What Now? | N.H.

De LXWriting

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Diana and Harry have been best friends since childhood. After One Direction starts touring Harry misses her e... Mais

Chapter 1 | September 19, 2010
Chapter 2 | X-Factor
Chapter 3 | Nandos
Chapter 4 | February 20, 2013
Chapter 5 | Tattoos
Chapter 6 | Hotel Room
Chapter 7 | Phone call
Chapter 8 | The Interview
Chapter 9 | Dumpsters
Chapter 10 | Secrets
Chapter 11 | Runway
Chapter 12 | New York City
Chapter 13 | Cafe
Chapter 15 | Out
Chapter 16 | Media
Chapter 17 | New Years
Chapter 18 | New Year's PT.2
Chapter 19 | Diana
Chapter 20 | AMAS
Chapter 21 | Sunrise
Chapter 22 | Home
Chapter 23 | London
Chapter 24 | Pink Carpet
Chapter 25 | Meet the Family
Chapter 26 | The Aldaine's
Chapter 27 | The Wait
Chapter 28 | Hospital Room
Chapter 29 | Football
Chapter 30 | Group Date
Chapter 31 | Midnight Memories
Chapter 32| Time Zones
Chapter 33 | San Fransisco
Chapter 34 | Take Me Back
Chapter 35 | Epilogue Pt.1
Chapter 36 | Epilogue pt.2
Chapter 37 | Epilogue Pt.3

Chapter 14 | I'm Sorry

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De LXWriting

"I love you," He mumbles against my lips.

"I love you too,"

My arms connect behind Niall's neck. The movement of our lips speed up as the kiss grows with more passion. The air is filled with warmth and lust. I was too focused on the boy whose lips were connected with mine to hear to sound of the door click.

"What the fuck?"

I quickly detach myself from Niall. I stumble backward on the bed, leaning on my hands behind me. My feet slip on the sheets as I try to back away. Harry stands in the doorway, jaw clenched, and his fists squeezed shut tightly, his knuckles almost white. I swallow, wetting my dry throat. He stares at me. There's an expression in his eyes that I've never seen before. They looked angry and even hurt. Before I can say anything he storms out of the room, feet heavy on the floor, and slams the door behind him. 

 I don't say anything to Niall, I don't even look at him. I slip off the bed a jog towards the door. I need to find Harry. I need to talk to him. I don't think I have ever seen him this mad especially not at me. I can't stand to see him this way and it's all because of me. The frown on his lips when he stared at me was enough to break me. I can't lose my best friend. 

My sweaty palms grasp the door handle and yank it open. The door slams against the wall but right now the only thing on my mind is finding Harry. I turn my head looking down the hallway urgently at any sign of the curly-haired boy. The hallway is clear, Harry couldn't have gone far enough to where I couldn't see him. He went into his room. I rush over to his door and knock desperately trying to get an answer. Nothing but silence comes from his room. I continue to knock. 

"Harry please, I need to explain," I beg, the cold hard surface of the wood against my palm. "Harry, I'm sorry I should have told you sooner. This is all my fault," I whisper the last part. Tears build up in my eyes. It may seem like a normal fight but this wasn't normal. At least not for us anyway. We've never fought before, sure we bickered occasionally but, this was different. I press my back up against the door and sink to the floor when I realize he isn't going to open his door. I sob into my arms. He's never going to want to talk to me again. 

"Diana?" I hastily wipe the tears from my eyes with the sleeve of my shirt and lookup. Liam is standing in front of me his facial features soft. His concerned eyes drift over me. I sniffle and I wipe my nose on my sleeve trying to regain my composure. Liam crouches down in front of me and reaches his arm out to stroke my upper arm. I can't bear to look him in the eyes so I focus on studying every detail of his shoes. "Are you ok? What are you doing out here?"

"He won't talk to me," I erupt into another sob tears now steadily flow down my cheeks. Liam is quick to sit next to me and wrap me in his arms. I turn over and bury my head into his shoulder. He strokes my back gently and rests his chin atop my head. 

