Observing Fate/Grand Order

By Sherlock145

320K 2.8K 2K

A certain vampire has gotten bored and wanted to do something of his spare time. So he decided to make charac... More

Fuyuki (Part 1)
Fuyuki (Part 2)
Fuyuki (Finale)
A Christmas Special
Intermission 1
Orleans (Part 1)
Orleans (Part 2)
New Year Special
Orleans (Part 3)
Orleans (Part 4)
Orleans (Finale)
Intermission 2
Septem (Part 1)
Special: Crypter Phantasm
Septem (Part 2)
Septem (Part 3)
My Apologies
Readers Be Warned
Halloween Special
Septem (Part 4)
Christmas Special [Part 2]
New Years (Special Part 2)
Septem (Finale)
7th Anni. Special


31.5K 221 67
By Sherlock145

(A/N: Okay this is the first time I am doing a reaction fanfic and I am kind of nervous on knowing what I am suppose to be doing right now.)

(Also, Yes. I am making my OC yet it might take some time but also I am not planning on revealing him just yet. I am going to do it during the middle of one of the chapters or parts of this fanfic.)

(By the way, I will add more characters from each Fate franchise to the story to make it more interactive with each character along with some funny scenes about each other.)

(So anyways, here's the list of when I am planning to put them in:)

Fate/Stay Night- Prologue and Fuyuki

Fate/Apocrypha (Black Faction)- Orleans

Fate/Extra (Good guys)- Septem

Fate/Extra (Bad guys)- Okeanos

Fate/Apocrypha (Red Faction)- London

Lord El-Melloi Case Files & Fate/Zero- Fate/Accel Zero

Fate/Kaleid Prism- Magical Girl Collab

Fate/Extella (Link)- E Pluribus Umum

Fate/Prototype- Camelot

Fate/Strange Fake & ???- Babylonia

Fate/Requiem- Shinjuku

Fate/Extra CCC- Seraphinx

???- Shimousa

Fate/Redline- Gudaguda 3 Holy Grail War

(Without further ado, Let us begin.)


Within the Kaleidoscope...

"It sure is boring here," an old man stated as she stated on his chair with a book and a telephone on a table. He was continuing doing his daily job in watching the Kaleidoscope as time pass but being stuck in the chair to watch the world can be boring. Especially when he watched multiple Holy Grail Wars for the protagonist to win. Yet, it did not satisfy him enough.

He was currently watching the Last Master of Humanity battling series of otherworldly threats as he looked at the boy couple of times the trouble he went through. He knows that no mages or maguses would accept the boy's accomplishments and the struggles he went through to keep Humanity living.

Nonetheless, he felt bad for Ritsuka Fujimaru who pushed himself to do the impossible in sacrifice for his life.

"If only people know what great endeavors he has accomplish," he stated before he sensed something right behind him.

"There is always another way to get it done you know," an unknown voice spoke out to the old vampire as he turned around to face the owner of the voice who was shrouded in darkness.

"I may not know who you are, but I believe you are a Servant correct," he asked the shadow as it nodded its head before stepping into the light.

Upon reveal, he wore a white trousers hidden behind brown scholar robes with a brown French hat on top of his black hair. His emerald eyes gave off a clever look between his sideburns as he brought a chair out of nowhere and sat down near the old vampire.

"I suppose an introduction is in order," he stated as the old man gave off a suspicious and serious look on his face. "I cannot reveal my True Name right now but you can call me Caster if you like," he called himself to the regal old man as he was still suspicious on his behavior. Nonetheless, it was his turn to introduce himself.

"I am Kischur Zelretch Shweinorg. But you can call me Zelretch for short. I am the one that controls the Kaleidoscope of the worlds," he introduced himself to Caster.

"It is a pleasure to meet you guardian of the Kaleidoscope. I couldn't help but overhear what you said about what's his name... Ritsuka Fujimaru am I correct," Caster recalled the problem that the old man when he arrived.

"What is it that you want with him," Zelretch kept his serious look on Caster and readied himself to fight against an unknown opponent.

"I have no means to fight him or you. All I wanted was to grant your wish and solve your problem," Caster offered as the Wizard Marshall still kept his guard up.

"I will reveal my True Name once the time is right but for now," he handed a list to the old man as he begin to read through it. "Can you gather these people for me while I prepare my arrangements for yourself and for them," he asked as he disappeared into Spirit Mode.

