Roads That Cross...

By Fangirl_C

40.7K 1K 941

Living under the same roof turns out to be too much temptation. Having fallen into it, Simón will have to dea... More

... At Midnight (Part 1)
... At Midnight (Part 2)
... With Handwritings
... At Open Musics
... With New Beginnings
... With Luna (Part 1)
... With Luna (Part 2)
...With Amends and Breaks
... With Uncovered Feelings
... With Ramiro's Decision
... With a Gift
... With Ghosts From The Past
... With a Warning
... With Delfi and Jazmín (Part 1)
... With Delfi and Jazmín (Part 2)
... With a New Perspective
... with Interruptions (Part 1)
... with Pelfi
... With More Than a Music Video
... with a Reunion
... on a Day Off
... With a Mistake (Part 1)
... With a Mistake (Part 2)
... with a Return
...With an Announcement
... With Memories
...with Friendships
...even when you don't want them to
... With Distance
... with a Phone Call

... With Interruptions (Part 2)

1K 26 28
By Fangirl_C

I dedicate this chapter to all my new Discord friends 


The Roller lights turned on as the natural light began to fade away.

Closing time was nearing and the cafeteria was looking emptier. Only some customers remained, lost in animated conversation with their friends, sipping half-finished drinks in between anecdotes. The rink always closed before the cafeteria, so Eric would show up soon to help to serve the last customers.

Ámbar stretched in her seat. The Roller's banquettes were comfortable but sitting in the same position all day took its toll anyway. She grabbed her phone and began to check Instagram to rest her mind for a while. She only had one more document to revise for the day so she was in no hurry.


Ámbar looked up from the memes and the rollerskating videos to meet Simón's gaze. "Hi, my love."

He stood in front of her table. "Just wanted to remind you that I'm gonna go with the guys to rehearse for Matteo's video. Eric is gonna stay to close up. We are gonna go directly from here so, I probably won't see you until we come back for dinner or somewhere around that time."

She smiled tenderly. He was so attentive. "Okay, sure, have fun."


He stayed there for a moment, kinda just nodding to himself.

"Oh, and, um..." Simón grabbed a chair from the next table and sat in front of her. Ámbar furrowed her brows a little bit, curious at his behavior. "I saw you earlier, by chance, walking out of the dressing room with Benicio," he told her conversationally. "What..." He shrugged. "What did he want?"

'Who were you talking to?'

She quickly pushed that thought away. That had been just a coincidence; Benicio didn't know anything.

"What did he want..." She thought out loud. "To be honest, not even I know. To bother me, I guess. As always." She rolled her eyes. "He just can't seem to wrap his head around the fact that I chose you and I'm happy," she complained and scoffed at her own statement. "Not like it was even a difficult choice to make."

Simón's posture seemed to soften. His gaze filled with warmth and a little smile curved his lips. "I see."

After a second, he dropped the dreamy look and straightened in his seat. "I'll talk to him tomorrow," he decided, a serious determination falling over his face. "Tell him to leave you alone."

'You never told me who you were talking to on the phone.'

"No, don't bother," she told him with a dismissive hand gesture. "I can handle him. It's more boring than troublesome, really."

He looked at her, uncertain. "You sure?"

"Yeah, don't worry about it," she eased him. It wasn't a lie; Benicio was more bark than bite. He had nothing over her, nothing concrete. As long as she kept him at a distance and didn't fall into his games, everything would be alright.

Simón must have seen that she meant it because he conceded. "Okay. But if he keeps messing with you, tell me right away, okay? Whoever messes with you, messes with me; I won't let him do whatever he wants."

Her heart swelled with fondness. "Thank you."

He shrugged one shoulder. "It's nothing."

It was not nothing though. He probably didn't realize it, but not everyone was willing to treat another person's problems as if they were their own, and much less offered to do so. A voice inside of her screamed that she needed no one to defend her, that she could deal with everything by herself. Maybe that voice would never go away; part of her didn't want it to. But she was working on quietening it down, because it was nice having someone like him, it was nice knowing she could not take care of everything alone. She didn't want to lose that.

Ámbar thought Simón was gonna go back to work— It certainly looked like it for a second. But then he settled back into the chair and looked at her, tentative.

"Oh, um, I forgot to tell you. I video-called my mom today and she said she wants to talk to you."

Ámbar went cold. "Oh no."

Of all the things in the world, she did not expect him to say that. She hardly believed herself that she deserved to be with Simón and now she had to convince the woman who had raised him of it? She had no idea how to pull that off.

