Write to Me (bl) Student/Teac...

By Hidden_In_Ink

252K 8.6K 1.5K

Kyle just turned sixteen. When he was out at lunch, he met Matt. They instantly hit it off. But not everythin... More

Happy Birthday to Me
New Beginnings
Remember Me
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Author's Note
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Guess What!


9.9K 361 84
By Hidden_In_Ink

*1 Year Later*

"I can finally relax. Exams are over!" Hanna sighs as we walk out of our math class.

"They are for you, but I have to be here until the end of the week." I complain, even though it's already Wednesday.

"You'll be fine. Listen, I have to go find Alec. I'll call you later." Hanna says and runs off.

Junior year has gone by so quickly. It was also great for Matt and I. Now that Matt isn't my teacher, I don't see him every day in class. It has its pros and cons. On one hand, I don't have to worry about missing lectures because I'm picturing him naked all the time, but on the other, I don't get to watch him teach. There's just something sexy about seeing him working and loving it.

I pass Mia's old locker that is now inhabited by a freshman boy. Mia graduated four months after I won the writing competition. She's now off in California at college with one of her closest friends.

I make my way to Matt's classroom and see him sitting behind his desk looking at some papers. Looking back at the hall, I make sure no one is around and close his door. He's so wrapped up in his work that he doesn't notice me walk behind him. I wrap my arms around his neck from behind and kiss him on the side of his head.

He visibly jumps in his seat saying, "I'm in a relationship!" I stare blankly at him for a few seconds then laugh at his absurd reaction. "Oh it's you." He says, realizing that it's only me.

"How was your day? You seem jumpy." I state the obvious.

"Crazy, just crazy. You wouldn't believe some of these people." His voice raises with each word and I can tell that he's seriously annoyed.

"Why don't you tell me about it on our way home?" I ask, trying to take his attention away from his work in hopes of calming him down.

He smiles slightly. "I like the sound of that, but it's Wednesday. You have to be at home with your parents."

My eyes lock on the shiny metal band on my finger. Matt had given me a ring as a promise to spend the rest of his life loving me. As for my parents, they continue to support me in my relationship with Matt, but they still won't let me live with him. I get it though. I'm still only seventeen. They let me spend a couple days with him during the week and have me at home on others.

I huff in annoyance. "Then I'll settle for dinner."

"You'll always settle for dinner." Matt replies with a small laugh. "But let's go. I can't grade anymore papers."

He packs up his papers and we leave the school. On the ride home Matt explains why he was in such a bad mood. In one of his morning classes one of his students made him feel really uncomfortable. Then in another class, the people can't write to save their lives.

My phone buzzes and I pull it out of my pocket.

"Hey Jake. What's up?"

"I'm here with Tanner and we were wondering if you guys had plans tonight?" He asks giggling. If I don't respond within the next ten seconds, who knows what they'll be doing. Those guys are always...well let's just say you can't take them anywhere.

"We were just going home for dinner. You guys are welcome to come over." I say looking over at Matt to see his reaction. His face is blank but when he looks at me, I can see that he needs people.

"What's for dinner?" I hear Tanner yell in the background.

I can't help but laugh at the two of them. They're perfect for each other. Jake brings Tanner down to a reasonable level but he's also wild enough to be with Tanner. "I'm not sure. I was thinking some sort of pasta."

"You say it like you actually cook." Jake chuckles.

"I can kind of cook." I say defensively. Matt has taken me in as his sous-chef. "I really can. You can ask Matt."

"Okay, okay. Just don't cook tonight." He mumbles something like 'I don't want to die today.' under his breath and I huff in response.

"No worries. It's always better when Matt does it." Matt turns into the parking lot and parks next to my car. "Well we're just getting home. Come whenever you guys want." I say while closing the door with one hand.

"See you soon." The doors open to the elevator and we walk in.

As soon as I hang up the phone, Matt's face is in my bubble. He's not just in my bubble, he's attacking my bubble. His lips capture mine attacking them roughly. His hands cup my face and I faintly hear the sound of something hitting the ground.

The elevator doors ding and Matt grabs my waist, lifting me off the ground. My legs wrap around him. My arms snake around his neck. I feel him walking which makes my...'love maker' yearn for some attention.

All of a sudden, my back hits a wall lightly enough so it doesn't hurt but still rough to turn me on even more. I hear the jingle of Matt's keys and I realize that I'm against the door. Matt walks through the door and kicks it closed. He keeps walking through the apartment and then I'm thrown on our bed. I let out a small yelp when my back meets the soft cushion.

Matt looks down at me with fiery passion and I can tell I'm in for the ride of my life.


An impatient knock wakes me from my mental nap. Matt and I are curled up on the couch still naked from our fun adventure.

I look at Matt and see him half asleep. He's definitely not going to answer the door.

I don't bother putting on clothes because it's probably just a salesperson that I'll tell to go away. I crack the door open and stick my head out slightly. Definitely not a salesperson.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" Tanner says wiggling his eyebrows.

