Chasing Gold

Autorstwa goldenlittlething

239K 6.6K 2.1K

Everest Green was determined to go through her four years of college unnoticed by steering clear of any kind... Więcej

intro + aesthetics
01| greek gods
02| to keg or not to keg
03| to keg
04| the aftermath
05| trouble
06| one night stands
07| ulterior motives
08| don't push your luck
09| i have standards
10| macy kingsley
11| starry skies
12| emily cohen
13| are you ready for it?
14| baby let the games begin
15| tip of the iceberg
16| broken record
17| this is me
18| scars
19| conversations in the dark
20| daylight
21| redemption
22| call it what you want
23| read all about it
24| burning bridges
25| easily replaced
27| look what you made me do
28| your time is up
29| tokyo bound
30| take you home
31| black and white
32| elle était un pardonneur
33| not the land of the free
34| loving you is a loosing game
35| teach me how to love you
36| uneasy
37| hope
38| it was just a dream
39| those nights
40| your safe place
41| i'll be there
42| fallen angel
43| old friend
44| little black dress
45| tied to you
46| a big fucking lie
47| peace
48| it's because of you

26| bury me, i dare you

3.8K 136 78
Autorstwa goldenlittlething

To my surprise, Sèbastien was a pretty nice guy (for a drop-dead gorgeous jock that is). He and Stensby seemed to be very close which caught me by surprise as well. Every time we went out with the baseball team, Sèbastien wasn't even there. It all made sense when he mentioned the fact that he just wasn't the party type of guy, that explained the reason why he has been here for the past three years and this is the first time I'm seeing him.

"You guys kept me on edge the whole game," I chime in. We were currently talking about the team's stellar performance at tonight's game. "It was more nerve-wracking than watching the Dodgers play game six of the World Series."

"And that's saying a lot you guys," Peyton adds. "You should have seen her, we received several complaints from our neighbors' thanks to her never-ending screams. I had no choice but to watch the game with her, there was no sleeping that night."

Sèbastien looked at me surprised by what Peyton was saying. "I didn't take you for a big baseball fan."

"Why?" I ask. "You thought I just went to sit in the stands and look pretty?"

Stensby almost spits his drink when I finished that sentence. Sèbastien couldn't help but chuckle at my sassiness. "I would never, don't put words in my mouth Everest. The reason behind my comment is that I just have never seen a girl so invested in baseball that's all."

"I apologize for my assumption then," I smile as I take a sip out of my water bottle. "But going back to what we were previously discussing, I honestly didn't know how you guys pulled it off."

"To be honest I don't know either, that last homer I didn't even see the curveball, I just swung," Stensby adds.

"It doesn't matter though," Kelsea says. "You two are in the mouths of every ESPN reporter."

Kelsea was right. Before Stensby and Sèbastien got here, Kelsea was going over the post-game show on her phone. Everyone was talking about both of them, Stensby had a great night with the bat and Sèbastien made some huge plays in shortstop.

"As it should be," Peyton adds. "You guys are crazy talented."

"Have you guys received any news about MLB scouts from your coach?" I ask.

"We have heard a few things but nothing concrete," Sèbastien replies. "We do hope we get some good news throughout the season."

"Coach projects that if everything goes as planned, we could both be first-round picks." My jaw drops. What? That's amazing.

"And you've only decided to share this information just now?" I scold giving Stensby a disapproving look. "I see how it is these days, keeping things from us has become a habit."

"I just didn't want to say anything until it was something concrete," Stensby says. "Besides, it's not like I could tell you when I found out. Connery has seen more of you than I have in the past few months."

Ouch. He wasn't wrong, when I began spending a lot of time with Connery and the boys I barely saw Stensby anymore. The air got a little tense and I honestly didn't know how to respond. There was no right answer and as much as I would have loved to clear the air, the moment wasn't right.

"I need a drink," Peyton blurts out. Kudos to her for coming to my rescue. "Any suggestions? Tequila shots sound just great."

"I know a place downtown," Sèbastien adds. "It's always mostly empty, which is perfect because at least we can hear ourselves talk."

"Perfect, we better get on moving then." Peyton grins.

We all got up from the table and walked over to where our cars were parked. Kelsea was riding with Stensby and Sèbastien which meant that Peyton would be riding with me or at least that's what I thought. Peyton is always up to no good and I should've known better than to trust that she wouldn't pull any kind of stunt.

"I'll be riding with Stensby and Kelsea," Peyton says and I give her a look. "I have a few things to discuss with Kelsea so Sèbastien should ride with you so you don't have to drive by yourself."

