If Only You Knew

By bradleemorris

9.9K 424 178

Harry Potter runs into none other than Draco Malfoy, four years after the war. The two discover that maybe 'h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
A/N and Sequel?

Chapter 27

174 7 7
By bradleemorris

Harry and Draco were lounging on the couch, chatting about when they were kids and what went on in their everyday lives.

"Hey Dray? I've always wondered something that perhaps you'd be able to answer."

"Go for it."

"Do you remember Dobby your old house-elf?" Draco nodded in response. "Well, in second year he came to warn me about your father's plan of reopening the Chamber of Secrets. Draco nodded again. "I know. I caught him when he returned." Harry's eyes widened. "Really? Did you know the other things he did to me then?" Draco chuckled. "Mhmm. I read all your letters that he stole. There were three from Ron, two from Hermione, one from me and one from Hagrid." Harry nodded. "Wait. One from you?" Draco froze. "Er- no I must've said that by accident. Continue." Harry raised an eyebrow. "You said you didn't know who the Heir of Slytherin was." Draco nodded. "I didn't, but I knew my father's plans. I just wasn't allowed to tell anyone. I had to play dumb." Harry chuckled. "Must not have been too hard." Draco playfully pushed Harry's shoulder. "Says you." Harry laughed.

"Anyways, one thing Dobby said has always stumped me. He said he had heard all about my greatness. I assume he never really left the manor, so I don't know how he would've heard good things about me. I know no one in your household told him good things about me."

Draco looked at Harry's face. He had his potions face. Clueless. "I remember Dobby alright. He was my friend. My secret friend, but still a friend. I know exactly how he heard of Harry's greatness. I never shut up about it. Not around Dobby or Mother. I can't believe he told Harry that. I can't tell him. Then he'll know that twelve-year-old Draco was head over heels for him." 

"I'm not sure. He snuck out once. Who's to say he didn't leave more often than we were aware of?" Harry nodded.

"That year was rough. We're so lucky that Hermione found that Basilisk page. Otherwise, Ginny would've died." Draco furrowed his brow. "Hermione didn't find it. Since when has Hermione Granger ever written on a page in a book? Since when has Hermione Granger ever ripped a page out of a book? When Hermione wants to show you a book page, she brings the book to you. I ripped that page out in Flourish and Blotts. You were there, Harry. I knew what my father had planned and I needed to protect you. You really think Granger solved everything? When you told her that she saved the day, did she look shocked? Yeah, she did. I was listening. She looked at you like 'what do you mean, I was in a coma, you idiots.' But you know Granger. Never one to say no to praise for her knowledge. I couldn't let Father know I betrayed him so I put the page in Hermione's hand while she was in the hospital wing. But she was there for a long time before I put it in her hand. You think you would've noticed that it wasn't always there. But no. Go ahead, praise Hermione. You don't need to know that twelve-year-old me wanted to protect you either." Harry looked at Draco. He had just zoned out. "Dray?" Draco looked up. "Hmm? Oh yeah. Thank Merlin for Granger."

"Hey, remember first year when you told on us and ended up getting detention yourself?" Draco rolled his eyes. "Of course I remember. That detention was traumatizing. We had to go into the Forbidden Forest at age eleven." 

"That git thinks I told on him on purpose. Not one bit. I was following him because I liked him, as one does. Then he saw me, so I had to run away. McGonagall caught me on my way back to the common room. I tried to make it about Harry so she wouldn't know I was watching him and then I played it off as if it were my plan all along. I'm a Slytherin... it's what we do." 

"Yeah... no yeah it was hilarious, getting you in trouble."

"Right, mhmm what about when Moody turned you into a ferret? Now that was funny!" Draco frowned. "Quite the opposite. Trust me, you don't ever want to be shoved down Crabbe's pants." Harry laughed and once again Draco playfully pushed him. "Shut up git." Harry kept laughing and Draco went to push him again but Harry grabbed his hand before he could and pushed him back, landing on top of him. "Not a chance." Harry quickly realized what he was doing and jumped off Draco, back to sitting.

"Er- why were you sitting in that tree anyway?" Draco blinked back to reality. "What?" Harry shrugged. "I don't know. You were sitting in a tree and then you jumped down to talk to me. What was the point of that?" Draco blushed. "Er-" 

"To get your attention and look super cool in front of you." 

"No idea." Harry nodded. "Ok."

"Also what's this I heard Pansy and Blaise talking about you climbing a building?" Harry looked down at the floor. "How do they know about that?" Draco shrugged. "I don't know everything, Harry. It was the day after we had them over the first time." Harry blushed. "Damn it Ron and Mione." Draco chuckled. "So?" Harry sighed. "Yes, I made them climb a building with me." Draco nodded. "Why might you have done that?" Draco asked with a sly smile. "I don't know. Maybe because I'm so attracted to you?" 

"Because you were er- up to something." Harry mentally punched himself in the face. Draco laughed. "Wow." Harry giggled. "What?" Draco smiled. "Nothing Ry. I'll go start dinner. You relax." Harry smiled back. "Thanks Dray, I love you." Draco chuckled, "I know," and walked away.

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