Gaming Your Way There (kiriba...

By moldywonderbread

31.1K 1.3K 1.4K

No quirks/aged up Kirishima and Bakugo are some of the most popular Twitch Streamers/ Youtubers. They both pl... More

I Think I Like the Idiot
Its a Fucking Guarantee
Gay Gay Gay Gay Gay Gay Gay
Some of the Family
Dont Call Me Man
They Fuckin Know
Boyfriend Tag
Heartfelt Rants
Its Mental Illness Ain't It?
Panic and Relief
Sweet Talking Gets You Somewhere
Im a Little Off...
New House, New Doubts
Speed Running Emotions
Hes Adorable
We Did That
A/N (plz read)
Secrets Out
Cats Out of the Bag
We Have a Pool?
Roof-Top Picnic
Fuckin Canada
Its Him...
The World's At Peace


1.3K 47 63
By moldywonderbread

Bakugo pov))

After a 10 minute break of us just sitting there with eachother while I try to get my thoughts in order I finally feel ready.

"I'm always here if you need me." I nod and wipe my eyes yet again.

"So we took a break." Eijiro laughs softly. "But as I just said I've been diagnosed with Bipolar. I got diagnosed at 14 but I'm pretty sure I developed it at 11." Eijiro rubs my thigh. "It was really fuckin severe when I first was confirmed with it and I guess it's mellowed out. But that doesn't mean it doesn't still happen. For example like 2 weeks ago it got really bad and I pushed Eijiro away and just drank my ass off. I know it's a shit comping mechanism but whatever." I feel a kiss on the back of my shoulder blade. "And I just feel like since you guys have kinda pulled me away from a really fucking dark place I owe you that much. I also am making this because I'm gonna be taking a break. I just kinda need a little cool down from all this."

"Don't worry though. I'll make sure he's doing okay." I smile lightly and sniffle.

"And the next time you see me I might be in a new house." Kiri puts his head on my shoulder.

"You're gonna be gone for that long?" I shrug.

"As long as it takes to give me a break from the internet." He kisses me.

"You wanna go now?" I nod as he stands with me in his arms. I cling to him as he leads us into his room and lays us both down on the bed.

"Fuck I'm gonna cry editing that." He snakes a hand in my hair and around my waist.

"You did amazing Katsuki. I'm glad you did it." I lean into his body heat. He lazily scratches my scalp and rubs my hip. "You're so perfect Katsuki. Regardless of what you think." I blush heavily and feel some tears roll out. "And I hope you'll let me help you see it yourself to." He kisses my cheek and it makes my heart flutter. "Can I help with the tears?" I shrug and he presses another kiss on my cheek. "You're so beautiful Katsu." I blush dark, knowing he can see it. He moves both his hands to my waist, squeezing lightly.

"Fuck." That fact that his hands are just bigger than mine is so, so prominent.  He smirks lightly.

"You like this?" He punctuates his sentence by squeezing a little more. I draw in a sharp breath.

"Yeah." I sound almost breathless.

"I'll keep that in mind baby." I groan and shove myself into his chest.

"Shut up." He laughs and hugs me softly. Fuck man. He's to nice.

I wake up the next morning still in Eijiro's arms. I should do something for him considering how much he puts up with. I detach myself from him and slide out from grasp. Breakfast is the best I can do right now. Especially now that I can kinda actually give myself a week of doing fucking nothing I'm not very motivated. And I'm not sure if that's a bad thing or a good thing.

About halfway through the cooking I hear shuffling from the hallway. I turn to see Eijiro with his sweatpants twisted around his waist and a hand in his bed head trying to get in managed. I blush lightly, letting my heart melt and every coherent thought I had leave. He looks over at me ans smiles.

"Hey babe. Morning." If my blush wasn't bright red before it was now. I turn around quickly, trying to hide it.

"Morning." It comes out rushed and not completely coherent. He laughs and I can feel him step up behind me.

"That's cute bubs. You think I didn't see." I blush harder and freeze.

"Bubs?" He nods and hugs me from behind.

"There's a lot of pet names I wanna call you."

"W-What are they?"

