Broken (Ellie x OC/Female rea...

By cotudelam

17.1K 289 56

!This is a sequel to my previous story Reason to Live. If you haven't read that one go and read it now becaus... More

Chapter 1 - Waking up
Chapter 2 - Dissapearence
Chapter 3 - Getting to Seattle
Chapter 4 - Getting our girl
Chapter 6 - Allies
Chapter 7 - Know The Truth
Chapter 8 - Hope
Chapter 9 - Is This What You Hoped For?
Chapter 10 - A Normal Life?
Chapter 11 - This Is It
Chapter 12 - Epilog
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 5 - Fuck Seattle

877 18 0
By cotudelam

Andrea's P. O. V

BANG! BANG! BANG! -"So, this was your plan?!" I yelled while I was running through the halls of the TV studio. -"Just keep running!" Ellie replied to me also heavy breathing and running. Ellie ran first, then Dina and lastly me. We ran while the Wolfs were shooting at us, none of us didn't really know where we were running. We ran outside the studio and headed the only possible way, and that was through a large ditch in the road above us. -"In here!" Ellie yelled and opened a door for us. Dina and me quickly followed her. Once we were inside Me and Ellie baricaded the door with nearby vending machine while Dina kept her gun aimed at the door. The Wolfs tried getting inside but couldn't. -"Shit! They baricaded it!" We turned back from the door and analized where we even are. I didn't see much, there was a lot of debris blocking our way but we could crowle through. -"Okay, we can squeeze through here. Let's find another way out." Ellie said and lead the way. -"Hope there is one." I said a bit sceptical. Once we crowled through the debris we found ourselfs in another ruined room. Dina checked for a way out and saw a pipe. It was big enaugh for a person, but damn how I hate these tight spaces. -"I see a way through but we got spores on the other side." Dina warned us. -"Got it." I replied and we all put on our masks. Including Ellie. I crowled through the pipe first and the girls soon followed. -"Stop!" Dina rapidly whispered and grabbed my shoulder. I froze and listened, and heard clicking. When I down the hole that was near me I could see clicker. Luckily he didn't use his echolocation on us so we quickly slipped out.

We found out that we are in a subway. How I fucking love these places, so many good memories...... -"Search this place. The tresspasers must be here somewhere. But keep it quiet if possible." We heard WLF soldiers, they alredy had this place lit up bright red with their flares all over the place. We hid behind a nearby boxes. -"Shit, what now?" Dina asked. I looked at Ellie and smirked. She did the same and I knew we were thinking the same thing. I nodded my head in the Wolf's direction while still smiling at Ellie. She didn't hasitate and grab a bottle and threw it towards the soldiers. CRASH! The Wolf's ghasped in shock and waited if the infected heard it. They did and we heard their angry screeching and screaming as they went for their prey. -"Fuck! Something pissed them off!" One of the Wolf's said but a fight has already begun. Me and the girls took that chance and sprinted towards a wagon that looked like it can get us somewhere safer at least, but the doors were busted. -"Fuck! Andrea help me with this!" Ellie told me and we started to pull the door until it opened. I finally opened but cought the attention of a nearby clicker. -"Go! Go! Go!" I yelled at them and rushed them in the wagon. Then I followed them and Ellie helped me to close the door again, just in time for the clicker to slam it's body against it. -"Fuck, babe. I'm ready to get out of here." Dina out her hand on Ellie's shoulder. -"Yeah babe. Me too." She took her hand to hers. Can't say that didn't hurt but as much as I wanted I couldn't look away. -"Th-Then let's find a way out, no?" I said and took the lead.

