What Now? | N.H.

By LXWriting

66.1K 1.4K 720

Diana and Harry have been best friends since childhood. After One Direction starts touring Harry misses her e... More

Chapter 1 | September 19, 2010
Chapter 2 | X-Factor
Chapter 3 | Nandos
Chapter 4 | February 20, 2013
Chapter 5 | Tattoos
Chapter 6 | Hotel Room
Chapter 7 | Phone call
Chapter 8 | The Interview
Chapter 9 | Dumpsters
Chapter 10 | Secrets
Chapter 11 | Runway
Chapter 12 | New York City
Chapter 13 | Cafe
Chapter 14 | I'm Sorry
Chapter 15 | Out
Chapter 16 | Media
Chapter 18 | New Year's PT.2
Chapter 19 | Diana
Chapter 20 | AMAS
Chapter 21 | Sunrise
Chapter 22 | Home
Chapter 23 | London
Chapter 24 | Pink Carpet
Chapter 25 | Meet the Family
Chapter 26 | The Aldaine's
Chapter 27 | The Wait
Chapter 28 | Hospital Room
Chapter 29 | Football
Chapter 30 | Group Date
Chapter 31 | Midnight Memories
Chapter 32| Time Zones
Chapter 33 | San Fransisco
Chapter 34 | Take Me Back
Chapter 35 | Epilogue Pt.1
Chapter 36 | Epilogue pt.2
Chapter 37 | Epilogue Pt.3

Chapter 17 | New Years

1.5K 32 13
By LXWriting

"How'd the shoot go?" Zayn asks looking away from his food and up at me. The rest of the boys sit around in a circle on the floor backstage eating their own food. 

"Eh, it was okay," I shrug my shoulders and stab another piece of lettuce with my fork. "They didn't like any of my photos." Niall looks like he is ready to kill someone and the rest of the boys look concerned. 

"What? How could they not like any of your pictures!" Niall practically yells. 

"Good lord calm down babe it's not a big deal," 

"I can't calm down your beautiful, and if they don't see that then they're blind." At this point, Niall had stopped eating completely which rare considering his love for food. I tried really hard to maintain my calm composure when what I really wanted to do was burst out into laughter. I look at Niall and let out a small snicker which nobody seemed to notice. I slowly start to smile and everybody's eyebrows furrow even more than they were. 

"It's not a big deal because I'm joking," I start to laugh and eat more of my salad. "I'm going to be on the cover of Vogue," I say as nonchalantly as possible. Their eyes all widen and look at me.

"Wait what?!" Harry says surprised.

"THEY'RE GOING TO PUT ME ON THE COVER OF VOGUE!" I squeal this time unable to contain my excitement. Harry rings his arm around my neck and messes up my hair. 

"That's my best friend," 

"Oi get your hands off of me!" Harry laughs and lets go of me. "See look at what you've done to my hair." My hair was now a tangled mess but it really wasn't that important. Niall scooted even closer to me and pulled me onto his lap. 

"I'm so fucking proud of you," He plants a kiss onto my lips. My hand finds his cheek and his hands get lost in my tangled hair. 

"Damn ya'll put Louis and Harry to shame," Zayn jokes. I turn away from Niall and roll my eyes. 

"Hey!" Harry yells at Zayn. "Come on Louis, kiss me you fool." Louis crawls his way over to Harry and throws himself on top of him. I laugh and rest my head on top of Niall's. 

"Okay, okay you've proved your point now, can you two please stop shoving your tongues down each others throats? I'm trying to eat." Zayn gestures down to his food with an annoyed look on his face. Louis gets off of Harry but, not without one last exagerated kiss. "But, seriously though congradulations."

"Yeah I'm happy for you," Liam agrees. 

"Thank you! You lot are so sweet." I open my arms and clamp my hands open and shut. "Bring it in." The boys all exchange looks before tackling me to the ground. Niall was pinned to the floor on the bottom of the pile. He groans and I laugh but, it's difficult since I have the weight of four teenage boys on top of me. 

"You're crushing me," I wheeze. 

"Too bad." Louis says. I turn my head to look down at Niall who's face was nearly purple. 

"I think we killed Niall." Their heads all turn to look at Niall. Niall bulged his eyes out and the boys slowly crawled off of us. I stand up and dust off my sweatpants. My hand reaches out for Niall, he latches on and pulls himself off of the floor. 

"I thought I was  gonner," 

"Oh we're not that heavy," Liam argues. 

"Tell that to my broken ribs."

"Sorry babe," Niall smiles me and kisses me shortly and sweetly.

"Yeah sorry Nialler," Harry tries to apologize but Niall is quick to shut him down. 

"Oh shut-it," Harry gasps in offence but recovers soon after. 

"You're coming to Barbara's party tomorrow night right?" Liam asks. 

"Yeah it sounds fun." Liam nods his head and we all sit back down to finish our food which has gotten cold by now. 

Before Barbara's Party (New Year's Party)

I slip on a white t shirt over my bare chest and tug on a pair of ripped black skinnies. I walk over to my suitcase and unzip the outer pocket, pulling out a small silver ring after digging through the unecessary amount of toiletries I had collected over this tour. I examine the silver band before slipping it in my pocket. The ring had a small clear stone on top that brought a small sparkle to the simple band. 

I try to shake of the nerves and finish blow drying my hair but my mind keeps going back to the ring in my pocket. It seems to get heavier and heavier, its getting hard to ignore. I turn off the blow drier and pull the ring back out from my pocket, fumbling it slightly in my hands. Did I really want to do this? Of course I do, it's not like I'm asking her to marry me, yet anyways, it's just a promise ring. I love her and I really do see my self spending the rest of my life with her. I shouldn't be this nervous right? I just don't want to scare her away. I know it's kind of soon but, it's been a couple of months and I know she's the one I am meant to be with so why not? 

