Questions - A Bakudeku Story

By BlueWolfGirl100

233K 6.6K 8.8K

The Bakusquad and Dekusquad decided to play a social game with each other because of Quarantine, the game is... More

Under Pressure.
Easy Instructions.
Serious Questions.
Troublesome Secrets.
Open Up To Me.
New Beginnings.
Safe Together.
πŸŽƒπŸ‹Trick or MateπŸ‹πŸŽƒ (Pt. 2)
πŸŽƒπŸ‹Trick or MateπŸ‹πŸŽƒ (Pt. 3) FINALE

πŸŽƒTrick or MateπŸŽƒ (Pt. 1)

11.4K 274 363
By BlueWolfGirl100

(A/N Hey guys I'm back again and was inspired to make another chapter but Halloween themed! This will be two parts, this part will be fluff only and the second part is smut because I need to practice my smuts. I hope everyone else enjoys! Happy(late)Halloween!!! >:3)

Bakugou was standing in front of the mirror, carefully applying his eyeliner for his Halloween costume. It was going to be a full moon tonight, so he was wearing his werewolf costume he got a few years ago.

It didn't fit as well as it used to since he's gotten taller and buffer since then, but it was still wearable nonetheless.

As soon as he finished, he felt familiar arms around his waist squeezing him lightly. "Are you almost doneee?" A whiny voice muttered from behind.

"I just finished. Why are you in such a rush? The party won't start until two hours." Bakugou placed his hands on the arms and turned around to a Ghost Deku.

"I kinda...uhm...I wanna go..." Deku was stuttering but Bakugou somewhat understood. "You wanna go trick or treating? Aren't we a bit too old for that Deku?" Bakugou asked.

Deku started to protest angrily. "Hey! No one is too old to trick or treat!" Deku placed a bubble in his mouth and looked up at his boyfriend.

His boyfriend looked mad for a split second and then he squished Deku's face and pulled him up to his, causing Deku to blush lightly. Bakugou then forced their lips together and then let go of Deku.

"Why don't we have sex instead?" Bakugou asked bluntly. Deku then let go of his boyfriend and stumbled until he fell on the floor from pure shock.

"K-Kacchan! We can't do that!" Deku covered his face as it started to blush even more. "Why not? It's not like we haven't had sex before nerd." Bakugou approached his boyfriend and picked him up off the floor, cradling him in his arms.

Bakugou then started to walk Deku over to the couch in the commons. No one else was remaining in the dorms except them so Bakugou didn't care. "W-what about our costumes!!!??? They'll get soiled!" Deku protested, trying to get out of his boyfriend's grip.

Bakugou ignored him and dropped him on the couch. Deku's hands were resting on the edges of his freckled face as he was blushing.

Bakugou licked his lips like he was looking at a full course meal, making Deku squeal a little bit. Bakugou then turned his attention to his boyfriend's exposed neck and lowered his heads towards it.

Bakugou started kissing his neck up and down, secretly looking for a spot to mark. Deku made tiny noises as he squirmed around eventually moaning loudly when Bakugou hit a certain spot.

Bakugou smirked and opened his mouth, about to bite down on the spot before the main door to the dorms opened.

"Hold on guys I forgot my Cape!" A certain redhead walked into the dorms turning on the lights. Bakugou's head rose up in anger at the cock block.

"Oh hey Bakubro! Whatcha" Kirishima walked in the room to Bakugou hanging over a blushing Deku on the couch. "I-IM SORRY BRO! I WAS JUST GETTING MY CAPE! UH-" Kirishima started to panic as he realized he was interrupting something.

He scrambled around and eventually found it on the small table in the commons. Kirishima then bolted towards the door.

"Oi. Were going to the party, don't get all awkward when we get there." Bakugou fully stood up and forced Deku up as well. Kirishima quickly nodded and slammed the door as he rushed out.

"Tch." Bakugou scoffed and sat down next to Deku who was still in slight shock on the couch. "I'll just take a nap, I'm using your legs." With that, Bakugou plopped his head down on Deku's lap surprisingly not dropping his ears while doing so.

