Family Secrets and Desires

By Silversong203

5.3K 105 9

Alternate Universe Period AU, takes place in Westeros and Essos, there's no kings or queens in this story, ju... More

Coming of Age
Chance Encounters
The Dragon and The Wolf
Family Ties
Offers and Refusals
Things to Come
Trouble in Paradise
You're Mine
Secrets from the Past
The wicked and the Good
The Things We Do For Love
Family Secrets Part 1
Family Secrets Part 2
Battle for the Iron Islands
Nothing will ever be the Same
Facing One's Past
Just A Friend
Calm Before The Storm
Family Is Everything Part 1

And Now We Are One

198 6 0
By Silversong203


It had been a week since they arrived at the Inn at the Crossroads, after the ship, they left Lannisport on, brought them to The Crag. From there they had to take a carriage to where they currently were.

Dany was playing with her food like always from where she sat across from Rhaenys. Both kept their heads down and covered under their cloaks, eating the meal being served for dinner that night. It wasn't anything she had ever eaten before. But then again most of the meals that were being served at the Inn, she had never tried before, everything was hearty and filling, especially tonight's venison stew.

The young man who normally recommended the meals they ate daily, kept coming over towards them, asking questions about where they were from? and what brought them to the Riverlands?

It was always the same questions every day. The boy even picked up on their accents and knew they were from the Crownlands. He also shared he hailed from the Crownlands himself, Fleabottom in Kings Landing to be exact.

Dany didn't know what to make of the boy who introduced himself as Hotpie, or why he kept coming back to their table when there were other tables filled with patrons, she was sure needed the ale he kept offering them, even when their cups were still filled. Her niece at that moment was humming as she ate. The poor boy seemed to think she was trying to get his attention.

Dany chuckled when Rhaenys told the boy she was humming to whatever the bard was playing. That only led the boy to sit next to her, telling her of all the bards that visited the Inn at any given time. After an hour, the boy finally rose when the Tavern owner called to get him to go bake more kidney pies and fresh bread.

"Well, it seems duty calls." He offered his goodbyes before getting up.

"I thought he would never leave," Rhaenys grumbled as she took another sip from her cup.

"We should head back upstairs; I don't think lord Stark's men are coming to the Inn today Rhaenys."

Her niece only agreed as they both made their way upstairs. It was already late and they had been doing the same thing every day since being there. It was like clockwork; the young man would see them and strike up a conversation with them, even when they ignored him, or asked if he wasn't scared he'd get fired and replaced, which he always laughed off. Nothing they said worked in getting rid of him.

They weren't inside their room for an hour when a knock came to the door, as Dany placed the brush in her hand down, whispering to Rhaenys. "Please tell me the boy didn't follow us upstairs to talk to us again at this hour?"

Her niece only shrugged as she got up from the small vanity to conceal her small clothes with a robe, as Dany did the same.

"Who is it?" Rhaenys called out as they both heard the boy's voice on the other side.

"Send him away." Dany pleaded.

Rhaenys cleared her throat, sounding annoyed. "I'm sorry Hotpie but, we've already gone to bed."

Her niece looked back at her when she heard muffled voices, as another knock came at the door.

"Rhaenys is that you? Are you decent?"

"Arthur?" Rhaenys called out as she opened the door at once, where both Arthur, Robb, and Jon walked inside their small room.

Dany could see Jon's eyes fall on her at that moment as she tried offering the man who helped get them out of Lannisport a curt smile.

Arthur turned to the young man giving him a gold coin for his troubles, causing Hotpie to bite down into it, making sure it was real before taking his leave.

"Sorry about that, we had to make sure you both were the ones he spoke of." Arthur chuckled before laughing at how long it took to get straight answers from the young man.

Arthur took a seat on one of the chairs in the room, as Robb closed the door while Jon stood silent leaning against the wall.

"I need to speak with you both, I've already spoken with Jon about it back at Casterly Rock, and once more before we got here."