"Bubba, bug, babes, lotta b's. But they fit you. The other ones might not be so appropriate." I shudder and feel more flustered than before.

"What the fuck did bug come from?" He shrugs.

"Dunno. It's cute though cause it could be like cuddle bug or angry bug. It's universal." I huff and feel his kiss the back of my neck. "Now I'm tempted to call you them to see you blush again~"

"Shut up, you're gonna make me burn breakfast." He laughs and steps back. As much as I hate to admit it. Bug and Bubba don't sound gross as fuck. "Bug is kinda cute." I mumble it and look away so he might not catch it. But I hear a gasp and know he did.

"So it's settled! Bug it is!" I huff and look away.

"Shush." He laughs and starts talking about random shit till I'm done cooking. We sit down and his mood suddenly changes. Fuck he wants to talk about last night.

"So, tell me if I need to stop, but is there anything I can do to help. With your Bipolar?" I huff and set my fork down. "Sorry we don't need to talk about this now." I shrug.

"You have a right to know. You're my boyfriend." He presses our knees together under the table. "I dunno just kinda when I start getting quieter or just sleep in more and not eat as much I'm probably down. I don't fuckin know."

"That's okay. I just wanna know if I can help."

"Is there anything I can help with?"

"Umm yeah. Sometimes I get really overwhelmed if there's a lot of people and noise and lights. I just kinda need to be pulled away and reassured for a little bit. Or sometimes if there's just been a week where I'm constantly doing something and have no break time I have a really bad panic attack." He gets shy.

"How do I help you in a panic attack. Can I touch you or is that no?"

"Oh umm, just make sure I don't do anything drastic or well, harming to myself." He looks away and I grab his hand.

"Hey, hey, can you look at me?" He slowly looks up. "Thank you. I can do that. Anything else?"

"Yeah. Give me something to chew on. Like ice or gum. Cause my teeth are so sharp I usually inflict damage from biting my lips. Other than that just let me sleep for awhile after that." He looks at his plate again.

"Do you wanna eat now?" He nods. I kiss the back of his hand. "Alright. Dig in." He looks up at me with a small smile.


After breakfast we both snuggle up on the couch.Since Kiri has a bunch of nicknames for me. What names did I call Uraraka? Bubble but that only really fit her. Bumble? Maybe, but he's more manly than that. His Instagram is Redriot. Maybe Red? I feel a hand tap my leg.


"You're doing the thing where you're thinking really hard. What's up?" I look up at him with a brow quirked.

"What thing?"

"Your brows furrow and you frown lightly. Stop trying to throw me off. What's wrong?" I blush and look away.

"Nothing." He places a hand on my chest and forces me into his lap so I'm looking up at him. His other hand cups my jaw and makes me look at him.

NSFW ❌❌❌
"Nothing huh? You're shit at lying when it's about me Katsuki. So you wanna tell me now?" I roll my eyes and divert my attention back to my phone. I think that's the end of that but his hand goes to my waist. My head shoots down as he slowly trails it down more. "You tell me I'll let you cum. You keep your mouth shut you're gonna be crying for it." Blush takes my face and my breathing picks up. He slides his hands down, trailing a finger between my abs. "Oh, you want to be over stimulated. Got it."

"N-no." He quirks a brow.

"So why don't you start talking Babe?" I whine softly when he stops moving his hand.

"I-it's just that you have so many nicknames for me." He starts moving again.  "But I have like basically none for you. It's just Ei. You have a lot more I guess. A-" Two fingers disappear inside my waistband. "A-nd I was just thinking of some. T-thats it." He stops his hand again with a chuckle.

"Really Katsuki? You think I'm gonna believe that? You were thinking for 5 minutes and that's the farthest you got? No, no,no. You've got a good brain Katsu, tell me the rest." I huff loudly and bite my lip. Now I want him to touch me. And he's right. That's not all.  "So? I'm waiting." I blow a breath past my lips and look back up at him.

"Eijiro, please, I need you to touch me." Let's hope that works. Something flashes in his eyes and I feel his fingers dig into my skin a little.

