Rᴇᴛʀɪʙᴜᴛɪᴏɴ || O.Tᴏᴏʀᴜ // M...

By TinyTsun

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'Fa̸t̸t̸y̸!' 'U̸g̸l̸y̸!' 'B̸i̸t̸c̸h̸!' 'P̸i̸g̸!' 'D̸i̸e̸!' 'K̸i̸l̸l̸ y̸o̸u̸r̸s̸e̸l̸f̸!' 'L̸o̸s̸e̸r̸!' Those w... More

Just The Beginning.
High Road.
Situation. (1/2)
Situation. (2/2)
--Announcement 2--
Plot In Chronological Order (1)
Plot In Chronological Order (2)
Plot In Chronological Order (4)
Characters + Appearance from "Notice Me, Kouhai"

Plot In Chronological Order (3)

422 19 1
By TinyTsun

Oikawa starts to have feelings for you because of how caring and reliable you are whenever he talks about his feelings and asks for your advice. He also can't help but become weak against your persistence about your 'feelings for him'. He begins to think about what life would be like if you were in an actual relationship. But as he wonders that, you start playing hard to get and have him work for your attention gradually. He wonders why that is and it's since you've willingly been going to him and showing how much you like him. But the more he shows you how much he still wants you, the more his feelings develop, and the more he wants you to be his secret girlfriend.

One day, he takes you out with him, but instead, he tells you he'll take off his work the next day and asks if you'll allow him to take you on a date. You smile and agree, and he takes you all over. Taking you shopping and whatnot. He tells you he wishes he could hold your hands, but he doesn't know who might be watching. When he takes you back to his place after dinner, you and he get intimate.

As soon as he's asleep, you gently crawl out of bed and sneak out of his bedroom. At the door you stop and turn back to him and sneer before taking your leave.


You reward Atsumu with the idea of taking a pill instead of a condom.



After a time of fooling around with Atsumu, he by chance asks you when your birthday is. You tell him, and he makes it his duty to clear his schedule for the day. While in the break room, you get a phone call from Atsumu telling you that he plans on making a wonderful dinner for you tonight, so to be home early. You tell him that's sweet, but ask how he's going to get inside your apartment. He admits he didn't think that far, which makes you sigh. You then tell him to ask the old woman at the end of the hall to let him in with her spare keys.

"She's an elderly woman with a kind heart who occasionally bakes me delicious cookies."

"Are you sure she'll let me in?"

"I'm sure she will if you smile hard enough and tell her you're a friend of mine."

When Atsumu gets to your complex, he does just that and introduces himself as your boyfriend instead of the handsome friend she thinks he is. He then asks if he's not handsome enough to be your boyfriend, but she laughs and shakes her hands saying that he is. She just made a mistake."

"By the way, ma'am, do happen to have any of those tasty cookies Haruhi mentioned to me about?"

"Oh my, I do. I remembered it to be her birthday, so I was going to wait until she returns from work to give them to her, but since her boyfriend is here, I don't have to worry and can just give them to you. Hold on, dear. Let me go get them."

When she comes back out, she asks him if he's going to cook for her, and he replies that he is. After that, he asks her this:

"May I ask why it is that you especially go out of your way to bake them for her?"

"Hmm...Haruhi reminds me of one of my grandchildren. She lives all the way in Osaka with her family, so I don't get to see her as much, but when I look at (Y/n) I think of her and the way she used to be. She tries to hide it, but I can tell deep down something's disturbing her. I don't know what it is, but I hope by talking to her, I can make her forget about her problems for a bit every now and then. Also, gives me something to do when I feel lonely."

'She really is a sweet old woman,' Atsumu chuckled.

"But now that she has you, I hope you can he

"Yes. In fact, we're working on those problems bit by bit."

"I'm so glad," she clapped. "I'll, leave you to it."

"It's normal for a woman her age to want to watch her weight."


