My Alpha ~ Levi x Reader

Rhina_Dandela által

532K 21K 17.5K

[COMPLETED] "(Y/N), after everything we've been through, I have become certain of one thing. I love you. Havi... Több

Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: Pack, Pack, Pack
Chapter 3: Something to Look At
Chapter 4: Screeching All Night Long
Chapter 5: Eren's True Power
Chapter 6: Bunch of Brats
Chapter 7: Name and Fact
Chapter 8: Greedy Brat
Chapter 9: Glares for Breakfast
Chapter 10: Power
Chapter 11: Don't Want
Chapter 12: Return
Chapter 13: Red
Chapter 14: Starting
Chapter 15: Hey!
Not a Chapter - Yay!
Chapter 16: Crush
Chapter 17: A What?
Chapter 18 - Part 1: The Mall
Chapter 18 - Part 2: The Forest
Hiatus Note
Chapter 19: To The Beginning of a New Life
Chapter 20: You What?!
Chapter 21: Cold yet Warm
Chapter 22: Light
Chapter 23: Desperate
Chapter 24: Confess?
Chapter 25: Ride
Chapter 26: Rose Lake Expedition
Chapter 27: Breakfast
Chapter 28: Walk
Chapter 29: Lake
Chapter 30: Book
Chapter 31: Ilse Langnar
Chapter 32: Before the Night
Chapter 33: The Confession
Chapter 34: Secrets Surrounds Me
Chapter 35: Mysteries to be Solved
Chapter 36: End of Expedition
Chapter 37: End of First Year
Chapter 38: New Year - Part 1
Chapter 39: New Year - Part 2
Chapter 40: A Bad Start
Chapter 41: Friends?
Chapter 42: Please
Chapter 43: Slow Truth
Chapter 44: More Than One
Chapter 45: Changes
Chapter 46: I What?!
Chapter 47: Sick
Chapter 48: End of a Dream
Chapter 49: Lean
Chapter 50: Ms. Falida
Chapter 51: I Miss You
Chapter 52: Letting Go
Chapter 53: Protect
Chapter 54: You Have Me
Chapter 55: Meeting
Chapter 56: We Meet Again
Re-draw (Y/N) (L/N)
Chapter 57: Notes
Chapter 58: Lies and Denial
Chapter 59: Rage
69.6 k Special - Bonus (Official) Audio Clip of Levi
Chapter 60: Whispers
Chapter 61: Alright
Christmas Special: Her Gift
Chapter 62: You Monster
Chapter 63: A Jog Through Secrets
Chapter 64: End All This
Chapter 65: The Confrontation
Chapter 65: Confrontation
Thank You - 100k
Chapter 66: Welcome to Mt. Maria
Chapter 67: A Cold Night
Chapter 68: A Glimpse of Joy
Chapter 69: A Fate Nearly Sealed
Chapter 70: A Secret Only Told by Time
Chapter 71: Sweet Dreams
Chapter 72: No Matter What
Chapter 73: Because of Me
Chapter 74: One More Month
Chapter 75: Crumbling Mask
Chapter 76: A Chain of Misunderstanding
Chapter 77: Sealing Fate
Chapter 78: Downfall
Chapter 79: KAM
Chapter 80: Remember Us
Chapter 81: Mending
Chapter 82: Snowing Blood
Chapter 83: Erwin Smith
Valentine's Day!
Chapter 84: White
Chapter 85: Scarlet
Chapter 86: Darkness Surrounds Me
Chapter 87: Midnight Tea
Chapter 88: Waking Up
Chapter 89: Overdue Answers
Chapter 90: Drowning
Chapter 91: Forgive Him
Chapter 92: Visions of a Murderer
Chapter 93: Vanishing Shadows
Chapter 94: The Past and The Future
Chapter 95: Missing Light
Chapter 96: Return of the Devil
Chapter 97: The Truth Untold
Chapter 98: Kenny Ackerman
Chapter 99: Wishes and Promises
Chapter 100: The Lion's Past
Chapter 101: Train
Chapter 103: Newfound Will
Chapter 104: A Step Closer
Chapter 105: Partners
Chapter 106: Mastering
Chapter 107: The Last Lesson
Chapter 108: My Family
Chapter 109: My Friends
Chapter 110: My Alpha

Chapter 102: Friend to Foe

1.1K 62 22
Rhina_Dandela által

A jolt of pain when I moved positions pulled me out of my slumber. I winced, temporarily freezing as I waited for the burning to die down.

