My Tutor (A Nouis Fanfic) (On...

By LoveforNialler

234K 5.6K 1.5K

When Niall Horan finds himself struggling with his maths work; a new kid in school may just be able to help h... More

My Tutor (A Nouis Fanfic) (One Direction Fanfic)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15: Epilogue

Chapter 9

11.7K 275 90
By LoveforNialler

Okay, just a quick note: If you haven't already heard about my sexy best friend 'Bougal' go check her out, she's writing a JLS Fanfic that I'm sure you would enjoy if you gave it a chance, it has that subtle funniness about it that you can't miss out on! so what are you waiting for? GO, GO CHECK IT OUT! Hope you enjoy this chapter, don't you forget to leave a comment with your thoughts! cause I love to hear about what your thinking :L (in the least creepy way possible)

Chapter 9

This was such a stupid idea. It really was, how the hell my mind convinced it would be okay to stop by Louis' house and somehow convince him that we should be study partners again, I have no idea. I'm so stupid. Now I'm, god damn, looking like an idiot because Louis already clearly found someone else to tutor.

Some how in my crazy mind; I'd thought that this was our special thing. He was my tutor, and I'd let him go and now I was regretting it like hell. But bloody Zayn of all people! I knew that guy was up to something, and now he's taken the best thing to happen to me around here for a long time.

As soon as harry told me that it was him and Zayn that took him home on Friday, I knew something was up. Zayn's always been the kind of person to go for whatever he can get out of people, and as much as I hated that fact, it didn't stop me from feeling like we were brothers. He is one of my closest friends. And I've always blamed that side of him on his neglected child hood.

Well, no; I am not going to let this happen. Louis is mine. And no matter whom the hell thinks they can get in my way, they can go through me before getting to my Lou.

Feeling embarrassment and anger pulsing through my veins I walked away from Louis' house and began my walk home.
Josh's house wasn't too far away from Louis', in fact, it was literally down the street, so it wasn't like I'd made a serious detour to get to his house.

I hadn't said a word. Not one word to anyone when I finally lay down in my bed; Feeling far too confused and upset to want anything to do with anyone. I'd let the best guy ever slip through my fingers and it was my own entire fault.

(Louis' POV)

I lay down in bed, not being able to get the picture of Niall's hurt face out of my mind. It was almost like I'd betrayed him; why had he even turned up at my house? I'm so confused.
I rolled over and sighed loudly.
The bittersweet silence that I welcomed was rudely disturbed by a knock at my bedroom door.
"Come in," I stated, feeling grouchy.
"Hey Lou," said an all too familiar voice. I turned over to look at Lottie with a sigh...

"What do you want?" I said, not really feeling in the mood to talk to anyone.
"I just...” she tried to get the right words with a sigh she moved into the room slowly, "I just wanted to know if you were okay."
These words making me feel instantly guilty for being somewhat rude to her.
"I don't know... Everything is so confusing... I feel like I've made some sort of mistake even though I know I haven't," I tried to explain feeling tears welling in my eyes.

"What's happened?" She whispered as she lay down beside me, looking at me with a sad smile.
I made a long explanation about all the happenings of that day right up to the moment when I found Niall on our door step, describing Niall's facial expressions as he noticed Zayn right beside me, in excruciating detail.
She was nodding along as I tried to explain what was going on.
"So was that Zayn that you were tutoring today?" She asked.
"Yeah," I said, "but I don't understand why I feel so guilty for having Zayn over. I feel like I've somehow cheated on Niall... And it's totally crazy!" I let out a groan of frustration.

"Maybe it because you wish it was Niall that was with you tonight?" She questioned, "I don't know Lou, I'm not a therapist, but I have a feeling from the way you described Niall's reaction, that he is feeling the same as you..."
"It's all so complicated!" I groaned out; pushing my head into my pillow.

"I don't even want to tutor god damn Zayn. I want Niall, for god sake!" I whimpered out; my words being muffled by my pillow. I pulled my head out to look back at Lottie, who was looking at me sympathetically.
"But there's nothing I can do about it, I can't be rude and tell Zayn to go elsewhere, and I can't go begging Niall to be mine either!" I said tears dripping down my face. "Nothing seems to be going right and I'm so sick of this whole thing." Lottie pulled me in for a hug, and I took it willingly.