The same time, Oikawa passes by the break room, he overhears it being your birthday and asks if it's true. He asks you to confirm it and he excitedly offers to take you shopping at expensive clothing stores on his break. You try to tell him you have work to do, but he tells you not to worry about it. Slightly annoyed, you agree to go with him. While there, he purchases a necklace for you to where and gives it to you before he drops you off at home later.

When he drops you off, he notices that the downstairs lights or on. He questions you, because he knows you live alone, and being that you forgot Atsumu said he was going to be at your place tonight, you lie to him and tell him that your younger cousin came for a visit. He grows a bit excited and pushes to meet them. You try to persuade him not to do, but he's already out of the car and up to your doorstep, waiting for you to open up.

When you're inside, you loudly shout his name to signal Atsumu wherever he may be in the house. He was downstairs somewhere, wearing nothing but an apron. But he goes into the bathroom to hide. Oikawa asks you where they are, but you say that she likes to sleepwalk, so she may have gone back upstairs. It was a crap excuse, but he at least believed it. Oikawa then asks for a brief tour of your house, which you give. When you come back down, you both stop near the bathroom, and Atsumu presses his ear against the door to listen when he hears that Oikawa bought you something.

He gives you the necklace and confesses to you how he feels about you and how you make him feel. He like the way you listen to him, and how kind you are. Selfless and whatnot. He then asks you to be his girl, which you force yourself to throw yourself on him and accept. He puts it on you and kisses on the cheek goodnight.

When he finally leaves, you call for Atsumu to come out wherever he is and he comes out. You're surprised at his attire and you wonder if this is supposed to be your birthday gift. He glares down at your necklace, clicks his tongue. He complains that he feels like some side piece and it's making him mad, but you tell him that he was the one who told you to keep going with the plan. He says the only reason he hid is because he didn't want to mess up their plan. Otherwise, he would've stayed right where he was.

You walk up to him and cup his crotch, smirking up at him, wondering if there's a surprise underneath the apron. He complains.

"Yeah, I had it wrapped and everything!"

"Just for me?" You push his apron aside and see the ribbon wrapped around the base. You laugh and call him cute, giving him a peck on the cheek. He complains that he doesn't want you to kiss him after you let Oikawa kiss you, but you tell him he just kissed your cheek.

"Yeah, well?"

"In case you haven't realized, you've kissed me tons of times, even though I've had the displeasure of sucking him off before."

After all that, he asks you when you're going to give him the spare key to your apartment.

"What? So you can barge in my house whenever you please?"

"Is it that bad of an idea?"

"I'll think about it."

"That old woman really was as sweet as you said. She really looks out for you, doesn't she."

"She does."

"She told me how much you remind me of her grandchild with your problems and all."

"Yeah, she told me, too."

"I told her that we were both working on it to make you feel better."


One time when you see Atsumu, it's on a rainy evening and you're walking home from drinking, and slightly tipsy. Because you have no umbrella, you just walk in the rain, blocks away from home. You give him a call as you're on your way out, telling him to come to pick you up. He asks you where you are, and you casually tell him the club, and he says he'll be there soon(OR HE'S SHOOTING A SCENE AND CAN'T COME SO HE TRIES TO SEND GODA, BUT YOU'RE STUBBORN AND TEL HIM TO FIND A WAY OUT AND COME INSTEAD OR YOU'LL CUT HIM OFF, BEFORE ENDING THE CALL. He's then forced to find a way out to you.)

He's in his own car going home until he catches wind of you stumbling around coming onto a man. Shocked, he makes parks off to the side and hops out of the car, shielding you from the rain with his jacket, bringing you away from the stranger without giving away his identity. The guy tries to reach for you, but he barks at him to keep his hands off. He then leads you off to his car and helps you inside the passenger side. He tries to check with you to see if you okay, if you feel like you're gonna hurl, or if you're dizzy. He offers you a bottle of water, but you smack it out of your face. In the middle of the ride to his house, your undress, even though he tries to stop you from doing so. As you get to his mansion, you force a kiss on him as he enters the passcode, to his liking. You both stumble through the door, with your hands running through his hair and his over your body. As he pulls away he tells you should hurry and take a shower before you get sick, but instead of listening to and giving him a response, you undress him and leave gentle kisses on his neck and collarbone on your way down. Unable to resist, he takes you to the couch where he sits you down, and your ride him out and eventually let him take over.


