Blitzø x Male Reader: Secret...

By LM_Studios

35.5K 578 719

WARNING: This story is rated 18+ for adult content as well as a few triggers. Reader discretion is advised. A... More

Prologue: Is This the End?
Chapter 1: Putting It Off
Chapter 2: A Close Call
Chapter 3: The Skeptical Prince/The Truth
Chapter 5: Checking In/Soul Binding
Chapter 6: Sweet Addiction
Chapter 7: Wedding Prep, Take 2
Chapter 8: Path To Redemption/The 'Firsts'
Chapter 9: The 'Firsts': Asking Him Out
Chapter 10: The 'Firsts': Date Night/Roleplaying
Chapter 11: Heavenly Assistance
Chapter 12: The Duel/ 'Fight. Like. A man.'
Chapter 13: Not According To Plan/The Wedding
Epilogue: Back In Business!/Realization...
The Soundtrack

Chapter 4: A Butler's Task

2K 36 29
By LM_Studios

'I cannot believe he is making me do this. I'd rather give that spoiled brat a bath than stalk his imp lover.' Boxley grumbled to himself as he sit in his car, impatiently sipping his coffee 'I don't understand why I have to be here so early either, I haven't seen a single car go in or out of that lot all morning. It's been almost a week now, I haven't seen anything worth...Wait, who is that?' He quickly took out his camera to see you pulling into the I.M.P. lot, taking photos of you as you exited your car. He zoomed in closer to see a small box in your hand. After a few more minutes of waiting, he saw Blitzø pull in as well. 'There's Master Blitzø, running behind as expected. But what is that young man doing?' he asked himself, confused to see you quickly hide the box behind your back. He could see Loona and Blitzø both approach you, a look of surprise on his face as you presented him the box. Boxley resumed in taking photos, gasping as he saw him treat you with a hug and a kiss 'Well well, that explains his sudden bravery. Master Stolas will not like this.' he commented, watching as your tails started to intertwine. '...What am I doing? They both look so happy, why can't his highness just leave well enough alone? Then again, does he even...Come now Boxley wake up, of course Master Stolas doesn't know about this. That's the whole reason why you're here after all.' He sat back in his seat, looking back at the photos he had taken. Seeing past his guilt, he picked up his phone and messaged the prince.

⊱ ────── {.⋅ 📱 ⋅.} ───── ⊰

Me: Remember that imp you were skeptical about? He's much closer to Master Blitzø than you thought.

Stolas: How close exactly?




Stolas: Hello, are you still there? How do they know each other??

Me: My apologies sire, needed to plug up my phone. I believe they might be together.





Me: Sire?




Stolas: As business partners, correct?

Me: No sire, romantic partners. If don't believe me, I do have--

⊱ ────── {⋅. 📱 .⋅} ───── ⊰

His hand froze on the keyboard for a moment, quickly going back to delete the message.

'Perhaps I shouldn't alarm him so soon, best to play it safe.'

⊱ ────── {.⋅ 📱 ⋅.} ───── ⊰

Me: I believe so, I will collect more information as they leave.

Stolas: Good, follow them. If it doesn't look as though he is going home let me know. That will be all.

⊱ ────── {⋅. 📱 .⋅} ───── ⊰

Boxley sighed, shamefully looking at the pictures once more. While his mind was telling him to do his job, his heart was screaming at him to erase the memory card. However, remembering who his employer is, he forced himself to stay on task. As the day went on, he continued to pass time by arguing with himself. Thinking of what be could do, what he would say upon refusing to report back. In the end his conclusion was always the same, he knew it was best not to challenge a prince of Hell. Soon, he finally saw all of you leaving the building. However, he quickly ducked as Moxxie looked in his direction.

"Hm? Somethin' wrong sweetie?"

"Not particularly, but has anyone else noticed that car has been parked there all day?"

"Eh, somebody probably left it there. It won't last a day though, you know there are looters out here. Anywho, the rest of the day is ours gang! (Y/N) and I were wondering if you wanted to go wedding shopping with us."

"Oh of course we would! I've been wearin' the same old dress for so long, it's high time for somethin' new." Millie squealed.

"I could use a new suit, but what's your theme? Is there a certain color we should be looking out for?"

"Not really, Blitzø wants a more rustic theme for the wedding. He calls it Starlit Stable, should be interesting with the surprise I have planned."

"And I can't wait." Blitzø giggled as he held your arm, kissing your cheek.