"Shhh, it's going to be okay," Liam says in a soothing voice. It almost calms me but then I start to wonder what if it's not? What if Harry never forgives me? I'm in love with his best friend and I never told him. I was going to tell him, I was. He wasn't supposed to find out like this, this wasn't supposed to happen. He probably hates me now and he won't let me talk to him. 

The thoughts continue to wreak havoc in my mind. Liam's thumbs rub circles into my back. "Do you want to talk about it?" He whispers. I shake my head he seems to understand and he wraps his arms tightly around me. "Come on, let's go to my room," He smiles at me gently as if he was afraid that a wrong look would send me spiraling into insanity. Which was probably right. He wraps one of his arms under mine and stands up, lifting me off the ground with him. 

"He knows," I finally am able to mutter out after we had been sitting silently in his bed. Liam was patiently waiting, trying his best to comfort me. He had made us both a cup of tea but, I wasn't in the mood. Liam's eyebrows knitted together. 

"Harry knows about what?"

"He walked in on Niall and I kissing," I stare blankly at the wall, the occasional tear wets my cheek. "He looked so hurt. How could I do this to him?"

"Hey, look at me, it's going to be okay. Harry will get over it soon. It probably just surprised him that's all."

"No Liam you weren't there. He looked so mad and hurt, I don't think he will ever look at me the same. I'm in love with his best friend for god's sake!" I yell the last part, frustrated with myself for hurting Harry the way that I did.

"You love him?" Liam grabs my hand and smiles at me comfortingly.

"Yes, Liam I love him. And yes I told him. And yes, he said it back. And I know if Harry is a good friend he should be supportive and happy for me but, he won't even talk to me. I don't know what to do." I say this more aggressively than I should. But, I couldn't help it so many emotions are running through me that I can't handle so I snap at Liam. "I'm sorry," I whisper. 

"Don't apologize to me. I can see that your hurting and I understand why your acting this way. Would it help if I tried to talk to Harry?" 

"You would do that?"

"Yeah, I could try."

"Thank you, Liam," I crawl over to where Liam sits at the edge of the bed and pull him into a hug.  I was lucky to have a friend like Liam. I could always count on him no matter what and that was something that meant a lot to me. He pulls away and smiles at me before planting a kiss on my forehead.

"I'm going to go see if I can talk to Harry," I nod my head and he walks slowly out the door and across the hall to Harry's room. I sink back into his bead, starring at the ceiling with a million thoughts running through my mind. A couple of seconds later I hear a soft knock at the door. 

"Come in!" I yell. Niall walks through the door. My heart starts to beat quicker as he gets closer. 

"Liam told me you were in here," He puts his knee onto the bed and crawls over to where I'm laying. I sigh and look down at my feet. Niall made his way over to me slowly and pulled me closer to him wrapping his arms around me. His embrace was warm, and his big, strong arms seemed very protective when wrapped around my frail body. The world around me melted away as I squeezed him back, not wanting the moment to end. His touch made me feel safe. It almost made me forget, almost. 

"I love you angel" He whispers into my hair. Hearing those words will never get old. The feeling that rushes through me when the phrase leaves his mouth is like a high that I never want to come down from. His love made me feel like that. 

"I love you too,"

We stay in each other's arms in a comfortable silence anxously waiting for Liam to come back. 

"It's going to be okay right?" I ask him.

"Everythings going to be okay," He kisses my head and I grab onto his arm a little tighter. His words ease the knot in my stomach. A couple minutes later Liam walks into the room. I sit up staring him down for an answer. Niall's arm is still wrapped around me and he seems to be just nervous as I am. 

He doesn't say anything he just opens the door and gestures out to the hallway. He's grinnning slightly which gives me hope. I jump up and hug Liam before running towards Harry's room. His door is cracked open and I peer through the door. The knot in my stomach tightens as I see him sitting on the edge of his bed, staring at his feet. I start to feel quesy at the sight of Harry looking so hurt. 

"Harry?" I slowly push the door open, Harry doesn't look up. "Harry please just talk to me I'm so sorry." I can feel the tears starting to build up in my eyes again, blurring my vision. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" Harry says sounding broken. I can't take the guilt of knowing that I am the reason that he is so upset. I stand in front of him running my hands through my hair trying to hold back my tears as best I can. And my best is not that great considering my cheeks are now damp. 