-When Oikawa noticed your scars at one point and holds it up to the lights with a worrying eye, asking why you did it. You snatch your hand back from him and say nothing. (if it's during foreplay, you get yourself dressed again. If not, you continue to report on a call that he missed but you picked up for him.)

-When Atsumu sees the scar, he gently takes your hand and says nothing. He just rubs his thumbs over it until you ask him if he's curious about them. He says he noticed them before, but he kept it to himself because he didn't want to possibly offend you. He knows it has something to do with Oikawa, but you don't have to tell him any more than that. He looked serious, that you ran your fingers through his hair and told him you'd tell him everything, especially since you said you would.

"I always kept these hidden with foundation, that's why you've never noticed them before."

Atsumu crawls over and collapses his arms over your lap before easing his head down. "You always have this tough act going on, but it turns out you've still got some insecurities."

Your hands stroked the top of his head, tenderly. Back and forth, filling the spaces between your fingers with his locks. "The first time was supposed to be the last time, but I chickened out. After that, I couldn't stop. Every time it got insanely hard at school, I made a new one. It was only after I graduated that I tried putting it behind me."

His brows narrowed. "Because of him, right?"

For the next couple of minutes, you go on and on sharing detail after detail about what he made you go through up until graduation. How you were treated like an outcast by others around you. He listened intently and while you shared your story. He felt a droplet on his cheek. He picked himself up and when he laid eye son you, his heart broke. It was the first time he had seen you cry. So vulnerable in his sight. It was like a waterfall of tears.

"(Y/n)," he grabbed you into his arm and braced you into his shoulder. "You don't have to go anymore if it hurts that badly. I'm so sorry I made you remember such things from your past."

You were hesitant in doing it, but you held onto his sweaty back. Doing this makes him squeeze you tighter so you would know that you can rely on and trust him.

"Have you tried doing therapy for it?"

"I have," you said. "And it worked for quite a while until I saw his face again. As soon as I laid eyes on him, it was like I was back in high school all over again. I tried to put it all behind me, and move on, but every time he and the Chairman would pass by I hated that he was smiling and laughing happily. Like he had had no victims whose life he tried to ruin. As if he had no remorse for what he did. One day I was going to go up to him and try to get a reaction out of him by telling him who I was, but I kept my mouth shut and benefit from the opportunity. A chance for me to get back at him and in my own cruel way."

He pulls you back from the embrace and takes your chin in hand. "I'll support you in every way I can think of, so one day he'll be groveling at your feet for forgiveness. From this day forward, we're going to pay him back x10 over for every single thing he's done to you." His thumb swiped away at your eyes to drain the falling tears. "Do you understand (y/n)? This bastard might as well have done this to me. That's how personal I'm taking it."

Similar to how you were, the rage in Osamu's eyes was couldn't be put down anytime soon.

"Tell me what you need--no, want me to do, and I'll help you do it. Want him dead? I can make it look like an accident went wrong. Or maybe you wanna make him go bankrupt? It wouldn't be hard to do that either."


"You give the word and I'll screw that dipshit over quicker than you can lift a finger. You couldn't answer because you were too busy wiping away your weak tears.


This is before Atsumu brings you to frequent his home. He sleeps over there, he takes care of you like you are his girlfriend, but unofficially. He asks you more about what you like and then builds the room. Seeing his caring side, you start to feel possessive over him, like you're the only one who can receive such treatment from him and he can only have eyes for you as he claims he does.

At first, you don't mind when Atsumu's out late, but you decide to watch one of his movies in his house, you get slightly annoyed over the kiss, that's when you realize you're jealous. And calls him to hurry back. He asks you what's wrong and you just tell him to come home early from his new movie's premiere night party. It's when he returns home that you shut off the T.V and pounce on him with a kiss. He's shocked and pulls his head back to get an explanation, but you tell that he had better not be screwing any other women.