With a heavy sigh, I heaved myself into a sitting position, turning on the night lamp beside me with a tug. My right hand carefully reached out to roll up the left sleeve of my clothes, leaning closer to the lamp for a better view.

Dark blue and purple splotches trailed down the entirety of my left arm, explaining why it hurt so much when I barely put any pressure on it.

What a mess.

I unintentionally caught sight of the clock sitting nearby the light, presenting me with young numbers.

1:36 AM. A little over midnight.

I sighed, knowing I wouldn't be able to sleep anymore. Any form of sleepiness has left me as soon as I opened my eyes. And with this additional pain and uncomfort, I sure as hell ain't going to get any shut eye.

But even though I wasn't sleepy, it didn't mean I wasn't tired. I sat on my bed in the dim lighted room, staring blankly at the blanket pooled up on my lap, confused on what to do.

I closed my eyes, tiredly resting them even though I knew I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep.

...You can always try to heal them.

My eyes blinked open upon hearing the familiar voice speak.

How? You've always been the one to heal them for me.

You just need to concentrate.

I huffed. Easier said than done.

You've-.. or I've done it for you multiple times. I know you remember what it felt like. Just focus on recalling what you've already experienced.

I gave a doubtful glance at the mass of bruises.

Give it a go.

A sigh of defeat left me as I closed my eyes and imagined the sharp, burning pain that I always felt when healing. My eyebrows, furrowed as I pushed myself to focus that memory of pain towards my left arm, hoping that the pain would become real.

It didn't.

You're focusing on the pain. Focus on healing.

I shook my head lightly, shifting my thoughts and imagination on healing the broken blood vessels underneath the layer of skin. No other thought came to mind as I imagined myself fixing all the broken veins and wiping away the leaked blood that was piling up inside.

I thought so hard that my head ached, the type of pain that spreads to your eyes and even ears. My focus was slowly slipping away, but before it did, I felt a spark within myself.

It was like chain breaking. A door getting kicked open. I no longer had to focus and think so hard about it, it almost seem to just flow naturally. A rush of flames travelled from my heart to the arm I was so focused on, the heat pooling up in that one limb.

My whole body clenched forward in pain as yet the burning sensation overwhelmed me once more. I peeked through my slitted eyes, watching as one by one, the dark colored bruises fade away, accompanied by a stinging pain.

Well done.

I stiffled a grunt as another wave of flames burned my arm, almost bringing tears to my eyes. Cool cool yeah. But once I start healing, is it impossible for me to stop??

You hold the power to do whatever you want. Start, stop, continue- it's all your choice.

After hearing Ziahra's explanation, I immediately got to work. I reversed all my thoughts, focusing on stopping the healing and getting rid of the flames of pain.

Unlike what I expected, it was a lot easier to do than I thought. Perhaps because of the initial breakthrough, I finally have a much stronger control over what I choose with this power. The healing stopped, and with it, so did the pain. All of it disappeared within seconds, leaving not even a single trace behind.

Well done. The wolf praised me once more with a warm voice, sounding a bit proud. You're a fast learner.

I studied the leftover bruises on my arm. They were faint and small, not to mention barely hurting anymore. This was enough. After being satisfied with the result of the pain I had to endure, I finally answered the wolf's statement.

I'm not a fast learner. I can't even figure out how to turn into a wolf.

Don't let that discourage you. Transforming is a big step for any werewolf, and the first time is hard for anyone.

But this isn't my first time.

The one that happened on the cliff doesn't count. You can hardly call it a transformation. You had no control, it was simply me taking over you entirely, something that is considered fatal for other werewolves.