After a long search we found an air-conditioning shaft and tried our luck. We were crowling through it and could see the Wolfs under us fighting the infected. But it sounded different. -"Another Shambler! Fuck! Kyle, I won't leave you buddy we can-" Before the soldier could save himself and his friend an infected I've never seen before ran to them and exploded into a big cloud of acid spores. -"What the fuck?!" Ellie said when she saw it. -"Have you ever seen anything like it?" Dina asked through her shocked breaths. -"No, never." Ellie replied to her. -"Oh how nice, I was getting bored with only four stages." I replied to them and after a few moments of crawling through the vents we finally jumped down to a room. Once we dropped down I could hear some fucking growling that didn't sound any familiar to me. I looked on my left and saw Shambler. Well at least we know they're blind. He then turned around and walked away. I tried backing out but Ellie stopped me. -"Wait, another one on the left." She said and pointed out the Shambler. -"Shit. How do we kill this things?" Dina asked. I took a few second to think and then pulled out an explosive with a mouse trap on top of it and a few wires leading all over it. -"What's that?" Ellie asked.

-The mine

-"Oh, this a mine. Eugene thought me how to make these." I replied to them. -"Okay, once I place the mine I need you to throw a molotov on the other Shambler. Can you do that?" I asked Ellie quietly. -"Of course." She replied and pulled out her molotov. -"What about me?" Dina asked. -"Me and Ellie will take the two big guys. You have to keep any other infected that might be attracted by the fight." I told Dina and she nodded. The room that we were in had only two doors on each side. I placed my mine in the right doors and Ellie got ready to the left doors. Then I placed my mine at my door and nodded at the two girls waiting for the signal. I pulled out my shotgun and waited with them. BOOM! Our signal came in a form of explosion and a the Shambler's angry screams. From the corner of my eyes I saw the other Shambler charge at Ellie but he quickly stopped once the flames from the molotov took over his body. However the enormous infected on my side got ready to charge me. BANG! BANG! But two blasts from my shotgun were enaugh to bring it down. Just before it died it's body exploded to one last cloud of acid. Then a runner ran right through it but before I knew it he had a bulllet in his head. BANG! Dina. When I turned to Ellie she has already deafeated the other shambler with her huting rifle. I listed for a few moments if there's anything else. Nothing. -"Well, we did it. Our first shambler fight. Hope that was last." I said with a smile on my face. -"Where the fuck did Shamblers come from anyway?" Ellie asked. -"I don't know. But they're disgusting." I replied. -"Guess that nature for ya." Dina said. -"Well, nature is an asshole." Ellie said and we continued in our search for a way out. Actually long story short, it wasn't our last shambler fight. But we survived and got out of the next room alive, luckily. Right now we are climbing through train wreck. Ellie looked up at one wagon. -"Hey, I can boost you up there, babe." She said and interwine her fingers. Obviously she was talking to Dina so I just waited for her to jump up there. -"See anything?" I asked Dina once she was up. -"Yep, get clear!" She replied and pushed down a metal box we used to clib to her. -"Okay, let's rally." Dina said and rested her hands on her knees. -"Come on, we're almost out." Ellie said. -"Lead the way."  Dina told her and Ellie went ahead through a nearby wagon. CREAK! The wagon tilted under Ellie's weigth and Ellie slipped and fell down. -"Ellie!" I yelled and imidietly jumped to her. When I got there a runner was already on top of her, trying to bite her. I grabbed the runner with my hand and shot him two times with my gun in my other hand. BANG! BANG! -"!" I said as I threw the body away. Dina joined us. -"Ellie! Your mask!" She said panicking. I turned around and saw that Ellie's mask was indeed broken. -"Shit." I cursed. -"Here, we can share mine." Dina said and started taking her mask off. -"No, no, no!" We both tried stopping her so much that Ellie slammed her to a nearby wall. -"What are you doing?" She insisted on sharing her mask. -"Dina stop!" I yelled at her. Ellie then took off her mask. -"NO! Ellie, no!" Dina yelled. -"I'm not infected! I'm immune! I'm not coughing, do you see?" She yelled back at her. Dina's eyes were flicking from Ellie to me and back, she was confused. I'm not blaming her. -"Look, I now it's a lot but-" I tried explaining it to her but we were cut off by a nearby screams of the infected. A horde. -"Oh, fuck. Can you run?" Ellie looked at Dina and she nodded. -"Then fucking run!" She let go of her hands and we all sprinted up a nearby stairs to get away from the infected. -"Andrea?" Ellie yelled back to me. -"I'm still here, don't slow down!" I yelled in response and just as i finished the sentence a clicker grabbed my leg and I fell. -"Get offa me!" I yelled and started kicking it. BANG! Soon Ellie put a bullet in it's head and helped me back on my feet. -"Thanks." I told her and we cought up to Dina. We ran through some sort of a twisting metal gate. Ellie went through last and a clicker grabbed her from behind and tried bitting her neck. -"Ellie!" I yelled and shot the cliker. BANG! His body blocked the gate and other infected couldn't get to us. -"Ungh, fuck...." We looked towards Dina and she was holding her stomach and almost laying on the floor. -"Dina! You okay?" Ellie rushed to her and put her arm around her to help her get up. We walked to the streets. -"Hey, what do you say we rest in that theatre?" I asked them and pointed in front of us at a big building. -"That sounds so fucking great." Dina let out a weak chuckle. Ellie nodded at me and I went ahead to try and open the door. It was blocked with something on the other side.

