Amulet of time 1: The Age of...

By The_Lily_Potter

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First of the 'Harry Potter and the Amulet of Time' series. After Harry gets a strange birthday gift he and h... More

Prologue: A Most Unusual Gift
Chapter 1: The Weasleys
Chapter 2: The Alleys
Chapter 3: The Express Delivery
Chapter 4: So Near, and yet So Far
Chapter 5: The Hogwarts Four
Interlude - What the Sorting Hat Said
Chapter 6: Introductions and a Feast
Chapter 7: The First Day of Lessons
Chapter 8: A Trip to The Library
Chapter 9: The First Week of Training
Chapter 10: Swords and Foils
Chapter 11: The Art of Animagus
Chapter 12: A Lesson in Beating Each Other Up
Chapter 13: Now You See Me, Now You Don't
Chapter 14: Bows and Arrows
Chapter 15: Flashbacks and Duelling
Chapter 16: The Wonders of Wandless Magic
Chapter 17: The Sign of A True Marauder
Chapter 18: Quidditch? What's Quidditch?
Chapter 19: Halloween Suspicions
Chapter 20: Slytherin Spies
Interlude: The First EVER Quidditch Match
Chapter 21: Fantastic Beasts and What NOT To Do To Them
Chapter 22: The Great Prank War
Chapter 23: Dark Discussions
Chapter 24: Hogsmeade Discoveries
Chapter 25: The Snakes' Report
Chapter 26: OWLs and The Leaving Feast
Interlude: A Trip to The Elves
Chapter 28: Birthday Treats
Chapter 29: Once More Into The Breach

Chapter 27: The Battle in The Chamber

1.1K 44 1
By The_Lily_Potter

Two days after the students had left, the remaining five friends were rather melancholy. The castle seemed too empty without the students. Even most of the teachers had left for the summer, with the exception of the founders and Lolide. Even Rowena and Helga were planning a short trip the following week, as there was a herbology convention in Normandy they wanted to visit. The students were getting bored rather quickly. Harry spent most of his time in the library, making the most of his last few months with access to books that were in the restricted section back in his own time. Most of the books he was reading covered the Dark Arts, much to Hermione's disgust. The other three had never enjoyed learning Dark Magic like Harry had. They were all set in their beliefs that it would turn you evil, whereas Harry had come to drop such prejudices. He felt himself more of a Dark Wizard than a Light Wizard these days, although he would never tell his friends that. Although he considered himself a Dark Wizard, he did not consider himself evil. He knew there was a line that he would not cross, and Dark Magic for him was not seen as something bad. While Harry was continuing with his research, the girls were spending more time in the Gryffindor room, discussing boys mainly. Even Hermione had been tempted into gossiping. Ron spent his time sitting in front of an enchanted chess game, playing as many games as possible.

After the first week of this, Harry was starting to get a little restless. He had now finished his second book, containing ancient Light potions. He had finished his ancient Dark Magic book months ago, and was looking forward to starting his book on Dark potions. One day, Lolide came into the library to find the boy buried in the corner behind several stacks of heavy books.

" Greetings Harry, what are you doing."

The startled boy looked up at the elf, and smiled.

" Just some research before I have to leave. I've been pretty bored since the end of term, and my friends have been sort of preoccupied."

" Interesting. How long do you think it will take before your friends come and find you?"

" Well, I think they won't disturb me for at least two days. Why?"

" I am going to be visiting Falaryth for a month. Would you like to come with me?"

" Would that be a human month, or an elf month?"

" Elf. Which would be about…"

" Two days!"

" Exactly! So will you be coming with me? I am sure Gaerwyn will be wanting to be seeing you."

" YES! I'll go and pack!"

" You have your own stone, so I will be going now. You is just needing to follow when you have packed. I will be preparing your room for when you are arriving. I am sure that with a month in my world you is going to be speaking elvish fully."

With that Lolide took out a glowing stone and disappeared in a burst of purple light. Harry made his way back to his dormitory in the Ravenclaw Tower to pack his trunk. Once that was done, he turned to the sleeping snakes on his bed and poked them slightly. They struck out at the creature that had dared to disturb them, and Harry had to pull his hand away quickly.

*Sorry I had to disturb you, it's just I was wondering if you would like to come with me to the elf world. I know you didn't get to come last time, so I thought you might enjoy it*

*Of course we would Harry*

The two snakes made their way around his wrists, before he took out his stone and disappeared.


A young elf threw herself at the Boy-Who-Lived as soon as he arrived in the elf world. He fell backwards onto the floor, the young girl sitting on his chest, giggling.

" Hello Gaerwyn, how are you doing?"

" All the better for seeing you again, Harry! How long will you be staying this time?"

" Well, if your parents agree, a month."