"You guys are almost too cute, you know that?" Loona teased "Let's get going, the shop is gonna close soon."

"Oh, were not going to that shop. We're heading over to Misa's place."

"Who now?"

"Her name is Misa Akabane, she's the dressmaker friend I told you guys about. And she'll keep the shop open for us as long as we need. Let's get going, I think you'll like her."

'Sweet Lucifer I was right, they are romantically involved. And they're engaged too? This might complicate things...Although...he doesn't have to know that last part right away. Saying they're dating would be one thing, but what would he do if I told them they were to be married?' he gulped, already imagining Stolas' rage 'This will not end well for them, or for me if I don't play my cards right.' He was so lost in his thoughts that he nearly missed his chance to follow you all to your next destination.

"Maybe we should go with the classic look instead, it's pretty traditional. Then again maybe that's too old school, this one looks nice though..." You could only laugh as Blitzø scanned the mannequins in the store.

"Babe will you relax? We have plenty of time to get our suits, there's no rush at all."

"And I swear he said 'maybe' at least 100 times since we walked in." Loona commented.

"Well it's not every day you get to shop for a wedding Loona, especially your own. And can you please get off that phone and at least try to pick a dress? Like it or not you are dressing up."

"(Y/N) said I could wear a suit if I wanted to. You on the other hand never said it had to be a dress." she countered. Blitzø glared at you as you tried to escape with a casual whistle.

"Don't give me that (F/N) (L/N), she is not wearing a suit!"

"I don't see anything wrong with it, it's only fair that it's her choice."

"A choice in a dress, she is not wearing a suit and that's that!" Blitzø pouted, crossing his arms as he turned away from you. You grinned, hugging him from behind "H-Hey, what are you--?"

"Come on baby, she wants it to be her choice. There's nothing wrong with that. Don't you want her to look nice on our big day? I already know you'll look handsome in your tux.~" you purred, making him hold back a moan as you kissed his neck. He panicked, feeling you nibble on his neck just before pulling away.

"N-N-Not there (Y/N), especially not in public! You know how sensitive my neck is!"

"Which is why I did it.~" you winked before you resumed browsing.

"Sometimes I wonder why I set you both up, then I remember that you both share the same sense of sex humor." Moxxie commented.

"Excuse me?"

"Wait, you don't remember that? You went through all that trouble to get him to work with us, then when he started flirting you were in full on denial?" Millie asked.

"...Ooooh! Now I remember, I was such a nervous wreck about being with another guy. On account of a certain someone I was too afraid to start dating again." he sighed as he looked back at you "He said he had something planned for me, and I want to surprise him too. I don't care what anyone says, I want to be the bride in this wedding."

"Oh? When you say you want to be the bride sir..."

"I mean I want to walk down the isle in the best dress Hell has to offer. I want to really wow him, I want him to be speechless when he sees me...Which is why I don't want him to catch me trying on any dresses while we're in here."

"Say no more, we'll keep him busy for you, on 2 conditions. I get to wear a suit, and I get to be the one walking you down the isle." Loona playfully demanded, laughing as Blitzø hugged her.

"I wouldn't have it any other way Loonie, and it's a deal. Just please make sure he doesn't come to the other side of the shop."

"You got it. Hey, (Y/N)! I think I saw something nice over here." While Moxxie and Loona were quick to keep you busy, Blitzø was able to sneak off with Millie to the other side of the store.

"Well that was easy, and look at these gowns. Gives me flashbacks of my wedding with Mox, I swear I nearly tried on every dress they had just to find the right one."

"I don't blame you, the right dress is essential for the big day." a female voice agreed.

"Huh? Who said that?" Millie asked, suddenly shrieking as a female snake demon hung down in front of her.

"So sorry for the scare dearie, but (Y/N) wanted me to make sure all of you were comfortable. However I don't think we've been properly introduced." She carefully slipped off the beam, slithering before them "I'm Misa, the owner of this little shop. Every gown, every suit, it was all done by yours truly. And you must be the lucky groom, Blitzø correct?"

"Yes, he's told you about me?"

"Why yes, it was also my idea that he propose to you at the Sterling Diamond...And that must be the ring!" she squealed as she took his hand, admiring the engagement ring.

"Er, yes, it is. His is the Bisexual flag."

"Aw, it's lovely, I do love catering to a Pride wedding. It does give me a chance to experiment a bit with the flag colors. But let me stop rambling, you came to this little corner for a gown correct? What are you in the mood for, something more traditional? A Pan Pride gown? Or something completely custom?"

