the legend of the OmniSpider...

By OmniSpider

521 1 0

the story of my OCs open to constructive criticism and ideas. Also check out the super profiles on info for t... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen part 1
Chapter thirteen part 2
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter nineteen

Chapter eighteen

3 0 0
By OmniSpider

As Seth was speeding around the City. He noticed that it had changed during the time he was gone. One thing didn't change was that  Vilgax and company were still at large. As he was running around he spotted two familiar faces sitting on a bench at the park. It was Sonic the Hedgehog and Amy Rose. Seth stopped dead in his tracks. Once he absorbed the shock that he had found two of his friends he rushed over once within earshot he was saying their names. "Sonic! Amy!" He shouted until he got their attention. "Sonic, Sonic look." Amy said. Sonic looked where Amy was pointing and what he saw hit him like a truck with a spiked battering ram. All three of them were wrapped in a big welcome back from the supposedly dead group hug. After They were done hugging Seth asked what happened when he was gone he was shocked that Tristin went into the ghost zone, the hop dimensions and universities and that his departure left Nebula, who now lives in a cabin in the forest now in complete shambles. Sadly before they could catch him up on who married who and how much the city changed. They got a 911 call saying that someone was kidnapped a few months ago, who finally called it in. The caller gave her kidnappers name, which surprise surprise was Eggman. We now meet at the team's new base in the secret basement of tails' auto body shop. When they reached their destination Seth was shocked at how much better it was then the old one. "I am going to call in the gang and you can hide." Sonic said. "Ok, yeah sure. Just say that someone else will be joining you guys." Seth said. Instead of using the Infinitrix he started to vibrate faster than the eye can see, which surprised Sonic and Amy. After everyone arrived the group was surprised to see Nebula they given her state of mind. "Thanks for coming, especially you Nebula given your uh state. Anyways I received a 911 call about half an hour ago stating that Egghead kidnapped someone a few months ago, and given the guy's nature his place would be well guarded. The only bonus is that an old friend will be joining us." Sonic said. Seth stopped vibrating so that every one saw him. They were flabbergasted and silent. Nebula passed out and Shadow for the first time had a look of surprise. "Hey guys how has it been." Seth said. Then he was enclosed in the biggest hug in the history of hugs. After a few minutes Nebula woke up with the look of rage on her face advancing on Seth. "How could you!" She shouted. "You left us. You made some of us think you were dead! And then you appear out of nowhere after twenty years!" Out of the blue she punched him square in the face making him fly across the room into the wall. She walked up to him about to hit him again before she could. Seth sped out the way to avoid her. "Hey stop please. Ok I'm sorry I left. I kept trying to come home, but I kept going to the wrong dimensions. I thought of you guys every day for twenty years." Seth said apologetically. "Let's just get this rescue over with then you have a lot of explaining to do." Nebula said. After they were done deciding on a stealth mission they left for Eggman's base. When they arrived Seth thought it would be a cool idea if he wore his new nanotech speed suit, which resembled one of the two evil speedsters he faced; this one was Savitar the speed god. Sonic ran around the island incase of enemy patrol. When they reached the door Blaze was about to start melting the lock, but Seth insisted on showing them a new trick he learned. By vibrating his hand he was loosening up the screws in the lock making it fall apart and walked in. "Ok just to clarify I am expecting this plan to derail." Seth said. "Why do you say that Tennyson." Shadow asked. "Well I met an ex-criminal, who's advice in this type of thing is 'make the plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go wrong, then throw out the plan' true and mediocre advice from Leonard Snart aka Captain Cold." Seth said. "That is horrible advice not mediocre." Silver remarked. Unfortunately someone knocked over some metal tubing attracting unwanted attention. "SILVER!" Blaze quietly shouted. "Sorry!" Silver whispered. The alarm was now blaring alerting the whole facility. They were surrounded by badniks. "Hehe just like old times right." Seth said. "Yeah just like old times. Everyone got into a battle stance Nebula used the ultimatrix and turned into a Pyronite named HeatBlast. Seth extended long sharp blades from the suit. Sonic and Seth used their speed to take down robots While Blaze uses fire, Silver crushed some with his Psychokinesis, Shadow used the chaos cannon technique, Nebula was ripping some to pieces. "I am going to go on ahead and try and find our 911 caller." Seth said. As he ran around the facility he would phase through the walls here and there. Until he ran into not one but two people that looked like sith or inquisitors. "You will not take the subject." The man said as he ignited his lightsaber. "You shall not pass!" The woman said as she ignited her lightsaber. Seth swapped blade styles from standard to Light whip mode. He launched both light whips at the sith, but they defended resulting in the whips wrapped around the lightsaber blade. Seth yanked the lightsabers out of the sith's hands, charged at them and knocked them out. He phased through the wall on his right. He had appeared in a room with a hospital bed and a girl in the corner curled up in a ball. "Excuse me, did you make a 911 call a half hour ago?" Seth asked. She nodded. "I am here to get you out of here. Say what's your name?" Seth said. "S-S-Sara. I'm Sara Trails." She said. "Well Sara lets get you out of here." Seth said. "We are done, did you find the caller?" Sonic said through the coms. "Yep I found her I will meet you outside." Seth said. He picked her up and ran outside.
     Seth met with the gang on the mainland. "Is everyone here?" Seth asked as he put Sara down. "Everyone is accounted for. Is she the girl?" Shadow said pointing behind Seth. "Yup this her. This is Sara. Sara, these are my friends." Seth said. Instead of saying hi. She extended blades from her arm stabbing Seth because he removed his suit and also used her telekinetic powers and broke his right leg. She ran as fast as she could tworrards the water. Everyone else was gathered around Seth attempting to see if he was in. Sara dived into the water and disappeared. After Seth woke up they went back to the base. "Huh that's new I mean I know you have very fast regenerative abilities, but last time you broke a bone It took twenty-four hours to heal now it took two." Rouge said. "One of the perks I got on my travels in Central City. Well I should probably explain what happened over the twenty years I was gone. They all gathered in the main area in their base. After Seth told them his adventure there was silence. "So when you said that you were trying to get back you meant it." Nebula said. "Yeah, I did." Seth said. Then they got a call from the police captain. "Hey captain, you need something or dropping off or picking up." Amy asked. "Dropping off. I got someone for ya." The police captain said. "I got it." Seth said. He went up into the garage and opened the door. "Something I can do for you captain?" Said Seth. "Seth, Seth Tennyson! You're alive!" The police captain said. "Yes I am alive and not dead. You said you had someone to drop off." Seth said. "Oh sorry you're right. Wait here a bit." The captain said. He went to his car and brought out a teenage girl, the same girl that he rescued from Eggman's base. "Well I was not expecting her again." Seth said. When Sara saw Seth she froze. "Know her?" The captain asked. "Yep I do, she called in a 911 call." Seth said. "Really well here you go Mr. Tennyson all yours." The captain said. He left the two of them alone. "So Sara why did you run from us?" Seth asked. "Why do you care you're probably like everyone else I know." Sara said. "Yeah what are they like? Seth asked. "Mean, scarey, what to use me, run tests on me." Sara said. "Well that sure ain't us. We help those who can't." Seth said. "Why don't you come in with me." She reluctantly went with him into the base. After introducing Sara to the rest of the team. Amy showed Sara to her room where she would stay for a while. Seth went to the training room after being challenged by Shadow. "Are you sure you want to do this Shadow?" Seth asked. "You bet. I want to see if you are any stronger then last time." Shadow said. "Ok then. Let's try someone new. Alright let's go Ghost Rider the Spirit of Vengeance!" Seth shouted. This was the first time they saw Seth use Infinitrix. "Well, well new transformation. I like it. let's start. CHAOS CANNON!" Shadow said. He let the blast hit him with. It did nothing. He brushed his shoulder and ran at Shadow. After five minutes Shadow was on the floor wrapped in a glowing green chain. Well that was fun. Seth deactivated the Infinitrix. Just then an alert came in. "Can everyone come to the

