Earth 23 (Re-editing process...

بواسطة LorraineDiaz12131989

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Welcome to Earth 23. Barry Allen is the son of Henry and Nora Allen, They attended a gala night by Mr. Bruce... المزيد

Little More Explanation
Episode 1: Hearts Distress Call
C-02: Welcome To Our Earth 23
C-03 Kara's Siren Call
C-04 The Speed Force Fiasco
C-05 The AfterMath
C-06 Time Blast From The Past and Future
C-09: The Queen of the Knight
C-10 Morning Hangovers
C11: Afternoon Deals
C13: Midvale Adventures
C-14 Central City: Home of the Flash
C-15: Let The Hunt Begin
What if? Author's note...

C-12 Gods of Krypton

29 2 0
بواسطة LorraineDiaz12131989



I fly out in the sky as I magnetize 10 devices to my suit. I use her super hearing to hear the helicopters with the reporters discussing live whereabouts of those dragons can be seen. I went there and this dragon had a purple thingy in his mouth and in his teeth. I flew at his back and put the device and that dragon became a dragon lizard and put back in the glass cage at the top of CatCo where right now Oliver and Team Arrow are there.

"Guard it! Bring in the DEO!" I told them.

Oliver nodded and Laurel gave two thumbs up. I fly again, this time I started to cough? Am I now allergic to these dragons? I can't quite tell you where I saw this type of dragon while seething red in the National City. Where is Mon-El? He usually helps her with problems but then I had other things in my mind now than finding Mon-El, though I hope he shows up and helps people who are injured. The three other dragons were easy to capture because they were regular dragons who are not with these color dragons like when the dog introduces a new pet in the house, they are usually hostile in. I tried to calm the nerves of these three dragons, soothing their back and telling them to breathe and let her do the job. I felt a sudden dizziness while flying as the dragon caught her weight using its wings. Now that the two were away she brought the dragon down and a girl shouted that thing is her own pet dragon, I heard the girl and gave it to her.

"Don't lose it again!" I told the kid.
"Thank you for bringing Draggy here!"
"Don't do that again okay! Good thing Supergirl is here!" She berated her pet.

I try to find the other dragons, but when I find it, I chases it to the fields. I look at their pattern and see the dragons are retreating but I intend to find out why they cause attack National City and include the other dragons that live peacefully here as Dragon Lizards.


Team Arrow diverted their plans and visits DEO with the weird dragon with violet shark fin and teeth and it seething his violet smoke in the air while they grasp it out. Alex immediately concerns the violet prism in the back of the dragon and so she started to give an assessment to the dragon. Winn and Felicity bet why the dragons are here. Nia joins the conversation.

"I bet that Mr. Charlie Weasley may or may not accidentally free his dragons in Romania and want to visit National City," Nia said.
"Or it was sent here to investigate the earth from the other aliens and want to invade us," Winn sarcastically suggested.
"Or maybe it's a dragon's day in the hidden world then Toothless wants the dragons to roam around the world for a day," and there goes Felicity.
"Can you do better bets?" Lena asks them.
"Or maybe you want me to lend a hand on this!!!" Alex finally said.

Alex reminded the nerds and the geek to lend her powers to make the creature calm down while Lena is reading the creatures distinctive behaviors especially if getting some reading about Alpha or something which she watched from all the Godzilla movies while Alex uses her knowledge from Jurassic Park movies.

"Where was Chris Pratt when you needed him?"
"Seriously?" Lena asks Alex.
"Well, if you used Godzilla modes and I used Jurassic Modes too,"

Nia laughs at this. The father of J'onn came to the lab and sees the dragon.

"I am not accustomed yet here on earth but why is there that creature here?" M'yrnn J'onzz said.
"That's what we're learning about?"
"Can I help?" M'yrnn J'onnz said to them.
"Sure! Your powers can help to observe the telepathic wave of the creature here," Lena said to him.