I pushed at it with my whole body, it took me a few tries but eventually it opened and what ever was on the other side fell down with a loud crash. -"Come on." I motioned to Ellie and Dina who were waiting just next to me. Then I closed the door and secured it with a chair. I didn't need to put back the whole baricade because the chair fit perfectly. Not gonna lie, whoever build that baricade was pretty stupid. Meanwhile Ellie sat Dina down on a couch. I leaned against the door and waited to what's next. -"You wanna tell us what's going on with you?" Ellie asked Dina. -"What's going on with me? Ellie, we just saw you breath spores. Well, it looks like only one of us is actually affected by it." Dina replied and waved her hand at my direction. -"I told you......I'm immune." Ellie said quietly. I clapped my hands and started walking away. -"Well, I'm gonna go have a look around. I'll leave you to-" But I was interupted by both of them. -"No. Stay." -"Andrea, don't....." I put my hands up in a surrender and went behind the couch and leaned on that instead.  -"Okay, you're immune? Come on." -Dina said after few seconds. "Dina......she's ain't lying." I reassured her. Dina looked at me and then at Ellie's arm. -"The chemical burn......" She said and burried her face in her palms. -"I.....I can't get you infected if that's what you're worried about........And I can't make you immune either." Ellie said but Dina didn't reply. Ellie looked at me and for help but even I didn't know what to say. -"Can you......Can you say something?" Ellie touched Dina's leg with her foot to get her attention. -"Ellie......" Dina finally looked at her. -"I think I'm pregnant." She said and touched her stomach. Ellie was speechless. She looked at me and i just quietly nodded. -"What?! You knew?" She told me a bit angry. -"I swear I found out just a couple of hours ago." I turned around. -"When still a good couple of hours when you could've told me!" She sounded really upset with me. -"I'm sorry-" I tried apologizing but Dina got into it. -"I told her to lie to you Ellie. It's not her fault." Dina deffended me. -"And h-how long have you known?" Ellie asked her. -"Uh, I was late a few weeks ago and-" -"A few weeks? We could've still turned back!" Ellie couldn't believe what she's hearing. -"I didn't know- I wasn't sure, okay? And I didn't wanna be a burden-" -"Well you're a burden now aren't ya?!" Ellie snapped at her. -"Ellie!" I tried to make her realize what she just said, but she didn't need me for it. -"I um, I'm going to make sure this place is clear." She said and walked away.

