Land of Light and Shadows

By writeon27

39.3K 4.5K 831

(Book 5 in the fantasy series, The Crowns) Having watched Escarral's fall and grappling with her heartbreak w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Bleeding Ink Description

Epilogue - Of Darkness and Light

665 69 45
By writeon27

Of Darkness and Light

Though darkness was banished throughout their world, a little bit always seemed to find a way, just as it was written in the grimoire.  But this darkness, was hand in hand with the light and didn't want to hurt anything or anyone, even the one who carried it. 

And life in the lands of Dalcaine, Escarral, Ethran, and Laria was unlike it ever had been before. 

Just a month after the final battle, Gideon decided being mated to Thia wasn't enough.  Lyv was the only one in on it, though Elys knew by his visions and tagged along one morning as they snuck out of the palace to head for one of the jewelers on Penrose.  It took hours of looking at every stone and style and bickering back and forth about which one Thia would like most, but they finally picked out the perfect ring for the half-sorceress, which Gideon slid onto her finger later that night after she said yes to marrying him. 

It was only a few weeks later that they were married at the Branvon Estate with their family and the dragons there to witness.  Surprisingly, even Thia's father was able to come after hearing the news.  Their relationship was on the mend, but he still spent a lot a time away on business just as he always was.  Now, though, he kept in contact with her every week, sometimes multiple times, since he was always asking how Thia was doing in those first few weeks after she found out she was expecting her and Gideon's first child. 

As for Mik and Allel...well, they decided to make Ayveri their permanent home and had their own suite of rooms in the palace.  Of course, they went to visit Mik's parents and little sister in Palrion as often as they could.  They even decided on restoring the Keep on the northern edge of the Ethran continent for a place they could all get away, filling it with happy memories instead of the ones that still seemed to haunt both Mik and Lyv. 

Kalla was needed back in Blackloch, having spent too much time away from her people.  She was just as crazy as she ever was, especially when the Blackloch nightly parties seemingly missed her, too.  And after about a week of staying in Ayveri after they'd gotten back, she was ready to get back, especially once she got word from Shyael and Dodge that they'd made it home as well.  Rumor was the three of them didn't leave Kalla's villa for four days straight, playing catch-up with each other.

But after about a week's worth of rest for them all, they began the task of getting every Escarrali citizen back home.  Of course, Lyv, Jai, and the others were there on the first ship to set sail back across Shoal's Crossing.  The excitement for everyone hung in the air for weeks after they reached the shoreline, then continued on as they crossed through the forests and hillsides before seeing the Escarral capital city shining brightly in the distance, along with the guardsmen who were still there to continue the rebuild.  There were cheers and cries and happy tears when they all realized home was really and truly there and waiting for them.  

Without a proper coronation before, of course, they held one for Queen Ada of Escarral the very next day after arriving.  Somehow, they managed to dig out every piece of formal wear for everyone to dress up in, but it was Lyv who held her crown.  With Guinevere wearing the last one, effectively tainting the metal and jewels set within it, she'd had a brand new one made from it.  It was a beautifully intricate design made from solid gold, set with sapphires, diamonds, and pearls.  A crown fit for the wonderful queen Ada already was and would continue to be before it was eventually passed down to Avice, now officially named Crown Princess of Escarral. 

What made Lyv's heart swell with happiness was when they finally got back to the palace, seeing every painting and sculpture being put back in their places, the thousands upon thousands of texts being shelved in the library.  Even how her own rooms hadn't changed a bit.  But the one painting that had her and her sisters stopping everything they were doing to just stand there and gaze up at it was the one of their father Bence, which now hung in the office once his and now Ada's.  He would have definitely been proud of the four of them, not only with the new treaties between Escarral, Dalcaine, Ethran, and even Arloerin, but because of the beautiful, fierce, and strong females they had become and the family they created.

And it was a family that extended beyond Escarral to Dalcaine, then even further to Ethran, and even across the Wilds, through the portal, and across the vineyards and olive groves into the sparkling city of Arloerin. 

Not only was Cleo welcomed whole-heartedly into the fold of their family, but she also established a diplomatic relationship with all three lands.  Trade was a huge part of this, but it was the friendships she created and continued to foster every time she made a trip to see everyone. 

On the first trip back, Cleo was entrusted with the obsidian stone vessel.  Lyv silently handed it back to her before she and Renna left, holding it between their hands.  Cleo stared before meeting Lyv's eyes. 

"You want me to take it back to Veres," she said without even having to ask.