Cisco contacted Felicity and Winn via video call using DEO screen. Cisco expected Winn to answer but to his surprised team arrow is in the DEO building as well.

"Wow! I know that Dragons are international media incident, but I didn't team Arrow are also into this," Cisco said excitedly.
"Actually, we are here in the DEO because Oliver and Laurel had an interview with Ms. Grant for the magazine issue of Catco for an exclusive partnership with CatCo and Queen Lance Consolidated, actually Oliver and Laurel went to the site to make sure the workers are okay,"
"Oh... Okay... Winn listen,"
"Uh... uh... I am Agent Solo,"

Felicity laughs while Cisco was trying not to laugh.

"Okay Agent Solo, Barry left these cases on his table and we're trying to crack the codes and I know you the best person to look into these things. So, can you scoop anything in those names that I just e-mail get back to me. Wait, what are we betting up this time?"

Cisco, Felicity and Winn exchange the bets while Oliver contacts the Mayor of National City to make sure the people are all safe and sound in the impromptu attack of the dragons.


Barry knocks on the door of the Danvers house. Eliza welcomed Barry with a great big mother hug. Eliza ushered Barry inside while she was having a snack time. It was a big snack. He eaten 10 sandwiches while watching the news. He switched to Catco's exclusive news channel and saw Kara was fighting a dragon. Barry was glued in the TV while Eliza watched both Barry and Kara in glee because their friendship was back together. Barry cheered Kara while she put the device in its body, he concluded that she was busy answering his text.

"Go Kara! Show those Lancaster what you are made of,"

Barry said it out loud and looked around while Eliza looked at him proudly and made a hush sign over his mouth and put the half- sandwich into his mouth and Eliza laughed at him. Barry finishes it with a gulp of warm milk.

"Sorry... I am really proud of her,"
"It's okay, I am too... We all are proud of her,"

Barry smiled into his face just like that. Only Kara can do that to him and his dad too, of course. He imagined breaking up with Iris would make him grumpy and cranky because that is what break ups almost do. It makes you the most horrible person in the world. Seeing the world with pain. No amount of love can purify your heart but Barry was wrong, he realizes the years he spent on the wrong person teach him the most valuable lesson in the world. Love is there as long as you seek it with right mind and complex it with your soul but his trust about relationship Is still in progress and he doesn't want anyone to be hurt by that not especially Kara.

Mountains Side in National Rural Area.

Kara found the dragon's lair was, though it wasn't a lair, more like it's there but at the same time it was nothing too. Kara uses her x-ray vision but this time it was totally dark even though there's a sun like couldn't use her powers. Her powers. Kara opens her signal communication but nothing came. He called J'onn, Alex, and Winn but no one answered. This communication can't only be used when the signal is at least 1,500 feet below earth's surface. She went deep into the woods. Even though she can feel that there's something wrong with her.


Team Arrow finally says goodbye to the DEO and regards them to Kara as they are needly badly to go back to Star City. Winn breached them there after that J'onn manage to come back here on earth as he is also fixing Mars after 500 years' war with the White Martian.

"What are initial reports? Agent Solo?"
"Well, Papa Bear," Winn sounded like a proud sport commentary, "That our bets are on still if anyone wants to bet with us, bet now but I trace the dragon's pattern those three with GREEN, BLUE, AND VIOLET which is with us now the violet one.

Winn pointed in the way through the lab and showed them the picture right now Alex, Lena, Nia and M'yrnn J'onnz are examining the violet spine dragon. he continued.

"Then there are these dragons, regular dragons and of you see their pattern... these regular dragons are in one line but under the color dragons are higher place and in one line too like, the regular dragons are the one protecting National City from the likes of them like when a dog introduced you to the new member of the house pet, the regular pet gonna get hostile. So, it's like 'THIS IS OUR TERRORITY FIND ANOTHER' or 'THIS IS SUPERGIRL'S TERRITORY GET AWAY' though I prefer the latter,"

J'onn wasn't amuse by Winn's analogy and examined the pattern then he asks.

