Hadrian Sirius Black

By DexilsNotMe

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What happens when Harry Potter finds out he was never Harry Potter? More

Something.. off, she said.
You..are not.. a filthy Potter.
A Wizard.
The Incident of 1981
The Boy Who Lived is Missing
The Mudblood and Ronald Weasley
The Sorting
Better be...
Slytherin House
A Conversation
A Flying Lesson
Brooms and Defense
The New Boy Who Lived
Lestrangest thing Happened in The Library...
A Quidditch Match and the Mirror of Desire
Tom's Surprise
12 Grimmauld Place
Parvati and Padma Patil
A Conversation with Dumbledore
An Unfulfilling End?
A Story from Walburga Black
Never Alone (Ron)
A Visit (Ron)
A Marriage Contract (Draco)
Azkaban and A Reunion
Panic! In The Order of The Phoenix
To the Young Lord
Dobby the House Elf
"Do you think, I am an idiot?"
An Interesting Start to Second Year
Classes Without the Lions (Mostly)
Life On The Other Side (Ginny)
The Royals and The Court
A Faint Heart
The Injured King and the End of Dean Thomas
The L is For Loyalty (Lisa and Lee)
The Change in Hogwarts
No More Lockhart and A Little Bit of Fun
Christmas Break
Christmas Break (Part 2)
Christmas Break (Part 3)
Christmas Break (Part 4)
Christmas Break (Final)
The Chamber of Secrets
Peter Pettigrew
Dementors, Dementors
Welcome Back Hadrian
There Was No Doubt
A Dark Lord's Smile (Tadeus Nott)
Luna Lovegood
The First Attempt
Nightmares (Draco)
The Second Attempt
Rage (Tom)
In "Custody"
The Past (Sirius)
What Mask?
Another Year, Gone (Plus, an Apology)
Dark Elves, Vampires and Surprises (For Dumbledore Mind You)
The Quidditich World Cup
The Quidditch World Cup (Final)
Madeye Moody
Barty Crouch Jr.
A Father's Worry
The Tri-Wizard Tournament
A Deadly Duel
The Three Schools
Viktor Krum
The Inner Circle
Care For Magical Creatures (Charlie)
Fleur Delacour
The Four Champions
Weighing of The Wands
A Dragon For a Companion
Never Change
Moving On
A Dark Lord
To Find That Which is Most Important
The Tides Turn
Dark Times Ahead
The Yule Ball
The Final Task
Lord Krymmenos

Awake at Last

10.2K 444 70
By DexilsNotMe

Awake at Last

For quite some time, two weeks exactly, the school had been dull.

Classes continued on as usual and the amount of dementors surrounding the school, dwindled. More and more urgent letters were being sent to Dumbledore's office, all from wary and angry parents.

Michael Crumbley made sure that the ministry, as well as any parents on the board of education knew exactly what happened to Hadrian under Dumbledore's "watchful eye".

They were less than pleased.

If the Heir of an Ancient and Noble House could be poisoned by a criminal within Hogwarts' walls, what else could happen? What would happen to their own children? The parents were starting to suggest that Dumbledore be taken out of his position.

That was fine with Hadrian's friends..however, they had become awfully depressed without the raven.

Draco especially.

Tom would not speak to him, he didn't even attempt to open their bond. Whenever Draco tried, he would receive extreme backlash, Tom forcing him out of his mind so hard he'd have head aches, sometimes it was like he was being burned. The man wanted nothing to do with him at that moment.

The blonde never left Hadrian's side. When Ron or the others attempted to get him to eat, he would get angry and yell, sometimes he wouldn't respond at all. Other times, Solaris chased them away, not liking her Master's distress.

Anubis and Isis took turns watching after both the blonde and the raven, but they did have to leave to eat or keep their eyes on Dumbledore. They wouldn't want him trying something else.

Remus and Severus often took turns trying to get Draco to go to class or at least sleep more. But it was to no avail. One of his mates was wounded and the other was shunning him.

They understood that the best thing they could do for Draco, was make sure Hadrian was doing well. And he was. His magic was stronger than ever and he was healthy despite being asleep, but that was all they could do. He had to wake on his own.

And finally, he did.

It was a Monday morning and Draco was swaying in his seat, his grey eyes heavy and his stomach snarling at him, but he ignored it. Trying to keep his eyes open just in case...

Hadrian awakened to silence.

That much told him something was wrong. Then there was the fact that he felt extremely sore for some reason. His mouth was basically glued shut but he did feel oddly well rested.