Lyv nodded, a knowing smile on her lips.  "Sure, we didn't use it now...but someone told me how important it would be in the future.  A future that now has you in it.  So, take it back to Veres, protect it from anyone who seeks it out.  And while you have this, we're going to separate the lock and key.  Because while you have the vessel, the grimoire will stay here and will be guarded by an Archivist in Palrion who was entrusted with it before."

And on that second trip after going back to Arloerin, she brought her grandmother Renna with her, who finally got to be reunited with Bridget and Alberich after so long.  

A friendship that was particularly difficult for Cleo was still the splintered one between her and Crown Prince Malik of Krahzara.  Even after they returned to their own world of Laria, Malik decided to stay just a few more days in Arloerin, much to the chagrin of Cleo.  He and Urell had become close confidants, which didn't help, and she usually found them either drinking, training, or talking together.  If anything, he didn't want to seem to leave.

And neither did Kav, who had been staying at the palace with Janan while they'd gone to Escarral.  Cleo tried her very best not to even acknowledge the boy, even as she watched him from afar playing around the palace gardens with Janan and her leopard familiar, Shamira.  Kav spotted her even from the balcony of her office and smiled brightly, waving at her. 

Cleo waved back before she even knew what she was doing. 

"He's enjoyed his time here, you know," Malik said as he quietly stepped up to the railing at her side.  "Thank you for letting him stay while we were gone.  You know, he's come to love Arloerin just as I do."

"There's no need to thank me," she told him after a few moments of silence as they both watched him run around with Shamira close behind him.  Cleo turned to him, watching the sunlight bring out the golden tones in his dark hair.  "I...I am the one who should be thanking you, Malik."

He shook his head, trying to silence her.  "You know you don't have to..."

"But I do.  You came back when I asked, when I practically begged for your help.  You were almost home and yet you came back."

"Of course, I did," he told her, smiling slightly.  "You're one of my best friends, Cleo, no matter what we've done or said in the past.  You will always be that to me.  Always."

Friend.  Even after everything his mother had done to her, everything she'd taken from was none of Malik's doing.  She understood that.  Of course, his compliance with his mother's schemes to take over Arloerin still made her heart twinge, but she wouldn't be in the same place she was now if it hadn't happened. 

And somehow, Cleo found herself stepping forward to hug him tight.  "Thank you," she whispered. 

Malik nodded against her hair, then hesitated before he said what he did next.  "You know...Adeena has to be extremely proud of you for everything you've accomplished.  I don't think I've ever told you that before, but you know she is.  And she would want to be here with you to experience everything.  I'm sorry.  I'm so sorry she was taken away from you, Cleo, but just know I would give her back to you if I had the chance."

A small, heartbroken whimper escaped from her lips.  "Thank you so much."

Malik's hold was just as tight as he kissed the side of her head.  "Of course," he whispered back.  "Hopefully...hopefully, this will start to mend that fracture between us, huh?"

"Maybe, just don't do anything stupid or else."

"Like what?"

"Like still try to marry me off to Kav, even though I've told you time and time again I won't."

"Ha!  You know the kid will try and charm you as he grows up.  Have you seen the way he looks at you...?"

Cleo groaned, hitting his shoulder.  "Would you stop?  Gods, you're just as annoying as you've always been."

"Not much has changed, huh?"


When they pulled apart, both Cleo and Malik were still smiling, though they knew it would take time to heal from their past.  It wasn't going to be in a day or a month, not even in the next year, but they would start right there in that moment as they turned back in the direction of the garden, Cleo's attention going back to the young, laughing prince and Malik's to her still healing second-in-command.

When he and his envoy from Krahzara did finally leave Arloerin just a few days later, Malik felt lighter than he had in so, so long.  And he was happy, so happy he finally got to talk to Cleo without her yelling at him and hoped they continued slowly mending their friendship as time went on. 

Now, though, he tried not to make a face of disdain as his city of Krahzara appeared across the vast sea of desert and the glittering waters of the Mirrored Bay to the west of it. 

Of course, he missed his people and the city itself, the bright colors and loud music playing throughout the streets, and the merchants yelling prices of goods over each other in the main market.  He'd even missed at the white marble palace with its golden domed rooftops, surrounded by four other towers on either side.  It was a sign of wealth and history since his family had held the Krahzaran throne for several millennium through power and magic, but it was still home, though he would have gladly taken one of the smaller stone townhomes in the heart of the city or even one near the port.

But even with the face he was making, his little brother Kav was grinning from ear to ear atop his horse from beside him. 