"Tsk, of all things that I have been given. A chore is something I do not want to do," Zelretch grumbled in annoyance as he looked at the list again to see who he needs to deliver. (A/N: It is the list on top.) "I hate to say this but this Caster is probably more organized than I am," the old man mumbled to himself to make sure he wasn't being heard before disappearing to find his first batch of characters.


In Fuyuki City 2004...

"Hey Emiya-kun," a teenage girl with black haired-pigtails wearing a red shirt over her black skirt walked over to the boy with rusted-like hair and copper eyes.

"Oh Rin! Is there something that you need," Shirou Emiya said as he was in the middle of cooking food for Saber and Rin.

"By the way, what we start doing now since we are teamed up," she asked the boy who was wondering what he should be doing right now since he has entered the Holy Grail War.

"Shirou. We should make sure that no one is spying on us or staging an ambush," Saber seriously stated as she wore Rin's old household clothes.

"Don't worry I sent Archer to keep on a lookout while we chat," Rin explained until a delightful aroma filled the nostrils of both women as they knew what that mean.

"Foods ready everyone," Shirou called out as he was finished cooking their dinner. As they begin to sit down, they were suddenly greeted by an old man who somehow got into the house unnoticed.

"Shirou get behind me," Saber called to her Master as she materialized her armor and went into stance while Rin pulled out her gems to call forth Archer who immediately came after her short outburst.

"YOU," Archer growled at the old man who was still casually sitting there eating Shirou's dinner.

"I have to say this is delicious. This is nothing like I had for a longest of time. You are truly an amazing cook Mr. Emiya Shirou," the old man complimented the boy who was unsure what to say. "Archer my old friend how have you been doing lately," he smiled at the Archer who growled in dismay after seeing how he still act the same way he is. Yet, a few questions hit him, how is he here and why is he here?

"Still the same as ever I see. Anyways, I am going take you on a magical journey and my friend on the other side will explain what is going on as I round up the others," he quickly explained as he pulled out his sword which got Rin's eyes to widen in surprised before they were quickly taken out of the manor.

"Now then who's next," he murmured as he crossed out their names off the list and disappeared to find more victims (read: audience).


Location Unknown...

"S---ou! Sh--ou," a voice cried out to the boy as he groaned in pain due to what trick the old man pulled.

"H-y id-ot wak- up," a rude tone filled an unknown voice as Shirou tried to regain his consciousness as he begin to open his eyes.

"Emiya-kun!" Rin shouted as Saber and Archer were already in combat stance. To there surprise, they have transported to somewhat a familiar setting.

"Where are we Shirou," Saber asked her Master as he begin to focus on his surroundings as he begins to find out where they are. Popcorn, gift shop, soda, snacks, a ticket booth. There was one answer that Shirou can say.

"I think we are in a cinema," he responded but Saber did not understand what is a cinema while still having her guard up. "It's a place where you can go and watch movies," he explained to Saber as it make sense but she cannot help but feel that someone is watching them.

All of the sudden, a bright light appeared in front of them as more people fell down to the ground. A tall person with pink hair and a strange blindfold safely took the person with violet hair down while the boy with dark wavy blue hair faceplanted to the ground.

Another was a malevolent girl with a hood to conceal her identity as she floated to the ground along with her Master. The samurai with the long katana gracefully landed right besides them.

Then a brown giant who was carrying a giant rock slab ax with a little white haired girl came crashing towards the ground leaving a small crater.

The man in the blue spandex landed soon after with a priest on tow. Later came a blond-haired man with red eyes, who was wondering what was going on here.

Eventually, a girl with a tuxedo and a nun came falling towards the ground while a man covered in tattoos landed right besides them.

As this was not weird enough, the growing tensions between the servants began to radiate throughout the entire cinema as they all gathered their weapons. "What are you doing here Gilgamesh," Saber glared at the blond man as he was preparing to fight her by shooting his weapons from his portals.

"Are you really going to fight me or are you trying to show me how hard you have to make me chase you," he joked as Saber was beyond furious at this point.

"So... ready for round two," Lancer smirked at Archer who had his weapons up as well.

"Ready as you are Dog," he taunted the Lancer.