" Yay! I have so much to tell you, and I want you to teach me some of your language this time!"

" Fine, I don't see why not. Would you like to learn my language from the future, or the language I speak now?"

" Your mother tongue, please."

" Fine, as long as your parents don't mind. They didn't seem too happy when I taught you invisibility…"

" Will you teach me how to be an animal, like you?"

" Maybe, but first I want you to meet some very special friends of mine. This is Simbi, and this is Nirah."

Harry lifted up his sleeves to show the snakes to the hyperactive elf. She cooed at them and stroked them, but as soon as they started to get annoyed, Harry hissed an apology. When he did that, Gaerwyn started jabbering excitedly. Eventually, the rest of the family came outside to find out what all the commotion was. Upon seeing the older elves, Harry bowed and extended his hand.

" Greetings, Master Kaiari, greetings Mistress Ginavive. I am honoured to be welcomed back into your home."

The elves greeted him too, before Ginavive summoned them all for a hearty dinner.

Like on his last visit, Harry felt the time he spent in the elf world passed far too quickly. When it was once again time for him to leave, he reached into his trunk and pulled out a small gift for Gaerwyn. It was a glittering golden snitch, one which he had crafted himself over several weeks. He had made it especially for her, intending to give it to Lolide before he left. As he had seen the young elf again, he gave it to her in person. At first, she wasn't sure what it was, but when the tiny wings opened out and it started buzzing around in the air, she squealed in delight and started chasing it around.

After more tearful goodbyes, Harry and Lolide took out their stones and went back to Hogwarts. Harry arrived back in his dorm room, feeling just as depressed as he had been since Ardwick, Christabel and Peeves had left. Unpacking slowly, he decided to go and find his friends. If they had sought him out over the two human days he had missed, then he would have a lot of explaining to do. Making sure Simbi and Nirah were secured around his wrists, he made his way out of Ravenclaw Tower. He thought the best place to look for his friends would be in the Gryffindor room. It's not like he could ask anyone around if they had seen them. There were no ghosts yet, and since Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff had left, only Gryffindor, Slytherin and Lolide remained.

Just as he was passing what would become Moaning Myrtle's toilet, he heard a hissing coming from through the door. Opening it just a crack, his curiosity getting the better of him, he looked into the room. Slytherin was standing in there talking to the head snake.

*Kiriani, I want you to gather all of the snakes. I will be moving against Gryffindor in two days, and I want a last minute meeting to make sure you all know what is expected of you*

*Yes, master*

Harry could see Kiriani leaving the room through a pipe in the corner, and Slytherin moving over to the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets. I'll have to follow him, he thought, if he's attacking in two days, then I need to find out all I can. As soon as the Chamber entrance closed behind Slytherin, the young Ravenclaw entered the room and went over to the sink. Waiting for five minutes to allow Slytherin a head start, he hissed *open up* to the sink before jumping down the hole.

Once Harry reached the Chamber, he could hear Slytherin talking to the snakes. They didn't take long to get here, he thought, as he made his way towards the voices to find a good hiding place.

*My loyal servants* Slytherin was saying *in two days we move against this school. We must strike now, while Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff are not present, so as to have as little resistance as possible. I will destroy Gryffindor and all he stands for! All Mudblood scum will be eradicated, and Hogwarts will prevail as a Dark Arts school for talented purebloods*

The snakes all cheered at this, and Harry shifted his position to get a better look. This proved a mistake, as he dislodged a precariously balanced rock. Wincing as the rock struck the ground with a loud thump, Harry tried to hide himself as best he could. Slytherin, however, spotted him before he had a chance to turn himself invisible.

" Harry Potter?" he asked in disbelief.

Knowing he had been seen, Harry had no choice but to come out of his hiding place and face the angry founder.

" So, we have a spy do we? Well, the real question is, how did you get down here? I make sure to seal the door as soon as I enter. The only explanation is…"

Harry smirked as realisation lit on Slytherin's face.

"…you're a parselmouth! That's what happened at Christmas! You saved that good-for-nothing Gryffindor from the snake!"

" Yes I did. What else was I supposed to do? I've been watching you for months now; I've even had my own spies in your meetings. Whatever happens, I can't let you attack Gryffindor in two days time. You are not meant to take over Hogwarts, that I know for certain, and I will stand in your way if needs be."

" Calculating little brat, aren't you? Not telling me you were a parselmouth, sending spies to my meetings. Clever and cunning, you are. A true Slytherin at heart, I see. Now Harry, there is no need to sacrifice yourself, you should join me! We could be great, ruling this school, and then the wizarding world together!"

" That will never happen, Slytherin. Do you remember I told you I was fighting a Dark Lord in my time? Well, his name is Tom Marvolo Riddle, and he is your heir. The only thing is, and you're really going to love this, is that he's a half blood."