"What are you smiling at?" Malik asked, raising a brow.  "Are you that happy to be home?"

"Of course!" Kav answered.  "But I can't wait to go back to Arloerin either.  When do you think Elys will come back?  Do you think soon?  I wish you would have taken me with you so I could see their world.  The way you described it was awful and all I want to do is see it for myself."

He couldn't help but snort, rolling his eyes.  "I'm sure you'll see it one day, kid."

"I will.  I'm glad you took me with you, though.  Really.  Not only did I get to meet him and Lyv and Jai and the others, but I got to see and meet everyone in Arloerin."

"And you know what you'll be to them one day if Queen Cleo manages to agree to the terms of the treaty, right?"

"I'm gonna marry her."

"Like I said, only if she agrees to the terms.  I hardly doubt she will, though, kid, so you're out of luck."

A distant but knowing twinkle lit up his eyes as he blushed.  "Oh, I wouldn't say that.  Elys told me.  Do you know how many times I'll ask her to marry me before she'll finally say yes?  Too many times to count.  It'll be worth it, though."

Without even giving Malik the time to respond, Kav urged his horse into a gallop until he reached the city gates, disappearing down the main road to the palace.

But while Kav and the rest of the Krahzaran envoy made their way through the city to the palace, Malik eased up on his horse, jumped off, and handed the reigns off to one of the guardsmen who had stayed behind with him.  With a nod, the guardsman continued on, not even drawing attention to the Crown Prince of Krahzara, who was pulling up the hood of his cloak and disappearing into the crowd.

He made his way through the crowds of brightly dressed people, through the plumes of perfume and the smell of spices and herbs from both food vendors and merchants.  Being in the thick of things made him love his people even more, even though his mother ruled with an iron fist.  Malik still knew she cared, though not as much as he did.  Another thing he knew was the whispers that always seemed to be shifting through the city, the ones where their people said how they couldn't wait for the day when he was crowned Emperor. 

They wouldn't dare say it in front of the Empress and her court, though, not when she had the deadliest of weapons at her disposal. 

One who lived in the three-story terracotta villa in the wealthiest district in Krahzara. 

The assassin who leaned against the stone pillar on the right side of the intricate gate knew Malik by name, though he didn't speak it, even smirked when he walked through on the cobblestone path.  The male orc, with one metal fang and hair shaved into a mohawk, was hidden from sight so none of their wealthy neighbors knew just who lived close by. 

The Guild of Starlight, home of the most highly skilled assassins in all of Laria, including the deadliest of them all. 

"Good luck," the orc Warek grinned at him.  "She's been in a mood lately.  Even more so since you're late in getting back."

No matter how many times he'd been inside, how many hours he'd spent within its walls, Malik was still struck by the overwhelming since of home.  Strange, right?  Even with the other five assassins he knew lived there, trained with weapons and studied books and dabbled in poisons in the laboratory.  They knew him, accepted him, didn't look at him like he was the crown prince.  If anything, they mostly attempted to get him to train...and be their target for practice.

No, the males and females greeted him with nods as he continued up the stairs, past the closed doors of their private quarters, past the training room where metal met metal and curses sounded, past the closed door of the laboratory where light from a fire flickered beneath it along with sweet-smelling smoke that curled out along the carpeting of the hallway. 

It was the room at the end of that hallway he was headed for, the room with double doors painted white with gold accents and doorknobs.  The room he'd been in so many times he lost count. 

He didn't even knock.  He never did.  She would have known he was there to see her, just like she always had.

Her back was to him as she stood at the open glass doors of the balcony of her bedroom which was just off the sitting room he'd walked through, passing the books she was a few chapters in to sitting on the low lying table in front of the fire, the half-eaten tray of roasted chicken, naan bread, and savory vegetables the cook had sent up to her right on time.  Her suite of rooms took up the length of villa, sweeping along the entire back half of its second level.  A metal spiral staircase curled upward to the level above them, which was her office and library filled with books from all over Laria and even some from Arloerin that had been brought from Dalcaine, Escarral, and Ethran.

Malik paused as soon as his boots went from the glossy hardwood floors to the plush carpets.  He was surprised she hadn't already flung a dagger at his head for trampling in dirt.  He stared at her hard, seeing she'd changed in a pair of billowing light blue pants, sandals with the laces wrapped several times around her ankles, and a loose-fitting white blouse that showed off her midriff and the small of her back.  She must have just gotten back from a job since her white leather suit and cloak were in a pile in the corner by the bathing room doorway, how her body was scrubbed clean even though she rarely ever used weapons or even her bare hands.  And her hair...the silvery blonde was a cascade of waves down her back, shimmering in the setting sunlight. 

