Alpha William: The Alpha King

By Cheyxxe101

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The Blood Moon Book, section Thirty of Rule Nine, page twelve, paragraph four line six "An eldest son, taking... More

Copyright Notice
Chapter 1: Seven Days Left
Chapter 2: Six Days Left
Chapter 3: Five Days Left
Chapter 4: Four Days Left
Chapter 6: Two Days Left
Chapter 7: One Day Left
Chapter 8: Coronation Day Part 1
Chapter 9: Coronation Day Part 2
Chapter 10: Eros and Xenia
Chapter 11: First Order of Business
Chapter 12: Big Deal
Chapter 13: Loud and Proud
I love you guys
an update
Hello Everyone

Chapter 5: Three Days Left

5.9K 187 2
By Cheyxxe101

"Romance is tempestuous. Love is calm" -Mason Cooley  

Dead? "Im sorry, did you just say everyone thought she was dead?" 

Her father sighed "Our family, well my wifes family are direct descendants of the Moon Goddess, our two older girls showed no sign of inheriting the gene until we had Iris. Venus our oldest daughter has the ability to control water and heal with it, our middle child Esther has the ability to break down emotions or abilities in other people. Neither of them showed the markings of the Moon Goddess."

Mrs. Resin started speaking "My mother was the Moon Goddess for three hundred years, she passed the lineage to me and I became the next one, I have been the Moon Goddess for Two Hundred and thirteen days. I almost gave up on having kids, but we had Irisabeth and she showed the markings from birth. She is my next lineage to carry on the chain." 

I turned to Iris "Irisabeth has the ability to harness air and the ability to heal others, the main sign of bein the Moon Goddess." Mr. Resin continued 

"Is that why I had a hand print on my chest?" I spoke out loud 

"My power didn't effectively heal you right away" Iris spoke "I had to be more forgeable due to your wolf being animalistic." 

"I do apologize for that to all of you" I said "That was uncalled for" 

"Son you couldn't help it, there is no reason to apologize." My father spoke 

"So why does everyone think my mate is dead?" 

Mrs. Resin started to speak "When we had Iris she was a prementure baby and she was in the ICU for about four months, she weighed only 2 pounds, everyone thought she died, so we played along. We kept her at home, we helped her grow and evolve. By the time she reached five she started showing signs of air abilities and we thought nothing of it, but by six she was healing dead birds, cats, fish, anything was hurt, dead, dying, had a cut. Then I knew we had to leave. If anyone were to see this revelation they would report it." 

Mr. Resin spoke up "The Moon Goddess is in charge of the balance of good and health, my wife has spent majority of her life fighting for that, but it is not easy. It comes with bad consequences. My wife has almost died several times because of this title and we wanted to make sure that our child wouldn't be exposed to that world. We fled to Alaska in 1820 and have been on the council since then. We kept our daughter in hiding away from the public eye, Alaska doesn't have that many citizens and in our town we only had maybe fifteen." 

"Hold up" I said sitting down next to my mom "Your telling me that you are over two hundred years old?" 

Everyone laughed "I am almost two hundred sixty years old and my wife is two hundred forty years old." 

I looked over at Iris "Do I want to know how old you are?" 

She laughed "Do you want to know?" 

"No im good really." I looked at all of them "So you're telling me that my mate is soon to be Moon Goddess, is older than me, can heal anything, has the ability to manipulate air AND has a wolf?!" 

"Pretty much" Everyone said in sync 

"The wolf part was a surprise" Mrs. Resin said "I dont have my wolf anymore and my husband doesn't either, we dont hold onto our wolves this long, but our Irisabeth is a new kind of breed." 

I shook my head "Why has her wolf survived this long?" 

Mr. Resin looked at my dad and back to me "That is a conversation you will have to have with your parents, I cannot say what isn't mine to say, but all I can say is the mating bond you two have is more powerfully than most mates get."