Dany watched as Arthur looked at her specifically while Jon remained silent.

"Daenerys this involves you also, you can say no to my plan, it's your life and life-altering choice to make."

Dany felt as though she dreaded whatever Arthur was going to tell her. "What are you asking of me, Arthur? And why does it involve lord Stark?"

Arthur took a deep breath gathering his thoughts to make them into a sentence. "I know Jon offered you both safety in the North, but the northern lords and the ladies there are a gossipy bunch of assholes. Word might get back to your parents about you living at Winterfell along with Rhaenys. You know it would hurt both Rhaella and Aerys and their business if rumors spread that you ran off to the North and became Jon's bedwarmer."

Dany blurted out at that moment. "But I'm not, I didn't even know where I was once I woke up on that ship."

"I understand Daenerys, but you know how people are," Arthur replied.

She knew the man wasn't lying, some people were already saying Rhaegar was driven mad before he left Westeros. She was sure Cersei was the one who started it.

"What is it that you want me to do Arthur? and why does it involve lord Stark?" Dany asked once more though she already knew what was going to be said.

Arthur rose off the bed making his way over towards her, holding her shoulder, "I think you and Jon should marry, it would allow for both you and Rhaenys to keep your honor intact. You would be Jon's wife and Rhaenys would be there with you just to keep your company, or just be your personal handmaiden if you want."

Dany was speechless at that moment, she opened her mouth to speak, avoiding Jon at that moment. Yet no words were able to come from her mouth. When she finally managed to say something after the shock wore off the only words she could mumble were. "I need time to think."

"I don't mean to rush you Dany, but you need to let us know what you decide, the wedding can happen at Riverrun, Lord Tully has already given consent to host the wedding there and find a septon willing to do the marriage on short notice."

That was fast. She wanted to say. "I understand Arthur, I just need to think about it first."

He offered her a small smile while Robb opened the door, Dany still kept her eyes away from looking at Jon but was sure the young man was looking at her the entire time, as Rhaenys closed the door.

"Want to talk about it?" Rhaenys offered, as Dany sat on the bed feeling defeated.

Rhaenys took her hand in hers. "I'm not going to try and convince you that doing this doesn't help us, instead of us going off to Essos, to find my father where anything could happen. This is your choice to make Dany."

"Don't you mean, it's a choice between Jon and me? What if he doesn't like me that way?"

Rhaenys wanted to say something to her, but memories of Viserys attacking them both and Dany falling to the floor was something she had been trying to block out of her mind, pushing it to the furthest corners like all bad memories.

"Do you at least like him Dany?"

If she was, to be honest with herself at that moment, she didn't know what she felt for Lord Stark, not since that day of arriving at Casterly Rock, where she spotted both him and Robb chatting with Myrcella.

Noticing the conflict brewing in Dany's head. Rhaenys decided to offer her some sort of help. "Tomorrow both you and Jon should get together, just the two of you. It seems he has already agreed to it."

Dany yawned, trying not to think hard or else she'd end up with a headache, or loss of sleep. "You're right, I will sleep on it first then speak with Lord Stark."

"Good, let's get to bed, maybe we can leave with them tomorrow for Riverrun. I don't think I can tolerate any more talks of food and whatever else Hotpie decides he wants to talk about for the remainder of the day," Rhaenys chuckled as she got up to blow the few candles out.


They were all sitting for breakfast when Hotpie tried getting past the Stark guards, who turned the poor young man away, telling him if their lord or his guests wanted anything else, they would beckon him over.

Dany had somewhat made her decision that night weighing all the pros and cons of being Jon's wife. But she still needed to know his thoughts on the subject.

He was dipping his warm bread in the oat porridge that was served for breakfast. "Lord Stark."

Jon looked up from his food, noticing his probably soon to be wife wanting his attention, as he forced down what was already in his empty stomach.

"I was wondering if you'd mind taking a walk with me?"

