Guardian |Voltron Shiro x Mal...

By HopeIsHard

44.6K 1.4K 324

What if there were four pilots that went missing on the Kerberos Mission? What if Keith didn't grow up just u... More

Energy Trail
The Blue Lion
The Lions
The Rise of Voltron pt1
Rise of Voltron pt2
Escape from Beta Traz pt1
Escape from Beta Traz pt2
Stayin' Alive
Best Laid Plans
Best Laid Plans pt2
Changing of the Guard
Red Paladin
The Hunted
Hole in the Sky
Hole in the Sky 2
Old Companions


2.6K 100 30
By HopeIsHard


I smiled in relief as those lizard-like creatures got away from Shiro. Leaning backward in the sit of the Black Lion, I smiled, "Thank you for trusting me,"

I saw Shiro's face contort in pain, which made me worry. I shot up, running out the lion. I hurried over to him, sliding to my knees and holding his shoulder. He looked at me, giving a small smile, "Thanks Keith,"

I didn't answer, noticing how his prosthetic arm was covering up the wound. Frowning, I reached for his hand, moving it. My eyes widened with surprise at the glowing purple wound, "What the hell Shiro?!"

He grinned sheepishly, "Hurts like hell,"

I shook my head, helping Shiro to stand. The Black Lion seemed to just follow us as we moved under a small overhang. I rested Shiro against some of the rocky boulders, before taking off to find some sticks and leaves for a fire. At least we'd have light seeing as this planet was pretty gloomy. 

"Keith, be careful!" Shiro warned as I almost tripped.

"Says the paladin with the glowing purple wound!" I yelled back, grabbing some flammable looking things.

Rushing back, I panted, slightly worn out from my journey from the Red Lion all the way to Shiro and the Black Lion, plus the exhaustion of my battle with Zarkon. When I got back to Shiro, sweat was masking my face, lips parted slightly as I took in air. I could feel Shiro's eyes on me as I built the fire, staring it quickly with the skills I had honed from my time alone back on Earth.


I glanced back at Shiro, stepping back from the fire as it glowed brighter, giving us some warmth, "Yeah?"

"Keith, is everything okay?" he asked.

I smiled, "I should be asking you that. You're the one that has a glowing purple wound on his waist,"

Shiro stifled a slight chuckle, then frowned and gave me a stern look, "What were you thinking fighting Zarkon?"

My smile vanished, "Zarkon is Zarkon. I don't need an expli-"

"Keith, as impulsive as you are never that reckless. This was more than just the quench to end the war...this was personal," Shiro interrupted.

I stared deep at the flames. I didn't know how to tell Shiro, without making him hurt from memories. He didn't need that right now. He needs to get into a healing pod, and quickly. Speaking his name after so long of managing to keep it away from hurting us and clouding our thoughts. I saw what it had done to Pidge. She was deadset on finding her family and she'd go as far as comprising a mission to do so. 

I wanted to find him too. But I knew that once I start, I'd never be able to stop. That would only hurt the team. It would only hurt Shiro. I cursed under my breath, blinking furiously and swallowing down emotions. I finally gave Shiro an answer, "The guys been tormenting the entire universe for 10,000 years. He's hurt so many people, taken away their families. Shiro, you know my life...I guess it was just my own knowledge of knowing how tough it is growing up alone. That and, I had to keep him distracted so you could get the Black Lion,"

I glanced at him, curious about his expression. His eyes were dull and half-lidded due to his exhaustion, but I could make out the knowing look. His lips were pressed together in a straight line, edges slightly curved downwards. He nodded slowly, "I know...but, don't go risking your life like that. I don't know what I'd..."

I moved closer to him, "Hey...let's not think like that. Plus, you'd never be able to get rid of me,"

Shiro chuckled, the two of us settling into a calm silence. Soon, I heard my lion growl a relieved smile pulling at my lips. I looked up, just as Red flew over, landing right beside the black lion, "Red! You got better!"