Dina layed down on the couch. I sit at her lags. -"Hey, I hope you know she didn't mean anything by it. It was just......a lot to take in." I told Dina. -"Yeah, I guess." Dina said and closed her eyes. -"Well, try and get some sleep." I said and went to find Ellie. I found her in the Employee's room. She was hitting a radio that wasn't working. -"Not much of a electrician, are we sunflower?" I said with a fake smile on my face. -"Hmm, guess I don't know many things then." She replied. -"Look, Ellie. I wanted to tell you. But she said I shouldn't." -"Oh yeah? Why are everybody else more important for you then telling me the truth?!" She called me out. -"They're not. I-I don't know. Ellie I......I care about you, but some things are not for me to decide." I said quietly. -"You know what? Forget it." She grabbed some keys froma teble behind her. -"Shall we see what they're from, pipsquek?" She ringed the keys a little and I build up a real smile. -"Lead the way."

The keys were from the stage room. We opened the double door and were amazed. -"Wow. That's beautiful." I said. -"Yeah, Joel would love watching movie in this place." Ellie chuckled. -"Actually, I'm a bit glad that Dina's pregnant." Ellie said suddenly. -"What? Did you hit your head or something?" I asked confused. -"No, I mean like......For a while there I thought she may be cheating on me. You were always so worried about you and you both acted so weird around me. I guess this is somewhow better then my thought." She explained. -"Ellie. I would never do such a thing to you." I said seriously and she smiled in return. I took my place at one of the chairs and Ellie went to the backstage. Few moments later she came back with a guitar in her hands. -"No way." I smiled at her. -"I know right." She sat down and tuned the guitar and started singing. I got lost in the moment, she's just so......beautiful.

--4 years earlier--

-"Wake up, Andrea!" Ellie slammed my bedroom door open and I shot up from my bed. -"What's going on?" I started putting on my shoes and went for my bow. She just started laughing. -"What?" I asked confused. -"You should see yourself right now." She continued on laughing and I could see Joel leaning on my doorframe also having a little laugh. -"Happy birthday, kiddo." Oh shoot, I totally forgot. He said with chuckle. Ellie turned to him. -"Man, I was suppose to say that." She said with dissapointed voice but still smiling. -"Well you still can." Joel told her. -"Nah, it wouldn't be the same." She said and faced me again. I was still a bit shocked by all this. -"So you wanna tell that you've woken me up becouse you wanted to wish happy birthday to me?" I asked her ubelievably. -"Yeah, I wanted to be the first but then Joel here did this." She said and went for a hug. We had a short hug and then she pulled away. -"So, I got us a day off so we could explore around Jackson a bit. I know you wanted to, since we're here only for few months." She said to me. -"Really that's awsome. I'll just grab some breakfast and we can-" Ellie interupted me. -"Already taken care off, Maria dropped you some eggs and bacon for you downstairs. -"Wow, that's really sweet of her. I gotta thank her later." I said and got walking out of the room. Joel didn't move from the door. -"Good morning gentleman. Is there any reason you won't move and let me pass." I smiled at him. -"You shall not pass." He chuckled. -"Why is that?" I asked. -"Oh, no. It's just a quote from this movie I saw a long time ago." He replied and moved. -"Oh okay."

Maria had left a note for me on the table saying: 'Hey birthday girl. Hope you'll like the breakfast (I'm not much of a cook). If not I'll make sure to fix it today on a family dinner. Bring those two will you? The Miller family will spend evening together. No argument. Have a nice day,
When I was done with my breakfast Ellie have me time to get ready and told me to pick her up at hers once I'm ready. I just opened the door when Tommy reached for the handle outside. -"Oh, hey Andrea. You headin' out?" He asked. -"Yeah, Ellie and I are going to explore a bit around Jackson." I told him. -"Yeah I heard Ellie talkin' bout somethin' like that. Well, me and Joel are headin' for a patrol later and I though we wouldn't meet so I planned on droppin' this to your room, but since you still here you might aswell take it now." Tommy handed me a small wooden box I didn't even notice he was holding. -"What's that?" I asked him. -"A present from me and Joel. Thought you could use it so, come on open it." He motioned for me to open the box. I opened it and saw a picture put in a wood frame. In the picture there was me pulling Ellie closer to me with my one arm, we were both laughing our asses off, and my other arm was around Joel, well at his waist to be exact. Tommy was behind us, doing bunny ears to his brother, he looked like a little kid, and Dina and Jesse were crouching infront of us, Dina was posing like some super model and Jesse looked like a gangster with his serious look. Hannah was leaning on Joel with her coffee mug raised, that late shifts in the clinic really did a number on her. And of course Maria was there too. She was standing next to her husband, looking ashamed but still smiling. That was a good day. Our third here and we already met Dina and Jesse, they're nice.