"Keep talking baby. I'll give you what you want." He hisses the sentence out through clenched teeth. I groan and try to get any friction I can. Both his hands hold my hips down. "Oh no you don't. Tell me what name you thought of Baby. That's the only way you get anything. So start fucking talking."

"Red. I came up with Red. You always fuckin wear it and that's your hair color. Happy?" He quirks a brow.

"Not bad Katsuki. Now are you still up for it.  I'm pretty angry you tried to go against the rules." My eyes widen.

"That's bull shit and you know it. I fuckin told you." He huffs and brings a hand up to my throat. "I'm not into choking good luck tryna get me to beg like that." He rolls his eyes and quickly grabs my hair before yanking. I moan lightly before clamping my mouth shut.

"Oh? Did I hear what I think I heard? Was that a moan? No, can't be. You just said you weren't- well shoot. Now I'm confused." I roll my eyes and grab the back of his neck, tugging him down into a kiss. He doesn't seem to like his so he breaks again.

"The fuck? Kiss me Shitty Hair." He quirks a brow.

"Oh, the old nickname came out. You must be really impatient huh?" I roll my eyes and shift myself so I'm straddling his lap.

"Do something or ill do it myself." He quirks a brow.

"That's not how we ask for things." I roll my eyes. Fine. I'll do everything my fuckin self. I reach down and keep eye contact with him.

"Oh fuck yeah." Let's put on a show cause won't do fuckin shit. His eyes widen and he gulps. I get a sadistic smirk. "L-like this do you? Me stroking my cock in your lap? Making direct eye contact with you? Yeah, I bet you fuckin love it. Say it babe. I wanna hear you." He groans and leans forward, kissing my neck. "Oh no Eijiro. I still wanna h-hear you say how much you love this." I only stroke faster. This is all that bastards fault.

"Fuck Katsuki. I think I found my new kink." I smile to myself and kiss his collar bone.

"And what would that be?"

"Watching you get off without my help." I groan loudly into his shoulder. "Look at me again." I feel his hand cup my face. I turn my head back to him and blush heavily. I'm already close fuckin hell the shit he does the me. He groans softly when we make eye contact again. "Fuck you're so hot." My eyes flutter closed as my breathing picks up.

"Shit you're so perfect." He cups my jaw and runs a finger over my bottom lip.

"Cum for me Katsuki." I jolt at his words, feeling the coil almost break. Only 3 more pathetic strokes make me loose it. I take in sharp breaths while he takes my hand out of my pants. "Loot at that, you came on command. I'd say I'm whipping you into shape." I huff and lean into him.

"Shut up. That was so fuckin embarrassing." He kisses the top of my head.

"You don't have to do that. You know that right?" I shrug.

"You're the one that fuckin teased me that much to do it." I kiss his neck. "And if it makes you this wound id do it 900 times." I push my hips forward and he gasps. When he throws his head back I can tell he's been ready for something for a while. "Need help with this?" I reach down and place a feather light touch on his inner thigh. He bites his lips and nods. "Really? You think I'm gonna give in just like that? After all the shit you put me through. Real fuckin funny. Beg." A pathetic whimper comes from Eijiro.

"No, Katsuki please. Come on." He grinds his hips up and I quirk a brow.

"That's all you got? Pathetic. Looks like you're gonna have to take care of yourself like I did." I slide off his lap only to be tugged right back onto his lap.

"Katsuki you're to one who made me like this. You have to take responsibility.""

"And if I don't?" He groans and pulls me into a kiss. He's so needy when he's hard.

Kirishima pov)))

Fuck him denying me. After just have done that. God he's so fuckin hot.

"Come on. Don't you go all shy on me." I whine and lean forward.

"Please Katsuki. I need it. Please." He reaches down and hovers his hand over my waist band.

"Tell me what you want me to do. Word for word. I'll do it."

"I need you to touch me." He grabs my shoulder.

"That's it?" I groan.

"Please iou know what I want."

"But you just told me to touch you. No where specific."

(Tiny time skip)

"Don't stop." God I'm so fucking close. I spill into his hand and shudder when he doesn't stop stroking. "S-stop." He removes his hand and brings it up to his face. Is he? No. He smiles and slowly licks over one of his fingers. "Fuck. You're to good at that." He climbs off my lap and kisses me once.

