Beyond the Boundaries (Comple...

By LoveRed25

160K 1.4K 146

Thanks for showing so much love my dear readers! To both Beyond the boundaries and its sequel The Summer We C... More

Author's note
Chapter- 1 Broken
Chapter- 2 Realizations
Chapter- 3 Decisions
Memories (1)
Chapter- 4 Preping up
Chapter- 5 Farewell
Memories (2)
The Frozen Heart Teaser chapter
Thank You!
Sinfully, Yours
Out Now!
The Summer We Changed (Chapter-1)
The Summer We Changed (Chapter-2)
The Summer We Changed (Chapter-3)
The Summer We Changed (Chapter-4)
Author's Note!
Temptation: The Illusion (Book 1)
Avenge Marriage
Other Works!

The Summer We Changed (Chapter-5)

483 2 0
By LoveRed25

Jenny Simpson's house was gigantic, no wonder she was so high and mighty all the time. I could hear the muffled music and cheering as we walked in. Jenny was standing outside in a short black dress, escorting people inside with her fake, all teeth showing smile. Adrian tightened his grip on my hand and shot me a God Save Me look and I giggled.

"Ah, Adrian!" She exclaimed in her sing song voice and stuttered towards him in her gigantic heels. "I though you wouldn't come!" She gave him a flirty smile and hugged him, pressing her body unnecessarily into him.

She had a really curvaceous body with tiny waist and huge ass and unrealistically perfect breasts. With technological advancement over the years, a laser surgery can get you a body like that in less than half an hour and I can bet my ass that's what she did. Bitch.

"Yeah, I thought that too," Adrian murmured moving away from her clutches, all the while his hand was grasping mine firmly which filled me with immense pleasure. "But we were hassled, so here we are,"

"I am so glad," She smiled with her perfect teeth. "Hey there, Elena! You look good,"

I knew she was wearing a teeth-shaper. It was a a computerised thing designed for your teeth to hide all the imperfections and flaws and brighten and whiten them as per your need. And the biggest perk was that it was invisible because it was completely transparent so nobody will ever know. It was a futuristic version of braces that people with crooked teeth used to wear during the time of mom and dad. I had seen a few pictures of mom in braces and no offence but those thing looked real ugly!

"Thanks, Jenny," I muttered without enthusiasm. She knew I don't like her, what's the point of pretending then?

"Alright guys," She said, her whole attention toward Adrian even if she was saying 'guys' "Kudo, my house robot here will show you to the pool house. Enjoy,"

"Great," Adrian nodded, eager to move from her lustful stare. "Shall we go, Elena?"

"Of course," I nodded and we followed the stupid looking robot with even a more stupid name down the hall.

"Do you think they were real?" I whispered in Adrian's ear.

"What were real?" He asked, frowning at me.

"Her breasts, do you think they were real?" I asked, very curious. No body at this age can have that perfect breasts. It was unreal.

"Jesus, how would I know," He rolled his eyes, looking horrified. "Stop thinking about such things and enjoy the party!"

"Okay, okay!" I laughed at his embarrassed face. Jesus, he was really an innocent person for his age.

It was a typical pool house like the one Dad plans on building in our place. A small typically one bedroom space house with a humongous pool which was now filled with people drinking and hooting. As we walked down the stairs, the spotlights turned to us and instantly a set of fireworks went off in the sky saying, Welcome Adrian! The crowd of people both inside and outside the pool turned towards us and cheered so loudly at the sight of him that it was almost deafening.

"Wow," I muttered, feeling a little mad. I knew she did this intentionally, the bitch!

"Don't worry about it, Ellie," He smiled at me. "You know why she does stuff like that,"

"Ugh, I wish sometimes that you were not you," I muttered under my breath, feeling significantly inferior in front of him.

"Really?" He smiled his boyish smile at me and I rolled my eyes.

"No," I muttered and then eventually smiled at him. It was hard to be mad at him just because he was so popular. That was so petty.

"Hey you guys!" Someone waved at us. "Come on, are you going to stand there all day!"