He kisses you tenderly and the two end up making your way to his bedroom.


When he invites you to a banquet, he's holding at a large venue, the sight of him mingling and laughing it up with other actresses or idols makes the jealousy within your increase. When nobody is looking, you steal him away from the outside and start a one-sided argument. He tells you that the interactions mean nothing. You argue that you looked to be leading them on.

He then shuts it all down by saying:

"I thought we were dating already."


"We act and talk to each other like we're dating, and you're practically living at my house now...Just the last month we actually made love for the first time."

"You've never even asked me to-" You blushed.

He smirked. "So if ask, '(Y/n), will you become my girlfriend", I'm guaranteed a positive response?"

"Try me."

"Haruhi," he held up your hand, "will-" Before he could the rest of the sentence out, you jumped up on, arms locking off his neck and lips pressed against his.

"Don't you dare let me find you flirting with anyone other than me. You can't kiss anybody else, make love to anybody else..."

"It's already been put behind me."


Ari-chan stumbles upon you and Atsumu having a date, following you around at night until he sees you kiss him. Then she pops up and starts to call you out for being a whore. Both you and Atsumu are listening and watching her, unamused. She says that she recorded the two of you kissing and that if she goes to press with this, there will be a big scandal for Atsumu and eventually Oikawa will hear about it and see that you're not so great after all.

"Ari-san, please, let's talk about this."

"Shut up! You have no idea what this woman has done to me! She ruined my engagement with someone whom I loved!"

"Love?" You quirked a brow. "You actually loved Oikawa? He must have brainwashed you a lot more than I could've imagined. Listen to me, it's for the best that things ended where it did. I did you a favor, breaking up your relationship with him. Imagine having a family with someone so evil."

"Yeah, right! The only evil person around here is you, you bitch!" She raised her phone overhead. With all the strength gathered, she brought it down on you. Well, at least that she tried. "Wha-" A strength greater than her own surrounded her wrist, "ah!" And wrestled it behind her back.

"Jeez, I can't let you do that," Atsumu said.

Ari looked over her shoulder, and her pupils dilated at the familiar figure. "What the-"

"Definitely not."

"You...you're the one who.."

"We meet again, miss. I didn't expect to see you again under these circumstances. Or at all for that matter, but it is what is."

"Unhand me!" she barked. "Help! Someone-mmpf!" Her shouts and calls were hushed by the white cloth clamped down over his nose. "Mmpf!" Every tug and kick she attempted weakened through the wasted seconds. With heavy lids, she took her last look at you.

You longed out your tongue. "Bleh~"

"Sweet dreams."

"You...fu...ckin..." The last of what she felt before they shut was her phone slipping from her grasp.

"Whoa there," Osamu wrapped his next arm around her before she completely gave away. "Whaddaya want me to do with her?" He looked to his dastardly other half as he stuffed the cloth into his back pocket.

Atsumu stepped over to them and swiped the device up from the ground. "Find a way to permanently silence her. So much so that when she can't take it anymore, she'll drown out everything."

Osamu hiked her up over his shoulder as if she was towel herself. "The two of you..." He looked back and forth between the two of you. "You're one sadistic couple. Gives me the creeps."

"Haha," Atsumu's arms pulled you up against him. "I swear she came like this on her own." He leaned over and nuzzled his nose against yours.

"Gross. Cutback on that crap, would you?"

"Sounds like someone's jealous."

"Kick rocks."

"But what about you, 'Samu? You say do all these favors and more for a handsome price. You sure you don't get off on seeing them through"

The corner of his lips curled. "You're not wrong."

"Heeeh~ So I was right then. See that, Haruhi? 'Samu's worse than I am."

"No, you're still a piece of shit. Despite you being my own twin brother. Anyway, I'm getting outta here. You kids enjoy the rest of your date. Don't do anything I wouldn't." He turned his back on you. "See ya." He parted with a brief wave.

"You guys aren't all too different," you said.

"What's that mean?"

"Take a shot in the dark."

"You're nice to me. And (his manager)-san."

"Just two of the very few people who actually matter to me."

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