Broken (Ellie x OC/Female rea...

Av cotudelam

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!This is a sequel to my previous story Reason to Live. If you haven't read that one go and read it now becaus... Mer

Chapter 2 - Dissapearence
Chapter 3 - Getting to Seattle
Chapter 4 - Getting our girl
Chapter 5 - Fuck Seattle
Chapter 6 - Allies
Chapter 7 - Know The Truth
Chapter 8 - Hope
Chapter 9 - Is This What You Hoped For?
Chapter 10 - A Normal Life?
Chapter 11 - This Is It
Chapter 12 - Epilog
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 1 - Waking up

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Av cotudelam

Hi! Welcome back. Thanks for reading the other part of my story too. If you're new reader and haven't read the previous part go and read it now please! And without further delays let's get right into it. This story takes place 5 years after the first one ended keep that in mind.

Warning: Strong language! Mature themes! Spoilers! And sexual content further on ;)

-By Cotudelam

Andrea's P. O. V

To all who forgot how Andrea looked like. Just older.

—few weeks after they arrived in Jackson—

*Knock* *Knock* I heard just when I got comfortable at Ellie's couch. -"Are you fucking kidding me?" I cursed under my breath. I looked at Ellie but she had her headphones in and listened to a song on full volume. She was also drawing something so there's no way she's aware of the world around her. -"Of course I'll get the door for you when you asked so nicely. It's not like I'm a guest here or something, right?" I talked to her fully aware that she can't hear me while walking towards the door. I opened the door and met Joel's eyes. -"Hey Joel." I said. -"Oh. I didn't know you'll be staying here." He said a bit surprised and I let him in. -"Yeah. We thought it will be better for me to stay here for the night, considering it's our first group patrol tomorrow." I explained. -"She even aware of you?" He pointed at Ellie. -"Yeah. But not of you apperently." I replied. He then kinda kicked the chair underneath her. -"Jessus!" She ghasped. -"You almost gave me a hearth attack." She chuckled at Joel. -"What's up Joel?" She asked. -"Just checking in on you two. You know the folks are really happy with how well you're helping out." He said. -"That's great." Ellie replied to that. Shit even I can feel the tension here. -"Actually Tommy and I were out and he told me a joke and I thought about you. It was eeeh- Oh shoot, now I forgot it." He tried remebering. -"Joel it's um, it's pretty late and we gotta get up in a few hours." Ellie told him. -"No. I wanna hear the joke." I chuckled. -"Just. Let me show you something." He said and ran to the door real quick. Meanwhile Ellie looked at me with confused look and I shrugged. He came back with a guitar. -"What's that?" Ellie asked. -"Some folks can this thing a ge-taar." He replied. -"Good one." I chuckled. He sat down and looked at us. -"Do you wanna hear something?" He asked. -"Oh, shit. For real?" Ellie said and we both watched him carefully. -"But promise me you won't laugh." He looked at me and back to Ellie. -"I won't." She said. -"Oh, come on. You can't be that bad. Or can you?" I asked a little unsure. -"I'm trusting you." He said and started playing the guitar and singing. It was beautiful. Me and Ellie got carried away in the moment. Then Joel finished the song. I gave him a small round of applause. -"Well that wasn't too bad." Ellie said. -"She's yours." Joel said and gave Ellie the guitar. -"What, no. I don't know anything about this." She resisted but took the guitar anyway. -"Not yet. What do you say, tomorrow night first lesson?" He asked her. -"Deal." She replied. -"Don't worry you'll get yours too." Joel turned to me. -"Nah, I don't know. It seems complicated." I told him. -"It's not, trust me." He said and got walking away. When he was about to close the door Ellie spoke to him. -"Did you remember the joke?" He thought for a second and then smiled and started talking. -"What is the downside of eating the clock?" We both shrugged. -"It's time consuming." He then said and we laughed a little. -"That's stupid." Ellie said. -"That's why it's perfect for you." I said and got a crumpeled paper in the face. I laughed once more. -"Goodnight, kiddos." Joel said. -"Night." -"Goodnight Joel." We replied and he closed the door.