"Glad you like your boyfriend." He disappears in the kitchen and I hear the sink. My god he's literally perfect. I stand and fix myself even if it's a little. When he reappears he kisses me gently. I smile into it. When he wraps his arms around my neck and tilts his head my heart melts. I gently slide my arms around his lower back. Katsuki hums lightly and presses our bodies together. Three little words roll around in my head which makes me press our lips together harder. 'I love you' the phrase that makes my heart pound. He pulls away and flushes lightly.

"God you're perfect." He nods and flushes more.

"So are you." I smile bigger and hug him.

"Remember that date? We should go on it sometime."

"Why not today?"


"Course. I just wanna be with you." J laugh and kiss his shoulder.

"You wanna go get the shower first? I'll clean up breakfast since you cooked." He kisses my collar bone.

"Why don't you join me?~" I pull away lightly.

"Yeah?" He nods and kisses me once again.

"Course. Not like you haven't seen it before."

"Then what are we waiting for?"

I'm not gonna lie. Watching Katsuki strip like that was fuckin hot. I couldn't help but stare now that I was allowed. And it's not like I didn't catch his stares either. I kiss his forehead.

"Come on. Let's shower."

Katsuki let's me wash his hair, even letting out small hums of contentment. I kiss over his neck as he soaps the front of his body.

"You trying to make me hard again Red?" I shudder at the thought and nibble his ear lobe.

"Would you be up for a round two?" He hums.

"If you're up for it to." I nod.

"Course. You wash up first." He groans and turns around, slamming me against the wall and kissing me. I realize just how needy he was and I can't just leave him aching. I grind my hips up as I tease his lips with my tounge. He moans loudly and reaches down much like earlier and wraps his hand around both of us. I quickly detach and groan. "Fuck Bunny." A hand comes by my head to hold himself up.

"Jesus Red. What is it with you and pet names?" I grab his waist to stabilize him.

"Want me to stop?" He flushes a dark color and moans lightly.


"Then it doesn't matter." He picks up his pace leaving both of us groaning loudly. "Oh fuck baby. Don't stop." He pulls me back into a sloppy kiss and I move my hands to fist in his hair. He opens his mouth and lets me in all the while quickening the pace with his hand. His breathing got faster and shallower, showing he was close. I pull away long enough to catch my breath.

"I'm so fucking close." He whimpers the sentence and his eyes squeeze shut and the hand by my head turns into a fist. I rip his wrist off and replace it with mine. "Fuck." His mouth drops open and his brows pinched together. He almost looks in pain. But to me? My god that face is so hot it almost hurts. "I-m gonna-"

"I've got you." I feel myself nearing the edge as well. He trembles before freezing. Then he unloads on both of us, a loud moan leaving his mouth. That makes me tip the edge and groan. "Fuck that was hot." He's still recovering, breathing heavily and his legs seem to be trembling. I wrap my arms around him and hold him closer to me.

"H-how can you make sentences so easily?" His voice has a waver and his pants break it up.

"Guess I recover faster." He kisses my neck softly. "You still up for that date?"

"Corse I am." I smile softly.


After we finish our shower we both get dressed. I put on skinny jeans and a deep red sweatshirt. I style my hair the way Katsuki likes and put on my grandpas wedding ring. He gave it to me right before he passed. I wear it when something big is happening. And this is something I'd say is pretty big. I walk out and wait in the living room for Katsuki.

When he finally does come out I freeze.

He's wearing ripped black skinny jeans with his iconic skull t-shirt half tucked in with a chain along the waist band of the pants. A gold chain barely poking out of his collar. He looks me up and his eyes lock on my lower half. I look down to see part of my stomach exposed. Laughing, I cover it back up.

"Like me that much do you?" He shrugs and makes eye contact.

"You're my boyfriend. Be kinda concerning if I didn't. So where are we going?" I gulp, I haven't thought this far. "You don't know do you?" I shake my head in defeat. "Then I get to pick. Come on Red. We're going to see a horror movie." I groan and get off the couch.

