
By itstilliswhatitis

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@supu1224 pitched me this idea: What about a story named versions where they face struggles of life and how t... More



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By itstilliswhatitis

This is for you supu1224 ♥️


He had his first crush when he was ten. It was his math teacher Mr. Morrison. He had kind eyes. He didn't reflect on the fact that he had a crush on a boy, or in this case a man. It was a silly crush anyhow.

His second crush wasn't as innocent as the first one. He had turned thirteen and he was all hormones and teenage angst.

He spent countless hours in his room masturbating and fantasizing about Jonah in his class. He had pretty blue eyes and a nice smile, and yeah, a nice ass too.

At first, he thought that he might be bisexual but a year went by and he never crushed on a girl. They were cute and all but he didn't find them attractive. He finally admitted to himself that he was gay and it was such a relief. He kept it to himself.

The first boy he kissed was a boy named Marcus. They met at summer camp. He was too shy himself but Marcus was more straightforward. He wasn't sure at first that he was really flirting with him but as the week passed he was pretty sure at least.

They went down to the lake on their last evening before they were heading home from camp. They went to different schools in different towns so it was unlikely that they would see each other again and he was bummed about it. They sat down on the pier and let their feet cool off in the water. Marcus turned to look at him.
"Harry? Can I kiss you?"

Harry gulped nervously and wet his lips.

Marcus put a hand on his cheek and leaned in. Harry's eyes were wide open but he closed them as soon as he could feel Marcus' lips against his own. He moved his lips hesitantly at first and when Marcus licked his lower lip to ask for access he opened his mouth to the kiss. They tongue kissed for a while before they ended it. Marcus smiled at him and he had butterflies in his stomach. It was a perfect first kiss.

They said goodbye and he went home the next day and spent the rest of the summer in an euphoric state of mind.

When school started again he was a bit sad. He had never made friends easily and his one and only friend Chris had moved away during the summer which meant that he would spend his last year in high school by himself but it was only a year. He would focus on his studies.

He went to his locker to get his books. The hallway was crowded but he didn't pay attention to the other students. Then someone called his name.

Harry turns around in surprise just to find one of the popular guys, Leo stares at him with a smirk.
"Kissed any boys lately?"

Harry stared at him in disbelief.
"W...what?" He asks quietly, hoping that he heard him wrong.

Leo grinned. It looked like he was enjoying this.
"We were at the same summer camp remember? I saw you down by the pier with that other guy, Marcus was it? You had your tongue down his throat."

A couple of girls giggled and the boys laughed out loud. Harry's heart was beating erratically. He was mortified. Leo didn't stop there.
"So you're a fucking faggot huh? No surprise there. Just stay away, I don't want to catch the Gay."

Harry felt tears burn behind his eyes and he closed his locker and ran off without a word. He felt absolutely humiliated.

He cried himself to sleep that night but convinced himself that the next day would be better. So Leo outed him and that was horrible and not the way he wanted to come out but Leo would leave him alone now. Except he didn't. 

School became his own personal hell. Leo took every chance he got to call him out for being gay and the people around him laughed. Harry got quieter and quieter and soon he didn't raise his hand in class and he kept to himself. He ate his lunch outside under an old tree and he avoided people altogether. He started to hate school.

Six months later he broke down in front of his mother and came out to her. She hugged him and told him that she loved him and Harry felt so relieved. He could get through the last semester of school. He never told his family that he was getting bullied. He just sucked it up and focused on his grades. He would get away from this shit hole of a town and never look back.

He got through high school by taking it day by day. He could be himself at home and that saved him. He had told his sister and his dad as well and they all supported him.

He didn't really understand why his sexuality was such a big deal in school. Leo was usually the only one who called him names. Sometimes a few others joined in but many of the other students laughed at everything that Leo called him and that hurt the most. It wasn't like he had chosen to be gay.

It really took a turn on his self-esteem but he promised himself that he wouldn't be ashamed of who he was. His sexuality was a part of him but it wasn't all of him. He couldn't wait until he could get out of high school and start fresh.

The day he graduated he went up to Leo and looked him firmly in the eyes.
"You're an asshole and I feel sorry for you. I pity you. You should learn how to treat people with kindness. I'm glad I never have to see you again."

Leo looked remorseful for a second but then he smirked.
"Fuck you Styles."

Harry walked away and felt proud of himself for standing up to his tormentor. He promised himself that he wouldn't allow anyone to treat him like that ever again.

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