Rᴇᴛʀɪʙᴜᴛɪᴏɴ || O.Tᴏᴏʀᴜ // M...

By TinyTsun

149K 5.4K 6.5K

'Fa̸t̸t̸y̸!' 'U̸g̸l̸y̸!' 'B̸i̸t̸c̸h̸!' 'P̸i̸g̸!' 'D̸i̸e̸!' 'K̸i̸l̸l̸ y̸o̸u̸r̸s̸e̸l̸f̸!' 'L̸o̸s̸e̸r̸!' Those w... More

Just The Beginning.
High Road.
Situation. (1/2)
Situation. (2/2)
--Announcement 2--
Plot In Chronological Order (1)
Plot In Chronological Order (3)
Plot In Chronological Order (4)
Characters + Appearance from "Notice Me, Kouhai"

Plot In Chronological Order (2)

462 19 6
By TinyTsun

Osamu comes onto her and when she rejects his advances, saying she's engaged to her beloved fiance, he instead drops an aphrodisiac in her drink when she isn't looking and drags her to a love hotel, where against her better judgment, she has sex with him so Osamu's people (a photographer) can steal pics and report back to Atsumu with the evidence.


Later that day, she will be left in the hotel alone mortified and ready to cry her heart out. Not knowing whether to tell Oikawa or keep it to herself that this happened.

Ari loses her ring back at the love hotel. When she tries to go back to recover it from the lost and found, they say they hadn't recovered anything of the sort, which makes her freak out and start to sob when she gets back outside(to her car). Oikawa notices that she doesn't have her ring on her, but she tells him she misplaced it without trying to seem so nervous. He takes the word for it and tells her she'll find it and how it's probably left at her house somewhere. She nods but starts to think it might be Osamu who took it. Osamu is the one who took her ring off her finger before leaving. Slipping it off her finger in the middle of the night while she slept and made off like a bandit. He keeps it handy, just in case. Maybe while she sees Osamu again and confronts him about whether he took her ring, but he feigns ignorance, saying he never remembered her having on a ring. She tells him to stop lying-

However, it will get out 2 days later that she cheated on him, and when Oikawa finds out, he's furious and so is his dad. They accuse her of being sleazy (in your mind, you're thinking that he was calling the kettle black because he definitely cheated on her first) They both break of the engagement with her family, and her remains single. To comfort him, you allow him to have sex with him. Before the end of the week, Oikawa has her removed from his home. He then asks you if this was Karma, you then tell him:

"Who's to say, sir? But I will say it might've been a step in the right direction for your future. Maybe it was fate for you two to have split. It's better that you found out what kind of woman she is before you tied the knot."

"I could've started a family with that woman." He shook his head down into his hands. I'm glad.





"Then let's do it like this. If you can find a way to get Oikawa's fiancée out of the picture, I'll see what I can do about becoming a bit more exclusive to you."

"And why should I do that?"

"You really want to know?"

Did he? "I do...So tell me."

"She's in the way."

"So you are having an-"


"Am I really? It's obvious that you can't stand being the side piece."

"Oikawa-san holds her very close to his heart. I just want to see what he'll do when he gets his heart ripped out."

Atsumu looks at with his a squint in his eyes, trying to understand why you have such a loathsome look on your face. "You really, really don't like Oikawa, do you?"

"I loathe that man with every fiber of my being. I only wish the worst for him. And If I had it my way, I'd hire a hitman to do him in."

"...And you want me to help you? How do you think I can do that?"

"You're the one who said you had a connection, no? Figure it out."

"Why're you telling me all of this, Haruhi? Do you really think I'm that much of a good person? What if I go to the cops with this? Aren't you scared of being fired from you're job?"

"Like you would actually go to them and miss the opportunity to rip something precious away from the person you hate so badly.

'She's crazy.'

"Besides, I have something you really want." Your fingertips glided up your belly and grabbed hold of your breast.

'My upperclassmen always warned me about dipping my dick in crazy.' He sized you up and down.

"How about it, Miya-san? Are willing to be a pawn to my scheme just this once?"

'I don't think they'll mind if I make an exception just this once.'

"Fine, I'll see what I can do. On one condition." You raise a brow to show you were listening. "You have to go into details about why you hate him so much. Maybe then I'll have a better understanding of your side."

"Ha!" You laughed. It sounded like the easiest task, that's why you laughed. But when you really thought about, your smile faded.


Having to go down memory lane and remember each and every way he torched and taunted your school lively hood, it made you sick.

"Haruhi?" He called you a bit louder.

"Let's just say the fuckery he pulled on you is nothing compared to the torture he forced me to live through." Atsumu went silent. As you explain, Atsumu can see the hatred seething off of you. 'Maybe he cheated on her in the past after a long relationship.' He could see that happening, most definitely. 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, huh?'

"Maybe one day I'll go into the details of what happened in the past, but not now..." You couldn't. "When I'm good and ready."


"I have to get back now before my break is over."

"Haruhi, wait!"