The room went silent, my head ached in pain and I need to lay back down. My mother tended to seek the parents out of the room and I layed there for a minute holding onto the new information. Some parts of my body were still aching but overall I was just, overwhelmed. 

"Iris?" I spoke she turned around and smiled 

"That's the first time you've said my name" She sat in front of me 

I smiled to moving my eyes to hers "It is a very beautiful name for a beautiful woman." 

She blushed even more "Did you have a question?" 

"Can you just stay here for a little bit more?" 

She moved over to where I was and layed her head on my shoulder "I will stay for how ever long you need me to." 


We sat there for a little while longer, her fingers found mine and we intertwined them together, I rubbed my thumb on her palm. Her head still resting on my shoulder, our breaths in sync, I found some peace. I was about to get up when I heard some shouting coming from the hallway, I sat up and held my hand tighter on hers. 

"Where is he!?" Someone shouted and I stood up standing in front of Iris, the door to the study brushed wide open and Sammie stood there...pissed 

I growled "What the hell do you think youre doing?" 

She laughed "What am I doing? What the hell do you think you're doing?" 

"What do you mean?" I could feel Iris stand up but still staying hidden behind me 

"You know what she is and you're still going to stay with her!?" 

"I am her mate!" I yelled moving an inch "I am not leaving her!" 

Sammie started to move to, her wolf eyes glowing "You-"

I moved closer, "I am your Alpha and soon to be King, you have no right to talk to me, or your future Queen that way!"

She stood back her wolf whimpering "You-you shouldn't talk to me that way."

"I needed you and you ran!" I said calming down, Iris pressed a hand to my back I immediately started to feel calm "You left, I have been trying with you, Sammie, I have, but you have given me no option!" 

"I needed you to!" She said with tears forming "I needed you around and you left me! For her! I needed clarification! I needed my best friend to talk to me, to tell me the truth!"

I grabbed my hair "I left voicemails, messages, I requested for you several times, you abandoned me because of a silly crush! You got scared!" 

She looked at me with a shocked face, her voice lowered "You knew that from the moment I said that to you, you knew my feelings from day one. How did you think I would react to this!?" She pointed to Iris and me "You think I would sit there and watch you with her and not expect me to do anything!?"

"Sammie-" I moved towards her and she took a step back moving my arm away tears in her eyes 

"Don't bother, I need time away"

"Sammie please dont do this!" I moved closer while she moved further back 

Sammie ran down the hall, I stood there with my hands in my hair pulling at the ends, curing under my breath. The hell just happened? I cant believe she said those things and right in front of Iris. Iris, I turned to her and she just looked shocked just like me. Confusion was all over her face and she looked at me for a moment and smiled. 

"So...that's her?" She said 

"Yeah..." I said sitting down with my hands in my hair resting on my knees 

"She has a point you know?" Her voice echoed softly in my head 

I turned my head to hers "And what's that? Cause I am just confused, shocked and a little pissed off right now." 

Her hand squeezed mine "That you're her best friend and if she has openly amidated to having feelings for you then how did you really feel when she would see you with your mate? She is a girl who obviously is in love with you." 

I smiled "I love hearing you say your my mate" 


I sighed furthering my head in my hands "I just thought it would be easier than this, I love her like a sister, did I have feelings for her at one point? Yes but I never acted on them because I knew that she wasn't my mate. I knew not to get involved with it because of this exact reaction!" 

"Girls are different" She spoke pushing my hands away from my face "She probably thought she had time and that you never were to find me or I found you. The point is she still has feelings for you and both of you need to talk about this." 

I looked at the wall where there was pictures of Daniel myself and Sammie on the wall. Those kids were so different back then, so innocent, so not aware of mates, of life, of the importance there roles would lead them to today. They were oblivious to the life that would lead them on the path they are on now and I all I could was sigh and let go of the anger, but Sammie being hurt never has sat well with me and knowing I was the problem of her being hurt...hurt me the most. 