Dany watched as he wiped his mouth with the napkin provided. Well, at least he didn't wipe his mouth in his shirt, or hands like Quentyn. Just thinking of the young man caused her to shiver. Good riddance she thought as she ticked that away as another plus in marrying Jon, she wouldn't be forced to marry Quentyn.

Jon took her arm in his as he led her outside the Inn, Hotpie tried to get their attention, but Dany gripped Jon's arm tighter. Not wanting to hear Hotpie asking if the food was to her liking once more.

They were walking for a few minutes as Dany took in the scenery of the Riverlands, this was the furthest north she had ever been.

Fighting away her nerves as she stopped walking, while Jon's guards stopped a few feet away.

"I wanted to ask you, why do you want to marry me, Lord Stark? I mean you can marry anyone of your choice."

She watched as the young lord seemed to be thinking of what to say at that moment to her. "I know that we don't love each other, and even if you and Rhaenys left at this moment for Essos, it's not guaranteed that you'd even get there safely. The ironborn are still terrorizing the seas. And even if you got to Essos you both can still be stolen away and sold off as pleasure slaves in Lys, especially you Daenerys since you have Valyrian features."

Plus I really like you, he wanted to add.

She could not fault the man, he did have a good point, but she still wanted to know more. "So, you're willing to marry someone you don't love?"

"If you were still at Casterly Rock, I am sure your brother would've sold you off to Quentyn Martell that kept giving me dirty looks since the day we met at that inn on our war to Casterly Rock."

"I never liked Quentyn, not even when he followed me around in Dorne when I was younger. In fact, I've always hated him." Pushing those memories away then as she looked into lord Stark's darkened grey eyes.

"Could you learn to love me, even though I have no love for you in this moment lord Stark? will you always make time for us?" Dany paused for a minute, she needed to know one other thing before marrying him. "I also need to need to know you will love no other, or step outside forsaking our marriage!"

"Well, it depends Daenerys," Jon did not miss the scowl on her face."What I mean is I would never step out on our marriage, that's not the way I was raised, I mean if we have children, I have to love them also and not just you."

Dany chuckled at his stupid attempt at making a joke. "I didn't think you a funny man lord Stark, but you still haven't answered my question."

"I like you Daenerys, I care for you also, I just don't love you, I don't know what it is, but I just feel as though I should protect both you and Rhaenys." Jon thought about that night when he saw Dany laying on the floor out cold. He could've killed her brother at that moment.

"I like you also, plus I do owe you my life. But that's not the reason why I am willing to marry you. I'm doing it because I'd like to visit my family without being shunned or having mine and Rhaenys honor ruined by others thinking, I'm someone that just warms your bed."

"Maybe we will learn to love each other." Jon offered.


He looked around from where he stood inside the gardens of Riverrun, he could see Lord Edmure Tully off in the distance watching Rhaenys as though he wanted her at that moment, while he licked his lips.

Maybe lord Edmure finally plans to wed and settle down? Jon questioned himself, the man was supposed to attend Joffrey's birthday with them but declined at the last minute. Telling both he and Robb that he had guests from Myr. Robb was sure what his uncle meant was he had company in the form of some woman.

The man had already fathered three baseborn children, a boy, and two girls. Jon exhaled then, maybe Edmure wasn't the right man for Rhaenys. While trying his best not to think about what was about to happen in a few minutes.

He still didn't know why he agreed to be in the situation he was now in, as the bald head man to the right of Robb was grinning his teeth at something the Frey woman must have said to him at that moment.

Jon could feel his hands sweating as he took another breath, I can do this he reminded himself, as he noticed Dany walking closer towards him, she looked so beautiful and at that moment he realized as he breathed in the cool breeze that was blowing, while her silver-blond hair swayed in the wind, as she held unto Arthur's arm while they walked together towards him that he was doing the right thing.

"Who comes before the old gods tonight?" Robb yelled out, for all there to hear as he looked at Arthur who was dressed in his navy uniform.