"Mmmm, maybe a mix of custom and traditional, with a pinch of Pan Pride. Sure this is pretty much a gay wedding, but (Y/N) and I want to keep it small. Something a bit more personal you know?"

 "And where did you get that sketchbook?"

"Not important, I'm constructing my next masterpiece. Now, here is what I'm thinking Blitzø: The base of the gown will be a traditional white, we can play around with the sleeve design and all that later. As for the Pride, perhaps a your flag as a veil? And even one of the layers on the train repeating the pattern. And of course (Y/N) will be showing off his colors as well. I'm thinking a bow tie as well as a lovely flower in the front pocket. How does that sound so far?" she asked, giggling as Blitzø's eyes sparkled at the concept.

"Oh my God I love it! How soon can you get started?"

"As soon as I get your measurements dearie. Once I'm done, you can have fun trying on some of the other gowns. All I ask is that you step into them versus pulling them over your head."

"Why suggest that?"

"Um, your horns dearie, they are a tad bigger than I thought they were. Can you blame me for worrying that you might rip one of my creations? If you don't mind me asking--"

"No, I don't file them down, and don't plan to either. If anything I file them to sharpen them, (Y/N) likes them big.~"

"Oh brother." Millie rolled her eyes at the response. However, she noticed the same car from I.M.P. sitting outside across the street "What the...Isn't that the same car from before?"

"What about a car Millie?"

"Just outside, that's the same car Moxxie pointed...out?" When she tried to point out the vehicle, it was already gone.

"Are you feeling alright Mills? There's no one out there."

"N-No, that car was just there! They must've backed into that alley, I swear I saw the same Mustang out there."

"You're losing it Mills, there's nothing out there. Now about those dresses, I swear I found at least 5 or 6 I wanted to try on."

"Go ahead, just please remember what I said about trying them on." Blitzø yelped, having been constricted in her tail "Because if I find so much as one seam out of place on any of these gowns, you will be my dinner for tonight. Is? That? Clear?" she hissed menacingly, making both imps cringe in fear.

"Yep, step into them, not over the head, got it!" he whimpered.

"Splendid, glad we are in agreement. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to take a moment to check on (Y/N). He sounded so nervous on the phone, let's hope I don't have to give him the same warning." she giggled as she left them.

"How can someone so sweet be so scary?" Millie asked, Blitzø looking at her with an astonished expression "What, why are you lookin' at me like that?"

"Because you...forget it, just help me get into this one." Millie only shrugged as she followed him. After some time had passed, Boxley reviewed the pictures he had taken of Blitzø in various gowns. He rested the camera in his lap with a guilty sigh, looking down at his phone with nervous dread.

'Not a single call from his highness, thank goodness. I don't know how I can cover for this one, and he knows I'm a terrible liar. Damn it all, what should I do? If I hand over these photos, all of their preparations will be for not. Their life will be in shambles once his highness hears about this. And then again if I don't...I can't begin to even imagine how furious he would be. Either way I see it, I still can't win.' he whined, his palm meeting his face. 'This is too much stress for me, maybe a drink will calm me down.' Before he could reach for his flask, he gasped as the barrel of a gun tapped his window.

"Out of the car, now." Moxxie demanded, the butler quickly complying "I knew there was someone in this car, start talking. Are you watching us, and if so, why?"

"M-My apologies, really, I am only doing my job."

"For who, what reason do you have for stalking us like this?"

"...I can't say." he replied, flinching as Moxxie raised his gun.

"Normally I'm not this hostile, but you caught me at a bad time. I'll ask again, why are you following us?" Boxley hesitated at the question, thinking quickly as he spotted a pipe on the ground.

"Well, if you wish to know...Miss watch out!!"

"What, Millie?!" As soon as he turned around, he was struck with the object, falling to the ground unconscious.

'...Dear Lucifer what have I done, I'm just as crazy as Stolas! I-I can't leave him like this, what do I do, what do I do?!' He dropped the pipe, carefully leaning him against the wall before speeding off 'Alright Boxley, just-just calm down. You only knocked him out, you meant no harm, you meant no harm.' After the drive, he parked in an empty lot, almost chugging his flask "Note to self: During the course of this madness, use the 12 oz flask instead. 6 is not enough for all this stress. I don't know how much more of this I can take..." Before he could compose himself, his phone rang with the prince's face on the screen "Oh bullocks, spoke too soon...Hello, this is Boxley."