What had happened?

He slowly opened his eyes, taking in his surroundings, then sat up slowly.

~Master!~ came the exclamation and Hadrian raised a brow as both Anubis and Isis proceeded to coddle him, Anubis nudging him affectionately while Isis tightened around his wrist, almost as if she were trying to hug him.

~Anubis, Isis..what's going on? I haven't been asleep that long, have I?~ he hissed back, not noticing the wide eyed, teary eyed stare aimed his way from Draco. The blonde looked as if he might faint as he stared at the raven.

"Hadrian.." the raven turned and his own eyes widened. "Dragon? Why-" he grunted when he was tackled in a tight embrace, pausing when he heard Draco sniffle. He could feel something warm and wet on his neck and he frowned deeply. Was he..crying?

"Draco? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" he asked carefully and the blonde shook in his hold, whimpers escaping his lips as he managed to say, "You were almost gone..and everyone was worried..I was terrified..Tom went nuts and now he won't talk to me and-"

He began to sob uncontrollably and Hadrian's eyes widened as he held the boy close, running his fingers through his hair gently. He didn't know how long he was asleep but he knew it must have been a while because it took several minutes to work his dark elf aura, when usually he could do it in seconds.

Draco slowly relaxed, his sobs ceasing and Hadrian met his bloodshot eyes.

"What do you mean? What happened?"

Draco took a breath and Hadrian listened carefully as he retold everything that had happened two weeks ago, his eyes widening at the very end.

"..what?" he almost hissed and immediately softened his expression when Draco flinched, head lowered, as if he were expecting a reprimand. "I'm not angry at you Dragon. I know it wasn't your fault. I am infuriated with Tom." he said and Draco swallowed.

"Please don't be. He's right. If I had-"

"No. He isn't. Even he has his faults and this is one. He should not be ignoring you for something that was out of your control. I will be speaking with him very soon. For now, I think it is time for you to sleep." Draco attempted to protest, but his eyes were already drooping shut and soon he had fallen asleep right in Hadrian's lap.

"Solaris, make sure he doesn't leave this room." he stated and the large feline nodded. The raven carefully moved Draco to the side, pulling the covers up over him and climbing out of bed. He smiled toward the blonde then yawned and stretched, sighing.

He had to admit, though it was a magical coma, it had to have been the best sleep he's had in a while.

"Hadrian!" breathed a familiar voice and the raven glanced over to see several heads peering into the infirmary door. Those belonging to Ron, Neville, Blaise and the others. As soon as he smiled toward them, the door burst open and he was being tackled in a group hug.

He winced and Ron immediately backed away.

"Sorry! Guys I think you should let go." he grinned and everyone immediately backed up at seeing the slight pained expression on Hadrian's face. "Sorry Hades." said Fred and George scratched his neck sheepishly. "We really missed you." he said, the others nodding in agreement.

"It's alright. But let's not do that again. I didn't think I would be this sore after having been bitten by Anubis." sighed the raven and Neville gave him a look. "You act so calmly even when you've been told you were dying."

"Well I have to be. Or else you all would panic. If I am being honest, I don't remember the pain. Or much of anything besides being angry at that boggart. And now, I am angry at Tom. So I suggest you all tread lightly."

Neville actually looked pale and Blaise and Theo shared a look.

"Right...well do you want to get breakfast? Madam Pomfrey said that even when you wake up, you don't have to attend class unless you really feel up to it." said Parvati and Hadrian hummed as he reached up to stroke Anubis' scales lightly, having missed the habit after being asleep so long.

"I do. After I take a shower and get dressed. And yes, you may walk me to the dungeons." he said when he noticed the hesitant looks aimed his way. "Are you still upset about the boggart?" Neville asked carefully when the raven passed, the Inferno following close behind.

"I am..annoyed. I will speak with someone on that later. Tell me, have I missed much?" said Hadrian, looking toward Neville and he immediately began catching the raven up on all that he had missed.


"Oh." remarked Hadrian once he looked in the mirror of the room he shared with Neville, Ron and Draco.

His hair had grown in the two weeks he had been asleep and for some reason he had the oddest impression he had gotten taller. Maybe that was his ego though.

He did like how wavy it looked and decided he would keep the length until it either got annoying or possibly too hot.

After his shower, he had finally gotten dressed in some fresh robes and he felt much better than before. No longer sore thanks to the potion Severus had given him.