"Let's go," I said and he nodded in agreement.

There was not a single person from our senior year who was not there. The music was so loud that I felt like my ears would pop. Thanks to the soundproof walls otherwise the neighbors would have definitely sued the Simpsons. There were boxes and boxes of alcohol and even a mini beer wending machine by the pool.

"Hey there, Elena!" A voice said and I turned to see Jamie Crosby from another section stalking towards me in his wet swimming trunks. He and Adrian were the two competitors in our school when it comes to good looks. But while Adrian was the good boy, Jamie was exactly the opposite. Last year he did a big drama by confession his so-called love for me in front of the entire school. He was suspended for a month for pulling such a stupid stunt but I made a mental note to avoid him as long as we both were in the same school.

"Hey there, Jamie," I muttered, not bothering to look at him at all. He staggered towards me,heavily drunk already and placed a wet arm on my naked shoulder.

"Do you look beautiful," He grumbled with his iconic flirty lop-sided smile, showing his perfect teeth. "Let me get you a drink, come,"

"Er no...thanks," I said. "I am good,"

"Oh come on, Ellie!" Jamie squealed, squeezing my shoulder. It was so annoying but his arm was too heavy for me too shrug off.

"Her name is Elena," Adrian hissed, appearing from nowhere. Where did he go anyway? But wherever it was, I was glad he was back and man does he look pissed!

"Huh? So what only you can call her Ellie?" Jamie grumbled, his words were a little slurry. How did he mange to get so drunk so soon?

"Yes," Adrian answered, eyeing him shrewdly. He looked down at me, grab my arm and gave it one swift tug. I clambered over to him with a jerk and Jamie who was somehow standing with my support wavered on his two left feet! Ha! That's my man!

"You asshole!" Jamie growled, waving the beer bottle at Adrian. "She is not your girlfriend, let go off her!"

"That's none of your bloody business," Adrian answered coolly. "Fuck off now,"

Fuck off! Adrian said fuck off! Oh dear...

"Do you want to fight?" Jamie barked, looking lethal. "Huh? Let's fight Adrian fucking Davis! Come on...let's make it clear to everyone who's the best,"

By now the entire school that was present here have gathered by the pool, half cheering for Adrian and the other half for Jamie. I watched horrified as Adrian removed his suit jacket and draped it over my right shoulder. He then loosened his tie and gracefully folded up his sleeves, looking a little scary.

"No, Adrian," I whispered, pleadingly. "Let him go this time. Please?"

"It's high time," He hissed his dark eyes even darker. "He needs to stop harassing you. And I think it's time people should know who actually is the best,"

"But.." I started but in vain because he was strolling towards Jamie with a determined look. I grimaced at the thought of Adrian fighting. He was not the type to fight with others. Adrian was more of a reserved person, minding his own business.

He reached Jamie in two long strides and grabbed his collar, taking him by surprise. Jamie who was really drunk clawed around the air missing Adrian every time. It was actually funny to watch him trying to punch Adrian again and again. I thought Adrian was going to punch him but to my surprise and everybody else's as well, he merely pushed Jamie backwards and he toppled straight into the pool, clawing wildly as the cold water knocked some sense into his stupid brain. The crowd burst out laughing and I couldn't help but smile.

"I only fight equals," Adrian said, squatting down by the edge of the pool. "Stay away from Elena,"

He wiped his hands and then casually strolled towards me, looking somewhat pleased with himself. The crowd hooted and cheered his name and I smiled. That was really something.

"That was cool," I smiled when he was standing beside me. "A new Adrian,huh?"

"Nobody touches you," He answered with a warm smile as he squeezed my shoulder. I think I almost melted with glee. Maybe, I should try and get into trouble more often so that he can sweep in and protect me! I started to imagine him in red superman underwear and cape and weird looking glasses and the image forming in my head was so hilarious that I laughed out loud.

"What's so funny?" Adrian demanded, looking quizzically at me as we walked over to Ava and Henry, already drowning their second bottle.