Simón chuckled at the dread that was most surely showing on her face. "Calm down, she really means just talk, she's not gonna intimidate you or anything like that."

His smile was calm and he seemed pretty convinced of his statement, but Ámbar didn't believe it much.

She averted her gaze, dropping it to the table.

"After all that happened, I can't imagine that she likes me," she said detrimentally. If she were that woman, she wouldn't want someone like her anywhere near her son.

Simón's hands reached to hold her own. She lifted her gaze and watched as he brought them to his lips, kissing the back of them. His eyes held hers, conveying kindness.

"She knows what I've told her," he explained softly, "which is that we are, or were, very different. That... you were going through a tough time this year, and you didn't want to accept anyone's help. But that things changed, and we managed to understand each other, and now we're together and you make me very happy."

Ámbar's chest tightened. "I do?"

His heartfelt smile grew, turning his face into one of disbelieving amusement. "Of course you do," he laughed, squeezing her hands to add emphasis to his words. "Can't you tell by the face of lovesick fool I make whenever I'm near you?"

Ámbar was left speechless staring at his expression. When he was so openly affective, she often didn't know what to do. He'd look at her like loving her was the simplest, most obvious thing; like he couldn't help himself because she was that great. Ámbar was used to admiration, but when she did something worthy of it, when she struggled to get it. Simón spoke as if she made him happy just by existing, and she didn't know how to respond to that.

"Well, the fool's face has always been there so it's a little hard to tell the difference," she joked light-heartedly. Humor was a good out when she felt overwhelmed. Hopefully, she'd soon be able to return his openness without needing it.

Simón huffed a laugh. "Jeez, thank you, love, I love you too," he replied sarcastically.

They both chuckled and a comfortable silence fell between them.

"So..." Ámbar started, going back to the conversation. "Your mom doesn't hate me?"

He smiled reassuringly. "She doesn't hate you. She just wants to know you a little bit. You know, because you're dating me and she's curious."

She nodded to herself. "Right."

"I can totally tell her no if you don't want to yet," he offered, probably seeing her nervousness in her face. "I mean, we could wait until we go to Cancún in the summer. There's no rush."

She lifted a brow. "We're going to Cancún in the summer?"

Simón froze.

"Oh." His gaze wandered and he rubbed the back of his neck. "I, uh, I kind of assumed..."

Ámbar couldn't keep the straight face anymore and broke into giggles. "I'm messing with you!" She told him and laced her fingers with his over the table. "I would love to go to Cancún with you."

His shoulders sagged and he smiled. "Great."

"And, if you really want me to... I'll talk with your mom."

He perked up. "Really?"

"Yeah, sure. I mean, I'm gonna have to eventually, and she's less likely to murder me through the phone than in person so it's actually a good plan," she reasoned. "I just have a couple questions first though."

"Sure, what questions?"

She shrugged, acting nonchalant. "You know, the basics. What's your mom's name? What's she like? I mean, you've mentioned her but, I don't know, just out of curiosity— Could you tell me some of her likes and dislikes?" She grabbed her phone and opened the Notes app. "Not an extensive list, just about 20 of each. Or all you can think of, it's fine either way."

Simón laughed and shook his head. He leaned over the table to leave a kiss on Ámbar's forehead and stood to go back to work.

"I was being serious!" She called after him.

"I know!" He said right back and disappeared behind the bar's wall.

Ámbar leaned back in her chair and huffed. She really hoped she wouldn't have to resort to stalking Simón's mom on social media, but if he thought she wouldn't do that, he was dead wrong. She was gonna win over that woman.


That night, Simón returned to the mansion with the guys, Luna and Nina after having been rehearsing for Matteo's video for a couple of hours. Luna and Nina had shown everyone the spot where the shooting would take place, which were some alleys outside an abandoned warehouse. It surely had street vibe and Luna was certain it would look even better when they installed the lights.

Jim had shown them the choreography she had come up with for the song, which was very cool. Clearly dancing was her thing and it showed on her bright face how much she loved it. Simón tried to follow her along with Matteo, Pedro and Ramiro, who had also agreed to help.

It was really nice of him to do so even when they hadn't given him an answer yet about his request to return to the Roller. If anything, it showed that he really wanted to fix things with them regardless of being on the team or not.

After the unsuccessful team meeting the day before, they hadn't had another to discuss the topic, but judging by the conversations Simón had had with some of the guys, he believed that Ramiro's return to the team was already a reality. Everyone was focused on Matteo's video right now, but once that was done, and with Ramiro's help to top it all off, he was pretty sure everyone would welcome him back.