-"We should go to sleep too." I said to Ellie. -"Yeah, I guess so." Again I've taken my place at the couch and Ellie basically jumped to her bed. -"What do you wanna do tomorrow?" Ellie asked me. -"I thing the whole patrol thing is about patrolling but....." I said back. -"Smart ass. I mean after." She chuckled. -"I was thinking about going for a morning walk around the area Jackson a bit. Will you come with me?" I told her. -"Walking? Eeeh. Leave me out of it this time." She yawned. -"Lazy ass." I chuckled. -"Goodnight Andrea." She said. -"Goodnight Ellie." I whispered back and threw one of my shoes to turn off the light. And I succeeded.

Ellie's P. O. V

—Present day—

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock* I was woken up by a fierce knocking on my door. I glanced over at my clock and realized I've over slept for my morning patrol. -"Shit. I'm coming!" I said when I got walking to the door. I had a quick look at my "house". Dirty as always. But I can at least thank Andrea for trying to keep this place a bit cleaner. She lives with Joel but stays over a lot often then she should. You can say she practically lives here. I opened the door and saw a familiar face looking at me. -"Good morning." The boy said. -"I'm sorry Jesse I totally over slept. Give me a minute." I told him with tired voice. -"I heard you had quite the night after I left." He stopped me in my tracks with that sentance. -"I......she kissed me. It was just Dina being Dina. She didn't mean anything by it." I said akwardly. -"I was talking about your fight with Seth. Wait. You kissed Dina?" He asked confused. In that moment I froze and didn't know what to say. -"We're broken up one week and you make a move on my girl?" He said angry. -"Wha- No! I...ughr." I tried explaining my actions but didn't find good words. Jesse looked at me and smiled. -"I'm missing with you man. I don't care. Get dressed." -"You're the worst." I said and tried closing the door but he stopped it with his hand. -"It's pretty fucked up you did that." He added. I just singhed and closed the door.

When I was getting dressed Jesse told me that Joel and Tommy went to a patrol earlier in the morning. When I was done I locked my door behind me and we got walking towards our bar. -"Why aren't we going to the stables?" I asked Jesse. -"Maria wanted to meet you in the bar before we head out. Don't know why." I nodded and we kept on walking. -"So.....let me get this straight. You kissed Dina." Jesse started. -"She kissed me." I corrected him. -"Which triggered Seth to call you a not so nice word. And Andrea to dissapear all over a sudden. Then Joel decked him." -"More of a push. And I probably know where Andrea went, she'll be okay and come back when......she cools off" -"Oh shit. You certanly know how to find drama. And then you got mad at Joel. That part confuses me." I just singhed. -"It was a strange night, man." -"Yeah. I'm sure it was." With that our conversation ended and we walked to the bar in almost complete silence. I say almost because of some people that greeted us when we walked by.

We arrived at the bar and Maria was already waiting for me there. -"Ellie! Hey." She greeted me. -"Hi, Maria. What's up?" Maria turned towards the bar. -"Someone wants to talk to you. Seth!" Upon hearing his name I wanted to vomit. -"Maria, I don't wanna hear what that bigot has to say." -"Do it for me." She whispered just as Seth came to us. -"Good morning." He greeted me. I didn't say anything and he continued. -"Listen I'm, I'm sorry about last night. I should've drink so much and. Well I'm just sorry. I heard that you and Dina are heading out so I made you sentwiches. They're with beef." He put the food wraped in paper on the bar and probably expected me to forgive him or something. Not gonna happen fucker. -"Thank you, Seth." Maria got into it to brake the akward silence. She gave the sentwitches to my hands and pushed me to walk outside. And so I did.

