the two generals. Only Vanbinicci had the gall to remain in relaxed posture where he stood off to the side.

"Well would you look at that, the useless louts learned some respect in my absence," Y/N laughed. Now that she had come to a halt, those gathered could make her out more clearly. Her armor had several streaks of mud on it, as did her face. Her H/C hair had a small stick tangled in it and several soldiers shuddered slightly when they noticed the dried bloodstains on her tunic. There was not a soul present who was not curious about what the generals had done while they were away, but no one was bold enough to ask.

Baccoso hung back, his large black mare standing a few paces behind Y/N's horse Esconstride. Most of the soldiers were too absorbed in relief at general Denlleonis' return to pay him any mind, but those who did received a nasty surprise. Baccoso had always been quiet, but his silence was different than it had been before. It was dark, brooding. His eyes glared out with clear hatred at the camp and the soldiers surrounding him through his messy black mane of hair.

The bear-like general had been in a foul mood ever since Y/N had announced that they would be returning to the army. He had reluctantly complied, but he was already wishing to back in the wilderness. The stench of mud, sweat, and steel hung heavy in the air, and the clamor of voices, clink of metal, and flapping canvas assaulted his sensitive ears. The tranquility of his time in the mountains with Y/N already felt like a distinct dream.

"Esclave, report," general Denlleonis commanded as she turned her attention to her aid standing on the ground.

"Yes, general Denlleonis," He straightened his spine up even further and puffed his chest out with pride as he answered, "Discipline in the army has been maintained above your standards while you were away. This did result in a few casualties but nothing major." He chose his words carefully, being sure to gloss over the subject of Meccio's rampaging.

"Very good," Y/N said in a laid-back manner, leaning down to clap Esclave on the shoulder. "I knew that I could trust you to look after the army in my absence Esclave."

Esclave flushed at her words. He lived for her praise. Even though her touch was brief and rough, it eased the lingering sting of the cuts on his back. "You can trust me with anything, general Denlleonis." He murmured, still loud enough for her to hear.

"I know I can," she said as she gripped his shoulder with a smile and shook him slightly. Releasing her hold on him again she turned her attention to the redheaded general standing a few paces away. "What about you Meccio, report. Did general Arrogari cause any trouble?"

"Yes, general Denlleonis," He hurried to salute her, mimicking what Esclave had said. His violet eyes widened as he realized that what he said gave the wrong meaning. "I-I mean no - I mean, Yes I'm reporting, and n-no, Vanbinicci didn't cause any trouble."

Y/N chuckled and Meccio's stammering, causing him to blush bright red from embarrassment. "Glad to hear that all was well in my absence-"

"-THAT'S NOT TRUE!!!" Someone suddenly cried. Everyone present turned their attention to the soldier who had shouted. He quickly saluted her as he explained, "General Denlleonis, General Vilu has been behaving recklessly! He's been brutal and unjustly cruel in your absence! He's killed many of us just for getting in his way."

"General Vilu, this general Vilu? - I don't believe it!" Y/N chuckled heartily as she pointed in between the soldier and the general, the amused smile never leaving her face. "Here watch," she declared as she suddenly pulled her sword from its sheath and pointed it down at general Vilu, nearly clipping his neck with the tip of the blade.

"Ack!" Meccio squeaked in surprise at the sudden threat. He stumbled backward and tripped, landing on the ground with a thud.

"See, general Vilu has become stronger, but he is still too tender to have done the things that you say," Y/N said as she pulled her sword away and placed it back in its scabbard. Turning to the soldier who had previously spoken her face hardened as she continued, "you are lucky that I am in a forgiving mood, otherwise I would see you flogged for disrespecting a superior like that."


Gosh, I have really missed writing these characters, it's good to be back. Not too much action in this chapter I know, but at least general Denlleonis is as entertaining as ever.

I hope that you enjoyed today's chapter, and

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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