"Huh?" I demanded, controlling my hysteria. "Nothing. Nothing at all,"

"Here comes the hero!" Ava chuckled as we reached them and frantically thumped Adrian on his back. "Wohoo!"

She too was drunk...

"To the hero!" Henry cheered and handed us both a bottle of chilled beer each. Both Adrian and I glanced at each other, highly unsure. We have never had alcohol before so we had no idea what our capacity was. Plus who will drive us home?

"Come on, "Henry rolled his eyes and in one swift movement magically broke the neck of the bottle. "Drink! Don't be a sissy!" Adrian looked at me and rolled his eyes, grabbing the bottle from Henry.

"What the hell," He muttered and to my amazement and surprise gurgled down half the bottle in one swift sip. He made such a bad face after finishing half of the drink that I had a good mind no to try one myself. It probably tasted really bad. But as it would happen, Ava wouldn't budge and she shoved the bottle straight down my throat.

"Go, Elena!" Henry cheered. "Go! Go!"

It tasted bad. Absolutely horrible. But it was also kinda cool and refreshing as well. So gaining courage no doubt fueled by the cheering and hooting, I finished my bottle at one go.

"You go girl!" Ava cheered at me. "Damn!"

I wiped my lips and grinned at Adrian who was eyeing me as if seeing a whole new person. He raised his empty bottle in a toast and grinned at me. This night was getting more and more interesting than ever!

By the time it was around midnight both Adrian and I were drunk enough to turn us into two nonsensical fool. We laughed and giggled at no particular reason, toppling twice into the pool as well. I felt like I couldn't be happier and Adrian mirrored by hysteria by laughing and smiling at trivial things. I liked seeing him like that, childish and equally stupid as me.

"Ellie," He murmured, glancing at his watch. "We better get going. It's way past midnight,"

"Oh," I nodded my head in agreement. "How do we get home?"

He stared at me long and hard as if cooking some plan in his smart head and then chuckled, squeezing me with a one arm hug.

"We will walk, Ellie!" He said at last.

I stared at him, horrified. Walk! In these disgusting heels? Was he kidding me?

The streets were deserted as we scrambled through them in the middle of the night. The ruckus that we made was capable enough to arouse the entire neighborhood but maybe we were lucky because that didn't happen. Adrian was singing some song by Veronica Russo which was half Spanish and half English song in his post-puberty heavy male voice. He was a good singer though at least compared to me. When I used to sing it sounded like a cat scratching the walls so naturally when we used to participate in chorus I would get lost in the back mumbling to myself while Adrian would be in the front as always.

"Hey, Ellie!" He halt suddenly making me slam into his back hard. "How about we ring the doorbells of these houses and run away?"

Okay, he was indeed drunk...

"No, I don't think that's a very good idea, Adrian," I muttered, pushing him to keep moving.

"Hmm, you are no fun, Ellie," He muttered, looking disappointed.

"In these bloody heels, I really can't afford to be fun," I grimaced, sitting down on the pavement. Mom will kill me if she spots me sitting like this in my brand new dress. I made a mental note to get it cleaned the first thing in the morning and stow it in the very back of my wardrobe, aka I-am-never-going-to-wear-these -clothes-section.

"I can walk anymore," I groaned, removing the heels. "My feet are all bruised,"

"It's just two blocks more, Ellie," Adrian said, squatting down in front of me to examine my feet. "My, they are bruised. You really aren't the right person for heels,"

"As if I didn't know that," I muttered, rolling my eyes. "Never mind, let's go,"

"Wait!" He said and turned so that his back was to me.

"What are you doing?" I demanded. Was he cooking some crazy plan again?

"Hop on," He answered, patting his back. "I'll carry you rest of the way,"

"You can't even walk straight, Adrian," I pointed. "I don't want to break my back few days before exams,"

"You won't," He said with an encouraging smile. "Hop on now. Quick,"

I eyed him suspiciously, trying to assimilate how drunk he exactly was. But then I was getting the chance to piggyback on his back. I don't care if he drops me but this was too good an opportunity for me to miss. Plus, I trusted him enough to know that drunk or not he won't ever hurt me or let me get hurt.