Maria went with me and Jesse and they talked about our patrol. Jesse is suppose to realieve Joel and Tommy and me and Dina will take the creek trails. We walked around kids playground and saw Dina playing with the kids. -"Yo Dina! Assigmenss!" Jesse yelled at her. -"Just give me a minute!" She yelled back and threw another snowball. -"Can you get your girlfriend to the stables please?" Jesse teased me. I burned him with my look and went yelled at Dina. -"Dina! A word please?" She nodded. -"Guys! I'm tapping out!" She told the kids. -"Again? For how long?" They complained but she went straight to me. -"Hey." -"Hey." We greeted each other. -"I'm sorry I ran off like that last night." I started. -"Oh no it's fine. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you like that it was-" She tried apologizing -"Oh it's fine you were drunk." -"Yeah, but Andrea ran off because of it. I don't want to get between you two." -"What? We're not together. We never have been. Besides she always comes back, I probably know where she went." -"I know but she always came back after few hours it was never for so long. And about the kiss, I just don't want you to think-" -"No, it's fine I'm not reading into it or anything. And I'll tell the patrol to keep an eye out for her." I interupted her again. -"You know what I love about you?" She asked suddenly. -"How you let me finish my sentences. I scoffed. -"We should prob-" A snowball hit my face. -"Ow!" -"What the hell?" Dina turned to the kids. -"I'm not even playing!" I yelled. -"Because you're a chicken?" -"You're a chicken!" The kids taunted me. -"I hate this kid so much." I complained to Dina. -"You wanna fuck him up?" Dina said. Well. I have time. -"Yes I do." I said and jumped over a small wooden fence to the playground. -"Okay. You got it shrimps." Dina said and we started a snowball fight with the kids.

-"Ow! Oh no! We've been defeated!" Dina fell to her knees dramaticly after we got beaten up in snowball. -"Get her!" The kids started jumping at her to stop her from getting up. -"Aaah. Ellie! Help!" She laughed. -"Get offa her you monsters!" I started grabbing the kids off Dina. -"Ellie. Ellie! Hey!" -"Alright. Get lost. We actually have some work to do." I chuckled. -"I guess I asked for it, huh?" She said. -"Yep. Now let's go, the others are probably waiting for us."

We made our way to the stables where we took our horses. -"Hey Shimmer." I greeted my light brown mare. -"Missed me Japan?" Dina petted her beige brown stallion. I turned to a stall with 'Frost' on it's door. That's Andrea's horse. Smoky black stallion.


I came to it and saw that he's still there. I like to remind myself of the day we found him. He was just a little foal, shivering. Andrea carried him all the way back to Jackson. No one gave him much chances but he got out of it. Since we took him in he didn't let anybody ride him besides Andrea. Their bond is......impressive. She didn't take Frost. She must've left in a hurry. Fuck. I really fucked up. I should apologize. -"Ellie! Come on!" Dina hurried me up. -"Coming." We led our horses outside. -"Oh, look who decided to show up." Jesse said and handed me and Dina our hunting rifles. -"Okay people you all know the drill. You patrol your routes, you check in check in at every lookout on your way. If you run to anything you can't handle. You come back. So let's go." After Jesse gave us his little speech. It's getting old, not gonna lie. I went to him and stopped him before he got onto his horse. -"Hey Jesse um, on your lookout. Somewhere near Baldwin place. I know it's not really on your route, but if you'll have some time to spare, can you look for her?" I asked him. -"Sure. But I'm sure she's fine." He replied and got onto his horse. -"Thank you." I said and he rode off. Then I got onto Shimmer and turned to Dina if we can go too. She just gave me a nice smile and nod. Fuck. She's beautiful. We rode off aswell.

—few minutes later, creek trails—

-"Come on. The next lookout is this way." Dina said and I followed her. -"Actually, do you miss being with him?" I asked all over a sudden. -"With Jesse? No!" She replied. -"Really? But you were together for so long." I wanted to know more. -"Look, Jesse's great. I love his parents. But we were just on autopilot." She explained. -"Hey, how come we never talk about this stuff?" I chuckled after. -"I don't know. You never talked to me about you and Andrea." How the fuck does she know about that? We didn't tell anyone. -"Uugh. Was it that obvious?" I asked her but she just laughed. -"You serious? You were always trying not to act shy around each other and boy, you don't even know how many times I saw you making out in an alley." -"I thought we were being subtle." I chuckled. -"Ellie. The whole Jackson knows. You were actually pretty cute when acting like 'just friends'." She laughed once more. -"Oh, boy." I rubbed my forehead. It's not like I wasn't happy with Andrea. I really was. I don't even know what happened to us. We continued our normal patrol talking about some stuff going on at Jackson. Dina even brought up my relationship with Joel. We're having a movie night with Joel and Andrea tonight. I'm actually really excited. We checked some houses and cleared out a mall. But then we were caught in a blizzard.