The lion let out a soft purr and I smiled softly, "You can rest up more at the castle. You battled hard girl, thanks,"

After that, the silence returned. I looked over at Shiro again, the older pilot speaking softly, "Thanks for saving me,"

"You'd have done the same for me," I smiled, before frowning, "How's your wound?"

"My wounds great, it's getting bigger all the time!" Shiro commented and I gave him a worried look, "Just trying to lighten the mood,"

"Hang in there. When Allura and Coran find us, they'll fix you right up," I promised.

His eyes suddenly darkened, "Keith, if I don't make it out of here...I want you to lead Voltron,"

I stared at the guy who I've known most of my life with horror and surprise. The horror of his words and the surprise of his request. Just the thought of Shiro not making it out of here made my mood drop, "Stop talking like that. You're gonna make it,"

He gave me a small smile, just as a blue glow bathed over us. We looked up, seeing a wormhole open up and the Green Lion pop out. I stood up, smiling brightly at Pidge.

Pidge was quick to help us all get through with our lions and arrive at the castle safely. When we did, we found Lance and Hunk also getting out of their lions. 

No time for the others Keith. You have to get Shiro in a pod.

The reminder rang loudly. I ran out my lion, dashing to the black lion that quickly lowered its jaw. I ran in where we had kept Shiro to steer for a bit, seeing him barely able to stay awake, "씨발!"

I grabbed Shiro, wrapping an arm carefully around his waist. I carried him out, seeing the other paladins waiting for us with worry. I assumed Pidge must have filled them in on the injury. Shiro let out a small groan of pain and I pushed my aching legs faster, "Come on Takashi, stay with me,"

"Hunk, Pidge, tell Coran and Allura to get a pod ready and STAT!" Lance ordered, rushing over to help me.

I gave him a smile of thanks which he nodded to. The two of us helped Shiro through the hallways until we got to where the pods were. Coran and Allura were already inside with Pidge and Hunk, the two Alteans getting a pod ready for Shiro. I grunted, realizing Shiro was still in his armor. 

Sighing, I looked at Lance, "Hold him tight for a bit,"

He nodded and I removed my arms, "Hunk help me get the armor off. Coran, can you get something for him to wear. If this is magic, we should get rid of any remnants,"

"On it Number four," Coran saluted and rushed off, while Hunk helped me get the armor off. 

Once that was taken care of, Pidge and Allura, quickly left the room so us guys could help him change. Lance and I set Shiro down so he could rest as Coran came back with a white jumpsuit. Shiro was just barely staying awake, but he managed to be conscious enough to make the changing quicker. After that, Hunk hollered for the girls who came back and watched with worry.

"Keith, are you okay, you're limping," Allura suddenly asked as I grabbed Shiro again.

I could already feel how Shiro seemed to force himself awake at that note. I panted, feeling sweat on my neck, "Yes, now let's get Shiro in a pod,"


"You can ask me later," I cut Shiro off bringing him to the pod. Lance helped me lift Shiro into the pod, our leader smiling a thanks. His eyes closed shut just like the pod doors. The second I knew Shiro couldn't see me, I let my legs give out. I panted in exhaustion, sitting down and leaning against the pod.

"Keith!" Hunk exclaimed, "You're exhausted!"

I nodded, "I mean, I did just battle the Ruler of the Galra Empire,"

"and that was a completely stupid decision!!" Coran began, "Zarkon is more powerful than anyone you've all ever faced. He's skilled and knows Voltron well. What exactly made you decide to fight him?"

All eyes were on me. I only sighed forcing myself to my legs, "I saw a chance and I took it,"

"You always seem to do that," Pidge frowned.

I glared at her, "Zarkon took your brother and father! He took Shiro and Ka-"

I grimaced in frustration. I saw Pidge's brown eyes swirling with emotions, locked right onto me. I sighed, "I'm going to wash up and get some rest. You should all do the same. Shiro should still be in the pod for a while, right Coran?"