She rubbed my back in comfort as I began to cry into her shoulder. For a 14 year old, Lottie was mature for her age, and I bet if you checked out her mental age, it would be in the late 30s, though she can be very energetic she also can be one of the best people to talk to when you just needed someone to reassure you life will get better.

(Niall's POV)

I couldn't get to sleep. So I came up with a clever plan; a classic, a plan that never fails, well, of which I'd heard.

The Jealousy card.

As much as I didn't want to have to use anyone to get what I wanted, which was obviously Louis, I needed to. Desperate times called for desperate measures!
So I pulled out my phone and massaged the first girl I knew... Demi.
I knew Demi was only using me in the first place to get into the 'in' crowed, and she clearly had no actual intention of us being in a real 'lovie-dovie' relationship, so I would just have to take what I could and milk the small relationship to it maximum.
The seed had already been planted for me and Demi, so all I had to do was act the part. Pretty perfect.

It wouldn't take much to convince Lou that we were in a relationship, so all I had to do was wait for Lou to make some kind of indication that he was jealous and I would make my move based on the results.
Being honest, I just wanted to finally know if Louis really did return my feelings or not, because I needed to know that I wasn't nothing to him, that I meant something with in that deep loving heart of his.
And if it turned out that he doesn't then I'm sure that no harm will of been done, I'll just string Demi along for a while longer then break up so that I can deal with my heart break at the new that Louis actually doesn't care on my own, while people think I'm dealing with the heart break of Demi and no one would be any of the wiser...

God, all this scheming was making me hungry.

(Louis' POV)

The next day I woke to find my eyes sticky and my cheeks tight with dry tears. I let out a yawn as I got ready for another day of tiresome school.

But if I thought I was confused last night, it was nothing compared to how confused I was when I entered the cafeteria today.

My eyes searched the room for Niall, like they did every day, unconsciously. But when my eyes found there target my heart dropped a mile.

What happened? Why was Niall sitting with that 'Demi' girl on his lap?
They looked so cosy and happy; she let out a loud laugh as Niall smiled at her. She was clearly laughing at something he had said to her because she slapped him playfully.

I hadn't realised I'd stopped moving until I felt a presence beside me making me come back to reality as they began to speak to me.
"Hey Lou!" Harry said smiling, "fancy coming to sit with us today?" I looked over at him and smiled out of appreciation.

As much as I wanted to say no, because I knew that he would be sitting with Niall, something told me I need to find out more about Niall and Demi.
"Sure," I said, "If you’re sure?" Feeling a needlessly awkward. I already knew Zayn and Harry and Niall, Liam was the only one I hadn't actually talked to yet.

"Of course I'm sure!" He smiled, his cute dimples showing and his green eyes sparkling with happiness.
He put a light hand on my back as he steered me to his table.
I looked over to where I usually sat with Eleanor and Danielle, and noticed they were looking over at me confused, I just shrugged and giving them the "I have no idea what's going on" look. Danielle just smiled while Eleanor looked somewhat disappointed, that I wasn't sitting with her today.

The pressure on my back drifted away, making my attention drawn back to harry who was patting on the seat of a chair next to him at the table, clearly signalling for me to have a seat.

I smiled weakly and sat down. There was an eerie silence that fell upon the table and all eyes landed on me.
"Hey guys, you know Louis?" Harry said smiling at them. Zayn smiled at me; and I smiled back, feeling welcome. My eyes were drawn to Niall, who seemingly wasn't paying any attention to the interactions of the table; rather he was more wrapped up in that Demi girl sitting on his lap poking his nose playfully. I could feel my heart shrinking; I wanted to be doing that. Niall let out a bittersweet laugh moved his face from her hand as she fought to poke his cheeks.
"I don't think you've met Liam yet?" Harry interrupted my thoughts. I quickly looked over at him with a smile.
"No, but I've heard all about him from Danielle," I laughed, "I just about know all about his little quirks and his 'ultra soft lips'" I quoted Danielle in a girly voice, I let out a fake dreamy sigh. Harry and Zayn let out a husky laugh as someone else joined the table.