The one who seemed the more averse to the idea was Yam. Simón understood that she had been the one most hurt by Ramiro's actions, but he didn't think it was fair for her to disregard Ramiro's attempts to make amends. Even now, she had claimed she was busy working on the outfits and that was why she wouldn't go with them to the rehearsal, which might had been true, but Simón suspected the real reason was that she didn't want to face Ramiro until she absolutely had to. Ramiro hadn't said anything, but he did look a little disappointed when Luna said Yam wouldn't be joining them. Simón really hoped they could fix things between them eventually.

The rehearsal had been tiring but very fun. They all entered the mansion laughing and joking around; even Nina who was usually more reserved. Mónica walked out of the dining room and received them with a smile. She asked how the rehearsal had gone, to which everyone answered that it'd been great and told her some of what they'd come up with for the video.

"Mom, can Nina sleepover tonight?" Luna asked once they finished retelling.

"Of course, sweetling. Nina is always welcomed here," Mónica said kindly. "Do you have something to do for school or is it just for fun?"

"No, I mean, we just have a lot to talk about," Luna replied. Simón assumed that it was about the video, but there was some nervousness in her stance. Maybe there was more to it, but he didn't dwell on it much. If it was important, he knew Luna would tell him later.

"Okay, sure, no problem," Mónica said with an easy smile. "Just make sure Ana gives her thumbs up too."

Luna and Nina agreed and thanked her. Mónica turned to the rest.

"Now, everyone go take a seat, dinner is ready," she told them. "I'm gonna go tell Mr. Alfredo. Can one of you go tell Ámbar to come down?"

"I'll go," Simón said immediately and rushed to the stairs with a pep in his step, ignoring the teasing looks that probably everyone was throwing his way.

He entered Ámbar's room before he remembered he could've knocked because he wasn't sneaking in; everyone knew he was there. Oh well, he was already inside.

He found Ámbar to his right, standing over a trashcan full of what looked like crumpled paper as her nails scraped the wall behind her dressing table.


She turned to him. "Oh, hi, my love," she greeted him with a smile. "How was the rehearsal?"

"Good, all good," he said, frowning. "What are you doing?"

"I was just finishing cleaning up this wall," she said and tore a small piece of paper from it. "Yesterday these pestering pamphlets were sticking to my back and it was uncomfortable and I thought 'why did I even put so much garbage in this wall anyway?' so I decided to take it off." She backed away to admire the outcome of her work. "I think it looks better this way. Clearer and less... disastrous."

Simón stood next to her and observed the wall too. The black paint words were still there, but other than that, the wall was practically bare.

"Um, yeah. It looks less cluttered," he appraised. He was a little surprised by her impulse, but if she liked it better this way, well, great.

Ámbar hummed in agreement, still staring intently at it like searching for any leftover residue.

"Anyway, I came to fetch you for dinner," he told her. "It's ready."

Her body sagged with relief. "Oh, that's great, I'm so hungry," she moaned. "I'll go wash my hands."

She gave him a peck on the lips and went to her bathroom. In her absence, Simón noticed that the frames over the head of her bed had been tilted so they were straight instead of hanging on an angle. Ámbar must have done that too. He smiled. That seemed more like the perfectionist he knew.

His gaze went down and fell on the right nightstand. His heart squeezed. She had put the daisy he gave her in a glass of water.

"Okay, I'm ready, let's go."

Simón grabbed Ámbar by the waist, held her face and kissed her intensely. Ámbar let out a little sound of surprise but she reacted and returned the force of his lips. Her hands rose to cup his neck and his jaw. Simón wrapped both arms around her and pressed her against him.

They were both a little breathless when he pulled away.

"I adore you," he told her mesmerized. "So much. So damn much."

"I..." She blinked, looking a little dazed. "I'm not sure what happened but suddenly I'm not that hungry anymore."

Simón chuckled and held her hand. "Let's get dinner out of the way then and come back here."

She mirrored his look and smirked. "That sounds like a great idea."

Simón kissed the back of her hand and led her out of the door. Ámbar closed it behind them and both went down to the dining room.

They couldn't really leave the table immediately after they finished dinner because it would've been suspicious, so they stayed there making conversation with everyone. Luna and Nina excused themselves. Then Michel. When Matteo and Pedro rose, Ámbar and Simón did as well, with the excuse of leaving the grownups talking while the young ones went to sleep. Goodnights were exchanged and the guys climbed up the stairs.

Simón stopped right outside Ámbar's room and turned to her.

"I'll be right back, wait up."

