His Obsession (COMPLETED)

By WrittenByKalifa

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***WARNING: THIS STORY INCLUDES MATURE CONTENT AND VIOLENCE**** "They call it obsession, I prefer the word lo... More

Chaper 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
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Chapter 38

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By WrittenByKalifa

It's been about week since Amiyah ended up with Lamar. She still had the bomb wrapped around her wrist. Her anxiety was through the roof because she didn't even know if she was pregnant of not. She most likely was because they had, had sex every night.

At the moment, Lamar was trying to put Kaden to sleep.

Lamar rocked Kaden. "I messed up little dude", Lamar said.

Amiyah walked by and saw him holding Kaden and talking so she stopped and watched. His back was facing her, so he didn't see her.

"I did think that I'm not proud of and it's like somebody else takes over sometimes", he said.

Amiyah looked down.

"I missed your birth", Lamar said as he held his tears back. "Because I wasn't strong enough to hold my anger back and I hurt your mother"

Amiyah looked back up and a tear rolled down her eyes. It was like he was fighting his own demons.

"Just please...be better than me", Lamar said.

Lamar put Kaden in his crib and Amiyah walked away before Lamar could see her.

Amiyah sat on the couch and sat in cross cross applesauce.

Eventually Lamar walked into the living room. His demeanor was different from when he was in the room and it changed as soon as he saw her. He was angry with her ever since the night Dominic was shot and she could tell.

Lamar sat in the chair and looked at Amiyah.

Amiyah looked at him for a moment then looked down.

Lamar looked at her wrist then looked away.

"Lamar?", Amiyah said as she looked up.

"What?", he replied.

"I feel really uncomfortable with this on my wrist", she said.

"You should've thought about that before you left me", he replied.

Amiyah was quiet.

Lamar looked at her.

"Why should I take it off? How do I know that you won't leave again?", he asked.

Amiyah didn't say anything.

Lamar shook his head.

"You want the truth Lamar?", Amiyah asked. "That's what you want? For me to be honest?"

Lamar starred at her.

"You're fighting something that you can not control and you need help", Amiyah said.

"Why do you keep saying that?", he asked.

"Because it's true Lamar", Amiyah said. "I heard you in the room and you know it"

Lamar was quiet.

"What...what were you diagnosed with?", she asked.

"...a few things", Lamar said.

"Like what?", Amiyah asked.

Lamar didn't say anything.

"Look, you can talk to me", Amiyah said.

"I can't talk to because I don't trust you", Lamar said.

"...if you can't trust me then why am I here?", Amiyah asked.

"Because I love you", Lamar said.

"Well how can you love someone you don't trust", Amiyah said.

"Because all we gotta do is work at it", Lamar said.

Amiyah looked down.

"If you're trying to find a way to leave, you're not", Lamar said.

"Lamar, I told you before unless you get help we don't need to be together!", Amiyah shouted.

Lamar quickly stood up and walked to her and got into her face. "Shut up! Okay? Look, all of my life I've been talked down on. Belittled. I tried the whole therapist things and guess what? She did the same", Lamar said. "Told me I was this and that. Told me I should stop worrying about you and focus on myself"

Amiyah started at him.

"I'm glad I didn't listen to her because at the end of the day I got you", he said. "Just don't ever let another nigga touch you again"

Amiyah looked down.

Lamar got out of her face and walked away.


During the weekday, Dominic worked but his performance wasn't all that good because he was too busy thinking about Amiyah.

He got Amiyah's cousin's number and called her.

"Hello?", she said.

"Hey, have you heard from Amiyah?", Dominic asked.

"No", she replied. "She isn't with you?"

"I'm guessing your dad didn't tell you", Dominic said

"No. he didn't", she said. "She's with Lamar?"

Yea", Dominic said. "I haven't heard from her in a week and I'm worried and I can't really talk about with with anybody else"

"Except for me?", she asked.

"...you know Amiyah better than anybody, right?", Dominic asked.

"Of course. I'm the one who said she'd end up with you", she said.

Dominic chuckled a little then stopped. "...she's a strong woman right?", Dominic asked. "Like...no matter what gets thrown at her, she finds some way to get passed it right?"

"That's the cousin I know", she said. "But...at the same time that guy is crazy"

Dominic sighed. "And that's what scares me the most", Dominic said.

"I'm sure she's okay", she said.

"How do you know?", Dominic asked.

"Because I don't think he'll kill her", she replied. "He's crazy but...at the same time I heard him talking to himself. He kept saying that "Amiyah wouldn't like this"...as if he was talking to somebody that was inside of him. Like he's fighting something off...he didn't wanna hurt us"

Dominic didn't say anything he just listened.

"I just hope the one who's fighting, the good one, continues to fight and break through before it's too late", she said.

"...If you're right then I hope so too", Dominic said. "I haven't been around him as much"

"How about you talk to somebody who has", she said.

"Like who?", Dominic asked.

"I don't know. Family?", she suggested. "They may be the key to Lamar coming to the realization of what he's doing...if Amiyah ever gets found"

"You may be on to something", Dominic said. "Thank you for the talk lil cuz"

She smiled. "Of course. But I'm not little anymore", she said. "But I know you don't have Bianca to talk to about Amiyah anymore, so I just want you to know that I'm here"

"I'll keep that in mind. I'll talk to you later", Dominic said.

"Okay..just find my cousin", she said.

"Of course", Dominic replied. "Bye"

"Bye", she replied.

Dominic hung up and grabbed his laptop. He went on Lamar's Facebook to see if he could find any of his family members on there.


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