It only took one glance for me to sum it up to be Liam, his hair just as I had imagined after all the talk that Danielle would ramble about how soft it was to run her fingers through.
"Speak of the devil," Harry laughed,” Liam, this is Louis."
He looked over at me with a bright smile. He nodded at me raising his hand in acknowledgement.
I smiled back at him giving him a small awkward smile.

After a long chat that consisted of just me Harry Zayn and Liam, I found that I felt more comfortable with them. Niall had ignored my presence the whole time I was there. I constantly caught myself glancing at him, catching him doing sickly sweet couples stuff with Demi, feeding each other pizza and stroking each other’s hair, and kissing. It was hard to watch, so I restricted myself not to looking at him at all.

When the bell rang I looked over at harry with a smile, because next lesson's geography. Harry and I began to make a retreat from the table together but I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned to see Zayn smiling at me.
"Hey," I said smiling brightly, "what's up?"
"Are you busy tonight?" He said. I suddenly felt really, really awkward.

"No, I'm not" I said smiling; he returned the smile, checking his watch quickly, then looking in a bit of a rush.
"I'll text you tonight," he said with a wink.
It caught me off guard so I didn't really react, as he walked away quickly.

"Come on Lou!" Harry shouted grabbing my arm pulling me towards my next lesson. I quickly followed.

(Zayn's POV)

I rushed off with a smile plastered on my face. I made my familiar way to art feeling giddy as hell.
"Zayn," said, a nasal, posh, girl’s voice of my so called 'girlfriend' Perrie. I turned to where I'd heard the voice to find her strutting towards me in her high bright pink heals, and with a short skirt that looked more like a belt, and her bleach blonde hair in curls, bouncing on her shoulders. Her outfit; seriously, you'd find more fabric on a tea towel.
"Oh hey Perrie," I said trying to show some kind of interest in what she had to say, even if I didn't really care.
She finally made it up to me in one piece, which I was surprised because I was pretty sure she was going to fall, one of twice on the journey.
"How's my beautiful boyfriend today?" She said smiling sweetly, reaching up to give me a kiss which much to my displeasure, I had to go through with.
"Fine," I said when she finally got off me. "How's my stunner of a girlfriend?" I said winking at her. The words burned a tiny bit on their way out, I didn't want to pretend anymore.
"She's perfect," she giggled, looking down at her watch with a sign "and late, see you later Zayniee" and she rushed off.

Perrie had changed. When I first met her she was so lovely! She was perfect, my total princesses; But our love has died for me. Basically I was just keeping her around for entertainment, while I had my eyes on other things. I didn't want to hurt her feelings. I just couldn't bring myself to do something about it.

I finally made it to art, and I look my sketch book out. I looked through it, I hadn't done it in a while and I couldn't really remember what was at the start of it. I flicked through it, but stopped on a particular picture that I could vividly remember drawing... It was of Perrie. She was beautiful in the picture, before the bleaching of her hair, and the high heels and the bright lipstick and the short shirts, when our love was at its highest, when we were together every night. These days she seemed too wrapped up in being 'Zayn Malik's girlfriend'.

(Louis’ POV)

Harry kept texting me in lesson with things that I couldn’t help but laugh at.
Omg, I swear, I just saw sir’s under wear when he bent over to talk to Oliver Ground!

I let out a loud laugh, but quickly covered my mouth. I looked over to see Harry looking at sir, who was still bent over the table infront of him, Harry’s face of utter mortification.
Get in there Harry! We all know you have a serest love for sir’s arse!

I watched Harry’s face when he read it, he’s lips pulled up into an amused smile.
Nope, pretty sure that’s you! We’ve all seen how you look at sir, lustfully when his butt’s in your face!

I chuckled, Harry was so funny.
Shut up. You like granny fanny.

Harry shifted back in his chair covering his face with his hand as he let out a laugh.
Granny fanny? You’re such a weirdo Lou.

Oh yeah! Don’t you deny it! I’ve seen the way you look at Mrs Nelly!

Mrs Nelly isn’t that old! She’s only in her early 30s at highest!

I laughed at reading, Harry’s defensive talk of Mrs Nelly.
You so want to take her home and get her in your bed! 