I lost sight of Dina. -"Dina! Dina, where are you?!" I yelled to the blizzard but got no answer. -"Fuck. Oh, fuck!" I started to panic. -"Dina?!" It was still silent. -"Ellie?!" I heard from a distance. -"Dina?!" I looked around and saw her siluette in the distance. -"Ellie! I can literally see you! Just follow my voice." I rode to her. -"Thank God. Come on follow me!" She said and led me to some old building. I think it used to be a library from it looks. We explored it carefully and found a lot of electric parts. -"Oh my God. This has to be Eugene's." Dina said after a while. Eugene was this really cool dude we used to hang out with Dina. Was, he died from old age. But seventy three is a really long life for apocalypse. He was funny. And most imporanly he always had some weed on him so....that was another reason why we liked to hang out with him. I opened a door to another room but noticed a Firefly pendant on a wall. I took it and looked at it. Eugene Linden. -"He was a Firefly?" I asked Dina confused. She knew more about him. -"Yeah, he server with Tommy. One time he blow up a checkpoint, killed three soldiers and two civillians. And also that they did some really dark shit together. Like they slow tortured some FEDRA guy general. I don't know. I don't buy Tommy doing that." Dina explained to me. -"He could do worst." I told her. She gave me a confused look. -"How do you know that?" -"He and Joel.......did a lot to survive after the outbrake." -"I see." She nodded. -"Look at all this. Lights, heaters. There has to be a generator somewhere." Just when she said that I found it behind a corner. -"I found it." It took me a few tries to get it going but then it turned on. -"Nice work." Dina smiled at me. She then led me back to the previous room and we looked at the floor. There was light coming from between the wooden plank's gaps. -"Ellie, there has to be more stuff down there." Dina said and we looked for some door. Then I saw a bookcase with light coming from behind it. We pushed it away and there were stairs downstairs. So we walked down.

-"What were you hiding here, Eugene?" Dina said. -"Well obviously a sex then. That's why he didn't tell you about it." I chuckled at her. -"I hope it's a sex den. For his sake. Man, he was so lonely." With that she opened the door to a cellar. A cellar full of weed. -"Oh my God. It's weed." I ghasped. -"It's a lot of dead weed." Dina added. We had a quick look around and found a jar with joints in it. I tried opening it but it was stuck. -"You having a hard time?" Dina asked me while getting off her jacket. -"No I got it." I told her but couldn't open it. -"Give it to me." She said and took the jar from my hands. Meanwhile I took off my jacket too. -"It's- Oof." She couldn't open it either. -"Yeah." She tried a few more -"Fuck it." And then threw the jar at the floor. CRASH! The jar broke and Dina walked to a nearby couch while I looked at her surprised. -"What the fuck is wrong with you?" -"I got it open didn't I?" She Sounded a bit proud of herself. I took one joint and smelled it. -"Smells good." Then I handed it to her. She imidietly put it between her lips and grabbed a lighter from her pocket. -"I mean. We're gonna be stuck here for a while, right?" She looked at me like she was asking for my permission to get high. -"Yep. Totally trapped." And she got it.

