Mi amor ( Thomas Jefferson x...


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One day you bump into a man on your way to a interview and call him a asshole.... little did you know that wo... More

The beginning
Cheater? That depends
Let me fill you in....
1 ....


88 3 5

Jefferson POV

When I walked into the building i saw a shadow .... I turned on the light and it was gone ... so I just put it aside and went to my office ... again I saw the shadow through the window .... but then it disappeared.... I locked my office door ... and just tried to focus on my work ... I think my mind was just playing a trick on me..... I was really tired after all but I really needed to get this paper work done .... then I heard something over the intercom ....

" Hello Jefferson..." someone with a deep voice said ... I got up and looked around .. who was speaking ... I was the only one here ... or was I?

" Who are you?" I say freaking out ... I back up against the wall...

" Tsk... Tsk.... shouldn't you know who I am? I've missed you Thomas..... How's Y/N doing? I see her laying in bed .... one of your shirts on... is that silk bedsheets? Fancy.... Oh I see some pasta too...she's watching the flash.... she looks really pretty... now she's texting on her phone.... shouldn't you be getting a text now?" Then my phone pings... how did they know all this.. did they have cameras...

" don't touch her!" I say yelling .... I have to keep Y/N safe... from who ever this is....

" oh... really.... then give me what I WANT!"

The intercom then shuts off ... I look around and grab my pocket knife ... then the voice is outside my door ...

" a pocket knife? You really think that can stop me?" Then it goes quiet ... how did it know I was holding a pocket Knife..... I sit back down still holding my pocket knife ... then I feel something poke my neck... I collapse ontop of the desk .... I was out... and I didn't even know who it was ... or if Y/N was safe ....


Jefferson still wasn't home ..., im a little worried but he did have a lot of paper work to do... I kinda wish that he would have just brought it home... so at least I know he is home and safe .... I keep on feeling like someone is spying on me ... but that's ridiculous.... nobody is watching me....I clean up the dishes and head to bed ... I text Jefferson goodnight

Y/N 💕: goodnight love you 💤🌙😴  don't stay up to late !

No response... he was probably just really busy ... yea I'll go with that.... I head to bed....

The next day

When I wake up he is still not home ... maybe he feel asleep at his desk .... he has done that before .... many times... so I just put it aside and make my self some morning coffee... today I got to go into work a little later ... Jefferson would probably come home to shower and freshen up ... I was waiting for him... I even made him some food and his lunch .... but still nothing .... okay maybe he stayed at work? Right .... then I get a call from Washington... why was Washington calling me... he only calls me when I'm late ... or something is wrong .... I check the time ... I wasn't late...

" hey do you know where Jefferson is? His shift started 3 hours ago..." Washington asks

" oh no I thought he was at work ... his not here ... he didn't even come home last night ...." I say ... my voice shaking....

" do you know where he might be?" He asks

" hmm... no .... if he went somewhere ... He would have told me..." I say... now me and Washington are both worrying....

" no need to worry.. he is probably at a hotel... he left his phone here ...." Washington says trying to reassure me ... then he hangs up... my phone drops... he wasn't at work or home .... where could he be... he doesn't even have his phone ... he should have told me.... that he was going to go somewhere ... did he leave because of the kid? Did he not even want to help raise it? He didn't seem like he was panicking.... and if he was why didn't he tell me... I decided to call all his friends ... they haven't seen him at all... everybody started to go look for him... but nobody could find him .... then night came.... Alexander came and stayed over just to make sure I was safe and didn't start to panic... because he knows how to deal with panic attacks .... luckily he was here because I did start to panic....

" Y/N.... it's gonna be okay..." he says leaning down... so he is in my level ... ( I was laying in bed )
" hey look at me... look at me..." I try to keep my eyes on him....
" okay let's breath together ... come on ... In.... Out.... In.... Out...." I started to control my breath.... it took a little more than that but eventually I started to calm down...
" okay are you okay..." I nod ...
" okay now go to bed .." he says getting up... but I grab on to his arm...
" can you just stay until I fall asleep?" I ask... I didn't want him to leave just yet.... you know just in case ..
" yea of course..." he says sitting down on a chair next to the bed ..... every time I would almost have a bad dream I would open my eyes and see that Alexander is there .... and that I was safe ... but was Jefferson? I couldn't get any sleep... I kept on thinking about Jefferson.... did he really leave me? He said he loved me ... and said he would tell me if anything happened ... but he didn't... or he couldn't.... I mean Jefferson did make a lot of people mad so I wouldn't be surprised if someone went out and found him... and well... took him... but I couldn't think like that ... I had to stay positive.... I guess Alexander could tell I was worried because he said ...
" Y/N... Jefferson is going to be okay.... but come on you need to get up and go to work... I know it's hard but if Jefferson was here he would want you to..." I get up and get changed... we walk to work... the whole office is silent ... no word about Jefferson... or anything ....

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