I teased him for the rest of the lesson about how much he wanted to go out with Mrs Nelly and we laughed at the silliest childish things. It was one of the funniest lesson’s I’d had in a long time, and it was nice to just find someone who wanted to be friends with no conditions or reasonability’s and feelings.

When the bell rang I made my way out of lesson laughing hysterically with Harry.
“Hey,” I said when our laughter died down, “are you doing anything tonight?”
Harry looked at me smiling, still chuckling away lightly.
“No, actually I’m not” he said.
“Would you like to join me and Zayn for our studying session?” I asked smiling happily. It felt kind of awkward with Zayn, because I barely knew him. Whereas it felt like I’d known Harry for years, even if it was just 2 days.
“I’d love to,” he said his dimples showing as his smile widened.

(Zayn’s POV)

After school was finished, I knew what I had to do; I’d had a lot of time to think about it. And those words I’d heard once played through my mind.
“If you love two people at the same time, choose the second one, because if you really loved the first one you wouldn't have fallen for the second”
I couldn’t remember exactly who had said it, but I was pretty sure it was something Johnny Depp had said.

Even though I knew I wasn’t in love with Perrie anymore, I knew sometimes you have to let go. The quote had little to do with my situation, but it had me thinking and I’d came to the conclusion, that I had to end it with Perrie.

(Warning: strong language on its way, So for those who are sensitive, I apologise in advance)

Within 30 minutes of trying to explain to Perrie that I wanted to stay friends and break up, I found myself walking away from her house, while Perrie shouted hurt and cruel words at me.
“YOU WERE A FUCKING LOUSEY BOYFRIEND ANYWAY!” she shouted at the top of her lungs, she sniffed back her tears. “HERE!” I looked back to find her taking the bracelet I’d bought her off her wrist.

And with that being her last words she slammed the door shut. My eyes were drawn to the Pandora bracelet I’d bought her. Some of its little trinkets broken with the power it had been threw at, when it hit the ground. I knelt to pick it up, noticing the little one that I’d got personally made to say ‘Z+P forever’, had been broken in half, so it now said ‘Z for’ on one half and ‘+P ever’ on the other. My heart cracked with it and any chance that we would be friends after the break-up.

But to be honest, not many people stay friends after dating, and I shouldn’t have kept my hopes to high. I felt a tear slide down my cheek, but I wiped it away quickly and walked back to my car.

 I drove for while, not really heading anywhere. I didn’t want to go home to the rich house, where my parents ignored my existence and the maids pretending to care about my problems but clearly couldn’t care less, because at the end of the day, they got their pay check and left.

This wasn’t the first relationship I’d wrecked. Eleanor had been so nice and we got on so great together, but I lost interest and got with Perrie. It was stupid, and it hurt to see the way she would react to me trying to become friends after it all. I covered up the hurt with bitter words and fake laughter, but I didn’t like hurting people. Inside, I really cared about everyone.

I pulled up into the park next to the beach and got out, the place was deserted and it was starting to get dark. Clearly I’d been driving around aimlessly for a while. I sat down on the sand just thinking.
Eleanor was right, as much as I wished she hadn’t been, she was, I didn’t just get want I wanted out of people then dump them like they were nothing. I felt the tears really start to slip town my face, my throat feeling clogged with a thickness as my eyes burned against the harsh wind and my tears that were flowing like a river.

“Zayn?” came a familiar voice nearby.  I wiped away my tears quickly and looked over to Liam walking my way. “What are you doing-” he was cut short, as he took in my appearance.
“What’s happened?” he changed his question, as he sat down beside me. I took a deep breath before replying.
“I broke up with Perrie,” I stated. He looked at me shocked.
“What? Why?” he said placing his soft hand on my back reassuringly.
“I just wasn’t feeling it anymore,” I said another tear slipping down my cheek, I was tempted to brush it away, but I felt to week.
“Feeling it?” he questioned.
“I don’t feel- I can’t explain, Liam,” I groaned out of annoyance, “Perrie’s changed, man, she use to be so- we use to be so, so-”

“In love?” he tried to finish. I looked back over at the sea, like I had before, trying to calm the tears that were threatening to fell just as fast as they had before.
“yeah, we use to have fun, and do all the those silly couple stuff, but now... she’s so wrapped up in how she looks, and she was so wrapped up in being ‘Zayn Malik’s girlfriend’” I said making the quotation marks with my hands.  I looked back at Liam, who nodded understandingly.