The orange-haired Altean gave a thumbs up. I looked at the team, "Come on. Shiro would kill us if we didn't rest,"

They all cracked a smile, following after me. Slowly the paladins began to depart into their rooms one by one until it was just me and Pidge. I was about to enter my room when I heard her ask, "Keith. What's your last name again?"

I glanced back at her. I hesitated, "All of a sudden?"

"Cmon, what's the harm?" She shrugged.

"The harm, Pidge," I sighed "Is that I'm not quite ready for the team to figure out my family,"

She only looked confused. I walked into my room, speaking back, "Get some rest, Katie,"

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* •̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*:・゚✧*:・゚✧


There was a huge purple light beaming into my eyes. I was grunting in pain, begging, "No, no! No,"

My body was strapped down to a table and three Galra were to my right. One had a mask covering the lower half of his face, the other two were just a basic guard, but one was injecting something into me. To my left, I heard someone protest and scream at the Galra to stop.

A male. I glanced at him, noticing his clothes were the same rags I had on. His skin was slightly darker than my pale one and his eyes had purple hues. His hair was black and was messy, a few strands over his forehead. I knew exactly who he was.

I met his gaze and called out to him, "Kayden!" 

He didn't get to respond because I grunted in pain.

"You took his hand!" Kayden yelled, "What more do you want?"

The Galra who had half his face covered, shoved the injection away, "stop! I want him awake enough to feel this!"

The moment the Galra turned around, the male punched the other soldier who was looking at a control panel. Then he turned around and knocked out the other soldier. He ran over to me, his mask down. Pulling out a grayish blade, he pulled out some device and attached it to my prosthetic arm, "Listen to me. We don't have much time,"

I grunted, eyes drooping before I was slapped. I heard Kayden scream my name again as the Galra male looked deep into my eyes, "Wake up! Zarkon has located the Blue Lion of Voltron on your planet, Earth,"

He bent down and removed my binds, before turning around and doing the same to Kayden. He looked at him as I sat up, "What are you doing?"

"I've planted a bomb to cover your escape. Get to a pod, now," The Galra ordered, helping Kayden down as I managed to get to my feet.

"Who are you?" I asked, Kayden rushing over to help me stand.

"I am Ulaz. Now, come on!"

Ulaz leads us to the door, it slid open with a hiss. I looked at Kayden, checking him for wounds as we waited for Ulaz to finish surveying the corridors. I looked back at Ulaz as he spoke, "Zarkon will know that I released you, so I must disappear. But if you both survive, go to the coordinates in your arm,"

I glanced down at my arm, Kayden still focusing on Ulaz who pledged, "The Blade of Marmora is with you,"

"Why are you helping us?" Kayden asked.

"As fighters. As a leader and a protector. You give hope," He smiled at us, holding the gaze before standing up, "Hurry! Earth needs you,"

He began to run down the hallway, the two of us just barely catching his final words, "We all do,"

Kayden and I looked after him, before glancing at one another. He smiled, "Come on Kashi,"

I nodded at him, the two of us rising to our feet and heading down the opposite corridor, knowing where the pods were held. As we walked, my eyesight began to blur again and my breathing turned ragged. A hand gripped my good one and I barely made out Kayden's worried eyes, "Damn those Galra. They've hurt you a lot,"

"Could be worse y'know," I humored.

He chuckled but gasped as footsteps came closer to us. The two of us pulled back, pressing against the wall and watching as the sentries passed. Once they did, we ran forward, making sure they didn't look back.

Though, we didn't check the other side in time, because a cart slammed into my leg, the canister falling off. The sentries turned to look at the two of us.

"Kuso," I cursed as Kayden cursed, "씨발,"

We quickly broke into a run, the sentries chasing after us. Kayden never let go of my hand as we ran, not until we reached the escape hatch. I ran forward, hitting the hatch open. Kayden grabbed a sentry, throwing it over his head and making it hit the ground. I screamed in pain as a sentry wrapped its metal arms around me, constricting myself.