You looked over your shoulder and answer. "Yes?"

He reached for his tie. "How long until your break is over?" And started wringing it free from his neck.

You snickered. "A few minutes."

"Tsk." Well, his idea for a quickie was shot down. "Do you need a car back? I can get my manager to send you back."

"That won't be necessary. I wouldn't want to rely on you too much."

When you're dead set on ruining his relationship with his fiancé, you only think as far as seducing him, but after you explain things to Atsumu, he suggests that if you're willing to take it there, he could frame the girl for cheating. He expects you to ask him to find a way, but he's taken aback and amused when you casually agree to it.

"Okay," you shrugged. "How're you gonna do it?"

"Wait a second, didn't you hear me?

"Every word." He chuckled in disbelief. "I guess you expected me to have sympathy, is that right? Ironic for someone of your nature."

He remained silent.

"I gave this some thought already. In normal circumstances, it would be better to set him up, but no matter how I thought about it, it just wouldn't do. He needs to have a taste of heartbreak. Only thing is, he's a womanizer, so it may not affect him all too much.

"And in the event that it doesn't work?"

"I'll still console him. Console him and tell him he did nothing wrong. I'll make him believe that I'm the answer he's been looking for all this time. Nobody else but me can make him happy, take care of him."

"You're thinking about this for the long run, aren't you..."

You smiled. "It's only fair. I don't care who I have to pass on my way up. If that's what will hurt him the most, then I'll do it. Nobody is safe from me. If I can a way to use 'em, then that's exactly what I'm going to do."

"Ruthless, are we?"


Atsumu will take you to his family's restaurant, run by Osamu. He takes you to try the big onigiri made by Osamu and also meet his twin, to your surprise. He takes you before and after the whole scandal about Ari-chan cheating on Oikawa breaks out, in celebration of your plan succeeding.

Osamu tips his hat off to you and goes back to cooking, which you compliment him on. Seeing you enjoy your meal made Osamu happy as the cook, but Atsumu even more for seeing a genuinely pleased face on you. His heart flutters and his cheeks turn red. After that, he walks out with you. You ask him if it was safe for him to do the job, since he's in a normal working business and shares his face. But he assures you that everything's fine. And that his brother knows what he's doing.

Atsumu doesn't usually tell Osamu who he messes around with among celebrity women or strangers in general. He only tell him about you when he starts to develop feelings for you, which is when he first takes you to his brother's restaurant before plotting on Ari. As you wait for him in the car, he hangs back for a minute when Osamu calls him back and confronts him about his blushing. He tries to deny it, but he ends up admitting you've got something over him. He can't really describe it, but he knows that for him, it's become a bit more than just the sex. "Anyways, we'll catch up properly at a later time. See ya."--- "That idiot like her," Osamu. muttered.


So when the day came that the scandal about Ari broke loose and he dumped her, and you opted to schedule a lunch date with her (which she willingly went to, because she still trusted and liked you up until this point) you simply showed her a video on your laptop (transferred from the pen via USB) and verbally tell her that Oikawa-san and her become a thing way, way before she even got into her scandal. She's shocked and while she feels her heart shatter, but it conflicts with the rising anger inside of her. She looks to you, her eyes blurring with tears already, but her teeth clenched against each other. She gets up from her seat and without hesitation, backhanded you across the face. You side-eye her, already feeling the anger boil up in you, but she's even angrier and lashes out by asking:

"How could you do such a thing? You--You--"

"It's nothing personal against you, Sato-san. Honest. Things just happened to turn out this way with Oikawa-san. It was me who showed an interest in him, but I left it up to him to make the first move. And ever since we've been having an affair behind your back.

"You purposely seduced Tooru, even while knowing about me? How could you do that!"

"Let's make one thing clear here, Sato-san. I don't owe you a damned thing. In fact, we're merely acquaintances, you and I. All you are to me is the ex-fiancee of my boss, that's all.

"Now that you're aware of where we stand, I'm going to kindly ask that you keep our hands to ourselves for the rest of this meeting until I've finished. If not, it'll be the last hit on me you'll ever get."

Sato flinched at the chill underlying your tone.

I don't hate you, Ari-san. In fact, the only reason I decided to share this with you was that I felt sympathy for you. With your world crashing down around you, I thought you could use some closure to help you get over garbage relationship."

"How in the world is this supposed to make me feel better? What women would ever feel good about seeing her man screwing another woman?"

"You mean it doesn't? I'd be at least a little relieved to know I wasn't the only one who happened to be unfaithful in your relationship.

"What happened between me and that stranger was a pure accident."

"Right...Then I guess you can use say the exact same thing about Oikawa-san, too. The only difference is that we started way before your scandal dropped."

"E-excuse me?"

"I made the first move and Oikawa-san's the one who eventually followed through. Even against his better judgment, he lowered his terrible guard and let me in. What I just showed you isn't even half of what we've done."

"He did try his best to resist me out of respect for me, but that of course was short-lived. In fact, it didn't take him long to beg me to keep things going at work."

