A Family For Rent

By chachabook1600

3.7K 165 46

What if you have everything, you're rich , a beautiful house, and dreaming job, popularity, and you can have... More

Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 03

325 16 7
By chachabook1600

~Few Minute Later In The Shadow' s Car On Their Way Back~

Sonic P.O.V:

What was that? What was he thinking? That he's rich so he could by what ever he want? Money can't buy everything! Can't buy love? Can't buy family!,he tu that we're sort of Host family? Instead of host orphans children we host rich people? what in love of Chaos was he imagining?, like what I'm gonna to say to my siblings? What would they think about me ? No wonder he have nobody, and all that from money and debts, as I was still boiling my never as I found a bottle of a very expensive champagne hiding in one of his mini fridge and drink few cups as this Silver guy try to sort of convincing me that I should probably accept his offer, to just give a try

Maybe his right, maybe I should give a try, I mean he loses everyone on his family and probably more people and being in many war, mean that he saw the death many time, making a family wasn't one of his option on his live list, what could hurt if I let him be apart of my family, it still weird to bring a stranger and specially he's the G.U.N'S CEO,  pretty risky and danger for me and my family, as I was thinking I got a idea that could probably solve my problems

~Meanwhile At Shadow's Villa~

Shadow P.O.V:

I watch him taking Sonic on his car and leave my villa I felt really hurt as he leave, feeling that I never have a chance to live in family make me feel awful and so sad inside even if I don't express my emotions too much I still have feeling, as I was giving up on this whole offer when I heard the sound of the engine of my car coming closer Ito my house.

I look the window see Silver and Mr Sonic coming back to my restroom, I felt so happy to see him again, I feel a little light of hope warming my heart , He enter to the restroom and stop waiting for me to come walk toward him as he and stop in front of him as he was looking at a little nervous

Sonic: " I came back because your friend Silver convinced me to give a little try?"

Shadow: " thank you than what waiting let's- *start walking but get stop by Sonic *"

Sonic: " * stop him with his arm as a fence* but.. I'm not finished Yet... there will be some conditions"

Shadow: " alright I'm ready for your conditions."

Sonic: " great, firstly not word to the kids. In my world love can't be bought and I want it to stay that way for my siblings. Ok? Secondly we make them believe that we meet quite short time and we're really in love of each other, you know like love at first sight."

Shadow: " love at the first sight ? Because that thing excise ? I mean that could really happen?"

Sonic: " * look at him confused * yeah that could happen, and it happened to me many time, even if they don't stick around to long, but anyway thirdly you move in with me, because all of this.... * look around again * no really there is no way they move into this, I don't my siblings have their habits. School,their room their friends... I don't to upset their live like no more sport car or any rich kid's toys or whatever you have, I want them to learn that the live isn't easy to anyone, that the miner don't grow on the tree, they have to fight the whole their live to get what they want, understood?"

Shadow: " yeah you right and I agree, it very understandable, no outward signs of conspicuous"

Sonic: " great, the less the money shows the better. And one last things you sort out all my problems and in three months and then we say good bye"

Shadow: " .... is that all?"

Sonic: " yeah for now...."

Shadow: " very well what are we waiting then, we're off to live a three-month family adventures!"

Sonic: " right ! But I want a contract, a clear and precise contract. In three month the game's over., this silly trick start tomorrow, I have to first announced to my family"

Shadow: " as you wish mister Sonic."

Me and Silver guild Sonic to the door with Silver open it for him and I told him a goodbye as he walk out but he suddenly stop and turn to face me again, I saw a disturb look and embarrassed expression drawing on his face, I wonder why he even start sort of blushing, hope he's not sick or something

Sonic: " i guess that mean that... we gonna have to *cough* sleep together.l

Shadow: " well yeah, we'll have to sleep together in the same room"

Sonic: " well umm I think you don't get the message, when I mean sleep together I mean... like... you know what a couple do when they are together in the same bed? ... I'm not sure if you rich people with your high politeness language say it but I'll explain y'a in way not so much embarrassing ....." The Night Sport" * start blushing*"

Shadow: ". Well uuuh yeah I guess.....* realize the meaning and blush* I mean No No No, uuuh we'll just have each side if the bed and that's, no physical contact, I mean I'm trying a family not a...* clear his voice as he still blushing* a guys!?"

Sonic: "that mean that you don't....* surprise tone*

Shadow: " no no  I'm not into this things....I wouldn't dream of it no no I can't!!"

Sonic: " Really!?..... *surprise tone then sight in relief and smile* thank that good for me and my family too, well see y'a tomorrow * wave and leave*"

As we're talking Silver was holding his laugh of his expression " The Night Sport" to be fair it a perfect expression to replace the "Sex" word, and I like that guy already, I really can't wait tomorrow to meet his family and be a part of it.

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