His best friend since they were children.

His lover when they were both lonely and needed someone to distract them.

The female who laughed whenever her gave her the nickname that stuck with her, the moniker that everyone in Laria knew her by now, the name they all admired and feared.

The Lady in White.

"You were supposed to be back almost a month ago," she said quietly, arms crossed in front of her as she gazed out at the city she both loved and despised.

"We stayed for a little while longer than planned," Malik explained as pushed back his cloak hood and pulled it from around his shoulders to toss onto the end of her bed.  "Her aunt Kalla made a visit...and brought her cousin along with her mate, their boy, and a few others.  She was a little preoccupied for a few weeks before we left.  But you got my message about why we went back, didn't you?"

She nodded, her hair shifting as she looked at him over her shoulder before once again out to the city.  "And I trust you came out in one piece?"

"A few scratches and bruises, but in one piece, nonetheless.  I heal quick as you very well know from the few times you've poked some holes in me with your daggers."

Silence stretched out again.

"And...and Cleo?"

"Do you want to know about her?  About how she's doing?"

Her head dropped forward.  "No.  Maybe.  Yes...yes, tell me about her.  Anything.  Everything you can."

Malik closed the distance between them and stood by her side, taking her hand in his and squeezing her fingers as she trembled.  "Cleo is...she's even fiercer than she was as a child.  Her scars are the same, but she has a few more tattoos than she did the last time I saw her.  And she still wears that eyepatch Kalla got her.  She's more in control of her shadows than she's ever been before and she...she saves everyone she loves every single time.  That's why it took me so long to get back.  Because I went to help her save her family as they battled a darkness none of us have ever faced before.  Battled...and won.  If it hadn't been for Cleo's last-minute decision to cross between this world and Lyv's, to bring us to the battlefront, they wouldn't have made it.  None of us would have.  We wouldn't have been able to come back.  I wouldn't be here to tell you about her.

"But she...she misses you.  She will mourn for you for every day of her life until...until you decide when it's finally time to meet her again.  And with the way she holds a grudge, even when you do decide to, she might not be the warmest of welcoming parties.  Because you're not the only one who's been keeping your secrets.  She will more than likely hate me forever when she realizes I've been lying to her for practically our whole lives, when she realizes I've been keeping your secrets, too."

Her teeth ground together, even though she didn't let go of his hand.  "They're secrets I wouldn't have to keep if not for your mother.  She's the reason I have one foot in this world and the other in the land of light and shadows.  Why I have to go back and forth here and there just so I don't get stuck in the in-between."

"And I will still never forgive her for what she did.  For what she's done to both you and Cleo and your grandparents."

He was met with silence again, just as he knew he would. 

Finally, she turned to face him fully and, just like every time, he was taken back by her looks, thinking about how similar and yet different she was from Cleo.  Not only her silvery blonde hair, but the same upturned green eyes, same lips that stretched into a mournful smile then, the same everything.  But whereas Cleo's face was marred by scars and tattooed with swirling designs, hers was blemish free.  Her scars were mostly internal, mental.  He had witness them come out in nightmares, both asleep and waking.  The only outward scar she carried was the thin line across her neck.

Malik gave her a sad, wavering smile.

A smile Adeena returned it with one of her own.  "Tell me more about my sister."


And while Cleo and Adeena carried both light and darkness in their world of Laria, another carried it in the land of Dalcaine.  One who was now just a few days old.  

Exhaustion weighed heavy on Lyv for those first few day and she didn't even mind not getting to enjoy the festival that went on throughout the city of Ayveri.  She was content with just staying in bed, resting, and being fed in regular intervals to keep her energy up. 

She had that her little ember demanded every single moment from her momma and daddy and her Elys.  A little someone who finally made her grand entrance into the world the day before the first day of the Summer Solstice festival, which just happened to be Lyv and Jai's first wedding anniversary also.

Lyv knew what to expect when she'd finally gone into labor, but not how she would react when she felt every single contraction tighten the swell of her belly for hours and hours until she was screaming and crying about how she couldn't take it anymore.  Her midwife was patient with her and the best coach even though Lyv threw few curses her way, too, before she burst into tears and apologies.   

Her mother and Jai were with her through it all.  Bridget sat beside her as she brushed a cold cloth against Lyv's sweaty forehead, brushing back her hair from her face.  Jai, though, was her anchor behind her, legs on either side of hers as he held let her grip onto his hands as tight as she possibly could.  He held her through every contraction, through every scream and curse she cried out, coached her through every strong push she made. 