meeting room." Amy said through the intercom. They all got to the room. "Well we got another breach it is located over the market" Amy said. "Wait, you guys got breaches here too?" Seth asked. "Yeah we have had them for a few years." Sonic said. "Anyways, the breacher is this shark man thing." Amy said. "His name is King Shark. If there is one thing I would like to know is how on earth he got here if he was being held by A.R.G.U.S.? I would definitely like to know that." Seth said. "Sounds like you handled this guy." Sonic asked. "Yes I have. We got him by shocking him while he was in the water. After that A.R.G.U.S. took over from there." Seth said. "And who is this A.R.G.U.S. group exactly?" Blaze asked. "Well they are an agency for the government in the DC/Arrowverse dimension." Seth said. After they took care of King Shark they went back to the base. "Well that was fun. Um, do you have a treadmill or a track?" Asked Seth. "Yeah we do, follow me." Sonic said. In the track room Seth was doing some running. He managed to beat Sonic's lap count record by a landslide. "Hey Seth can we talk for a minute?" Nebula asked. Seth stopped a few feet away from Nebula. "Yeah sure, but can we do it over a few pizzas?" Seth said. "Why we ate on the way back and that was two hours ago." Nebula said. "Yeah, you see a few years ago I kinda had to start eating about a thousand calories a day. Due to an enhanced metabolism." Seth said. "Well then I know a great pizza joint a few minutes away. I could race you." She said. "Really you of all people think you can beat me." Seth said. "Oh come on you have never been able to beat me in a race." Nebula said. After Seth changed into clean clothes He and Nebula raced to the pizza place with Seth winning. "Ha I win." Seth said. "No, I let you win." Nebula said. "Well then I will order and you get the seats." Seth said. After Seth ordered the food he sat down at the table Nebula picked. "So where have you been in the past twenty years?" Nebula asked. "Well I knew I was going to have to do this. I have been stuck in other dimensions. The first one was in the world of the Troll Hunter. Remember that show we would watch the trilogy series it was Troll Hunters, Three Below, and Wizards right." Seth said. "Yep I remember it alright." Nebula said. "Then after that I landed into a crossover dimension of Wings of Fire, Dragon Prince, and How to Train your Dragon. I got a lot of new transformations from that one. Then lastly I landed in the Arrowverse. Where the Infinitrix started glitching and could not use any of transformations and the chaos energy was limited so it was extremely difficult to come back. And the infinity stones can't travel through dimensions when I enhance them so it was almost impossible to get home." Seth said. "So how were you able to get to the other dimensions? Nebula asked. Well I got to the crossover by troll magic. Then I use some primal magic to charge the gem backup and that is how I landed into the Arrowverse. And since there is no magic there I was stuck there for a while. And luckily one of the friends I made there could travel to other universes so we managed to find a way to replicate his abilities. And that gave me the juice I needed to get home." Seth said. "Wow seems like you had quite the adventure there." Nebula said. "Yeah I did, but the one thing that kept me going was the fact that you and everyone else was alive and these." Seth said as he pulled out a few photos of when Nebula, Seth, and sometimes Tristin from birthdays, partys, graduation, trips and many more. She gasped. "You kept these!" Nebula said, "after all these years. You still have them. I can't believe you still have them." Nebula said. "Yeah I still have them.  

