The Vampire's Bride

By GoingCrazyX6

24.8K 1K 66

Cora Davis is a human born of two werewolves. She doesn't have the werewolf gene. She has a twin sister and a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Authors Note

Chapter 23

550 24 2
By GoingCrazyX6

Marcellus goes to attack the guy but I quickly place myself in front of him and bare my fangs at him. I crouch in defense. Ready to attack if he so much as step closer to us. I feel a masculine hand touch my shoulder with a reassuring squeeze.

"Babygirl, as sexy as it is that you'd so willingly defend me, I dont need you too. I can handle myself." My mate tells me with amusement.

I straighten out of my protective stance but don't move from my spot in front of him. My eyes stay trained on Marcellus. He's looking at me with hurt, confusion, and disbelief.

"What do you mean he's yours Cora?" He demands.

"He's my mate." I tell him matter of factly. I was a little confused on how this man behind me was my mate but I didn't let it show on my face.

What did that leave Marcellus to me? Nothing? That seemed fitting. He made me feel like nothing. Made me feel selfconscious and unimportant. Made me doubt myself and my worth. No Marcellus wasn't mine anymore. A mate didn't bring you down. They lift you up.

"He can't be. I'm your fucking mate." He growls at me with anger in his eyes.

"You're wrong. She's mine." The man states behind me. He wraps his arms possessively around me pulling me into his chest. I lean back against him as I watch Loretta inch closer and closer to Marcellus. He was hers now. She could fucking keep him.

"She can't be. She's my bride already." Marcellus growls aggressively taking a step forward. I bare my fangs at him again, hissing just as aggressively as he did.

"Actually she can be. When she was your bride she was human. She is no longer human though, Marc. He could very well be her mate especially with how protective she is acting towards him. I'd say he definitely is." Zyair says as he comes to stand between us.

"I did read a book with something like this happening, dated back in the early 1400's when vampire females were common. There was a human woman who was bride to a vampire until she was turned. Their bond broke. They were planning to rebound themselves together until she found her true mate." Zyair continues to tell us.

I'm stunned I knew nothing about this. Nothing about vampires. Yet here I am. A vampire now. I have so much to learn.

"Cora, I'm not going to allow Marc to hurt, Ash. Why don't you take your cereal and go sit down and eat? Please." He adds the please when I stubbornly don't move.

"Babygirl, it's alright. I told you I can protect myself." The guy who's name I now know as Ash tells me with the same amusement in his voice. "Come on, I'll come and sit with you if it'll make you feel better."

I go and sit down at the kitchen island. Ash sits on my left and Harper sits at my right. Collette and Adan were leaning against the counter across from Harper.

Loretta follows Marcellus and Zyair over. Zyair leans over the counter next to Ash. Marcellus and Loretta lean against the kitchen counter instead of the island we were all surrounding. That was just fine by me.

I bite into my cereal. I was a bit disappointed when it was satisfying to me in the least. I continued to eat it though because I was still so weak.

Ash places a hand on my thigh and gently squeezes. I have to bite back a moan. The electricity shocks spread throughout my body. Warming me up and setting me on fire. It also gave me comfort and reassurance. Two things I sorely lack the last month or so.

I look at him with a smile. "I'm Cora by the way." He smiles back at me.

"I know who you are baby girl. If you didn't catch it from Zyair earlier my name is Ashton but everyone calls me Ash. I was sent here by the elders to escort you to them." He tells me softly.

"Why did they send you to escort me?"

"If you didn't know already, you're precious. The only female vampire in existence. A rare gem in a sea of diamonds and rubies. I'm here to protect you and make sure you arrive safely."

"So I'm in danger?" I ask curiously.

"None that I'm aware of. If any danger happens to present its self then I'll be here to take care of it." He tells me reassuringly. "Something tells me you can protect yourself just fine though." He says it with an admiring smile. I blush from the compliment.

All of a sudden my stomach turns and I feel sick again. Covering my mouth so I dont puke everywhere, I push up out of my chair and run for the bathroom. Thank God for vampire speed because I make it to the toilet just in time. Throwing up everything I just ate.

I feel hands hold my hair back for me as I empty out my stomach. When I finally finish, those same hands help me stand and walk me over to the sink. I rinse my mouth out. Avoiding looking in the mirror. It was Ash who followed and is helping me. I'm so embarrassed of him seeing me like this.

"Baby girl, what's wrong?" He asks me softly. His touch was sending shock waves through my whole body making it hard to concentrate.

"I don't know. Everytime I try to eat I get sick. I don't know what's wrong with me." I tell him a little breathlessly. I was starting to feel a little dizzy and lightheaded again.

"When's the last time you've feed?" He asks.

"Two nights ago? I can't really remember. Why?" I ask him finally looking at him through the mirror.

"Females need to feed more than males, especially when they're pregnant. There's also the fact you aren't mated or bound to your mate yet. Did no one tell you this?" I can see anger building in his eyes.

Now that he's mentioned it, I can feel my hunger building. My body demanding blood. I'm ashamed I didn't understand it for what is it. I stupidly mistakened it for hunger for food. I mentally face palm myself.