"Where is Supergirl?

Winn was speechless when J'onn question Kara of her whereabouts. He tried to communicate with her but nothing happens try to locate her with GPS suit using Solar Radiation but na-da... hmmm. He's curious now why this is happening? So, he tracks her in the last place her tracker was given in the mountain side of National City.

Mountains Side in National Rural Area.

Kara found the cave and went through it without caution as if this mountain radiated red sun because she didn't really remember that she solar flared in fighting the dragons. She went deep and she saw the horror of it. The two dragons who chased with are now standing with the alpha dragon with a red spine. Kara felt powerless and she began to cough violently with blood. The three remaining dragons transformed themselves into a looking at least 10 foot human kind of thing.

"Hello, Daughter of Zor-El at last we found you. The fallen Queen of Krypton," the Red Lady Dragon said.
"Who are you and what do you want?" she said while she felt weak.
"We want justice for the planet of my sister?" Blue Lady said.
"Planet of your sister?" I ask them.
"For a Queen of krypton, you are so naïve, no wonder it explodes." the green one said.
"Don't talk about Krypton like that," No one speaks to my planet like that.
"Such loyalty. You Rao's people kill me,"

Green touched my cheeks and I felt unimaginable pain for green kryptonite. Green Kryptonite, no wonder she has no powers. She remembers the urban myth that speak of them. The writings, the markings of the old dragons of Krypton; Krypton planet is in full charge of green stone. They are the guardians of Rao, the makers of our planets, the personification of each powerful stone that makes a Kryptonians weak. Oh, my Rao. What you're gonna do to me is this one of my punishments as failure queen of krypton? Is it really my fault?

"You are the one who make the Krypton physically, it was your home," I concluded.
"Yes, until Rao sets your ancestors into our space world, and I let you enter and prosper as a wonderful race in the universe but look what did your high council did to me. Destroy my house like you forgot that there was us who also lived before your time,"

"I am sorry, but I was young to be coronated and I wasn't even acknowledged by the three main empires of the universe,"
"That's why my dear, we are here, we set the rules that Rao gave to us. You can only be a truly queen of Krypton if you pass the challenges that we will give away," the Red said.
"How?" I ask them.
"Harness your powers and control them. Let's see how patient you are," Blue said.
"Don't worry it won't start immediately, but that doesn't mean we don't make it hard," Red said.

Kara was in pain. Green makes her body crumble, Red makes her angry, Blue makes her human again. Violet, she thought?

"If you," I pointed to green, "Toxic, you," point to Red, "Are anger," point to blue, "You, that makes you???"
"Neutral," Blue said.
"What?" I can't believe what I just heard.
"Yellow wasn't here because, she's so happy while Orange wasn't here because she's sad and I swear those two are legit twins then there's Violet who you capture..."


M'yrnn J'onnz father help team Alex and Lena to secure the violet dragons but he insisted not to disturb her or make her angry. Alex asks why.

"Because she was here for Supergirl not because she was Supergirl but because..." M'yrnn J'onnz said and in cue.

He was cut as the violet dragon turned into a human entity. She was wearing obviously violet even though her skin was violet except her hair was darker than light violet.

"Because she is the deity of Violet kryptonite planet," M'yrnn J'onnz said.
"There are deities?" Alex asks M'yrnn J'onnz
"Well, that's what you call to your pantheon, yes, it is," M'yrnn J'onnz said to Alex.

J'onnz immediately flooded the room with agents with guns but then M'yrnn J'onnz told them not too.

"I can see in your eyes that you are with Kara Zor-El. Especially you, Ms. Alexandra Louisa Danvers, the tainted blood of EL is with you. You adopted Kara as your sister? Is this now what a queen falls for?"
"I don't know what you are playing at, but I don't know what you are talking about your sister,"

Alex was beyond angry; she was mad and piss because this woman treating Kara like a bad wound. She walks further into the room and when into the window.