~You look nice, Master.~ said Isis and Anubis hissed in agreement, ~Yes. It is good to show your subjects that even in a crisis, you will prevail.~

Hadrian chuckled at this.

~You assume the students of Hogwarts are my subjects now? That is amusing. But I suppose I wouldn't want Longbottom getting the wrong idea in my absence. Let's go.~ he hissed.

Anubis, after being shrunk to a manageable size (the basilisk in him was beginning to show in his length and weight and it was harder to carry him if he wasn't shrunk), got settled around Hadrian's neck and Isis curled up around his wrist.

The raven and his familiars left the room, making their way down the steps and into the commons. Hadrian was almost surprised when he was greeted by not only the Inferno, but his Hollows as well. Even Remus and Severus had showed up..with a large dog by their side.

The only one that hadn't was Draco and that was on Hadrian's orders. He would not be allowed near Hadrian until he was properly cared for by Madam Pomfrey.

The dog shifted and Hadrian couldn't help but relax when his father brought him into a warm hug.

"You scared me there, pup." he said quietly and Hadrian gave a small, reassuring smile. "It won't happen again, dad." he said and Sirius' expression darkened just slightly, his eyes flashing. "That it won't."

Sirius pulled away and he met the gaze of his friends..his followers.

"We are glad that you are okay now, my King." said Ginny, her head lowered and Hadrian chuckled as the others did the same. He didn't think he'd ever get used to the slight chill that raced down his spine when they referred to him as such. When they bowed to him. It was extremely satisfying.

"As am I. I hope you've kept things orderly while I was asleep?" he remarked and Graham nodded. "Of course. Though, Longbottom has been walking around the school as if he owns it." said the elder Slytherin, rolling his eyes and Adrian scoffed.

"He won't dare go near Neville." he said with a slight smirk and Hadrian chuckled. "Oh yes. I did hear about that. I'll remember to reward you later Neville. All of you, get back to breakfast. Wouldn't want Dumbledore getting suspicious of something." the Hollows nodded and Hadrian watched as they dispersed, almost as if they hadn't been there in the first place.

"It's good to see you walking around again Hades. I missed that superior air you gave off whenever you entered a room." smiled Remus and Severus gave a stiff nod. "Yes..the fear on Longbottom's face is quite amusing. Dumbledore also needs to be put back in his place." he said and Hadrian yawned.

"Of course he does. Shall we?" he remarked and Neville stepped to the side.

"After you, my King." he said and Hadrian smirked.

He took his place at the front of his friends and they left the common room, making their way up to the Great Hall. As they did so, they passed a few upper years who dipped their head toward Hadrian, most grinning and whispering excitedly. Even the ghosts seemed to be happy that he was awake because the Bloody Baron actually greeted the raven.

"I wasn't expecting such a welcome." smiled Hadrian and Neville rolled his eyes. "Hadrian, I'm almost certain fifty percent of the school either adores you or hates you. There is no in between."

"I sometimes wonder if you mean to insult me." replied the raven and Neville gave a smirk. "Only sometimes." Hadrian shook his head and the others started up conversation. He could tell that in his absence, the Inferno hadn't been themselves. Their magic had felt strained when he had first awakened but now, it flowed in perfect unison once again.

It was the same with his Hollows.

The group entered the Great Hall and Hadrian instantly felt the stares of everyone around them. He however didn't shy away from the attention, just held his head up high, his robes sweeping the floor as he took his place at the Slytherin table.

Almost immediately he was being bombarded by people saying hello or asking how he was feeling. There were even quite a few Ravenclaws that offered to let him borrow their notes since he had not been in class.

Blaise was the one to put an end to it with a warning a look that had everyone paling.

The students went back to their seats and Hadrian sighed as Fred filled his plate with more than enough food.

"Mr. Black." came a voice and Hadrian and the Inferno looked up to meet McGonagall's gaze. The Inferno gave the woman cold looks for some odd reason and Hadrian raised a brow as he met her gaze. "Yes?"

"The Headmaster wishes to speak with you after breakfast." she said and turned, making her way back up to the head table where Severus and Remus now sat.

Hadrian glanced at Dumbledore and wasn't surprised when he saw that the old wizard was already staring at him.

"What do you think?" commented Ron and Hadrian hummed as he picked up a fork.

"I think this will be interesting. Let's see if the Light Lord can persuade me in his innocence." he said, chuckling and the others grinned at the maliciousness they could feel from his magic.

Yes, this would be interesting.

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