"Can I change you're mind?" He shakes his head with a smirk and grabs his wallet and keys. I grab the door handle.

"I'm driving and paying. I asked you out." He quirks a brow but sets the keys back down, still shoving the wallet in his pocket. He kisses me once.

"Well let's go then."

We get into the car and Katsuki plays music. Now that I know what he listens to and we're dating he seems to be more open to it. Although it's pretty funny. Him singing along pretty effortlessly to a pretty vulgar song. It's not my style but I want to hear more of his music. He suddenly turns to me with a smirk.

"Hey, you wanna hear the first song of hers I listened to?" I quirk a brow.

"Who's her?"

"Ppcocaine." I shrug.

"Sure?" He snickers and I realized what I just agreed to. He hits play and a nursery rhyme comes on?

"Just wait Ei. You'll see." I huff and try and prepare.

I'm a little cum slut, short and loud.
Bend me over and I will shout
I'm a little cum slut, short and loud
Lay me down and eat me out

"Katsuki! My god!" He goes into a laughing fit and snorts.

"You're to fuckin funny." He continues laughing while I just got more thrown on guard.

"Katsuki you sing this?" He nods and wipes his eyes. "Prove it."

"Okay, remember you asked for this." He looks back at the road. "Haha, you thought this was your average lullaby?
No, you were wrong
Really, I just want you to fuck me to sleep
Trap Bunnie Bubbles
I want my cheeks clapped, Daddy
So lay me down while I arch that ass back
I need that good pipe, Daddy
I bust it down 'cause I seen you had that rack."

"Katsuki! My god!" I'm pretty sure I'm blushing my ass off.

"You want me to stop?" I nod.

"Please change it my brain hurts." He laughs and skips the song. A nicer one comes on. "How can you listens to that. I feel dirty." He shrugs.

"I mean I curse a lot in regular life so my song reflects that. That's why all you're songs are pussy little shit songs." I pout.

"They are not!" He scoffs.

"Sure Red. Sure."

"At least my little siblings like it." He scoffs.

"Thats your music criteria?"

"No, but they just like it because it's not porn made into a song." He smirks.

"What type of porn you watch?" I blush harder.

"This is not a conversation I'm having right now." He quirks a brow.

"Why not? I could get to know a lot about you on what you watch." I blush so much it almost hurts.

"Where did you get all this cockiness from?"

"I like seeing you blush. It's cute." He reaches out to brush the back of his knuckles across my cheek. "Really fucking cute."

"Shut up." My voice wavers which only eggs him on.

"I'm finally getting you to blush. I'm not stopping any time soon Eijiro." He grabs his phone and I know he's about to take a picture. And I can't stop him cause I'm driving. I hear the click of the camera and groan.

"Fuck you." He snickers before putting his phone away.

When we finally get there the date goes fairly easy. But my god I'm never seeing a horror movie again. My face was buried into Katsuki's side for 80% of the movie. But at lease his arm was wrapped around me holding me there so I felt a little safer. When it was finally over he shook me lightly.

"You good?" I gave him a smile as I pulled away.

"Remind me to never let you pick the movie." He kisses me once.

"Come on. We can go watch a movie at home." I kiss his cheek.


On our way out Katsuki's grip on my hand tightens.

"What's wrong?" He shakes his head and seems to walk faster. "Woah hey what's wrong?" He sighs. 

"Someone from high school. I'll tell you later." I nod and we get to the car. He lets along breath out. "Stupid fuckin Steve."  I grab his hand.

"You don't have to tell me."

"But I want to. He didn't bully me but he just used me to get girls. He knew if he tries to bully me I'd knock his teeth in. But there's one time he just- god I'm getting mad thinking about it. We were in our last year and we were at a party. He tried to drug a girls drink. I caught him and beat him to shit for it. He spread a rumor that it was all my idea to drug her drink. I made sure he learned his lesson but I just didn't want him to try anything." He rolls his eyes. " I kinda wanted to sock his ass just for standing there." I lean over and kiss his cheek.

"Well let's go home and relive some of that anger." He looks over at me with a sly smirk.

"I'm not saying no."

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