"We were going to tell you tomorrow. I didn't mean for you to find out like this. God! Harry I'm so sorry," I start to shake and pace the floor in front of where Harry sat. "I-I just didn't want things to be wierd and I didn't want you to disapprove of us."

"How long has this been happening?" 

"A couple weeks, months, maybe," Harry squeezes his eyes shut. 

"We tell each other everything,"

"I'm sorry Harry, I was scared. I was scared of that you would be mad at me, which now you are. I mean Niall's one of your best friends and so am I, and I get that your mad that we're together. I didn't know this was going to happen we were just hanging out one day and it happened." At this point I had started to ramble nervously. 

"Do you love him?" Harry finally looks up at me. I stop in front of him and meet his gaze. 


"Do you love him?"

"Y-Yeah I do," I look down at my feet and rub the back of my neck as I answer. Harry doesn't say anything my head lifts from my feet and looks at Harry again. HIs frown had softened and his were eyes no longer painted over with betrayal. They looked almost guilty but, happy at the same time if that was possible. I was confused by his sudden change of mood. My head tilts to the side. Harry stands up and approaches me. He stand in front of me for a second just looking at me. My brows draw together as I try to figure out what was happening but, before I knew it Harry's arms wrapped me in a tight hug, bounding my arms to my sides. I immediately smile and let out a sigh of relief. 

"I'm so happy for you," My arms lift as best they can to wrap around Harry's lower back. 

"Really? You're not mad?"

"I was at first but, I get it. And who am I to be upset? My best friend is in Looove!" We pulled away from each other and I playfully slap him across the shoulder. 

"I'm sorry Harry, I should have told you. Your my bestfriend and I shouldn't have kept it from you for this long."

"It's ok but, Niall, really?" 

"Shut-up!" Harry laughs and I cross my arms. 

"No but, really I'm really happy for you and Niall," Harry presses a kiss on my cheek and pats my back. "Now go, run to your loverboy!"

"Your so annoying," Harry just shrugs his shoulders and I run out of the room. When I get outside I see Niall standing outside the door. He had biting his nails nervously. I ran over to him and jumped in his arms. It may seem a bit over dramatic but, so was this whole situation. I was ovedrflowing with joy because for a while there I thought I had lost Harry. I may have overreacted about the situation but I was terrified. 

"So he's not mad?" Niall says. His hand is pressed up against the back of my head and he is swaying me side to side. 

"He was but, he said he was happy for us."

"Thank fuck,"

"Niall! Language!"

"Since when do you care about cursing?"

"That's a very good point,"

Niall sets me down onto the tips of my toes and I keep my arms latched around his neck. His arms snake around my waist. He smiles and leans into my lips capturing them in a perfect mess of soft, gentle, passion. 

"Get a room," Harry yells from the doorway. He points to his open mouth pretending to be disgusted. I roll my eyes and grab both sides of Niall's face and slam his face onto mine. We both kiss each other sloppily and dramatically. 

"AAAHH! MY EYES!" Harry's hands fly to his face covering his eyes and he tries to run back into his room but he runs straight into the door frame. He flops over and groans in pain. 

"Nice," I say to him. 

"Oh, buzz off," Niall and I walk over to help him off of the ground. He grabs both Niall and I's hand and we yank him up. Harry sighs and gets up wearing a fake look of annoyance on his face. "I'm going to Louis room since your being mean to me." Harry tilts his chin upwards and gallivants over to Louis' door. 

"Oh come on Harry, don't leave us," Niall begs in amusment. Harry glares at us as he walks backwards into Louis' room. His Fingers gesturing towards his eyes and then pointing at us to warn us that he was watching us. While the door remains open Harry grabs Louis and mimicks the sloppy kiss Niall and I had shared earlier. His eye contact never breaks from us as he pears out of the side of his eye. Finally he lifts his middle finger towards us and Louis kicks the door close. Niall and I both turn to each other and as soon as our eyes meet we erupt into a loud fit of laughter.

Everything was going to be okay.

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