“You’re not the only one having relationship troubles, Zayn” he stated looking away from my gaze out to the shore as he watched the waved beat against it. I wanted to poke and ask what had happened but, I didn’t want to push him on the subject.
“Harry told me a couple days ago that he caught Danielle kissing someone else at the party,” He said sullenly. I couldn’t take my eyes off him as his face seemed almost pained.
“He caught them while he was going to get another drink,” he muttered, “ so, I questioned Danielle about it and she tried to deny it, saying it wasn’t her, but when I pushed the subject more, she admitted it straight out.” He looked back at me, his eyes glistening with unshed tears.
“Apparently this wasn’t the first time either, they had actually been seeing each other for a long time behind my back,” he face crinkled and the tears finally shed down his face.

That’s when I did something so out of character that I couldn’t quite believe I had done it. I wiped them away for him, feeling a weird tingle in my fingers as my fingers touched his soft cheek. Once I’d realised what I’d done I snapped my hand back, looking away from him, slightly embarrassed by my actions.
We sat there for a while, just watching the waves slip up and down the shore, making a fizzling sound as the lapped up bubbles dispersed. There was a comfortable silence that fell between us, as we just sat and thought about all the things that were wrong with our lives at the moment. I wanted to break the silence, and just chat about something that would bring our mood up, but I couldn’t think of anything that would make the pain any easier.
“Women,” I muttered, “messing with our heads, man.” Liam let out a soft chuckle, so I looked over at him, to see that he was still shedding tears.
“Girls are complicated creatures, they say they love you, but you can never be sure they really mean it,” he said with a week half smile, clearly referring to his own situation. I returned his half smile as I started to get up. Once I was up, I stuck out my hand, offering him help to get up; he took it gratefully; mumbling a quick ‘thanks’. As our hands touched I could feel that weird tingle again, but I shrugged it off blaming it on the cold weather, making my hands feel strange.

I was glad I bumped into Liam at the beach, it was good to get my feelings out to someone who actually seemed to care, and was in a similar position to my own. I offered him a lift home and he took it smiling.
“I don’t think there are any buss’s at this time,” he chuckled, wiping his face with his hands. “I wasn’t intending on staying so long.” I checked my watch realising it was half 9, with a sigh.
We walked back to my car and got in; I put the heating on, as I started my journey to Liam’s house.
“So, what are you going to do? About Danielle I mean, if you don’t mind me asking,” I said, breaking the silence that was beginning to get slightly awkward.
“There’s nothing more I can really do,” he muttered, “I’ve already broken up with her.”  I sneaked a glance at Liam, who was looking out his window sadly.
“I’m sorry, man,” I said sympathetically. He looked over at me smiling a sad smile.
“It’s not your fault,” he said, he was about to look back out the window, but something caught his attention. I followed his gaze to the broken Pandora bracelet lying on my dash board.
“Perrie,” I said, “she threw it at me when I broke up with her.” He picked it up gingerly and studied it. He looked saddened as he saw the special trinket that I’d got made.
“What are you going to do with it?” he asked.
“I don’t really know” I said sadly, “do you want it?” I chuckled.
“Erm, no?” he said letting out a small laugh.
“Well, then,” I said faking a pout; making Liam laugh. “Nah, I’ll probably bin it, or sell it.”

I pulled up Liam’s drive finally as he put the bracelet back on my dash board.
“Thanks,” he said, “for being there, accidently, I’m glad we got to talk.”
“Same, I’m glad I bumped into you, I feel like I’ve almost got this off my chest, so thanks,” I said smiling weekly. He returned the smile.
“You’re welcome?” he said chuckling as he got out of my car.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” I said.
“Yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow, have a nice night, Zayn” he replied.
“Same to you,” I smiled, as he shut the door and made his way into his house.
Slowly I made my way back home, not feeling too excited to get back to the cold, uncaring arms of my parents.

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