These are the best times of my life. Look remember this one?" Seth said. He grabbed one of the photos and handed it to Nebula. She smiled. "I remember this one. This was on that mountain the night we got our Ultimatrixes'." Nebula said. "Yeah one of our best moments." Seth said. "You know now that I and looking back." Nebula said as she pulled out Seth's Ultimatrix. "Yeah it looks slightly different then this is one." She said. "Yeah I know the base plate area look a little thicker than the old one, and also how did you get that I thought the blast from hands destroyed it!" Seth was shocked to see his old Ultimatrix. "When I flu back the only remains of the mountain top was a cracked Hands of Armageddon and a broken Ultimatrix to the left, but no you." Nebula said. "As for why it isn't broken I had Steel fix it, but when it was fixed it 'might not be perfect.' So yeah." Nebula's phone rang. "What is it?" Nebula asked. "Hey we have a breach in your area can you take care of it?" Shadow said. "Hey Shadow it's Seth here I'll take care of it." Seth said. "Ok thanks Seth. Nice to have back by the way." Shadow said. He hung up. "Well I better head out you can either eat or get boxes." Seth said, before he sped off. What came out of the breach, which was located in a nearby forest an old friend came through. This man is the most well known hero in a world where 80% of the population has powers or quirks as they called them. This man's name was All Might or Toshinori Yagi. He was a very skinny man. He was so skinny that you could clearly see his ribs. He strolled to town to try and find Seth.

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