"Well, whatever you are doing, you are not getting away with this," Alex warned the goddess.
"Your sister's people are the reason why my other sister is in pain, and she needs justice, soon the Queen of Krypton will face her trials and tribulations and believe me this will be part of your sister's journey to the throne of new krypton," Violet said.
"If you are making our earth new Krypton, I swear General Zod have try that and he fail,"

She blinks not knowing whom Alex just spoken name?

"I don't know who is Zod is but I'm pretty sure he was nothing in the plans of my sisters rebuilding our old planet or at least she will be Rao's payment if isn't for his so-called Kryptonians race, our peaceful world space would have still been completed and please I know Gaea and Geb, they have my respect and as they are to me,"

Now Alex and the others blink of who the heck Gaea and Geb. Winn pull up the in the computer who the heck are they?

"Gaea was the goddess of the Earth in Greek Pantheon and Geb was the god of the Earth in Egyptian Pantheon," Winn said and it dawn to him about this information.
"You are the personification of a planet like you literally made a planet."
"Now you are getting it. We have our own territories, and we respect each other but until the Queen of Krypton learns her powers and how to use them, she cannot be called the Queen of Krypton in Rao's powers,"

Then she vanished like that. Everyone was stunned after that.

Mountains Side in National Rural Area.

"...who you capture?" Blue asks Kara.

Then someone materializes out of thin air. It was Violet Kryptonite goddess.

"I am back,"
"I knew you do," Red said.

Then Green almost collapsed.

"Everything is spreading at. I can feel it,"

Kara is getting paled by the second, Violet touches her and makes sure she will get sleep and makes her out of sick because she was impressing on how she caught her.

"As the human says 'Night-nighty Kara' had a sweet dream," Violet said.

THEY WERE GONE. As Kara collapsed, suddenly a breach opened Cisco and Nia came out and saw Kara lying down in the middle of the cave. They bring her back to the DEO.


Alex panicked as Cisco and Nia brought Kara into the DEO.

"What happened to my sister?" Alex asks them.
"Well, she was exhausted from the powers emitted from green, red and blue kryptonite altogether,"
"What???" Alex can't believe this.
"Right now, the effects of their powers restrain Kara from using her own powers," Nia said.

Alex barked at the doctors to put her in the sun room in the building. Alex knows that Kara hates sun lamps. She likes natural light. When everything stopped Nia came to Alex to talk.

"Alex, I need you to calm down,"
"I am calm down. I am afraid of the effects of Green, Red, and Blue Kryptonite in her system,"

Nia and Cisco touch Alex as they were transported back in the cave. Where blue explaining the kryptonite's colors.

"See Kara is fine because Blue herself is a Neutral kryptonite. Blue overpowers than Red," Nia explained
"Red/angry powers do not affect Kara's system, Blue is," Cisco said.
"That's why she is powerless now. I don't know how long it takes to recover but maybe this is blue's punishment to Kara,"
"Kara is not the reason of her planet's dying,"
"It was 'HER' people, she is part of the high council but they're dead and she is not and so she will receive the punishment from their gods. Alex, I know how much you take care of and love your sister, we all do but this, she was being tested for her loyalty not only to this Earth but to the entire universe. We were even affected by Kryptonians supernova scale. More aliens don't have home because of her people and ours too... Naltor is gone because of the fragment of their home that causes the other planets to explode too. Now she has to pay for it. Look, we will be there, on her side all the way through these trials and tribulations that were set by her ancestors, but we have to remember this is her fight and her fight only."
"As you berated beautifully Alex, Honey. Blue mentioned the other Kryptonians color dragons," Cisco said to her girlfriend.
"Can't think of its name,"
"I think this time I'll pass; I don't want them to piss off,"

Cisco and Nia ended their powers and transported them back in the present. M'yrnn J'onnz and J'onnz was there at their back waiting for them to finish.