"Did I not ask you to text me with updates? I haven't heard from you in almost 6 hours, surely I.M.P. is still open."

"I-I do apologize sire, I was busy taking photos as you requested. They actually closed their doors early for a group outing."

"Early you say? And what was the reason for this 'outing', was that imp with them as well?" he asked, a tone of anger in his voice. Boxley hesitated, struggling in measuring his response carefully.

"Yes sire, he was. There is another thing about him, should he try to hide he can't go far. It turns out he's not a Hell bred imp."

"What, are you saying he's a sinner?"

"Yes sire, from what I heard from their little chats, he's been deceased for roughly 10 years. In the last 5 he's started working for Master Blitzø."

"Wait, if he's been down here for that long...I knew that little red bastard was lying to me. If he's been in that office for 5 years, how come I never saw him in that time?"

"It could be a coincidence with the scheduling sire. I don't think--"

"There's a deeper connection with those 2, I highly doubt they are just business partners like you said...Are you keeping something from me Boxley?" Stolas asked, making the butler squirm with the brutal echo in his voice "Well, speak! What aren't you telling me?!"

"OK! OK...I didn't wish to alarm you but...When I said they were partners, I meant romantic partners sire. They are together, in a relationship." he finally confessed, worried by Stolas' silence "...M-Master Stolas, are you still there?" he almost dropped his phone, having heard a loud thud, followed by the sound of breaking wood.

"Get back here and have those photos developed immediately, I have to see this for myself." he hung up, shaking the bits of shattered wood off his hand. With an angered roar, the table he ruined was sent flying towards the wall "That imp has some nerve, hiding his little boyfriend from me?! He needs to know his place, and that is with me! What does this (L/N) have that I don't? I have fame, I have fortune, I am one of the most feared nobles in the Nine Circles, and he dare chooses that sorry sinner over me?!" he yelled, knocking over a bookcase "This must be a game to him, nothing but a game. That has to be it, he just wants to see how many other partners he can have aside from me. He should have known better than to test me like this. For the sake of himself, and his precious staff, Blitzy better pray that I don't find anything incriminating in these photos." he growled to himself as he started pacing. Right outside the doors, his daughter had watched the scene with shocked awe. Of course she had known about her father's affair, what she didn't know of was how truly deranged he really was.

'Mother of Lucifer, how could he be this obsessed with an imp? There has to be something else, there has to be.' As she made her way to the library, she passed through the front hall just in time to catch Boxley returning. As they stared at each other in shock, she noticed his camera, which he tried to hide under his coat "Good evening Boxley, you've been out today?"

"Wh-Why yes milady, just a quick outing to the park! The rose bushes do look lovely this time year, I only--"

"You're an awful liar Boxley, don't even try. What were you really doing out this time of day?" she asked, only for him to give her the camera in defeat.

"You've always been an inquisitive young lady Miss Octavia, I've always admired that about you. If you browse these photos, you will have your answer." Curious at first, she powered up the device, gasping at the photos.

"Isn't this that imp, Blitzø was it? ...Why in the world is he wearing all these gowns? Is there something I should know about you Boxley?" she questioned, making him blush furiously

"I-I assure you milady, it's nothing like that in the slightest! Your father gained a sudden paranoia over this new imp he encountered, he started to speculate that they could be together. It turned out he wasn't too far off the mark, so he ordered me to shadow them."

"Wait, these are wedding gowns he's wearing. This partner of his...are they...?"

"...That's the part I refuse to tell your father. They went to Misa's Boutique for wedding attire, Blitzø and this (Y/N) are engaged."

"Oh my, and they look so happy..."

"I know!" he cried, falling to his knees as he held his head in his hands "I'm sorry Lady Octavia, but I can't bare this much longer, I can't contain this guilt! And above all else, I cannot allow him to see these bridal photos. There has to be something we can do, something we can--"

"I'm sorry, but did you say 'we' just now?"

"...Oh dear, did I? I-I'm sorry milady, I just--"

"As soon as you get these printed off, I want you to take me to this boutique at once."

"Excuse me?"

"You said you can't live with the guilt, right? Well I can't let Blitzø live on with my father torturing him like this. I've heard him talking to himself after'session' they've had. He hates having to do this, and if anything he's tired of my father's amorous affection."

"I don't blame him milady. Do you have any idea as to how many times I've had to clean and sanitize his chambers alone? It's no wonder your parents sleep in separate rooms."