"Daenerys Stormborn, a woman grown, trueborn and noble, comes to beg the blessings of the old gods."

They had decided it was best to use her middle name instead of her house name, their marriage certificate would show her full name. They weren't in The North and the Riverlands basically separated The North from the south. News normally traveled faster below The Neck.

At least once they got her and Rhaenys in Northern territory, they would be safe from Viserys. Northerners followed separate rules than their southern counterparts.

"Who comes to claim her?" Arthur yelled back, as he glanced over towards Jon who seemed as though he wasn't sure what he was doing at that moment.

"Jon of House Stark." Jon looked at Arthur first, then the woman who was to be his "

Who gives her?"

Dany looked at Jon, willing herself not to cry. She knew neither she nor Jon loved each other, and we're only doing this because, if word came that she ran off with Jon without being married, it would look bad on her family and maybe his, though she doubted it since Jon was liege lord in The North. Untouchable like most liege lords.

"Admiral Arthur Dayne"

Robb smiled, as he looked at both his cousin and Daenerys. It was better that Jon married her instead of him, he much preferred Rhaenys. "Daenerys do you take this man?"

She was hesitant at first before she spoke up, "I take this man."

At that moment Jon took her hand as he helped her to kneel before the Heartstree, where they both said a silent prayer to the old gods she did not believe in, she didn't believe in any gods really.

But she did pray to whatever god was out there to bless her and Jon's union and to bless her family and any children that came from their union.

She looked over towards Jon then, who seemed to still be praying to his gods when they decided to go through with the marriage. He told her his gods were of The North, and since Riverrun had a Heartstree, they decided to marry there.

Jon was praying to the old gods to bless his marriage, bless both his and her family that when news came that they married, it would not cause chaos between them. He also prayed that whatever child came from them consummating their marriage that night, be healthy and strong as well as any future children. Remembering his mother's words of wanting lots of grandchildren to spoil.

Opening his eyes then, he stood up helping Dany to her feet as he watched Robb step away.

While the Septon, Edmure got to perform their marriage in the faith of the seven on short stepped forward.

His green eyes peered over the two wedding bands Robb handed him, as he wiped his bald head with his free hand.

The man then looked at them both smiling as he tied their hands together after both he and Dany exchanged their wedding bands.

"We are gathered here in the eyes of the gods of the seven, to bless the marriage of lord Jon of House Stark and Daenerys Stormborn.

Repeat the words to each other, the Septon told them, as Jon and Dany turned to face each other.

"Father, smith, warrior, mother, maiden, crone, stranger.

"I am hers"

"I am his"

"And she is mine"

"And he is mine."

"From this day, until the end of my days"

As they sealed their union with a small peck on the lips.

"Let whoever, who would try to come against this union, be cursed by the seven," The Septon spoke out loud and clear, for all to hear.

Before Jon could say anything else Rhaenys was already hugging him before moving over towards Daenerys as both Arthur and Robb congratulated him with a slap on the back.

He still could not believe all that was happening at that moment, but he knew one thing was true. He was married and there was now a new lady of Winterfell and The North.


Their wedding feast was nothing big or grand, just a few lords and ladies Robb's uncle Edmure Tully knew. Neither he nor Daenerys wanted anything grand. Just something small that wouldn't allow the word to spread too fast and also, something not so small that there was no one there who could say they weren't married twice.

For dinner, they had roasted boar, garlic vegetables, and crab meat that was caught in the rivers surrounding Riverrun, chicken made from a white sauce she'd never tasted before, while their wedding cake was made of buttercream and fresh strawberries. To drink lord Edmure offered them and the guests Arbor Gold wine he kept locked and secured in his wine cellar in barrels.

The man had even joked that he expected her husband to go fair on him for their next trade of iron. Which Jon agreed to since everything was planned on short notice.

Thinking to herself so far she realized their wedding happen rather quickly. Apart from her would have loved it if her parents were there, even Rhaegar.