These thought run rampid in my head until I finally some to my senses. I calm down and slip the ring back into my pocket and pick up the blow drier. Diana was out with Gigi, who coincidentally was in LA for the party, looking for something to wear to Barbaras. It had given me enough time to go out a buy the ring and get back in time for no one to notice I was missing. 

"Hey Ni," Diana walks into the bathroom with two bags in her hands. "I saw these while I was out shopping and thought you'd like them." Diana reaches into one of the bags and pulls out a box of shoes. She smiles and hands me the box. I set the blow drier down onto the smooth granite countertop. I open the box and pull out a pair of black high top vans. "I know there not much but-" I cut her off by kissing her, savoring the sweet taste of her pink lips. 

"I love them." I smile while looking sincerely into her piercing green eyes. "Ill wear them tonight." 

"You better." She smiles proudly and saunters off back to the bedroom. I laugh and pull both shoes out of the box and lace them up on my feet. Diana had already changed into her outfit she bought for the party and she looked absolutely flawless but, when does she not. She's wearing a two piece white set with a long skirt and a detailed bodice with long loose sleeves. 

She's still looking at the bed, I assume she's picking out some jewelry to wear based off of the many pairs of earrings that were scattered across the bed. I sneak up behind her until my chest is almost pressed up against her back. I lean my head forward. "You should wear the silver ones." I whisper into her ear. 

She turns around and jumps at least a foot in the air. When she's coming down she trips over her foot and starts falling back towards the bed. I quickly shoot my arm out to catch her. My hand latches onto the upper half of her arm before she falls. 

"You little bitch." She says when I pull her up and trap in my arms. She slaps my arm lightly and I laugh and kiss the top of her head. "I could have been impaled."

"I saved you though."

"Your also the one who snuck up behind me and scared the shit out of me. So it kind of cancels out."

"The look on your face was totally worth it though." I start to laugh harder. Diana pushes herself away and looks at me slightly angered. 

"I hate you," 

"I love you too." I smile and kiss her cheek.

"Paul's waiting outside," Liam calls from outside the door. 

"Coming!" Diana and I both yell at the same time. 

"Jinx!" Diana points at me and smiles smugly. 

"Oh you little-" Diana holds her hand up to my face stopping me mid sentence. 

"I called jinx, your not allowed to talk." I roll my eyes and lunge forward grabbing her legs and throwing her light body over my shoulder. She laughs as I run out into the hallway and towards the elevator. 

"Niall let me down!" I stop in front of the elevator and press the button. "On second thought, I'm enjoying the view," I jump forward when she smacks my arse. She lets out an almost meniacle laugh. I have to force myself to stay quite because I have to obey the sacred rules of jinx. 

When we get off of the elevator Diana is still a deadweight slung over my shoulder. As soon as the mirrored doors open I sprint down the hallway to the nearest vending machine. I set her down next to the machine and she props hersefl up against it with her arms crossed. I pull my wallet out of the back of my pack and wave a single dollar in front of her face before sticking it in the machine. A can of coke falls from the shelf and I reach my hand into the flap and pull it out. I pull the tab to open it and bend down on one knee and presentt it to my amused girlfriend. She gladly accepts the cold drink and takes a sip. "You may talk now Sir Niall." She holds her head up high and nods in my direction. 

"Why thank you m'lady. We must get going now." I hold my arm out, she locks her arm in mine and we walk towards the door. 

After a 30 minute drive full of cheap champagne in the back of the van, we pull up to Barbara's house. Diana looks out the window with wide eyes. I can't help but grin at the adorable face. 

"Holy shit?!" She yells. "That's not a house, that's a fucking palace." She was not wrong the house was huge. It was a spanish style house with a long driveway filled with expensive cars. 

(Time- 9:45)

We all step out of the car. My ears are immediately filled with the loud music echoing from inside of the house. I grab onto Diana's hand as we walk into the crowded house. It reaks of sweat and alchohol. "I'm going to go grab some drinks," Louis yells over the loud music. 

"I'll come with you," Louis drags Harry through the crowd towards the kitchen. Barbara comes up and greets Diana, Zayn, Liam, and I before disapearring back into the sea of people. Suddenly I feel a tug on my arm and I am being pulled towards the center of dancing people. 

"Come on Niall, your dancing with me!" I laugh an comply. We both start dancing, getting lost within the music. Louis and Harry found us in the crowd and gave us both drinks which we accepted gratefully. "You suck at dancing!" Diana yells over the music. 

"Your just jealous that I can dance better than you," 

"Yeah okay I'm sure that's what it is." The song switches and I immediately recognize the song. Diana cheers and looks at me with the biggest smile on her face. "HEY GIRL I'M WAITIN ON YA, I'M WAITIN ON YA," She starts to sing at the top of her lungs. She moves closer to me begging me to join her. I try to refuse but I just can't aand I give in. 

"COME ON AND LET ME SNEAK YOU OUT," We both sing in sync. I grab her hand and spin her around. We jump and dance, not caring what we looked like to other people. 

"Let's go crazy, crazy, crazy 'til we see the sun
I know we only met but let's pretend it's love
And never, never, never stop for anyone
Tonight let's get some and live while we're young
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh and live while we're young
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Tonight let's get some and live while we're young"

Right now I couldn't care less how badly we were singing or dancing, I felt free and happy, and that was all that mattered. 

(A/N) This chapter is going to be split into two parts which is why it ended so badly. Sorry about that. But, Thank you for 300 reads! I just hit 200 like a day ago which is insane, I never thought anyone would read this so THANK YOU!!! On another note my reads are super inconsistant and some of my chapters have less reads than the ones after which doesn't make a lot of sense but what can you do. 

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