"Thank you for showing that to me,"
"No problem! Amiga!"
"Tell everyone about it and your dead!" Alex said to Cisco.
"Tell what?" Cisco pretends he doesn't know.

Alex glared back at Cisco at intense human torture power.

"Alex are you sure you don't have laser vision because I like to think you have," Cisco suggested and Alex stares intently, "I won't tell a soul,"
"Plus, it's Agent Venus," Alex relaxes when Winn came to their group.
"Hey! Guess what? No one wins the bet," Winn announced.
"Awww... that's sad!"

Nia laughs and suddenly she remembers the things that happened in Catco.

"Oh... by the way... Ms. Grant granted Kara six days' vacation and she planned to go Midvale,"
"Because Barry was there too?" Cisco asks Nia.
"Oh... Really..." Alex was intrigue by this.
"Something happened to Barry these past few hours and it exhausted him, so he planned to Midvale immediately," Cisco explained.
"And Ms. Grant is going to Washington and London this week,"
"So, Kara wants to go to Midvale?" Alex asks Nia.
"She planned it actually,"
"Yep, I was there. Even team Arrow knows about it because Ms. Grant and Kara talk in front of them," Winn confirmed it.

Alex saw J'onn in the lab with the doctors who were working to check the health status of Kara.

"Agent Papa Bear, how is she?" Alex asks J'onn.
"The Doctors thinks she is just sleeping. She wakes up soon," he said to Alex.
"Can we discharge her, and we bring her to Midvale?" Alex suggests it.
"Which is her original plan this week," Nia said to J'onn.
"If Barry didn't text, she would date Mon-El," Winn said.
"What?!!!" Alex was shocked by that news then she looked around Mon-El, he was no one to be seen.

J'onn read the mind of Nia which Nia gladly except for him to see what happened back at Catco. Alex is furiously shocked by this. Kara will date Mon-El but he's Daxam? Alex knows there is something shady about him. A soldier might get amnesia but when he is in danger his reflexes will protect him just like in Jason Bourne series. If Mon-El is a royal guard it means he knows how to fight in the back of his hand because there is no one can become a royal guards without a hard reflexing training and if he had and he sleeps in the 'Wells of the stars' if he wake up he still knows how to fight but then he wasn't, He needs to be taught which is hard for them because he is very arrogant when he wakes up and known him for a little bit and he is much more of a drinker too, no wonder his job is in the secret alien dive bar.

"Alright! We'll bring her there while you, Alex, fix her things to be brought there with her,"
"Thanks! Papa Bear,"

Nia had a call back in Catco and in need of DEO's statement. So, she stays in DEO to interview J'onn about the incident even though she was part of it. Cisco and Alex go to her apartment.

"What happened to Darry?" Alex asks Cisco.
"If you insist to know even though Barry doesn't like to tell everyone yet, He break up with Iris pretty nasty,"
"Oh... poor Barry," Alex said.
"I know... So, fix Kara's things and we'll go back in the DEO. I have to talk to Winn about the investigation we were trying to figure out,"
"So, you are in the guard with Hartley?"
"Yes, both of us,"

Cisco pouts while Alex packs fast as too much Cisco blinks.

"Are you sure you are not a speedster too?" Cisco asks Alex but then she use her invisible laser vision power, "Okay breach up!" Cisco said.

It was almost past 6:00 pm when Alex and Cisco were back in the DEO and welcoming them is Winn and J'onn turned into Martian Manhunter who carries Kara in her arms.

"I will breach you up in Midvale, in the Salas of the Danvers Mansion,"
"Are you ready?" J'onn asks Alex.
"Let's do this,"
"Good thing on your mind is that you are not permitted to leave for a vacation,"
"See you on the other side..." Winn said.
"Yeah... me on the ground and you in six feet underground," Alex playfully threatened Winn.
"Come on! it's getting late!" J'onn scolded them.

Alex and J'onn enters the breach and leave the DEO unto the Danvers Home in Midvale. 

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