And as soon as Dessa's first cries of life rang throughout their room, through their world, something else happened.

Every single person stopped and stared as snow fell throughout the lands of Dalcaine, Escarral, and Ethran.

Lyv was still half-asleep in bed with Elys snuggled beside her, snoring softly in her ear. 

Jai had taken over just an hour before after the first of many feedings, claiming to want to spend some alone time with his baby girl.  Eyes drooping and her body threatening to pull her under into a deep sleep, Lyv didn't even protest, just watched as Jai cradled Dessa in his arms and walked out of their room, whispering lovingly to her.  She knew where he wanted to spend time with her, the room across the hall from Elys's rooms they'd spent months renovating into the most perfect nursery.  

Elys had come in then, blurry-eyed, and still half asleep, and hopped into bed with her before they both fell back asleep. 

Sleep.  That's what everyone kept telling her to do, that they would help when she needed it.  Her body needed to rest and recover, but all she wanted to do was be with her daughter.

Dessa was just as beautiful as she knew she would be, with Lyv's lips and slightly upturned eyes and Jai's hair color with the Deverell silver streak.  A perfect combination of the two of them.  She was just a few days old and already had everyone in their family, in the palace, throughout all of Dalcaine and Escarral already wrapped around her little fingers. 

Lyv finally woke just two hours later when Jai came back with Dessa bundled in his arms, wrapped in her pink and gold blanket with her white bowed headband on her head.  Slowly sitting up and trying not to wince at the soreness, Lyv raised an eyebrow when she saw what he had her in. 

Jai grinned guiltily.  "I couldn't resist."

"You better not have shown her the dagger and sword I know you locked up in the bottom of her wardrobe."

"Maybe?  But I'm pretty sure she was asleep for the whole show and tell."

Lyv burst out laughing.  "You're crazy."

As Jai walked them over to the side of the bed to settle down beside them, Elys finally woke up, yawning loudly before he noticed Jai and Dessa were back.  Then, his mismatched blue eyes brightened as Lyv ran her fingers through his hair. 

"What do you think, kid?" Jai asked him, shifting Dessa in his arms so Elys could see her better.  "You already promised me you'd keep her safe, even though we're going to teach her she can take care of herself.  Are you still going to keep that promise?"

He nodded, staring at the baby before reaching out a finger so she could wrap her little hand around it.  "Forever."

Jai's sapphire eyes met Lyv's gaze as he asked a silent question she immediately understood.  Lyv couldn't help but give him a small smile and a slight nod as she looked back at Elys, still completely infatuated with Dessa.

Gently, Jai placed the bundled up Dessa at the center of the bed and watched as Elys moved from where he was and laid down beside her so he could talk to her.  Lyv's heart swelled with the look on Elys's face as he watched Dessa, one of absolute love and wonder.  

"I know you wish Bence would have been able to meet her," Jai said to her then, leaning over to kiss her temple.  "But you know he's watching from the land of light and shadows.  And so is Lenora and Destan and Elys's parents...and Corliss and Meron.  Everyone we've loved and lost."

Lyv sniffled, reaching up to wipe away the tears that welled up in her eyes.  She'd been far too emotional over the last few days and with obviously good reason.  "I know, but I wish he were still here.  He would have absolutely adored her."

"Have you seen her?  Of course, he would," Jai smiled, trying to make her laugh.  He succeeded.

Lyv pulled him forward, pressing a kiss to his lips.  "We did make a pretty adorable kid, didn't we?"

And with Elys talking sweetly to Dessa about all sorts of adventures, Jai smiled against her lips.  "That we did."

***Guys, it's finished. And don't mind me, I'll just be over here sobbing and smiling and already missing Lyv and Jai and everyone else!

And now you know about a certain secret I've been keeping about a certain someone - Adeena!

So, now I can let you know the spinoff series will include four POVs - Dessa, Cleo, Adeena, and Corliss. I still have to plan the books out, but like I mentioned before, it will more than likely be a duology, though it might turn into a trilogy if they get too long. We'll see!

Now, off to start planning the first book, which I'm officially announcing the title as...

Bleeding Ink!

Don't know exactly when I'll start uploading since I want to finish the series outline first, but I'll keep you guys up to date! Be on the lookout over the next few weeks, though!

Now, for the last time in this series...Comment and vote!

Happy reading!

- Ansley***

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