To all who forgot how Hannah looked like

-"Wow, I almost forgot about this picture. Thank you Tommy!" I hugged him tight. -"Hey! You gave her the present without me?" Joel emerged from the living room. -"Oh-um, I thought you're not home." Tommy said. -"Yeah I got cought up in a book." Joel replied. -"But it's fine. It looks like she likes it." Joel smiled at me. -"I love it. Thank you guys. I'll put it in my room as soon as I'm back." I put the box on a table near the door. -"But now I really gotta go, Ellie's probably waiting." I ran out the door, jogging to Ellie's house. Considering it's in Joel's backyard I think I won't be tired for the trip. -"See you later!" I shouted to the Miller brothers in the doorway. -"Happy birthday!" Tommy shouted back and they closer the door.

When I got to Ellie's she was already prepared to go and so we made our way towards the Western gate. The people there alredy knew about us going out so they just let us out. Right now we're walking for almost an hour and we are just crazy talking about stuff. Laughing about dumb jokes and admiring the peace around us. Then Ellie stopped. -"Woah, do you see that?" Ellie gasped. I looked around. -"What?" I asked confused. -"Up there pipsquek." She chuckled. -"I'm not a pip-" I stopped talking when I saw what she meant. There was a tower there, a church tower hidden perfectly in the trees. We couldn't even see the main hall as it was overgrown. There an old rope leading down from it, nobody hasn't been here in years it seems. -"Let's get up there." Ellie said and climbed up the rope. I was quick to follow her lead.

Once we were up we had a look around. There was nothing but dust there. But man, when I looked outside I could see all of Jackson. I sat on the edge of the tower and tried taking in the beautiful view. -"Damn, that's not half bad." Ellie said and sit next to me. Few seconds went by before I answered. -"Not at all." Ellie then turned her body to face me. -"Close your eyes." She ordered softly. I looked at her confused. -"Come on, close them." She insisted. -"Okay." I said closing my eyes. Nothing happed for a few moments and then Ellie took a deep breath. -"Happy birthday." She whispered and put her hand on my cheek, and not long after she put a soft kiss on my lips. But I didn't pull away nor open my eyes, instead I wrapped my hands around her waist and pulled her closer. And our kiss turned longer. After a while she pulled away. -"Damn....." Were the only words that came from her. -"Ellie. I think you." I finally told her what I wanted to tell her for so long. -"Good. Because I can't stop thinking about you either." For a while we just kept on sitting on the ledge hand in hand, talking about how we want to do pair patrols together and how fun that would be. -"Well, we should start heading back. We have a family dinner to attend tonight." Ellie said. -"Yeah, I guess we could....." I said but she knows me too well for that. -"Or?" She asked knowing there's more to it. -"Or we could stay for a little longer." I said and pressed her another soft kiss. And she returned it of course, with plesure. -"Okay, okay." She pulled away. -"We really need to get going now." She said and put on her backpack, then she started climbing down the rope. All while I was just smiling at her like a little kid looking at a cute puppy. -"Sure, but we'll continued this conversation I hope." I chuckled. -"Yep, but um.......not infront of Joel, or anyone really. I'd just like to have you to myslef only, and private." Ellie told me while playing with her hands. -"Hey, it's fine. We're fine." I took her hand and we walked back to Jackson. Today was a great day.

So, first glimpse of what happened between Andrea and Ellie. Don't worry more of them are coming ;)

-By Cotudelam

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