Calamity Falls

By Slytherdor-Princess

4.5K 423 780

Sequel to Magnificent I opened the door and entered the room to find Riele on the bed, crying her eyes out. "... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 3

304 22 75
By Slytherdor-Princess

Riele's POV

What surprised me was when Daniel and Lee ran straight into Jace's arms hugging him tightly. "I missed you Daddy" Lee said crying into Jace's shoulders as Daniel cried on Jace's shirt.

"I get that I must've somehow incarnated or came back to life or something like that but can you please explain how my life was before I died" Jace said

I gulped, explaining everything to him. When I told him we were dating I frowned, there aren't any possibilities he still likes me. I help back the tears daring to pour out and proceeded.

"I know what we had before I died was really strong. I can saw it in your eyes when you talked about our relationship earlier" he explained looking at me. I gulped "I'm deeply sorry to disappoint you but I don't like you, as before" he said hanging his head low

"I know. I can't force you to, it's totally your decision. I'm cool" I forced a smile

"Are you serious?" Lizzy asked as I sighed. I just explained everything to her and like a normal human she didn't believe it.

"Yes. I was equally as surprised as you are" I rubbed my temple

I didn't hear her reply so I looked up at her, she had a pitiful look on her face and I frowned. "What?" I asked.

"I know how you feel. Well maybe not but I get you" she frowned.

"I don't like that, that pitiful look you're giving me. I'm totally fine. I'm not mentally disordered neither am I a cripple, so with you quit giving me those looks?" I shot at her, raising my voice slightly

"Ok, I'm sorry" she sighed. "How will we do this?" she asked.

"I don't know. As Samuel said, we can only hope for a miracle" I sighed.

"Have you told others?" she asked but I shook my head.

"I haven't had the chance. I'll let them know though" I said taking a quick glance at the wall clock at the other side of the room. It read a minute past four pm

"I have to go pick the kids" I said getting up as Lizzy followed suit. She left my office as I packed up my things. Ever since I gave birth to Lee it has been really stressful to juggle work with home. So I held a meeting with my workers and they decided it would be better if I opened a branch somewhere else and that I did

Currently, this is the headquarters while I have another branch in Georgia. Stephanie is now my manager and the one in charge; she helps take care of the affairs happening here and the other branch

I'm still here, being the owner and all, but I don't appear as often as before. I have a family to take care of and plus, I know Steph will do a great job. Fortunately, we don't work 24 hours like before. We open around 9am and close 10pm.

I hoped in my car, driving straight for Daniel's and Lee's school. I parked in the parking lot of the school. Getting down, I walked in and went down to Lee's class. "Mommy!" he shouted, immediately he saw me approach him before running into my arms

"Hey there Lee" I kissed his forehead kissed his forehead as I lifted him up in my arms.

"Hi Mom. Where's dad?" He pouted.

"Dad is at home. Let's go home so you can see him" I said smiling at him. He nodded, getting down from my arms to fetch his bag and lunch box

I grabbed it from him then walked out of his class, before heading straight for Daniel's class. "LEE!" Daniel yelled once we entered his class.

"DAN" Lee yelled back, walking over to him only to tackle him in a bone crushing hug. Well as tight as he could squeeze someone with his tiny arms

"What am I? Gas?" I mumbled, walking over to collect his things.

"Oh hey Mom. Didn't see you there" Daniel said but immediately began talking with Lee. I rolled my eyes playfully as we walked out of the class and the school as well

We got in the car and I drove us to Mary's school. We all got down but stayed beside the car, hopefully she'll see us.

After about 5 minutes, "Hey Mom" I heard someone call out. I turned to find Mary walking over with three of her friends.

"Hey honey, how was school?" I asked.

"Cool. Can we have a sleepover tonight mom? Please?" she asked almost immediately

I giggled "Of course".

"YES! You guys heard that. Tonight, my place, don't forget anything" she said to her friends

"Ok Mary. Bye" her friends hugged her before leaving. We hopped into the car and I drove us home. Throughout the ride, Daniel and Lee kept bugging Mary about her male friend who hugged her longer than her other friends did

We arrived home and almost instantly smoke filled up in my nose as I opened the front door. Everywhere looked foggy and misty making it slightly hard to see. "What's going on?" Lee coughed up covering his nose and mouth like the rest of us.

I ran to the kitchen to find Jace struggling to put out the fire he had created. I laughed gaining his attention "Oh, I didn't know you were back" he scratched the back of his head in embarrassment

"How's lunch?" I snickered which earned a glare from him to me. His brown orbs looked at me as if they were ready to kill

I rolled my eyes playfully then went to the other side of the room to get the fire extinguisher. I came back and put the fire out. "That was promising" I laughed once I was able to put it out

"That's the second time you're burning something in my kitchen" I chirped in remembering the time he was dozing off while cooking resulting to a burnt lunch.

"When was the first time?" he asked then I proceeded to telling him what happened resulting to me laughing harder, before I got interrupted by Daniel's voice

"What were you cooking?" Daniel asked coming into the kitchen with Mary and Lee behind him.

"Food" Jace said.

"What kind? Because I'm sure my teacher never mentioned fire behind a kind of food" Lee said putting on a thinking face, as if trying to remember.

I snickered as Jace shot me a glare "I was making mac and cheese" he said walking over to the burnt pot on the cooker. The entire pot was burnt and black in colour. I walked over to him before grabbing the pot and disposing it

"Maybe we should just order" Mary suggested holding out her phone.

I nodded "Lee, Daniel, time to shower" I said clapping my hands as they groaned.

"Why?" they asked in sync.