I throw daggers at my best friend for always trying to play cupid. "I can drive to the bar by myself, I'm pretty sure that Sèbastien would prefer to ride with you guys."

"I don't mind," Sèbastien adds. Wrong answer Sèbastien, wrong answer.

"It's settled then," Peyton says with a devious grin.

My price just went higher, Peyton will have to end up paying for my orders at Alejandro's a lot longer than she had anticipated. Sèbastien and I got in my car, it was a little awkward at first but I wasn't going to spend whatever time it took to get downtown in silence. Even though I'm the worst at starting conversations, I went for it.

"So," I start. "Where are you from?"

Sèbastien chuckles. That's not a good sign. I repeat. That's not a good sign. How else was I supposed to start the conversation though? I'm not really sure, but asking him what his body count is when I barely know him is one, inappropriate, and two, none of my business.

"France," Sèbastien replies. It made sense, he sort of has a little bit of an accent. "I moved to the states when I started high school to pursue baseball and I lived with my aunt until I graduated."

"I kind of knew because of your accent and the way you pronounced your name but I wanted to confirm it," I admit. "If you don't mind me asking, how did you find that love for baseball. France isn't exactly known for playing the sport."

"It's okay, I don't mind at all," Sèbastien replies. "My dad is American, he met my mom on one of his many business trips to the company he had established in France. He moved there indefinitely once they were married. My dad is the biggest baseball fan, I've been wearing spikes since I was four."

I let out a small laugh. "You had to be a baseball player, there was no other choice for you then."

Sèbastien chuckles. "Pretty much, I didn't mind though. I love playing."

"It shows," I add. "Do you miss being back home with your family?"

"Every single day, the time zones don't exactly make the situation any easier." Sebastien frowns. "One thing I do miss though more than everything besides my family is the food. American food doesn't compare to French cuisine."

"I've never been, but I haven't heard anything contradicting what you just said," I add. "You must be a good cook then."

I don't know why I just said that, maybe it's because I have Gabriel from Emily in Paris fresh in my mind. I continue to embarrass myself, at this point, Sèbastien must have his mind made up about me. "As a matter of fact and I say this as humble as possible. I'm an amazing cook."

"I don't think I can take your word for it, it seems to be a little too good to be true." I joke.

"Ah, I see. You're the I have to see to believe kind of girl." Sèbastien says and I nod. "I'll have to cook you dinner myself then. How does Thursday sound?"


I have the biggest mouth, it will be the reason behind my demise one of these days. Sèbastien put me on the spot back there in the car and I found myself declining his offer about a thousand times in my mind. But what came out of my mouth was completely different. Apparently, I'll be busy on Thursday night.

When we got to the bar it wasn't at all crowded just like Sèbastien had said. It was perfect, we could drink and have casual conversations. But most importantly, we could hear ourselves talk. That was a plus, we wouldn't have that if we had decided to make an appearance at AJ's instead.

Currently, we were all sitting at a table drinking casually and having small talk. Peyton decided to make things interesting. Not at all shocking to say the least. "Let's play truth or drink." She had said. I wasn't going to object because Sèbastien, Kelsea, and Stensby instantly agreed.

Even though the boys were one member short, we decided to divide ourselves into teams. Boys versus girls. So if one of the boys asked a question the three of us had to either answer or drink. "Stensby, why don't you start things off."

Stensby nods. "I'll start off with a PG question, it's just a one-time courtesy. Don't get any ideas."

"Fine by me," Peyton replies.

"What kind of underwear do you guys wear?" My jaw drops. Excuse me? I thought he was starting things off with PG questions.

"Thong." Peyton and Kelsea replied. Everyone's attention then turned to me.

Without thinking about it twice, I already had one tequila shot in my system. "You're going for your first one already?" Peyton asks and I nod.

"My turn," Kelsea chimes in. "Unlike you, I won't go easy on the first one with you guys. What's the shortest amount of time you've known someone before hooking up?"

Stensby and Sèbastien give each other looks. "Four hours," Sèbastien replies.

"A week," Stensby replies, the girls and I instantly break into laughter.

"Don't be such a liar Stensby," I tell him. He probably doesn't want to say because Kelsea is here but I'm pretty sure the shortest amount of time he has known someone before hooking up is an hour top.

"Fine," Stensby complains. "An hour tops." Bingo!

"My turn," Sèbastien pauses. " Would you ever film yourselves having sex?"

"Hell no!" Kelsea and I both reply. Peyton had a completely different answer though.