"SHIRO!!!" Kayden screamed, just as the explosion went off.

I grunted, as the sentry was thrown off balance and I fell to the floor. Kayden was beside in a second, noticing how other sentries ran towards us. I looked at him, "We have to go now!"

He looked at me. Then at the explosion that was destroying the ship. Then at the sentries and Galra soldiers that rushed to the pods to get off, before seeing us and firing.

"Kayden!!" I yelled.

He  gave me a sad look. A soft feeling was on my lips and I returned it for a second, hand reaching up and holding the back of Kayden's head.  It was so sudden, yet It took my entire attention away from our current dilemma...until it vanished. I opened my gray eyes looking into Kayden's violet ones, his mouth showing a sad smile,  "Shiro, take care of Keith for me, okay?"

"What?" I tried but screamed in protest as he shoved me into the escape pod. I was already near fainting but the noise of shooting and fighting kept me slightly away. I glanced up as the pod doors closed, realizing Kayden wasn't getting in.

"KAYDEN!!!" I shrieked and he looked back at me.

I screamed, running at the doors which shut. Ignoring the delirious state I was in, I pounded on the metal, screaming for Kayden who only stopped fighting, letting the guards apprehend him. He gave me one last stunning smile before the Galra's dragged him away and my pod shot out.

The flames that began to chase the pod, burned my eyes through the small glass. Tears swelled in my eyes and everything began to hurt. I fell to my knees in both pain and regret, "I'll protect him..."

I shut my eyes, only to open them again. This time, I looked up at the blue-tinted glass. I saw my team- the paladins all grin at me. Allura and Coran were farther back but I saw the smiles. My eyes, however, went straight to Keith's, the red paladin smiling in relief.

Relief that I would probably end up destroying.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* •̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*:・゚✧*:・゚✧


"....And they apparently went straight to central command!!" I heard the faint gossips of Voltron's latest victory over the Galra Empire, "It was to get out a friend of there's or something! But it was a tough battle but they managed to wormhole away!"

"I heard the Red Lion fought Zarkon one on one!" A girl Jugarian commented.

I snickered, "Lucky fella ain't he? I'd love to challenge Zarkon to a duel,"

The prisoners looked at me like I was out of mind. Then they laughed, "that's the Guardian for you!"

"Guardian, Guardian! Tell us the story again!" One of the younger prisoners begged.

There were about eight of us in this one cell. The one difference between the rest of them and me was that I had on a pair of black gloves with white accent marks. The white marks let out a warm buzz, the mark outlining the curves and dips of my hand. Along with them, a pair of metal cuffs clasped my wrists together. They were specially designed for me.

"Which story?" I asked.

"The one about Champion's first battle!"

My smile faltered at the mention of the champion. To the Galra, it was currently me. But to the prisoners, I was Guardian. Champion was the Japanese pilot that I threw into an escape pod. I grimaced, but nodded and began to tell the story of how Shiro had taken Matt's place during the arena fight.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* •̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*:・゚✧*:・゚✧


Shiro was out of the pod now, freshly washed and dressed. He had told the others that there were coordinates in his arm given by a Galran during his escape. Which led them to now, Shiro sitting silently, his metal arm linked up to some machine, which hooked to Pidge's computer, the smart girl analyzing the Galran symbols as the rest of the team stood around them.

"I'm not finding any coordinates in here," Pidge frowned, looking at Shiro, "Are you sure this wasn't just a dream?

Shiro's eyes hardened with the accusation. He hadn't told them all of the dreams. Just the important bit. Sucking down his anger, he spoke firmly, "I'm positive. Someone helped me an- me escape,"

"And he was Galra?" Allura growled.

"Yes," Shiro muttered, "Sort of,"

"Sort of? What do you mean sort of?" Coran raised an eyebrow.

Shiro sighed. To be honest, he wasn't sure how long he'd be able to hide the fact that Kayden was there too. He knew it was wrong to hide it. Especially from Keith and Pidge. But the guilt was beating along with his heart.