"You just came back from school meaning you're all sweaty, sticky and dirty. And of course you're not dirty boys are you?" I asked already knowing the answer

"Ok. Let's go" they said racing up the stairs to the bathroom.

I sighed, following them. I finally had Lee and Daniel in their clothes "Now you can go to the living room to eat" I said watching as they ran out of their room with great speed. I left their room into mine to take a shower.

I came out then put this on. I left my room for the living room to find everyone already eating. "Save some for me" I said walking over to them.

"Maybe" Lee and Daniel said simultaneously making me roll my eyes

I sat on the couch taking the burger left for me. "Can you play with us after this Dad?" Daniel asked taking a sip from his soda bottle

"Of course"

"Of course not"

Jace and I said respectively and simultaneously. I looked at him as he looked at me.

"They can't play after this. They have home works to do" I shook my head.

"Oh don't be a fun sponge. They can do their home works later, after we play" Jace smirked.

"Yeah Mom" they said making me shoot them a look and they kept quiet immediately, stuffing their faces with food to avoid talking

"No. They do their work first before playing and that's final" I said narrowing my eyes at Jace.

"What if I promise they'll do it after we play? How about that?" he reasoned.

"Please Mom" Lee and Dan pouted making me sigh in defeat

"Ok but don't forget to do you home works, please" I pleaded

"Done!" they said before dragging Jace up the stairs into their room. 

I sighed "Well I have to get ready for the sleepover" Mary said cleaning the place as I helped her

"Where will your friend sleep?" I asked.

"Which friend?" she asked turning to face me as we disposed the rubbish and unwanted materials

"Your male friend. What's his name again? Michael?" I asked. "Yeah, Mike. Well since others are sleeping in my room so will he" she said.

"Ok, but no funny business. I'm still too young to be a grand mom" I joked earning a chuckle from her.

"Mom, you're already old" she laughed.

"Hey, I'm in my early thirties" I said earning an *are you kidding me* look from her. "Fair point" I laughed.

"What do you have in store for the sleepover?" I asked walking to the living to sit on the couch as she copied my actions.

"Well, we'll probably watch a movie in my room, eat, maybe have a mini dance party, truth or dare, play a few games and if possible paint our nails" she said excitedly

"Wow! Now I'm jealous. Anyways, how will you paint your nails?" I asked.

"Elena has various nail products so we'll use that then paint our nails" she explained.

"I wish I could get my nails done" I said looking down at my nails.

"No can do mom. You'll have to go to the salon for that" she laughed making me pout

"Oh another question?" I asked earning a groan from her.

"Where will you get food to eat?" I asked.

"Really? Is that even a question?" she looked at me flatly making me shrug.

"Mom, we can cook food ourselves and we can as well order some" she rubbed her temple

"Ok, Ok. I'll go now" I laughed laughed seeing as she was already annoyed by my presence and the constant questions I kept asking. I left her then went up the stairs into my room only to pass by Daniel's and Lee's room to find them screaming.

"DAD STOP!" Lee said laughing.

"I'LL PEE MY PANTS" Daniel yelled laughing hysterically. My guess was he was tickling them; this brought a smile on my face.

I walked into my room, closing the door behind me. He would've been a great dad honestly but of course, the evil forces of the earth just had to make sure that didn't happen. I sighed, the only thing that keeps worrying me is the fact that Jace's dad still isn't in jail. I did report to the police but they couldn't find him so they decided to drop the case after a while, unfortunately.

He fled immediately he realised he killed his own son. And I didn't even know his Mom to break the news about Jace's death to her but according to Jace, I doubt if she'd care. I plopped on the bed, switching the TV in my room on.

Half way through the movie I was watching, I remembered what I was to do so I grabbed my phone then proceeded to calling Jade.

J: Sup Rie

R: Hey Jade. How are you doing? How's Corn?

J: His name is Cornelius not Corn

R: Same thing

J: No, it- You know what, never-mind. How have you been holding up?

R: That's the main reason I called you. I have something to tell you

J: What's that?

R: First, is Sean there?

J: Yes he is. Why?

R: Put the phone on speaker and make sure he is listening

J: Ok, he's listening

R: So... Jace is alive


R: Are you there?

S: Have you been drinking lately Riele?

R: I haven't been drinking Sean. I'm telling the truth

J: But he can't be. He's dead. We all watched as he was lowered 6 feet under the ground

R: Wow, thanks for the reminder (Sarcasm). Anyways, he is very much alive; He's at my house right now. You know what, come by once it's Saturday so I can explain to you guys better. How's that?

S: Alright we'll be there and please stop drinking

R: I've not being drinking

J: Whatever you say

I hung up rolling my eyes. "Now for Ella" I said dialing her number

E: Hey Rie

R: Hey Ella. How's little Demon?

E: Riele! He's name is Damon not Demon

R: Same thing

E: What do you want?

R: Ouch! Where's Carl?

E: Right here, why?

R: Put the phone on speaker and make sure he's listening

E: Done!

R: Jace is alive

E: *laughs* Good one. Now why did you call?

R: I'm serious; he's at my house right now

C: I knew it! You've been drinking. Hallucinations have got to you

R: I'm neither hallucinating nor drinking. Just come over on Saturday then I'll explain

E: Alright. My regards to Mary

R: Will do

I dropped my phone, rubbing my face. I could hear multiple voices coming downstairs so my guess was Mary's friends were here. I relaxed in the bed focusing my attention back on the TV

A/N: Most of you don't know, I have another account and I'm currently writing a book, titled *Different Worlds*. You can check it out on Queen_of_the_Snakes . That's my other account🙏

If there were mistakes, kindly pin point them❤

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