"I just dont want to loose her" I spoke leaning back into the couch "She has been my best friend since day one...I have shared stuff to her that no one knows about. We are always there for each other, she knew this was going to happen I just didn't imagine this would hurt her this bad." 

Iris's hand rested on my thigh "Give her the time and space to cool down, shell come around."

I placed my hand on top of hers "I am sorry you had to see that."

She sighed "I never had many friends, due to the whole being dead character, but I wish I had one like that, Sammie would die for you and that shows how much she loves you and cares about you." 

"You have a friend now." 

Her eyes met mine "I do?" 

"Yeah me" I said kissing her "And I will be so much more, I wanna take thing slow. Even though it wont be for a while I know we can do this. We will become King and Queen with only knowing each other for a few days, I want to be more than your friend but I wanna take this slow." 

Her eyes got glossy "I would love that."  


A few minutes had gone by and we sat in silence for a little while longer while my brain processed all that just had happened before. I grabbed her hand and we walked slowly back to where everyone, her hand in my arm mine on top hold her against me. We didn't talk and I was gratefully for that, we just walked in silence. 

Everyone was sitting in the living room laughing, we entered the room watching our parents talk about AJ and Abe when they were younger. My dad had showed them little baby wolf picks of AJ and myself. 

"Doesn't Abe have a wolf too?" Iris spoke out, my parents go quiet 

"His wolf is dormant" My mother spoke with such sadness "His wolf barley survived my birth, they said his human body took to much nutrients from the wolf and it left his wolf hibernating in a way, if that makes sense."

"That is sad" Iris spoke squeezing my hand 

"It is, he has had a rough life growing up, but it hasn't stopped him. Abraham has been just like the rest of us." My father said lightly moving an arm around my mother "We tried for more but they had told us that my wife cannot carry anymore, we were happy with our bunch already, but we mourn our boys the most." 

Iris looked at me then back at my father "AJ seems fine?"

My mother chuckled "April is my only daughter and because of that she is a tiny me, she is very strong minded. Her wolf and her personality have been independent for some time now, she was a breeze to raise." 

"That sounds like our two!" Mrs. Resin smiled "This one though forget about it!" 

We all laughed it was starting to get dark out and Mr./Mrs. Resin had to go back, the arrival of Iris's sisters were the talk of the time, but most importantly our royal exchange was more important. The council wasn't happy about the mating but they knew that this exchange had to happen, they had pushed it for the duration of the weeks now that my mate is here they have no time to turn this down. It will happen. It will. 

My hand was squeezed and Iris looked at me, smiling "Walk me home?" 

I smiled back "Of course." 

Mr. and Mrs. Resin said there goodbyes to my parents and we all walked out of my house, my hand linked with Iris's. We walked the path to there house near the village it was about twenty minutes in a comfortable silence. The night was crisp, the air was thin and the stars were bright, but her hair glowed. I looked at her in amusement she was able to do things that I didn't think were possible and for that she was amazing more than I could ever hope for in a mate. 

"Thank you for walking us home William, very nice of you." Mrs. Resin spoke up when we ended at the front gates of the house 

"Yes, it was very nice of you do this." Mr. Resin spoke holding his hand out for mine 

I shook his hand "No problem sir, there will be guards around your house now for added protection. I had spoke to my father about this, with the arrival of your daughters and our royal exchange additive protection is a must." 

"Yes, of course thank you as well." Her father spoke up "We thank you for your hospitality and my wife and I would love it if you could come over for diner some time to welcome you into our family."

Our hand shook once more "That would be lovely, thank you sir." 

Her mother kissed her forehead and they entered the house leaving us outside, together. I saw her look up at me and I leaned in to kiss her. Our lips touched softly, my hand on her cheek, hers on mine. I pulled back and leaned my forehead on hers starring into those eyes, I will never get over those eyes. 

"Till tomorrow?" I said 

Her lips pulled up "Till tomorrow." 

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