"Shiro?" Lance frowned, "You alright? You've been really awkward ever since that dream-"

"It wasn't a dream!" Shiro snapped, everyone taken aback by the outburst. Shiro sighed, "Look! Someone helped us escape and he placed-"

"Wait, wait, wait," Keith cut in this time. His violet hues locked on to Shiro's gray ones, "Who is us?"

Shiro's eyes widened. He knew he couldn't keep it secret for that long. The leader looked away from Keith. Hunk spoke up this time, "There was no one else with you when you crashed on Earth,"

A silence followed and Pidge gasped, "Shiro- was there someone else with you during your escape?!"

Shiro's hand turned into a fist and he looked up. Sucking in a breath he sighed out, "I wasn't the only person supposed to escape that day,"

"WHAT?!?!" Keith and Pidge shrieked together.

"Woah, hold your horses," Lance calmed them both down, somewhat.

"Shiro, who else was with you?" Pidge frowned.

"Whoever it was was working with a Galra," Allura reminded them bitterly, "They're obviously on the wrong side of this war,"

Shiro gritted his teeth, "Kayden was captured like I was Allura!!"

Another pin drop silence.

"Wait, Kayden? As in, your assistant pilot for the Kerberos Mission, Kayden?" Hunk clarified and Shiro nodded, "Yes. That Kayden,"

No one could ask more, because Keith screamed, turning to fully look Shiro in the eye, "He was supposed to escape with you?!?!"

Shiro looked at him. His eyes clouded with guilt and regret while Keith's was desperation and horror. The Red Paladin demanded, "Shiro, what happened?!?!"

"Keith I..." Shiro searched for the best way to say it.

Keith's face grew impatient, the Red Paladin rushing forward and grabbing Shiro's shoulders, "TAKASHI SHIROGANE, I SWEAR TO GOD YOU BETTER TELL ME WHERE THE QUIZNACK KAYDEN IS OR SO HELP ME-"

Keith stopped yelling, lowering his voice into pain, "What happened to him?!?!?!"


"SHUT UP LANCE!" Keith growled at the Blue Paladin, who backed away from the conversation.

The rest of the team, other than Shiro, were very unsettled with this newfound emotion in the red paladin. He had never acted like this before. Never.

Keith slowly released Shiro's shoulders and backed away slightly, "Tell me he's not dead...please, Shiro. Tell me he isn't gone!"

Shiro looked at him, "He was supposed to escape with me. There was a bomb implanted to cover for our escape, but we got caught by the sentries just at the escape pod. The explosion went off and Galrans and sentries ran to the pods to try getaway, where they saw me and Kayden getting ready to escape...they attacked us,"

Keith's face seemed to only pale more with every word. Noticing how Shiro stopped, he inhaled, "Where is Kayden?"

"I don't know," Shiro sighed, "The last thing I remember of him was him throwing me into the pod. I had gotten affected by the blast and was still light-headed from the...whatever the Galra were doing to me. He threw me in and stayed out to keep the sentries and Galrans away from me. The door shut and he let herself get apprehended. The last thing he said was to take of care of you,"

Keith blinked taking in the information. His breathing quickened, "S-so he co-could be alive?" He shook his head, "N-no. He has to be alive. Right, Shiro? Right? He won't die on me? Right?"

Shiro really didn't have any words to say, because Allura mentioned again, "Well whoever this Kayden is, he obviously doesn't think the Galra are that bad. Since he was unharmed basically the entire ti-"

"Keith, no!!" Shiro yelled, grabbing Keith's arm just in time before a punch could hit Allura, who yelped and stared at Keith in shock.

Keith scowled at her, "How dare you?!"

"Keith, calm down," Hunk frowned.

"Why are you so worked over Kayden? Don't tell me you knew him too?" Lance teased, but at the same time was actually curious.

"Knew him?" Keith repeated like Lance was an idiot, "KNEW HIM?!!? Of course, I knew him!!! He's my older brother!!"

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