"Hell yeah!" Peyton replies. "At least once, I've always wondered how I look. So it would just be the one time."

"Go ahead Ev," Stensby says and I nod. Since asking Sèbastien his body count was highly inappropriate at that moment, I was curious, so what better moment than know to ask.

"What's your body count?" I ask and both of them chug down their first shot. Not fair, I thought that maybe I was going to get away with it. But if I had to guess, Sèbastien was probably over 20. With Stensby there was no question. "Is it that bad?"

"No comment," Sèbastien replies.

"I'll ask the same question," Stensby said and I was ready to chug down my second tequila shot before any of the girls answered.

"Yours isn't bad, why are you drinking?" Peyton asks. The answer was simple. I didn't answer because it was over 20, I didn't answer because it was 0. And it isn't something you should be embarrassed about but I was. Peyton and Kelsea did answer.

"I've got a good one," Kelsea grins. "What kind of porn do you guys search for?" Stensby definitely choked on his own saliva when he heard Kelsea's question. I bet he wasn't expecting that one from her.

We ended up playing a few more rounds but when the clock struck eleven, we all had enough of the tequila shots. Unfortunately, I had to park my car near an alley a bit far from the bar and Peyton didn't want to walk all the way over there. So while everyone had already left, I was on my way to get the car while Peyton waited in front of the bar.

While I was walking to my car I couldn't help but hear noises behind me. I thought I was just being paranoid because after turning around about five times there was no one there. My suspicions were confirmed when someone grabbed me from behind and put his hand over my mouth and grabbed my neck tightly. I started to freak out internally, I couldn't help but think that this was it.

I could feel a gun against my skin in my head. My eyes instantly began to water. I was scared shitless. "Hey there sweet thing," The man started speaking. "The things I would do to you right now, but unfortunately we'll have to leave that for some other time. I'm here for a different reason."

As he ran his hands all over my body I couldn't help but feel disgusted. "We thought that the little message we sent with the car would make you listen but it turns out that didn't do much. It didn't have come to this Everest, but you left us no choice. This is your last chance, I promise you that you won't get another one. Now I'll let you have the chance to get into your car, but don't even think about looking back. This is a good time to start listening."

I was shaking by the time that he let me go. I did just as he had instructed me, the gun that was once pointed to my head was motive enough to do as I was told. After I got into my car I sped away to the entrance of the bar. Peyton instantly got concerned by the state I was in once she got into my car. "What took you so long Ev? What happened to you? Who did this to you?"\

All of her words were just a blur. After what I had just experienced, I couldn't concentrate on anything but on what I was going to do about it. So I did the only thing I thought I could do. Peyton and I were headed to Laguna Seca. Even if I was scared, I wasn't going to give Tommy the satisfaction. I was fed up with all of his bullshit.

At the speed I was driving I was in Laguna Seca in no time. It looked like they were racing tonight because I spotted Connery's car instantly. I got out of my car as soon as I parked it and Peyton followed closely behind. She told me many times to stop but I wasn't listening. I made eye contact with Connery briefly before I was in Tommy's face. I hoped that even though he would never talk to me again that he at least would open his eyes.

"Hey, Tommy!" I shout grabbing everyone's attention, especially Connery's. Tommy turned his attention towards me and gave me a cold stare. "You know, for someone who has the balls to rape and abuse women I thought you'd have the balls to carry out your little threats yourself."

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about," He replies making me chuckle. "You're fucking crazy looking for the attention you're in desperate need of."

"I'm fucking crazy?" I laugh sarcastically. "Let me refresh your memory, does trashing my car and having one of your little pimps put a gun to my head while he filled me in on your empty little threats ring a bell? He also left a few marks, I thought you would enjoy seeing them."

"I still don't know what you're talking about," Tommy says making my blood boil. "But I will say that I'm glad that someone has taken it upon himself to show you how to respect a man."

I couldn't help but laugh. "I was taught many things growing up, but respecting a worthless piece of shit wasn't one of them." I pause and everyone's mouth dropped. "You want to bury me six feet underground? Go ahead, I dare you."

I challenged with every ounce of courage I had in me before I turned away and walked away. "I never back down from a challenge Everest Green, don't mess with me. I wouldn't try me, you might just end up like your parents. Learn to take a hint, they surely failed to."

I stopped in my tracks, how does Tommy know about my parents? What do my parents have to do with any of this? At the moment I didn't have time to even think about that, so I just reacted without even thinking about what I was saying.

"In this little game that the two of us are playing, I have nothing to lose Tommy Scott. So let's fucking play."

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