"Uh you know, just the usual." I say trying to play it off like me being naked at the front door isn't extremely awkward.

"How about we just reschedule this lovely dinner. You know, seeing as you two clearly aren't prepared to entertain."

"Yeah that sounds like a good idea. Friday night? Let's do that." I stay at the apartment on Fridays.

"Sounds like a plan." Jake states after Tanner gives him a look as if asking for approval of the date. "Oh yeah, your phone was on the elevator floor." He hands me my phone.

"I didn't even notice it was gone." The disbelief is evident in my voice. I definitely enjoy Matt too much. "Thanks."

"No problem." Jake says.

"Well this is incredibly awkward so we should go. It was...interesting seeing you."

I watch the two of them walk away and wait for them to disappear from eyesight. The door closes and I let out a strangled laugh. I never thought I'd ever answer a door naked before. But in reality, I never thought a lot of these things would happen before. I'm dating a teacher.

Matt shuffles around on the couch and ends up falling off because I wasn't there blocking the edge. He hits the floor with a thump then shoots up.

"Holy crap!" He yells looking around like there's an intruder.

"There's something wrong with you babe." I tell him as I walk back toward him.

"It's you. I feel like I need to sleep for days to recover from that. Have you been holding back this entire time?"

My face heats up and shuffle on my feet. "It just kind of happened that way I guess."

"Well I loved it and I love you." He kisses the top of my head and wraps his arms around me.

"I love you too."

"Are you hungry?" He asks softly.

"Is that even a question?" I counter.

"You're right. I know you wanted pasta but we don't have time for that. You have to be home soon. How about I make something quick so you can get home before your parents get mad."

"Or...we could take a shower." I suggest. Before he can protest, reach out and touch him. He breathes in sharply as I trail my fingers teasingly down his chest. My hands travel lower and lower but stop abruptly right above his 'little' thing. "I'll go start the shower." I whisper in his ear, and make sure to brush my body against his when I walk into the bedroom.


As I thought the night couldn't get any better, I walk into my house and I'm greeted with the smell of tacos. I have two food types: Italian and Mexican. I could live off of either one, and between my parents and Matt, I'm set for life.

The three of us sit at the kitchen table and eat over casual conversation.

"I talked to Matthew today. Such a sweetheart. He invited us to dinner Friday night." My mom says.

"Yep." I say popping the p. "We're going to make it a thing. We're getting everyone together."

"Everyone being?" My dad asks.

"Tanner, Jake, Alec, and Hanna." I explain. "And you guys."

"That really is everyone."

"Yep. It'll be nice before everyone leaves for summer vacations and stuff." I say.

Everything worth my parents is great. It's probably better than it was before. I talk to them more and I feel more comfortable around them.


Exams are finally over. I can breathe. I'm sitting on the couch at the apartment waiting for Matt to get home from the store.

There's a knock at the door and I answer it.

"It's nice to see you fully clothed." Jake says as he walks in with Tanner right behind him.

"I'm not sure if that's a good thing."

"I mean, you do look good naked but I don't think Matt would want me to say that." He adds.

"I don't think Tanner wants you to say that either." I glance at Tanner and he just shrugs.

"It doesn't bother me. You're attractive but he's mine. Not a big deal."

I smile at how nonchalant he is. They really are perfect for each other. I'm happy that they're in my life.

Someone else knocks on the door. Before I can get to the door, it opens.

Hanna walks in followed by Alec and Matt who are carrying bags.

"Yay we're all here! Except for your parents." Jake says.

"They aren't coming until later. They told me that they didn't want to 'cramp our style.'" I quote my parents with a smile.

"Let's get this party started!" Hanna shouts throwing her hands up. We all look at her like she's crazy and laugh.

The six of us have gotten really close within the past year. It really is hard to believe that my life turned out to be so perfect.

The five of them go to the living room to find a movie or something and I just watch them.

I started off with my two best friends. I was in the closet, but after just ten minutes in a bathroom, my life changed entirely. I met the man of my dreams, which I was now planning to marry in a few years, and I've made two new best friends.

I am forever grateful for Matt. If it wasn't for him, I'd probably still be hiding in some dark closet afraid of the world. I plan to thank him with all of the sex he wants. It's a win-win situation really. He gets some and so do I.

All we have to do is get through senior year. Then we'll be free.

"Come on Kyle! We're starting the movie." Alec's voice yells out, pulling me out of my thoughts.

A bright smile spreads across my face. "Coming."

The end! That's all. I'm quite happy to be able to say that I finished this story. Thanks to everyone who's been reading! Especially those ones that have been here since day one two years ago!!!

Yay! Now get pumped for the next book. The first chapter is up so check it out. It's a mystery type thing but it's still boyxboy. That's all I do people. I throw a bit of hetero in stuff but it's mainly boyxboy.

It's called The Note - 19 Weeks.

Vote, comment, fan.

Let me know what you thought of the book. Good, bad, and the ugly. I want it all!

Happy January!

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