So... what I'm trying to say is that this is going to be your first real transformation. You're going to turn into a wolf that you can control. It's hard, but you catch on quick. With time and practice, you'll be able to transform easily.

I laid back down on my bed, arms spread out and eyes staring up at the ceiling. I appreciate the pep talk... but I have no idea how I'm even going to do it.

The presence of Ziahra seemed to circle me, wrapping around me and offering warmth and comfort.

Don't be so surprised about the power. Don't let it overwhelm you. Accept it. Embrace it. Wield it like it is your own. Use it however you want. It's yours.

Though I couldn't see it, I felt Ziahra gesturing towards my nearly-healed arm. Like how you struggled to heal your arm at first, in the end you managed to control the energy that flowed to your will.

I lifted my arm and stared at it, studying the slightly dark brown patches covering it.

The power used for transformation will feel exactly the same one day.

My eyes squinted, finding that burning energy and letting it travel to the arm again, finishing the process of healing completely. This time, the pain was a lot more bearable.

With time and practice, transforming will become just as easy as what you just did.

I looked at my now clean arm in silence, before resting it over my body, my eyes fluttering close when I felt a wave of sudden tiredness wash over me.

"I hope," I mumbled with closed eyes, feeling drowsy.

Healing takes a lot of energy, I thought to myself as the familiar grasp of sleep latched onto me. I didn't expect it, but I certainly didn't mind it. Tomorrow is going to be tiring, and I'll need plenty of energy to get by it.


The constant and rapid noise of a door being knocked annoyed me so much that I woke up. With an annoyed groan and a sloppy yawn leaving me, I glanced towards the closed door. "What?"

The knob turned and Annie stepped in, strolling over to the curtains and pulling them wide open.

"Rise and shine, (Y/N)! Your training still has a long way to go!"

I almost hissed when the sunlight flooded my room and hit my eyes. My head ached from sudden sheer brightness and I immediately brought my arm to cover my eyes.

Despite me being temporarily blind, Annie continued to speak anyways. "So, we might have to go easy today since your arm isn't doing too well, but I can think of other things we could train on while we wai--"

I cut her off. "No need. My arm's fine."


After adjusting to the light, I lowered my arms and showed her the one that was injured yesterday, now clean and smooth.

Annie stared at my completely healed arm, her face slightly looking awed. "You healed it? By yourself?"

I nodded, tucking my arm back in. The blonde was still looking at me with wide eyes.

"Huh. That's... amazing," she muttered lowly while slowly nodding her own head. If I'm being honest, the way she was staring and talking was a bit weird, not the usual way she'd do it. It was putting me on edge.

Annie seemed off.

"Hey (Y/N)?"

I gazed at her questioningly. "Yeah?"


Within a milisecond, Annie raised a glass cup that she had been holding out of my sight and flung it straight to my head. With my body just barely awake, I knew I had no chance of moving to avoid the cup.

I resorted to defense.

I ducked my head and raised my arms to my face just in time, the glass cup hitting me and shattering upon impact. A silent scream left me from how hard it was thrown, slicing up several spots on both my arms where the shards cut through.

Blood welled up, dripping down my arms in a steady pace and staining my clothes as well as the sheets of my bed. I lowered my bloody arms, scowling angrily at Annie.

"ANNIE WHAT THE FUCK?!" I snarled, watching her stand deathly still. She stood by the window, the light blaring in my eyes so that I couldn't see her face. All I saw was her silhouette.

There was a faint sound, resembling the one of what I could only assume a rising growl. And the sound came from the person standing a little ways away from me.


Out of nowhere, Annie leaped forward, arms outstretched with glistening claws at the edge of her fingers. I grabbed my blanket and sheets, shoving it in her face as she reached me, before pushing her to the floor and bolting towards the door.

"DR. JOY!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, hoping the kind doctor can help me fend off Annie and figure out what was wrong with her. "DR. JOY!!!!"

I reached the main room, not hearing any form of reply other than the sound of thudding as Annie ran through the halls.