"Don't worry baby it's not your fault. You're a newly turn vampire, everything is new to you. I'll guide you along the way. I can't believe none of those fucking idiots didn't think to teach you. Drink from me." He demands tilting his neck for me.

I bite into his neck before a thought can even process in my head. He moans deeply as he grips my head to keep me in place.

Colors explode behind my eyes as soon as his blood hits my tongue. I've never tasted anything better in my life. The flavor of him was hard to explain. I was quickly becoming addictive with every swallow.

His blood was awakening my body. I no longer felt dizzy or lightheaded. I felt stronger. More powerful. I felt a bond growing between us. One that was more stronger than even the one that had been between Marcellus and I. It felt good. Too good. He would have to bite me as well to complete the bond.

Ash lifts me up and places me on the countertop. Not breaking my hold of his neck I wrap my legs around his waist and pull him into me. My hands go for the button of his pants. I need him inside me right now.

"No." He groans out catching my hands. "The first time I make love to you is not going to be in a bathroom."

I release his neck. Licking the puncture wounds my fangs made to seal them up quicker. I pull back and look into his eyes. "Please, Ash." I plead.

I can see the battle he's fighting inside through his eyes. The need to please me and the need to take me in a proper bedroom, at war with each other. Sadly I can see the need for a bedroom was winning out. I pout at him.

He laughs at me. "You're adorable, you know that? And sexy as hell. I want you. I really, really do and you aren't making it easy to say no."

"No one told you? You aren't suppose to say no to your bride. Especially when she wants you to fuck her."

"You're a vixen. Come on sexy lady let's get back out there to the others." He picks me up off the counter and lowers me to the floor.

I sway my hips a little harder than normal as I walk out of the bathroom. "Damn baby I would follow you anywhere." His voice is a deep rumble.

I glance back at him over my shoulder to see him staring at my ass. When he finally lifts his eyes to mine he gives me a wink with a sexy smirk. I stick my tongue out at him and face forward again as I enter the kitchen. He chuckles at me.

"You okay Cora?" Collette and Harper ask me at the same time. I smile reassuringly at them both.

"I'm better now. Turns out I was getting sick because I needed blood. Stupid of me I know. I should of known." I say with a shrug of my shoulders as I blush at my own stupidity.

"You weren't feeding?" Zyair asks me but he's glaring at Marcellus.

"I did that first night I got back but not at all today. I didn't know I had to feed more often than you guys." I say with another shrug.

"Not your fault baby. Marcellus should of known." Ashton says reassuringly to me as he glares at Marcellus too.

"Look a lot has happened, I was preoccupied. I should of feed her more I know that. Especially sense she threw up after that first feeding. I'm sorry, mi belleza."

"Cora. Stop fucking calling me that." I hiss at him.

He throws his hands up. "I'm sorry, Cora."

I hate him. I hated everything about him. I needed to get out of this house. His house. I needed to get away from him.

"I'm starving. I never really got a chance to eat out when I got here. I'm sure you guys know some good places to eat." I say to everyone. I was hoping Marcellus and his bitch Loretta wouldn't want to join us.

"Yes! Let's go to that yummy Italian place. The one we went to the other night." Collette says to Adan. I nod my head in agreement.

"I could go for some good Italian food any day!" I agree.

Ash grabs my hand, lacing our fingers together. I noticed he seemed to want to touch me a lot. I wasn't complaining though. His touch set me on fire but grounded me with comfort and security. It was as addicting as his blood was.

"Come on babygirl you're riding with me." He says as he leads me out of the house.

He heads over to a sexy looking motorcycle. Don't ask me what kind because I didn't know bikes any better than I knew cars. I just knew it looked fast and like fun.

He hands me a helmet before putting his own on as he swings himself onto his bike. I put my own helmet on and climb on behind him. I wrap my arms tightly around him as he turns it on.

He takes off slow at first before he quickly picks up speed. Adrenaline rushes through my body and I squeeze him tight. I feel him laugh against me. I've never been on a motorcycle before but I wasn't nervous. I was full of excitement.

We arrive at the Italian restaurant Collette mentioned. None of the others were here yet. I climb off the bike and take my helmet off. Handing it back to Ash. "That was fun. Thank you for popping my cherry." I tell him sweetly and he laughs. I love the sound of his laughter.

He pulls his own helmet off placing it on the handle bars. He pulls me against him when he gets off his bike. "A virgin rider? That was really your first time?" He asks.

"Yes." I say with a shy smile. My smile disappears as his head slowly lowers to mine.

As soon as his lips touch mine I gasp from the sparks our lips cause between us. He quickly takes advantage of it and slides his tongue into my mouth.

Colors burst behind my eyelids. I don't even remember closing them. My body erupts in flames aslectricity shoots through my whole body. My core was on fire for him. I wanted him to take me right here, right now.

He pulls back way too soon for my liking. We're both panting as we try to catch our breaths.

"Damn that was a mistake." Ash breathes out. It was like a slap to the face. I try to pull away from him but his hold tightens.

"Not that kind of mistake baby. It's a mistake because now I want you so badly I can't concentrate on anything else." He says and I relax against him.

"So are you staying at Marc's place or do you have a hotel room?" As soon as I ask everyone else finally shows up.


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