"Here you go, big boy," I muttered, clinging onto him. "You can't say I am heavy because you offered to carry me,"

"You weight nothing, Ellie," He muttered, standing up with me clinging like a Koala to him. He was so tall that it seemed to me like I was seeing the world in a whole new taller people version. It was nicer than my 5'5 version for sure. "Even though you eat like a horse,"

"Huh?" I dragged my attention back to him. I realised that his long legs have covered quite a distance while I was lost in my observation. "It's a gift only few people have,"

"You just have a fast metabolism," He answered, rolling his eyes and I leaned in a little to pinch his cheeks hard. He cannot insult my gift. Because that's the only God-gifted talent I have.

"Huh, trying to be feisty, are you?" He chuckled and loosened his hold on my back, making me slid down a bit.

"Ahhh!" I cried, clutching at his shirt. "I won't do that again, promise!"

"Good girl," He laughed, patting my back. "Now stay put,"


"Sssh, " I whispered as I punched in the security codes on the main door of my house. My parents were cool enough but I bet they don't want to see us like this...especially not Adrian.

"I am shushed," Adrian whispered. "Do hurry, please,"

"There...done!" I grinned and opening the door as slowly as we could quickly scampered upstairs to my room.

"Home sweet home," Adrian muttered, slumping down on my bed. "Ah, I am tired,"

"Me too," I nodded, fumbling for some medication to apply on my bruises. In the medicine cabinet, I found some kind of ointment that I have seen my sister apply when she used to bruise herself during her volleyball matches. This will do, I hoped.

"What is that?" Adrian inquired, sitting up as I flopped down beside him to apply the gel like stuff.

"Medicine for the bruises," I muttered as I grimaced at the deep red welts on my ankles and heels.

"Damn, here let me do it," He muttered, grabbing the medicine from me. "Do not wear heels again, El,"

"I know," I muttered and groaned as he applied the cool yet hot stuff on my bruised heel. "Ow..that hurts!"

"Just cope with it," He muttered, his focus on my feet as if it was some scientific experiment that he was conducting.

I smiled as I watched him do such a trivial stuff with such outmost concentration and focus. Out of sheer urge and lack of control over my myself, I leaned over and ruffled his hairs. They were so soft. Why does guys always have good hairs naturally?

"What are you doing?" He demanded, looking up. "It's annoying if anybody touches mu hair,"

"Oh really!" I chuckled and ruffled his precious hairs again, harder this time.

"Fine!" He threw the ointment on the bed and stared at me with a determined you-are-dead look. "Have it your way!"

He grabbed my arm and jerked me towards him. I squealed and he grinned at me as he started relentlessly tickling me. Bastard! He knew my weakness! I was a very very very ticklish person and he knew that!

"Stop it!" I groaned, wriggling around him as he mercilessly kept tickling me. All my perfectly done hairs came loose and tears sprang to my eyes from laughing so hard.

"Aww," He stopped, laughing at me. "Poor, Ellie,"

" bastard!" I cried and brought both my hands to hit him. But he grabbed them in time and pulled me towards him. He was quick.

"Mess with me again," He whispered, staring at me with his beautiful dark eyes. My smile faded instantly as I stared back at him. He was so close . I could smell his heady scent and it did things to me.

"You looked really beautiful tonight, Ellie,"He whispered, tucking my stray hairs behind my ears. "The prettiest of all,"

I forgot how to breath. He was so close and somehow he seemed different. Like I was seeing him in a bright new light. Ultra-high definition to be exact. He was so beautiful that it took my breath away.

I stared at him dazed and his expression mirrored mine.

What was happening...


A/n: Hey guys! So these were the first five chapters of The Summer We Changed. I hope you liked it and if you did...don't for get to check it out! Its ongoing and daily updated so no waiting!

Here's the link

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