My eyes looked back and forth frantically, trying to find somewhere safe to hide or run to. Before I could, Annie poked her head from around the corner, a wicked smile on her face.

"The doctor isn't here to save your ass, (Y/N)," she sneered, flexing her claws. "You're mine."

I lowered myself, getting into a defensive stance and making sure she remained in my sight. "Annie, what is wrong with you??"

Annie merely smiled.

There's no use reasoning with her.

Annie's ears leaned back, tail thrashing in excitement as she got ready to either jump or sprint to me.


I followed Ziahra's command without a second thought, bursting through the back door and speeding over the wide grassy yard with Annie on my tail.

My body ached from the sudden physical exertion, my stamina depleting quickly.

Use your power (Y/N).

As I was flying over the field, I entered the Mind Realm, quickly making contact with the transparent wall and searching for that power once more. I didn't hesitate to take it in and immediately guided to my legs, hoping the extra power would allow me to run faster and longer.

It was working, I didn't feel as exhausted as before!

I was too quick to celebrate my achievement, because there was a flash of light behind me followed by an erruption of smoke. I glanced back, knowing it could only mean one thing.


A flash of white and pale yellow fur came from the thick smoke. With four paws complete with jutted claws and a jaw ready to shred my neck, Annie galloped towards me with double her previous speed, quickly catching up to me within seconds.


I panicked, trying to run faster, but it was to no avail.

Is it Nightmare? Is she being controlled by Nightmare???

I thought frantically as I tried running in random directions, hoping to throw her off.

You can't outrun her; you must fight (Y/N)!

I can barely control the power!!

This isn't a game, you either walk away alive or dead! You must be able to control the power! Fight!!

At one point, I could almost feel Annie's hot breath breathing down my neck, and it was then I realized I had to do something.

From the wall the separated and also connect me and my wolf, I took in more power. This time, I led the strength to my hands and arms. I prayed and hoped this would be enough to buy some time for me to run and figure out a better plan.

I stopped running in different directions and instead ran forward in a straight line, steadying my speed. Behind me, I could hear and feel the thuds of her paws, gradually getting closer and closer.






I landed on one foot and turned around, pivoting on my heel while aiming and launching a punch dead-centre on her face, gathering all my energy and power into this one strike.

Though seemingly caught off guard, I underestimated Annie's reflex. She ducked to the side at the last moment, avoiding what could have been a blow strong enough to knock her out by a whisker.

I stumbled forward, horor and dread filling my thoughts. I'm fucked.

Annie skidded behind me, whirling around with her jaws wide open as she aimed for my head.

I dropped down and rolled over, hearing her jaws snap loudly beside me. Without a second to spare, I took in more power and brought it to all my limbs- hands, arms, leg, foot, everything.

Annie struck again, jaws as well as her front paws going in this time. She landed heavily on me, knocking the air out of my lungs. I wrestled the bigger, much stronger wolf above me, fighting back the whirlwind of claws and snapping teeth the best I could with everything I had.

Even so, there was no doubt I was losing. Annie scratched and stole bites and nips from me, drawing more and more blood. Healing right now would be useless, I need to get away.

I need to transform somehow!

Ziahra, help me!!

I was slowly getting overwhelmed by the constant attacks that was getting faster and harsher. I'm running out of time!

How do I transform?!

I told you! Take and accept the power!

I did!!

I barely dodged Annie's jaws that tried to bite my hand off.

Take all of it!

Desperate and out of ideas, I fully opened the gates of the dam, letting all power gush in me freely. Instincts told me to fight it back, but I knew I couldn't. Shouldn't. I have to accept it.

The power was so grand it almost felt like pain for me to allow it all in my body, but I had to. I let it spread in my evenly. I let it all flow to the very tips of each strand of my hair, my nails, everywhere.

Eventually, something began to happen. Smoke. Smoke was oozing out of my skin, mostly the one on my hand. My struggles stopped for a second when I realized it, watching white smoke steadily flow from me.

That's it! Go on, a final boost!

