Mi amor ( Thomas Jefferson x...


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One day you bump into a man on your way to a interview and call him a asshole.... little did you know that wo... More

The beginning
Cheater? That depends
Let me fill you in....
1 ....


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A few weeks later

Today was the sad day that  Jefferson has to leave ... before he left I woke up early and made him some cinnamon rolls ... to maybe cheer him up! I was done being petty... I was tired of it ....
" Y/N? What are you doing up?" He says.. he was still so tired.. he hasn't even brushed through his hair ...
" I made you some food!" I say holding up the cinnamon rolls
" oh.." He says picking up his bags
" are you gonna eat them?" I ask
" why would I eat them ... haven't I done enough?" He says .. using my words against me... what a petty little bitch ...
" you know what Thomas! I was trying to be nice ... you know before you leave for a year! But you wanted to be a petty bitch! So two can play that fucking game!" I say throwing the cinnamon rolls away ( don't worry I saved some for myself !)
" I hope that your fucking plane crashes and when you dieing you think about me!"
I say storming off... but I wanted to go back.. go back and I'm sorry.. give him one last hug... tell
Him that I love him and I'm gonna miss him ...
I hear the door open so I guess he just left ... life's gonna be different without him here ... a few hours later I wake up and get ready for work ... I head to work and give alexander his morning coffee and blueberries and today he didn't need no books ... when I'm walking back to my desk Washington calls me in ... what bull shit is he gonna start now ...
" Y/N I've been meaning to talk to you!" He says ... his happy.. that's new
" yes sir?" I say sitting down ... but I could barely focus .. I just kept replaying this morning ... how Jefferson face looked.. how hurt he was ...
" we got off on the wrong foot so I wanna say sorry! Also another thing ... your getting promoted! Your gonna be in charge of all the assistants! I mean of course you'll do other things but your main duty will be to make sure all the assistants are doing what there supposed to! Understand?" He says
" yes sir. Is that all?" I say
" yes!" He says getting up and opening the door .. I guess I start tomorrow...  I head back to my desk and do my work .. when I get home I get a board out, I want to help the assistants so I put every bosses name and what they need everyday

For in the morning get him his tea and blueberries
Sometimes he will need books
Also tidy up his desk but not to much that he looses focus, also refill any thing he needs ...

do I have to say anything else ...

Lauren's is a big baby... so basically your gonna be a parent figure to him, but also when he wants to be he can be very tough and act like he doesn't need anybody ( but he does )
He likes milk and cookies in the morning
Sometimes he has anxiety attacks and when Alexander is not there to comfort him you have to try to help him ... and if not try it get Alexander to come help him

Jefferson likes his coffee and bread from the cafe and bakery on 70 street
Don't call him Thomas unless your mad him or trying to discipline him
Don't date him
If he flirts with you use this against him
" sexualizing your workers is against the law Thomas... so if I was you I suggest you stop"


Madison is a simple man.. he just wants some coffee and scones and barely asks for anything throughout the day.. but you will have A LOT of paperwork .. so just be ready

It was late so I put it aside and went to bed... the next morning I get dressed and grabbed the board.. I still get Alexander's tea and blueberries because I doubt they got him an assistant already.. also doubted he wanted another .. I head to the break room and put up the board and a sign that says

" if you have any tweaks please do put them on the board so we can help out our assistants"

Then I give Alexander his tea and blueberries

" Y/N you know your not my assistant anymore " Alex says
" yea I know Alex but you still need your things in the morning and if someone doesn't give it you, you won't eat!" I say handing him a napkin
" well thank you Y/N!" He says taking a sip of his tea... I head out and see the assistants around the board
" enjoying the new addition?" I say
" yes!" Everybody says ... they were so happy because now it felt like they didn't have as much work ...
" and if you need help with anything don't hesitate to tell me! I can always do a quick coffee run or to a food place!" They all say thank you and head but to their jobs ... I clean up around the offices and the break room .. when was the last time the break room was cleaned? I check on all the assistants and make sure that they are good! I see a girl walk into Alexander office... I'm guessing it's his new assistant! Matt runs up to me
" EMERGENCY!! Lafeyette ran out of bread but I'm stocked up with paper work!! Please go get some from the bakery ok 70 street!" He says handing me a peice of paper .. I'm guessing that's all he wants.. god the list was long ..
" I have some back up bread for something like this in the break room let me go get it really quick and then go to the bakery!!" I say
" your a life savior!!" He says sitting back down .. I run to the break room and get lafeyette his bread
" I heard you ran out of bread? This is just for the mean time, I will be getting you all the bread you requested!" I say handing him his bread .. I head out and walk to the bakery.. I get every thing he requested and a little more so when he runs out again ...
" okay I'm back Matt!" I say handing him the bread .. he runs to lafeyettes office and hands him the bread .. I store the rest in a cabinet in the break room ...  I sit down at my desk and do some paperwork... then I see Alexander's assistant walk out ... she walks up to me
" girl how do you do to? I need some help ..." she says .. she was panicking
" okay what happened??" I ask
" okay well I was refilling his desk and he came in and just started at me... I didn't know what to do!! Did he think I was stealing?? " she says
" no it's okay! He likes it when you refill stuff! He just wanted for you to finish! " I say.. she lets out a breath
" oh thank god! I thought I was doing something wrong on my first day!" She says slumping down in her chair ... I laugh and continue to work..

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