Izuku Midoriya's POV
'Awww but I wanted to go trick or treating...maybe I am too old...' I looked at Kacchan as he fell asleep on my lap. I really don't know how he is so peaceful after doing something like that...not that I mind it or anything...

It's just so sudden! How is someone able to be so confident?! It's going to kill me....

I suddenly felt Kacchan rise and fall as he was fully asleep on my lap. He probably does need to sleep since hes staying up late tonight.

I started to subconsciously massage Kacchan's hair as he slept, making me feel tired too. I put on an alarm just incase I do sleep.

No One's POV
The duo had arrived at the party location. This place was a popular 'haunted' house that was only aloud to be used once a year. Its said to have strange things happen.

Deku, kind of afraid, held his boyfriend's arm close to him. Bakugou sighed and removed his arm out of Deku's clutch and wrapped it around his shoulder instead, pulling him closer.

"You're such a baby, it's fine nothing is going to happen. We're going to go to a hotel after this though." Deku then blushed as his boyfriend laughed at his own sexual joke.

Bakugou then knocked on the door. The door opened to flashing lights and loud music in the background that sounded familiar.
Spooky Scary Skeletons
Send shivers down your spine!
Their shrieking skulls
May shock your souls
Sealing your doom tonight!

"Hey guys! This party is so cool! Come on in!" Mina said, clearly in her element here. Bakugou and Deku walked in with hesitation, both now uncomfortable with the situation.

They werent exactly the party type of people, but they were willing to go for their friends anyway. Even if Bakugou wouldn't admit that.

The group barely walked in and they were immediately swarmed by a bunch of people. "Oh my god! Its Deku and Ground Zero!!!" "They're so hot!" "Deku's more cute than hot!" "Are they really dating?" "Of course not! Ground Zero doesn't date anyone, maybe someone has a chance eventually!" "Weren't they childhood friends or something?" "That's so cute!!" They were obviously made of mostly girls.

"Uhm...excuse me..." Deku attempted to squeeze by the large group of fangirls just to be grabbed by the arms by them. The girls giggled and started to drag him away.

Deku turned to his boyfriend who was looking at him too, swarmed by his own fangirls.
Time Skip...

The fangirls and Deku ended up sitting at a round table. "Hey have you heard of why this house is 'haunted'?" One of the girls asked Deku.

"No. And I don't really plan on wanting to know at all, if you don't mind..." Deku said nervously. Another girl smiled from across the table. "How cute, are you scared Deku?" The girl giggled.

"Please don't call me that..." Deku sighed, feeling awkward. Deku then looked through the crowd of people to his boyfriend who was sitting at the other side, being swarmed by girls. Deku couldn't help but feel jealous.

"Anyway I heard that when the clock strikes ten, a realism quirk is activated on one person. Meaning that someone will actually be their costume. Be careful Deku! You might become a real ghost! Hehehehe~" One of the girl's nudged up against Deku and that was the last straw.

Deku rose up quickly in his seat. "Sorry. I have to go to the bathroom." Deku then scooted out of the seat and walked away. The girls were disappointed but Deku didn't care, he just wanted to be with his boyfriend.

Deku decided to check his phone. He didn't like this party very much. He would rather have gone trick or treating after all. It was about 9:58.

Deku managed to find his boyfriend sitting alone at a table. They made eye contact and Deku started crying for no reason. Bakugou looked at him confused and then rolled his eyes.

Deku then bolted towards him, catching Bakugou off-guard. Deku opened his arms wide and pounded on his boyfriend while hugging him, almost making them both fall over in the chair.

"Jeez you're so damn dramatic. It's not like we came back from war." Bakugou hugged back anyway. "Well it felt like it! Those girls were-" Deku felt Bakugou grip onto his back with an even stronger grip then before.

"Kacchan?" Deku then suddenly felt like he couldnt breathe. Deku then heard a low growl in his ear. "Kacc-han...." Deku breathed out. The grip then lessened and Deku was released from the deadly grip.

Deku fell on the floor and started to cough. Deku looked up to slit glowing red eyes looking at him. Deku then suddenly remembered what one of the girls said at the table he was at. He checked his phone and saw that it was 10:00.