"Tsk... That old man," Caster cursed as she was at a massive disadvantage with Berserker and Rider. Not even Assassin can help out due to the fact that another Assassin, this time with a skull mask, came down from the ceiling after Souichirou blocked his thrown dagger.

Before the fight can escalate any further,


A voice boomed throughout the cinema as a strange power within the area started to put pressure on everyone to the point that they were now either kneeling or laying face down to the ground. 

"Grrr... Who dares puts their king like this," Gilgamesh snared as he tried to get back up but to no avail.

"S-Saber. I think the best way is to put away your weapon," Shirou stated as Saber widened her eyes in disbelief.

"Shirou don't be foolish this man is our enemy," she hollered but to her surprise, Caster, Rider, Sasaki Kojirou, Assassin, and Berserker put away their weapons as they stood up easily. Archer, Lancer, and Avenger, who saw this did the same thing as well as they dematerialize their arms and gravity lessen on their backs as they helped their Masters.

"O-Okay. I trust you Shirou," Saber said as she dematerialize her sword and came towards her Master. 

Gilgamesh, on the other hand, was still furious that someone forced him to be in this position as he tried to use his Gate of Babylon to shoot whoever did this to him but he tried to do so...

*Shing* *Bzam* *Boom*

Two small orbs that caught everyone's attention flew to the Golden King as one of them with rings became a spinning blade while another one flew itself like a fireball as it hit the portals of Gilgamesh's Noble Phantasm.

"Tsk," Gilgamesh angrily cursed before Saber walked up to him with a serious look on her face.

"King of Heroes if you don't get your act up soon we will not get out of here," she commanded him. He was still frustrated when his portals was destroyed along side the fact that Saber talked him down. He gave up as he dismissed his Treasury and stood up from the ground without saying thank you.

"I congratulate you King of Knights for letting me not using  my powers to restrain him," the mysterious voice applauded Saber who widened her eyes in surprise. How did it know her True Name that easily? She had her sword covered with Invisible Air all the time since Shirou did not have enough mana to support her Noble Phantasm.

"S-Show yourself," Saber commanded the voice as she felt uneased after his declaration.

"Very well then," it stated as footsteps came down from one of the floors and everyone paid attention to the owner of the voice. Surprise to say in all of their faces, it was not the old man that carried them to the cinema but the "friend" he mentioned.

"It is a pleasure to meet you all," he bowed to everyone. "Welcome to the Amphitheater of Time. I am one of your host, Caster. It is a pleasure that you all came here," he introduced himself while Rin burst in anger towards him.

"CAME?! We were kidnapped by an old man and you welcome us?! Yet I have to say your kind of nice for a Servant that we don't even know," she stated as she realized that he was acting friendly towards them.

"I do apologize by Zelretch's behavior. He was bored after all so I decided to fulfill his wish by bringing you all here. Despite the fact that he was the one who brought you all here, I was the one who built this cinema," he explained while Rin widened her eyes in surprise upon hearing the name of the old man that brought them here.

"Did you say Zelretch?! The user of Second Magic and the one that is controlling the Kaleidoscope," she stated bewilderedly while Caster chuckled.

"You are correct, young lady! Indeed I am with Zelretch but he is not my Master. You can say I am a Rouge Servant or a Servant without a Master," he informed the group while the other Caster and Illya was confused.

"How are you still here if you do not have any mana to support you," they both said together as they looked at each other for a minute before scoffing away from each other.

"Well you see Witch of Betrayal and child of Irisveil von Einzbern, this amphitheater is stationed outside of time and space itself along with the Kaleidoscope. The mana density is greater here than at home so you don't have to worry if you ran out," he explained but it shocked the other Caster and Illya on how did he know those names.

"Before I can tell you why are you here, let me guess the rest of your names," Caster stated as he begins to name off the others. "Cu Chulainn, Caren, Bazett, Angra Maniu, Sasaki Kojioru, Souichirou Kuzuki, Hassan of the Cursed Arm, Medusa, Sakura Matou, Shinji Matou, EMIYA (Archer), Heracles, and Kirei Kotomine. Yep, that's everyone," he finished as everyone was surprised how he was able to get everyone's name right.

"So what is it that you want to show us," Sasaki asked the mysterious Caster as he wanted to get to the point.

