Avatar the Last Airbender - B...

By TeenyTinyTrain

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5 years after the end of the 100 year war and the defeat of Lord Ozai, Fire Lord Zuko and Avatar Aang have su... More

Chapter One: Back Together
Chapter Two: A Call for Help
Chapter Three: New Hope
Chapter Four: The Eastern Air Temple
Chapter Five: The Master of the Eastern Woods
Chapter Six: The Shadow Bandits
Chapter Seven: A Distant Memory, A Distant Regret
Chapter Eight: A Past in the Sky
Chapter Nine: High Tensions inside High Walls
Chapter Ten: Sokka's Feelings
Chapter Eleven: Understanding Pain
Chapter Twelve: Girl's Afternoon Out
Chapter Fourteen: Talk About It Over Tea
Chapter Fifteen: A Good Kind of Sad
Chapter Sixteen: Charred Rugs, Broken Crowns
Chapter Seventeen: History of Ashes
Chapter 18: Out With The Old
Chapter Nineteen: In With The New
Chapter Twenty: Just Like Air
Authors Note

Chapter Thirteen: The Final Night

180 8 1
By TeenyTinyTrain


The mood light seeped into the barn through the gaps in the wooden walls, lighting the space around Zuko with strips of silver and blue. 

He shifted under the blanket he had been lent. His robe, shoes and bag from Druk's saddle lay beside him, invisible in the shadow. His hair tickled his face slightly. He should really cut it soon - it was starting to remind him of his father - ugh

He flipped himself onto his side and sighed. Sokka lay beside him, sound asleep. The light seemed to turn to liquid on his face, highlighting his cheekbones and turning his skin into melted bronze. The steady rise and fall of his chest helped Zuko relax. He found himself entranced by the way Sokka's lashes brushed his cheeks, how his lips had parted slightly, and the way his loose hair fell over his forehead and sprawled out beside him. Spirits.

He had tried to fill Sokka in on the situations he'd dragged him through throughout the day. He had explained his relationship with Lee and his family. Sokka had listened whilst changing out of his outer layers.

"The way you spoke to him," Sokka started, pulling his shirt over his head, exposing his tanned back, "he must have really impacted you?" The light had trickled over his skin, highlighting the definition from his muscles and shoulder blades. Zuko had sat, cross legged, behind him and rested his head in his hand, content to admire the man before him. 

"He was really the first person that made me really question if what my father was doing was right." Sokka chuckled. He turned to face Zuko, letting his hair down as he did so. It framed the sides of his face perfectly - a gold frame on an already perfect portrait. 

"He was the first thing?" Zuko knew was he was referring to. He dragged his eyes away from Sokka, hoping his lingering gaze wouldn't give him away. He lightly brushed his fingers against the scar on his face. "Hey," Sokka whispered, "I understand. Abusers have a way of doing stuff like that - twisting your mind and how you see them. If Lee was the first person to open your eyes, then I'm just glad you met him. We might not be here today if you hadn't." 

Zuko let his eyes roam over Sokka's sleeping face once again. Tomorrow they would return to their friends and this adventure would be over. Tomorrow they'd have to return to reality. Should Zuko say something before then? No. He couldn't risk it. Besides, there was one more day before his trip down memory lane was truly finished. 


 Sunlight became visible through Zuko's closed eyes, turning his vision red and yellow. He scrunched his eyes shut and brought his hand up to his face to provide some shade. He sat up. The barn around him slowly came into focus. Sokka was gone but his tunic and jacket were still folded beside his blanket. There was the sound of talking and laughter coming from the farm outside. Zuko dragged himself to his feet and set about making himself appear as Fire Lord-y as possible.

He pushed the door to the barn open and walked out into the light. It was still early but Lee was already running around the farm, screaming and laughing, Sokka fast on his heels. Zuko couldn't help the smile that tugged at his lips. Sokka managed to grab Lee by his waist and lift him up onto his shoulders, the two of them pink in the face from the combination of the sun and their giggles. Sokka had left his shirt in the barn, the only item on his top half was his traditional choker, ivory pendents attached to a leather strap. 

His skin had turned from melted bronze - like the night before - to that of a copper statue. Zuko lent against the barn wall. He could stay like this forever, a peaceful life on a farm with a family. No wars. No responsibilities. Did he just think that? A family? Sokka?

"Lord Zuko." Zuko jolted himself out of his mind and turned to face Sensu, who was sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. "I don't mean to interrupt you...but..." Zuko felt heat rise in his cheeks. He coughed and fixed his hair slightly.