I did exactly as I was told, letting another wave of power flow through me and pushing me over the boundaries. Smoke erupted from my hands, head and lower back. I could feel something wrap around me, making me feel stronger. White light flashed abruptly and I closed my eyes, preparing to quickly adapt on having to walk on four instead of two.

But once the light and smoke died down, I wasn't what I thought I was. My hands, which were holding back Annie's paws, had claws instead of fingers. My skin colored white until the middle of my forearm, lightly covered in fur.

This isn't-- this is partial transformation!

A werewolf with a half-human body and the strength of a wolf.

Annie was definitely caught off guard, staring blankly at my new form. This was my chance!

With the newfound strength, I heaved the large wolf off of me. Annie gathered her composure back quick, launching herself at me almost immediately.

I stood my ground, planting one foot firmly on the ground, glaring daggers at her straight into her eyes.

I'm not running away anymore.

I jumped forward, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her down to the floor - scratching, punching, kicking at every chance I get. Handfuls of fur were ripped from her as I striked again and again, giving her no chance to retaliate.

Annie wiggled around, finding an opportunity and bit down on my arm, throwing me off and up high into the air. I twisted my body in the air, landing down sloppily in a awkward, almost painful position.

Blood spattered on the grass around me at an alarming amount.

You're losing too much blood. Heal.

I obeyed, setting aside a part of my thought and focus into healing the worst of my wounds. Once again, the burning pain returned as I fixed the injuries, but I couldn't let her know I was weakened. I bit my tongue and held it in.

Annie brought herself to her paws, pausing to look at my cuts slowly disappearing, leaving only the blood stains left. She growled, sprinting at me in full speed with her jaws wide open.

I braced for impact, positioning my feet to hold my ground. My right hand darted out to latch onto Annie's upper jaw, my left to the one below. I pushed forward, forcing her to keep her mouth open and even pushing it past its limits.

My feet skidded back as I tried my best to fight her brutal strength. Annie swung her head around, trying to get me to let go, but I kept my grip. Her snarls were loud and ferocious, even more so since I was literally right in front of her gaping mouth.

Annie started backing up, and so I started moving forward, keeping her jaw outstretched as much as I can. It was hurting her, I could tell.

I sunk my claws in, getting a firmer hold, before abruptly dragging her sideways, her paws stumbling on another before falling down on the ground. I pinned her snout down as hard as I can, until I heard her whimpering in pain.

Her paws stopped flailing and her whole body went limp. I stared at her eyes - they were icy blue. Not red.

Annie wasn't controlled by Nightmare.. She was doing all this on her own will.

"I don't know why you went this far," I growled, glaring at her. "But it's over. I win."

My last words seemed to trigger something in the wolf, as she let out the loudest snarl I have ever heard. Almost like a roar.

With energy I didn't even know she had, Annie jumped to her feet and flung me off of her like I was nothing. I flew over the yard for several meters, skidding and rolling on the dirt harshly.

Before I had any time to recover, the pale yellow wolf had already reached me. She grabbed me by my leg and threw me high into the air, watching as I fucked up my landing and fall heavily on the grassy floor.

Annie hopped over to me, each of her paw pinning down my arms and legs, her lips curled back as she snarled menacingly in my face. The area around her nose and mouth were covered in blood, the red liquid dripping on my clothes.

I struggled to free myself, but couldn't. She had me pinned down with no way of escaping.

Annie kept growling, her jaws slowly parting to reveal rows sharp, jagged teeth that were ready to tear flesh and snap bones.

This was it. I was done for.

I was tired, my entire body ached in pain. Even if I managed to free myself, I probably wouldn't even be able to run. I'd still die anyway. If only I knew how to turn into a full wolf, their stamina is much better than mine. I'd be able to run away.

Staring into the teeth that was going to end me, I let out one last sigh and closed my eyes, letting my body go limp under all the weight.

It's over.

Annie raised her head, her fur glistening in the sunlight as she drew her lips back further. The roar-like-snarl returned once more, deafening my ears completely as she leaned forward and snapped down her jaws, bringing all my effort and struggles to an end.

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