"...Thank you for sharing that with me Boxley. Anyway, you mustn't keep him waiting any longer. Print off the photos but you can't mention to him that I know about this. As for the the bridal photos, be sure to give them to me, make no copies and erase that camera."

"Understood milady, but what use do you have for the other photos?"

"For evidence of course, I have a feeling Blitzø won't believe us once we try to explain all of this." Speaking of Blitzø, he was currently trying to play off that he had been trying on gowns instead of suits as he rejoined the rest of you.

"Alright, I think I have the perfect pair for us babe. I'm thinking this one with...hey, what's the matter? You don't like this one?"

"Huh? Oh no, it looks nice. But has anyone seen Moxxie, he kinda ghosted on us."

"I'm right here..." he groaned, almost falling to his knees as he entered the shop.

"Oh my stars, Moxxie! You look awful hun, what happened?"

"I...I think I was attacked. I went outside to take a call, but I saw the same car from before. When I tried to investigate, the driver tricked me, and now I have a lump on the back on my head."

"Let me see...It doesn't look too bad, but sit here for a moment dearie. I'll grab you an ice pack and some aspirin, that should help with the pain."

"Thank you Misa, I appreciate that. Now do you believe me sir? I told you someone is following us."

"OK OK! It wouldn't be the first time I've been wrong, I just wish this wasn't one of those times." he whimpered.

"Relax babe, we'll get to the bottom of this. Who would want to shadow us, and why?"

"My father, that's who." Octavia started as she approached the group.

"P-Princess Octavia..."

"Please, no need to bow, I honestly hate that. I know I'm the last demon you want to see Blitzø."

"Oh yeah, especially after last time. Do you have any idea how huge your family's garden is?! Even though it's not a maze a child could still get lost out there!"

"Look, if you had not gotten the wise idea to hide outside, that whole debacle could have been avoided!"

"Excuse me, but can you please not yell? My head still hurts..." Moxxie growled, sneering at Boxley.

"...Oh yes, the pipe incident. I am terribly sorry about that sir, it was a moment of panic."

"So you're the one that attacked my Moxxie?! You are gonna be so sorry you ever--!"

"Millie, enough!" you quickly pulled her back, making her put her dagger away "You said your father was shadowing us, for how long?"

"You have to ask him. How long have you been following them Boxley?" Everyone looked at the butler, eagerly waiting for an answer.

"You've got to be f***ing kidding me! You Box, of all the servants to stab me in the back it had to be you?!"

"Wait, what now?"

"Boxley is Stolas' head butler (Y/N). His right hand man, and usually the one that helps me hide or escape from Stella on the occasions we do get busted. Getting back to my rant, please tell me she's joking. Puh-lease tell me he didn't really put you up to this! ...Well, say something damn it!!"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I really am Master Blitzø. The first few days I didn't suspect much, that he wasn't in his right mind. Then today really changed everything, when I saw you kiss him that's what really did it for me. The more photos I took the worse I felt, and then when I stared taking the ones of you all here--" Blitzø snarled at him, grabbing him at the throat.

"And you took pictures too?! Are you trying to get me killed Box, are you trying to get (Y/N) killed?!"

"Blitzø please, calm down!" Misa intervened, quickly using her tail to pull him back.

"Let me go, let me go!! I swear to Christ Box, if anything happens to (Y/N) because of you I'll...I'll...!" He started to tear up, his threat turning into a loud sob. Once Misa released him, you and Loona both were quick to hold him as he continued to cry "I...I-I can't believe I didn't think about this. I've been acting off all week, of course he would want to investigate!"

"Blitzø chill out, you're not alone in this. You've got us, we can help you."

"How Loona, how in the hell are we going to dodge this one?! I mean, trying to escape from a job that went to hell in the living world is one thing, but to escape the wrath of a horny prince is suicide! It's not like we can just hide from him!"

"Blitzø please, we can't just give up. I told you before and I'll tell you again, I'm not letting him stop me from being with you. We're getting married whether he likes it or not."

"We can't if he banishes you to the next Circle! I don't want to lose you (Y/N), especially not to him. We can't even elope, he'd still find us."


"It's over (Y/N)...Even before it started, it's over..." he continued to sob, crying into your chest. Octavia stared at you, feeling pity as he continued to cry. As she looked around the shop, a certain poster caught her eye. With a smile she knelt before you, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. 

"Please Blitzø, you shouldn't give up so quickly. I know I've been rather cold towards you in the past, but I have an idea. If you trust me, perhaps there is one place where you both can hide."

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