"Alright, Alright. Anyways, I will go straight to the point. The wish Zelretch wanted to fulfill was to let people watch a boy named Ritsuka Fujimaru for some reason even I don't know," he explained which got everyone confused. Why did he brought them all here when he does not know why?

"That can all be explained when you go inside," Zelretch explained as he appeared to the group.

"I have did what you asked," Caster bowed to Zelretch who dismissed him on regard.

"Go to the projection room. I will tell you the orders from there," he instructed the Heroic Spirit as he went to the right side of the room that led to the heart of the amphitheater. "Everyone follow me," he ordered the group. Although Gilgamesh, once again, did try to attack him, the Caster somehow able to make the Golden King follow the rules.

"Say Rin," Shirou whispered to her as he did not want to make the mysterious Caster overhear their conversation.

"What is it Emiya-kun" Rin whispered back as Saber, Archer, Sakura, and Rider looked into the conversation as well.

"Do you have any ideas who that Caster may be" he asked.

"I don't know Shirou but he seems suspicious to me," she stated.

"Not to mention he knows my True Name that easily," Saber disgruntled. She was still surprised how a Caster like him would know her identity already and at least he did not questioned her gender.

"But hearing his accent, I know it's European but I cannot tell if it's Latin, French, Italian, Greek, Spanish, or Turkish" Archer deduced while everyone was surprised that he has known those languages.

"Nonetheless, he still is suspicious. We don't even know his motive," Sakura added on to the conversation.

"I agree. Let's just take him down and go home," Medusa stated before Archer stopped her.

"Wait you fool! We don't even know if this is his Noble Phantasm or not so we need to take extra precautions if we want to fight him. Also his Bounded Field is enormous and that he has the advantage over us. Look how he handled the King of Knights and Gilgamesh. That makes him him more of a dangerous threat than to any of us," he explained while silently shouting to Rider.

"I hate to say this but we need to work together if we want to take him down," Saber concluded unknowing that everyone else made the same conclusion.

"Everyone. We are here," Zelretch announced as two large doors open for everyone as they stepped inside the heart of the Amphitheater. Upon entering, there were many rows of chairs aligned with each other with tables not to far from their sights. On one side of the room there was a giant white blank screen and on the other side was a large window with light coming out from it. Prior to Shirou's knowledge, that must be the projection room that the mysterious Caster is currently in right now.

"Saber! Shall we sit in front of the screen together? You don't need that mongrel of your Master," Gilgamesh offered to Saber who reluctantly declined his offer. Her main goal still stand to protect her Master from any harm as she was still uncomfortable of sitting near her enemies of the Holy Grail.

"Souichirou-sama," Medea happily cling to her lover who still had that stone cold face. Despite the situation she is in, she wanted to thank the mysterious Caster for helping to build her relationship with her Master.

"Rider this might be a good experience for us," Sakura stated as Medusa nodded her head with agreement. Shinji on the other hand wanted to win the Holy Grail War but with every Servant within vicinity waiting to strike, he though that he might as well take a break from fighting.

"Although I wanted to fight better opponents, I guess watching a movie won't hurt a little," Sasaki Kojirou mumbled as he laid his feet on the table while looking at Cursed Arm who still had his guard up.

"Well, although I was not expecting something like a family reunion I can dig with it," Lancer easily accepted the situation as he sat down next to Bazett who was happy to see her old partner again.

"I will keep an eye on these two while this is happening," Caren pointed to the Avenger and the false priest who still seem dangerous to all of them.

"Berserker, let's try to have once in a while shall we," Illya called out to Heracles as he roared in approval.

"Before we begin," Zelretch stated as he sat on his usual chair. "You may find some similarities with his battle and yours so pay very close attention even to the smallest detail." He focused his attention towards the screen while everyone else questioned what he meant by that.

"Shall we begin?" Caster called out to everyone as the room lights begin to dim and the scene begins to play.


(A/N: Welp, that's it for this prologue of this reaction fanfic. Just to be honest and I will say this again, this is the first time that I am doing this reaction fanfic so I highly advise some comments and criticism if you feel that I should improve on something.)

(Also, my OC's True Name has yet to reveal itself. I am letting you guys think what Heroic Spirit I chose as my OC. You can find clues throughout this fanfic and try to find out who he is.)

(I will try to work on the Fuyuki section some time around but anyways, I will try my best to try to please you as soon as possible.)

(Anyways, I will see you all later.)

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