"No not at all! And please," he tried for his best casual smile, "just Zuko is fine. Lord  makes me sound like my father." He pulled a disgusted face and rubbed the bridge of his nose. Sensu seemed to understood and pointed up towards the main house. Zuko could see his mother standing on the porch, holding a pot of some steaming breakfast. He felt his stomach growl. When had he last ate? It brought back memories of when he first came here, starving and alone. Ah, to be young and a fugitive again.

Sokka returned Lee to the ground. He was about to head to the house but Sensu waved him over.

"You promised me a run for my money! No breakfast until we have declared a winner! What should I call you, apart from loser?" he joked. Sokka moved his hands to his hips, faking shock and the remarks. 

"Sokka. Or future Chieftain of the Southern Water Tribe works too?" he smirked, winking at Sensu. Zuko felt his heart rate shoot up. This was not good. Not good at all. Except it felt like it was. He had this warm feeling in his chest, like someone was pouring warm water over where his heart was and it was slowly spreading over and under his skin. He just had to hope the water didn't get hotter. Too hot, and he'd get burned. He always got burned. How typical.


He stirred the milky oats in his bowl, gazing down at the two men below him. Sensu had offered Sokka a sword and the two had begun, setting out some basic rules that were basically no actual stabbing, no death, looser cleans a bat-pig. 

Sela coughed to get his attention. 

"Lord Zuko," she started and Zuko felt his shoulders tense, "why did you come here?" Zuko put down his bowl and tore his eyes away from the duel - even though the differences in styles were so interesting!

"To apologize. I feel that I let you down - betrayed you almost - when I revealed who I really was. I should have been honest, or left really. That was probably the most sensible thing. I suppose I want to show you that I have changed - for the better." 

Sela put her bowl down on the table. "You don't need to apologize. Your actions as Fire Lord have said more than you ever could," she said. Her tone was soft, but held some tension. As if she was holding back from saying something. "That knife Lee had; you gave it to him?" Zuko's eyes flitted to Lee who was suddenly very interested in his oats. Zuko simply nodded. "I assume you've given it to him again?" Sela asked. Zuko felt the corner of his mouth turn up slightly. Lee looked up from his bowl and winked. 


Sokka was adamant that he had won the fight. The words came flowing out of his mouth lake water from a dam, commenting on the style and technique of Sensu and the incredible breakfast he has enjoyed after. Zuko wasn't sure what to believe as neither of them had ended up cleaning a bat-pig in the end. 

They were nearing Ba Sing Se now, and in good time too! Zuko planned to land Druk in the palace grounds, as he always did, and then head out for some tea to meet their friends. The first part went smoothly, the guards were stoic as always, not even flinching at Sokka's jokes, and Druk seemed very content with the food and water they brought him. The second part? Not so smoothly.

Everywhere Zuko went in the capital he was stopped. Stopped for autographs, stopped for statements, stopped to sample food or drinks. What was he doing here? Who was running the Fire Kingdom? Try my tea? No my tea! No my fruit tarts! Sign my shirt!

Sokka strolled beside him, politely dragging him out of every conversation he found himself trapped in. 

"My knight in shining armor," whispered Zuko in Sokka's ear as he moved him away from the second woman asking to run her hands through his hair. Sokka laughed, rubbing the back of his neck slightly. 

They turned the corner and stared up at the Jasmine Dragon Tea Shop, walls gold and green with large windows and a huge, circular, green doorway. The door was shut and locked, as Iroh was sitting somewhere in the Fire Nation Palace, but that wasn't an issue - Zuko had the spare key! What was an issue was the group of people sitting in front of the building.

Toph was leaning against the door, twisting her metal bracelet around in the air above her hand. Nalo sat on the floor in front of her, head resting in her hands as she watched Aang pace up and down the stairs. It was an odd sight. Zuko wondered how Aang had managed to avoid the fans from earlier.

There was the fain remains of blood on Aang's cheek. That made no sense... Zuko's brain started working overtime. Wait...where's Katara? Sokka seemed to be asking himself the same question. Toph's head perked up as she sensed them nearing. 

"Twinkletoes, big brother and hot-head are here." Those were new nicknames.

Aang looked panicked as Zuko moved forward. What in the name of Agni was going on?


Welcome back! This took me so long to get out and I apologize :( school just got a bit hectic I think. Also, sorry that this chapter is so long despite not much happening in it. I find it difficult to fit content and actual decent writing (not that mine is actually good loll) into one short-ish chapter at a time when I'm switching between point of views - so if anyone has some advice it would be very appreciated! Do let me know what you think so far? Do you enjoy the story line? I'm not entirely sure how long this is gonna be but I have some ideas for where to take it I suppose :) as always: stay safe and stay happy lovelies! <3

p.s. is 'realized' the American spelling of the word? I'm British and so I'm pretty sure it's with an 's' over here but I'm never sure and don't enjoy that the software tells me its wrong every time :( help a girl who can't spell out hehe

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