She lit the joint and inhaled. When she exhaled a big cloud of smoke followed. -"Can I ask you a question?" She asked with a cute smile and handed me the joint. -"I don't know. Can you?" I replied and gave it back to her. -"On a scale of one to ten. One being and absolute trash and ten being life altering. How would you rate your kiss from last night?" She handed it back to me. -"Why are we still talking about this? You said it was a mistake." I handed it back to her. -"Did I say that?" She teased me. -"What are you doing?" I asked confused. -"I asked you to rate our kiss." She said with that damn cute voice of hers. -"I don't know." I lied quietly. -"I'd give it a six." She said after few seconds. -"A six?!" I said shocked. -"Yeah-" -"Okay." -"Like a solid six." -"Yeah but, six?" -"What? I mean now I really wanna know how you'd rate it." She chuckled. -"I don't think you do." I avoided answering because she would then know how much I enjoyed it. -"You're infuriating." She went a little bit closer to me. -"Have you met you?" -"You make me wanna go back outside to that blizzard." She again got closer and started whispering. -"No one is stopping you." I whispered back. Then we started getting much closer. -"This better be better then a six." She said and I threw the joint away and instead grabbed her head and pulled her closer for a passionate kiss. We pulled away just so I could be sure she wanted that. And she did. So we continued kissing and layed down on the couch, me on top of her. It wasn't long until my hand found it's way under her T-shirt and I layed my hand at her waist. -"Jessus. Your hands are cold." She said between the kisses. -"Then warm them up." I said and basically almost ripped her pants off.

Let's not get into that my thirsty fellows! If you want and I'll get a lot of comments that require lemon part. I'll do a bonus chapter later. But until then I'm not putting anything here because it may be unsettling for some readers.

-By Cotudelam

Right now we were laying with Dina on the couch. Only in our underwear. -"And what about this one?" I asked about a scar I could feel under my hand that was touching her stomach. It was a to the right under her belly button. -"When I was eight I found a skateboard." She chuckled. -"Oh oh." -"And I tried to get on it. And it shot right out from underneath me." She chuckled again. -"Wait. How did you get the scar?" I still didn't get it. -"I fell on my knife." We laughed about it. -"Okay. Your turn." She said. I looked at the chemical burn on my right arm. We did that with Joel to cover the bite mark. And then I covered the chemical burn with my tattoo. -"The chemical burn. I did it myself." I started telling her my story that only few people know. It just feels like I can trust her. -"Why?" She asked. -"Uh, to cover a bite mark. I got jumped by an infected a long time ago and it healed but with a ring of fucked up teeth mark-" She interupted me by punching my shoulder. -"Ow!" -"Fuck you." She said and got on top of me. -"I told you a real fucking story." She put her hands on my shoulders. -"I did tell you a real fucking story." I defended myself but it was really hard to not laugh when there's a really sexy girl sitting on top of you. -"Oh, you want a bite mark?" She said and was ready to bite me in the neck but something stopped her. -"Did you hear that?" She turned to the door. I started listening. -"Is anyone down here?!" A man's voice yelled. We knew who it is. -"Jesse!?" Dina yelled and jumped off me. -"Dina!?" His voice were closer and closer. -"Just. Can you wait please?" She tried stopping him from coming down but it was too late. He came and saw us getting our pants on. -"Are kidding me?" -"Just. Turn around, what are you doing?" Dina told him. -"You're suposse to be on patrol." He said. -"There was blizzard outside." Dina defended us. He smelled the air here. -"Is that weed? People are counting on us, do you get that!? What we do matters!" He yelled. -"Well then why aren't you at the fucking lookout?" Dina yelled back. -"Because Tommy and Joel didn't show up! We waited for them over an hour." -"Wait, what?" I got into it now. -"Yeah. I was looking for them when I saw light here." He explained why he's here. -"Well, then we'll all look for them." Dina said. -"No. That'll take forever. We'll split up. Dina will go South, Jesse will take East and I'll go West." We got walking. -"But be smart about it, yeah?" We nodded at Jesse's favourite sentence, got to our horses and started looking for Joel and Tommy.

Hi! Sorry this chapter was also a bit long and pretty the same as in the game but trust me it has it's reasons. The next chapter will finally be different then in the game. And I know now that I'll really enjoy writing it! Hope you'll enjoy reading it as much!

-By Cotudelam

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