"I'm sure you would've love to know what he would've felt like inside of you, but I'm telling you that you're not missing out on much. I've had better."

"Don't you have any respect for yourself?"

"Of course I do."

"There's no way you do!"

"The last time I checked, I don't have a keeper, which means I don't need to explain myself or my actions to you.

An alternative argument between you and Ari Sato:

"So you're saying there's something wrong with me? Is there something wrong with wanting to wait until marriage to do these kinds of things?"

"Terrible past?"

"It's not like I expect him to bring it up. Such a past is shameful shouldn't be brought into new relationships."

"What're you on about..."

"Apart from Oikawa being a complete womanizer, that shithead used to be a bully. Torturing his victims when he pleased."

"Pfft." Your eyes darted up at her. "That's all. All those things are in the past."

"So you're secretly just like him, huh? I didn't realize how perfect you were for each other."

"So you're one of his 'victims?' that he used to tease back in school? Going around seeking revenge for he treated you back then?"

"Don't talk shit when you know nothing, you airheaded trash. I was subjected to more than just teasing by that man. Teasing?" You forced a chuckle. "That's child's play. They tortured me."

"The Tooru I know doesn't act like that. He's a sweet gentleman, and he was going to make an amazing husband. We were going to have a wonderful family together."

"You're right. He may not act like the same person, but that's only because he carried on his life without ever looking back at what he's done. Not once did he try reaching out to make things right?" Not like you would've accepted it.

"Ono-san, you're a grown woman now. Get over it."

"Get...over it?" You squinted.

"You're making yourself look pathetic? The past is in the past. The present is the present. And the future...Well...you took that away from me."

"Like I said," Your brows creased. "Don't speak as if you know everything. If you had to endure what I had to endure, you wouldn't be telling me to get over it."

"I can."

"Hah?" What disgusting arrogance.

"It makes no sense to dwell on such a thing. It's pointless, and like I said before, pathetic. You should focus more on not being so miserable, actually trying to be happy.

"Do you know how ignorant you actually sound? It's like you're telling me to cheer up and not be sad, when you know I'm depressed. If it was that easy, I would've done it already!"

Ari flinched back at the sudden boom in your voice. "What a psychopath," she muttered. Yet it hadn't gone unheard.

"You...You had better hope that we never cross paths again. Because the next time we do I-"

"You'll what? You'll exact revenge on me next? You're a joke. I hope you die miserable, you pathetic cow!" Ari slipped her legs out and snatched up her bag. "Bye!" The last word she safely got out before a clump of her luscious brown locks was wrapped and used to drag her down to the floor. "Ah!"

"M-ma'am! What're you doing?" The frantic words of the employee went in one ear and out the other."

"Suddenly I don't feel so bad about getting back at him through you." You stretched your neck out as far away from her flying claws as you could get it.

"Get off!" She roared. Her arms could no longer be of use with you having them tied beside her head. "You're insane!" She huffed through her eradicated breath.

"I've got eyes on you. Watch your back, bitch. If you're not careful, you could lose your life just as easily as you lost your fiance."

"Are you threatening me? I can press charges on you for that!"

"Ha! Like I'd do something so petty. I'm promising you." Fright stretched her eyes, stiffened her muscles. "That look in your eyes, it's not so bad. I hope I can get Oikawa to look the same one day."

"Miss, please no fighting." In came a male employee to help you up to your feet. "I'll have to ask you to leave." He then moved to help Ari."

"That's fine. My business here is finished anyway."

You told her bluntly that he had it coming and that you weren't finished. Enraged, she lunged at you with a slap, but slapped her first and pulled her down to the floor by her hair, telling her that she should just go back home silently before you make a personal account for her.


Either you get her to know about the real Oikawa which gives away your plans, or you just allow her to think that you did it out of spite.

Oikawa just wasn't the one for her with him cheating and then discussing their relationship with him behind your back. After which she believes you and then once you meet her again, of course, she tries to berate you since she hates, you when you're with Atsumu and calls you out, so it's then that you explain to her that Oikawa isn't your man.

"Now that you've helped to break up my engagement, you're onto the next person? You say that you don't know what she's talking about.

Ari then tries to tell Atsumu that you're a very promiscuous woman who had an affair with Oikawa behind her back. She says he should stay away from you since she's not faithful. Atsumu turns to you and asks you if it's true.

"Is following my every move bringing you the satisfaction you need to fill the void from the loss of your career? You must have a lot of time on your hands now from all those brand deals pulling back from working with you after all that's happened."

Ari blushed in embarrassment but she doesn't care.

"Sato-san, it's like I told you, you're not someone that I hate. I never thought of you as an obstacle. More like an unlucky chess piece. You should be happy you don't have to marry such a vile piece of trash."

"Tooru-chan isn't like that at all."

"Pfft. I don't expect you to know his history. I don't know anyone who'll happily tell their lover about how much of an asshole they used to be in their past."


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