Turning from those thoughts as she ate another piece of her butter creamed cake, she had to admit the cutting of the cake she did enjoy, she was already on her fourth slice of cake.

She mentioned to both Jon and lord Edmure's cooks that it was her favorite form of cake. And was glad she at least got that to eat.

Jon watched his wife as she took another bite of cake. It seemed he was right in persuading Edmure's cooks to make sure they served that cake for their wedding.

At that moment Jon could hear his uncle and mother's voice in his head. He told them both that he had no intention of getting married in the south. That was Robb not him, he would just be there as Robb's support while he married. Now the roles were reversed as Jon looked at the wedding band on his left finger, and then towards the one on Daenerys finger, she didn't say anything about the ring. He didn't know if she minded something that wasn't grand. But since she hadn't complained he believed she didn't.

Looking to his left he could see Edmure talking with Rhaenys, who barely seemed like she cared to know what he was saying to her, while Robb was dancing with one of the Frey girls. He was introduced to so many of them by Walder Frey the last time he was in the Riverlands it was hard to keep track being that there were so many, including the men of that house.

"Do you care to dance lord Stark?" Jon turned to look at his wife, but before he could give an answer Walder Frey stood to give a toast.

Fuck, Jon said to himself as he took Daenerys hand in his, as the hall fell silent. He could see the look of horror on Edmure.

"I've known lord Stark since he was a wee boy and first visited The Riverlands with his mother, who I might be ashamed to admit wanted to make my fifth wife." The man chucked, even though no one laughed along with him, not even his own children who were present.

"Then a few years later, when lord Stark became a young man, I entertained him in my home, I will honestly say, I tried to get this young man to marry one of my daughters," lord Frey looked at his daughters then, waving them off.

"So many daughters and yet none were able to capture young lord Stark's heart. I can't say I don't blame him, looking at your wife my lord, I don't blame you for waiting to marry her, your wife is a vision. To lord and lady Stark." The man then took a drink from his glass as everyone else cheered.

Jon said a silent prayer then to the old gods, thanking them, lord Frey didn't say anything outlandish.

"Maybe I can now get his cousin to marry one of my girls." The man barked out in laughter.

Spoke too soon, Jon told himself as he looked over at his cousin who looked to be distancing himself from the Frey girl he was dancing with earlier.

"Sorry about that," Jon whispered in Daenerys ear. She only gave him a weak smile.

Wanting to lighten the mood since her hand was still in his, "I do believe I owe my wife a dance."

"We don't have to if you don't want to." He told her also.

But Dany shook her head, "I want to." She truly did want to do something else, her mind was already going a mile an hour thinking of the bedding ceremony and having the Frey men who have been watching her all night.

She was worried about them having their hands on her. Shrugging then at that moment, Jon led her to the dance floor.

They danced to a few songs she had never heard before, as most of the men present kept repeating one song in particular about a bear with honey and a maiden, she wasn't too sure what the words were, but she realized, most were already drunk and were probably making up the song as they had their fill of wine and ale.

"We can leave now if you don't want to stay," Jon whispered in her ear, as Dany gulped at the thought of consummating their marriage. Gods help me. She told herself.

Before Jon could lead her out towards the guest room lord Edmure gave to them, she could hear the lords screaming out for them to stop, they haven't had the bedding ceremony as yet.

Just by the look, her husband gave them, as Robb began barking out in laughter, let her know just how much weight her husband held over these lords. That was another thing she needed to learn about her husband, realizing just how many lords and ladies respected the man, and yet, she knew nothing of him. I will soon know him. She told herself. I am now his wife, lady of Winterfell and The North.

Jon held her hand as they were led towards another wing inside Riverrun.

The chamber they were provided was beautiful, that was the first thing she noticed as the servant man opened the door letting them inside.

There were rose petals on the bed made for two, the room had a warm feel to it. Before she could take more of her surrounding in, Jon was speaking to her then.

"We don't have to do this, at least not tonight."