"Rrrrrrrrrr..." Bakugou growled when he covered his face, suddenly his fake ears and tail had moved naturally like it was real. "Is he okay?" Someone asked in the crowd. At this point the music was off. An announcement was going to be made by the DJ at first but everyone heard the growl around the room.

Deku looked around and stood up, holding his back a bit after being squeezed so hard. "Kacchan. Are you okay?" Deku reached his hand out to his boyfriend. When he touched him, Bakugou flinched a little and then relaxed. His ears on the top of his head went down and his tail stopped swishing.

Bakugou then grabbed Deku's hand and placed it on his face forcefully. Deku saw through the spaces of his own hand that his boyfriend was frowning under it.

Finally, Deku's friends who joined the party as well saw the commotion and squeezed through the crowd. "Deku are you ok? What's going on?" Uraraka went to Deku's side, worried.

"I'm fine, there's something up with Kacchan." Deku turned his attention back to his boyfriend who still had his own hand on his face.

"Bakugou, you are scaring Midoriya." Todoroki's voice came from behind Deku. Deku turned around to protest but Todoroki had already started to try and pull them apart.

Eventually, Todoroki managed to separate Deku's hand and revealed Bakugou's face.

Todoroki stepped back, instinctively grabbing Deku and Uraraka in the process. Bakugou then growled at him and Todoroki flinched. It felt like a Twilight movie was going down.

(A/N I forgot to mention that Todoroki is in his vampire costume, woopsies.)

Everyone gasped in the background. Some weren't quite sure what was going on and some people knew the story of the house.

Bakugou looked at his boyfriend once more after taking a glance at everyone in the room staring at him with fearful faces. Deku looked concerned but not afraid.

Bakugou then stood up, wobbling from his seat. It was like hes never walked on his feet before. As a result, he fell to the ground, ending up on all fours. "Kacchan!" Deku reached out to help his boyfriend but Todoroki pushed him back.

Bakugou growled louder as some drool dribbled from his bottom lip. His used-to-be fake painted claws were scraping against the floor. Bakugou's ears lowered and his tail swished around in anger.

"We need to restrain him!" A random voice called out from the crowd. "Yeah hes going to get out of control!" Someone else called out. People then started to move towards Bakugou with aggression. Bakugou looked around growling and looked back at Deku.

Suddenly a flash went off.

Everyone covered their eyes as to not be blinded by the flash of overbearing light.

Once the light died down, everyone looked to where Bakugou was just to see that he had disappeared.

"Huh? Where did Deku go?" Uraraka said from behind Todoroki. Todoroki twisted around and saw that Dwku had also disappeared from where he was standing just a second ago.

"Dammit!" Todoroki cursed himself as he clenched his fist.
Time Skip...

Deku opened his eyes as he felt a breeze of cool air. He blinked slowly as he looked up at the dark sky and the full moon. Soon enough he got out of his dazed state and felt weight on him.

Deku heard low breathing next to his ear. Deku looked to his side to familiar, jagged, blonde hair. Deku sighed in relief and started to hug Bakugou's body while caressing his hair in the back.

Deku then saw Bakugou's tail wag back and forth in a happy and content motion. It was basically like a normal dog's, Deku smiled at the thought. "I wonder how long you will stay like this for..." Deku said while looking at the sky.

Deku then frowned and Bakugou reacted, being able to smell the sudden sadness from his boyfriend. Bakugou placed his forehead on Deku's as he looked deep into his green eyes.

Bakugou's eyes were no longer glowing as much as when they were inside, they were now more defined. His eyes were a weird crimson with slightly slit pupils. The grass wavered around them lightly from the wind.

Deku began to giggle at the cuteness at his 'vicious' werewolf boyfriend. "I'm guessing you're not able to speak normally the way you are huh?" Deku asked while their heads were still being pressed together.

Bakugou just silently kept looking at Deku. Deku started to laugh at the awkward gaze. "I guess that's a no. You're really cute like this Kacchan." Deku then brought both of his hands up and placed them on Bakugou's face cheeks, smushing them closer together.

Deku then smiled innocently and Bakugou snuffed in irritation and lifted his face away from Deku's hands.

"Midoriya!" A voice called out. Bakugou growled in response.

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