Slytherin stared in horror at this new information.

" A half blood? An heir of mine is a half blood?"

" Yes, it's quite pathetic really. Your half blood heir was brought down when my muggleborn mother died for me! What does that tell you about the superiority of purebloods?"

" HOW DARE YOU! I WILL DESTROY YOU FOR THIS! My heir may not be able to get rid of you, but I certainly will! AVADA KADAVRA!"

The green light hit Harry square in the chest. It left behind a tingling sensation, but no permanent damage was done. Slytherin looked at him in surprise.

" How? What?"

" You think you're the only one with an immunity necklace?" Harry smirked, pulling the crystal out of his robes and holding it up for the founder to see.

Slytherin turned purple in rage, and pulled his wand out, signaling that he was preparing to duel. Harry also pulled out his wand, but before any spells were cast, a booming voice came from near the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets.

" Salazar, stop! I will not allow you to harm any of the students. Your fight is with me, not him. We will end this now."

" Godric?" Slytherin stated in disbelief, " How did you get in here? I know for a fact you are not a parselmouth."

" Maybe not, but Harry is, and he didn't close the entrance once he came down. I saw him entering a girl's toilet and wondered what he was up to. I followed him down here, and have heard what you have been saying. Your fight is with me, Salazar, so let us get it over and done with."

" So be it."

Both founders turned on each other, bowed slightly, and started hurling hexes at each other. Harry, having finally come to his senses after the shock of seeing Gryffindor, slipped into a corner unnoticed. Knowing that Gryffindor's health was poor, Harry knew he had to do something about the duel. Ginny had told him that both he and Gryffindor would be fighting Slytherin in the Chamber, so it shouldn't have been such a surprise for him when the other founder turned up. Thinking over the spells he knew, the best one that sprang to mind was the one he had used at Christmas against Horatio. Gathering his energy, he chanted in parseltongue, using the snakes wrapped around his wrists as a focus. Harry knew he couldn't let off the energy until the two founders were separated, for fear of hitting the wrong one, so he yelled out to Gryffindor in elvish.

" Lord Gryffindor, I have an idea. I need you to put distance between each other so I can knock out his power."

Both wizards paused in shock. Neither had known that Harry spoke the elven language, but he had chosen to use it because Gryffindor would understand it, and Slytherin wouldn't. Gryffindor, recovering first, threw a simple banishing charm at the other founder. Slytherin, unable to block it in time, went sailing into the Chamber wall. Harry took that as his opportunity to let out the energy. The fallen founder was hit with a strong force, knocking him unconscious. Turning to Gryffindor, Harry smiled.

" We did it, sir. But you do realise, he will never stop until he has reached his goal."

Gryffindor nodded his head in agreement and turned towards his former friend.

" We'll have to get rid of him once and for all. But he was my friend for a long time. It'll be a shame to kill him."

" Lord Gryffindor? I think I have a more fitting punishment…"

" What would that be?"

Harry didn't reply. Instead, he pulled up his sleeves to reveal Simbi and Nirah. Gryffindor gasped when he saw the two snakes, but watched in awe as Harry spoke to them.

*Guys, I have a favour to ask*

*Anything Harry. Nirah and I will be happy to help you*

*I need one of you to bite Salazar Slytherin for me*

*But Harry!* Nirah exclaimed *Our venom would turn him into a squib. We are magical coral snakes, remember!*

*Yes, I know. That's the idea. We want to remove the threat of a takeover, but we don't want to kill him. This would be the perfect punishment, turning him into the one thing he hates the most, a Muggle*

Nirah gave her consent, and dropped from Harry's wrist and slithered to the founder. Godric watched as the snake bit Salazar, before turning back to Harry.

" They're magical coral snakes, aren't they? He'll be turned into a squib."

" Yes, that's the idea. I thought it would be appropriate."

Just then, Slytherin started to groan. When he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was his two opponents, quietly talking in the other side of the room. Raising his wand, he yelled, " PETRIFICUS TOTALUS!"

Much to the amusement of the two onlookers, nothing happened. Slytherin started to panic, and before he could get too carried away, Godric broke into his thoughts.

" Salazar! As punishment for your actions, I hereby banish you from this school. You have been permanently turned into a squib, so there is no longer a place for you here."

The news brought an amusing look to the man's face. The other two couldn't help but laugh as Slytherin picked himself up and ran from the room. Gryffindor turned to Harry.

" I never knew you spoke elvish."

" Lolide taught me. I'm not supposed to tell anyone."

" Well, your secret's safe with me. Come on; let's go to the Great Hall. Dinner will be starting soon, and we have quite a tale to tell the others."

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