Kate Evans - A Selfless Love!

By Annaisha2

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Kate Evans was made to promise to become Jacob Davies' second wife and mother to his child, who somehow share... More



6 1 2
By Annaisha2

I was a little shocked that he decided to re-marry when it has just been 6 days since she died. I refrained from turning around to look at him and nodded before leaving the main door of his house.

I got in my car and left for my house. I am gonna marry the person I love. My first love. I'm gonna be his second wife. I'm gonna be a stepmother to a child with whom I feel a strange connection.

How do I feel? I feel absolutely nothing. Neither happiness nor sadness. It feels like I'm entirely numb.

I didn't shed a single tear in the past week. I can sympathise for her family, but I barely had an emotional bond with her.

When I reached my house, I parked the car and went inside the house. I sat down on the couch for some time and then got up to make dinner. When I was cooking, I got a call from Chris.

He had called casually, and I spoke normally. I felt bad for not telling him what happened between Amelia Jones and me since I came to London. I had just plainly told him earlier that she is no more. He didn't ask either.

I can never hide it from him or Uncle or Aunt. So, after a few more casual talks, I said, "Chris, there's something I need to tell you. I don't know whether what I'm going to do is right or wrong, but somehow I feel like I should do it, or else I'll regret it someday. Chris, what should I do? Will you support me?"

He said in a comforting tone, "Kate, I don't know what you're talking about. If it's something you can tell me about, you would have told me without hesitation, but you're hesitating right now. I understand that it's something that you're not comfortable speaking about right now, and I also know you'll eventually tell me what it is. Whatever it is, if you'll regret not doing it, then do it. I will always support you, no matter what. I will always be there for you."

"Thanks, Chris. I guess it's time for you to get back to work, have a good day," I said.

He said, "Yeah, it's already 7:15 AM here in Sydney. It must be 8:15 PM there, have dinner soon and sleep well. Good night, Kate."

I hung up the call and the tears I had controlled were let free. All I needed was support right now, and once Chris said that he'd always support me, my tears welled up.

But I knew better than to cry out loud when I'm in a call with him. The moment he hears me cry or my voice crack, he will board the next flight and be here in front of me. I've made that mistake once 4 years ago, and he lost a deal worth a few hundred million pounds.

Once I'm done crying and making dinner, I ate while watching TV. Gradually, I slept on the couch.

Next day, I woke up at 8:30 AM. I yawned and took last night's dishes to the kitchen to wash them. Once I was done, I sat back on the couch and picked up the phone from the table. It was showing 9:00 AM. I stared at it blankly and only after 2 whole minutes; I realised that James' father had asked me to be at the registry office at 10 AM.

I jumped from the couch, ran to my bathroom, took a quick shower, wore a set of formal wear and took my car key. I stopped for a second and turned around. The luggage that I brought with me last week from Edinburgh was still unpacked. Without wasting any time, I threw the luggage at the back of my black Mercedes-Benz car and got in.

I looked at the time and it was 9:30 AM. I started the car and rushed to the registry office. I reached at 9:55 AM and when I walked in; I saw him waiting in the lounge. I took a deep breath before walking towards him, and said, "Let's go."

He looked at me up and down with a blank face. I didn't know what he was expecting of me, but I decided that I'd do this formally and I was dressed formally from top to bottom. After all, it's just a promise and nothing more.

He led the way, and we did the entire process in silence. Once we were done, we both left the registry office, and he got into his car. I didn't say a word and turned to get into my car. He drove the car in front, while I followed him from behind.

Once we reached his house, he parked the car and went inside the house. I parked the car and took my luggage from the back of my car. When I entered his house, he was not in the living room. I let myself into his bedroom and changed into casual wear.

Once changed, I went into the 7-day-old James' room. A maid was trying to change his diapers. I took over and changed his diapers, and then I put him to sleep. I was rocking his cradle, and I received a notification. When I unlocked my phone, I saw that it had a few missed calls. Some were from my manager and some were from Freya.

I first called Freya and told her everything. She freaked out and was angry at me. She then gradually calmed down when I explained her as to why I did what I had done. Once we finished talking about me, I asked her as to why she had called me.

She had called in to report some ambiguous appropriation of funds. She called me to know the details, assuming it was me who used those funds so that she could classify them appropriately in the accounts.

With taking what she said into consideration, I sensed that something is amiss. I then told her that I would take care of it and not to breathe a word about it to anyone.

I then hung up and called my manager. He had called to remind me of the event next week and to ask about the preparations that need to be made for the event.

I instructed him of all the documents and data I would be needing for the event and told him to give it to me in the next 3 days.

Once I hung up the call, I went to James' father's bedroom, and he was not there. I guessed him to be in the minibar in the house. He has been there every day for the past week whenever I came to look over at the child.

I took a deep breath and walked over to my luggage. I opened the luggage and took out my laptop. I sat on the study table in the corner of the room and started working on the laptop.

For the next few hours, I kept working on the laptop and made a few calls. At last, I had found the culprits who had misappropriated funds out of 'Evans Holdings'.

I closed the laptop, called the police officers, informed them of the misappropriation of funds and asked them to come to the regional office of Evans Holdings.

Then I changed into the formal clothes I wore in the morning. Before I left the house with my laptop, I checked on James and he was sleeping soundly.

It was already 3 PM, so when I reached the regional office, I went to the cafeteria to have my lunch. I called the culprits one by one and asked them to assemble at the cafeteria.

I made them choke on their own words and when they knew that I had found out about their games, they started bragging carelessly. Unfortunately for them, the police officers had arrived and listened in their entire confession.

They were dragged out, and I fired them officially. Once I was done with dealing with the problem at hand, I left the place and returned to James' house.

When I went to James' room, the maid that I informed before leaving for office was feeding him in the room. I put James to sleep and went to his father's room.

I laid on the bed and slept soon. After some time, I heard some sounds, but I didn't open my eyes, guessing it must be James' father.

After a few minutes, I felt something was weird, and when I opened my eyes, I saw James' father standing next to me, naked.

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