She took his hand in hers, "I've never done this before my lord." In truth what she wanted to do was run out of the room, begging him to take it easy on her. She was sure he had probably bedded many women before being a lord. They all probably threw themselves at him. And he probably expected her to at least perform for him in and out of the bedroom.

"Call me Jon, we are married now." She saw him look away before he continued. "I haven't done it before either. I didn't want to father any bastards."

"Oh?" was all Dany said to him as she looked at her husband, she could tell he was not lying to her.

"I guess we will both go into this as maidens then." Her saying the word maiden seemed to only cause him to frown.

"I'm not a girl, I can't be a maiden."

But you are pretty like one, she wanted to tease but kept her mouth closed.

"We should get it over with and consummate our marriage, officially making us man and wife." She told him as she watched Jon turn to take his clothes off.

She tried taking most of hers off, but the back required his help.

As she turned, she could see how lean and muscular her husband was as she felt something trickle within her.

"Do you mind helping me?" she turned around to allow Jon to help her undress.

She could tell he was nervous the moment he started untying the laces of her dress. At one moment it seemed as though he had become frustrated by a lace she could tell was probably stuck, as her husband kept hissing in her ear.

"How can you wear such a thing, there's too many laces." She didn't know if her husband was mad due to his frustration of it taking so long to remove her dress, or her warning him he couldn't just tear the dress off her.

They were both standing in front of each other now, naked as their nameday, neither making a move first. She was waiting for him to at least say something, compliment her even. But her husband said nothing only stared.

She didn't know if he was in shock as his eyes darkened the more they roamed over her. Apart of her wanted to take a look at his sex to see what was there, but she was scared to even look, worried if her husband would think her wanton.

Finally clearing her head of such thoughts she walked over towards the bed, settling herself under the covers, as Jon stalked over towards her like he was but a wolf and she was his prey, as her eyes fell over his body once more still not wanting to look any further south while he crawled into bed with her.

Pushing away the voice inside her head telling her to flee the room when he climbed on top of her placing a kiss on her lips and neck as Dany remained still not knowing what she was supposed to do, everything Arianne spoke of she could not recall at this very moment.

Was she supposed to kiss him back along his cheek and neck? Or run her hands through his dark brown hair?

"Do you still want to do this?"

He was asking for permission to enter her, giving her time to change her mind.

"I am your wife, my lord, and a lord needs heirs," Dany replied unsure where the words came from as he kissed her once more on the lips before lining himself to her entrance, slowly entering her breaking her maidenhead in the process.

Dany bit down on her lower lip feeling the sharp stinging pain as Jon grunted the more he slid inside her. The pain she felt in that moment was intense as her husband finally filled her, stilling to look into her eyes. "Are you ok? Want me to stop?" Please don't say stop.

"I am fine, I just didn't expect it to sting my lord," Dany replied as she circled her hands around his neck, motioning him to continue.

Jon started moving slowly at first rutting in and out of her unsure if he was doing it right especially with his wife's eyes closed and her biting her bottom lip tightly. It also didn't help that her hands were squeezing his neck tightly before, moving to his back scratching into his skin, causing him to whisper in her ear, "not so hard, you're going to leave a mark."

And you're hurting my insides she wanted to tell him, but instead said nothing as she kept her eyes closed, finally recalling something Arianne said to her, that it can hurt the first time you do it, but after a few more times, it gets easier and enjoyable. She could slap the woman right now, there was no way in seven hells she was ever going to enjoy sex. She heard a small grunt coming from Jon as he spread both her legs wide. Her eyes fluttered open at that moment, as Jon rutted harder inside her, moving faster her name on his lips, his seed spilled in her that she was sure would take root.

Jon fell at the side of her then, bringing her closer towards him at that moment kissing her lips. "I'm sorry if I got carried away, I didn't expect it to be so good." He whispered against her ear.

It was only good for you; I was in pain the entire time. She wanted to say but decided not to. She would take her rest in case her husband wanted to go a few more times that night, which she was sure he would. 

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