She frowned. "Where are you going?"

"I gotta go find new pajamas. You know, since someone ruined mine this morning," he said with a teasing look.

Ámbar's expression changed from confused to mischievous.

"Mmm... Do you need ones though?"

A smirk grew on Simón's face. Their gazes danced, promising many very fun things.

"Okay, at least let me get clothes for tomorrow," he said. "And my toothbrush."

He turned around but she stopped him immediately, catching his arm.

"Bring a whole backpack," she told him with her flirty smile. "That way you don't have to make so many trips."

Simón smiled excitedly and gave her one short, hard kiss before hurrying to his room.

The guest room he had been given was on the complete opposite wing of the mansion, quite far from Ámbar's and Luna's rooms. Matteo, Pedro and Michel's rooms were right next to his. Simón guessed Miguel had chosen those rooms on purpose to keep the guys as separated from the girls as possible.

He snorted inside. If he knew.

Simón walked into his guest room and turned on the light. It was a simple room, medium size with neutral, light-cream colored walls. Entering, left to the door, there was a small wooden desk and chair. A single bed laid in the center of the room, with its backrest against the left wall and a nightstand on its right. On the back wall was a window and on the right one a wide dresser, close to the foot of the bed. His suitcase was next to it, empty because he'd already moved everything to the drawers.

The room still didn't feel his though, not even in a rented room way. He hadn't spent more than like three nights in it since he'd slept in the storage room many times, and especially since he'd started dating Ámbar he'd hardly ever walked in.

His backpack was on the back of the chair. He grabbed it and placed it on top of the bed before turning to the dresser.

Simón opened a drawer and stood looking at the t-shirts. How many clothes should he pack? Ámbar had said to bring a backpack but she didn't specify. What size did she imagine his backpack was? Big? Small?

He took off his beanie, leaving it on top of the dresser, and ran a hand through his hair. It was a very weird situation the one they were in. After all, they were living together but they weren't living together, if that made any sense. He had arrived at her house out of necessity; she hadn't asked him to move in with her, they weren't a couple who had decided and planned to spend all their waking time together. And honestly? It'd be insane if they had— They'd only been dating for a couple of days. Admittedly, it felt longer since the bond between had existed for about a year now, but they were so new as a couple. A part of him kept fearing that if he spent too much time with Ámbar she'd get sick of him. But she had told him that she liked spending the night with him, and she had been to one to suggest he brought clothes for a more permanent stay.

... He was horribly overthinking this, wasn't he?

Whatever— He'd just fill his backpack with as much he could and leave it at that. It's not like he could fit a lot in there anyway, and the only way he could look pretentious was if he appeared on her door with a suitcase, which he was not going to do, so it was fine.

Simón started rolling up clothes and putting them in the backpack. He also grabbed his phone's charger to stop borrowing Ámbar's, his deodorant— Should he bring his cologne...? Yeah, why not, he'd smell good for her— his cologne...

He went to the bathroom at the end of the hall that he shared with the other guys to grab his toothbrush. He could continue using Ámbar's shampoo so he didn't need that. He looked at the razors and his aftershave. Should he bring those? ... No, that seemed like a bigger step. He didn't even need to shave that often anyway.

He was going to leave but then thought twice about it and decided to brush his teeth since he was already there. Might as well return to Ámbar's side with a fresh breath since he was sure they'd be using their mouths a lot.

Simón put his backpack on his shoulder and made his way back to Ámbar's room. Thankfully, he didn't cross anyone on the way there. When he reached her hallway though, he was surprised to find Ámbar standing under her doorframe, in the middle of what looked like a very serious argument with Rey.

He walked to them, worried. "What's going on?" 

"Nothing," Ámbar replied, still staring the man down. "Just Rey that won't stop bothering. Let's get inside." She grabbed his hand and tried to pull him towards her room.

"I was telling miss Ámbar that I don't think it wise for her to be spending the night with a boy," Rey declared.

Simón's stomach fell. Oh shit, Maggie told him.

"And I was telling Rey that it would be wise for him to stay out of my life," she said, stressing every word with anger.


"The Valente are not going to be happy if they find out what you're doing," Rey told her, seeming to stress his words as well. "I recommend that you listen to me and refrain from inviting boys into your room."

Ámbar closed her door behind her. "Okay, fine." She hugged Simón's arm and stared up at him with a smile. "Would you show me your room, my love? I wanna see it."

Simón's eyes widened at her gall and he looked awkwardly between her and Rey. "Ámbar, I don't think..."

"What are you all doing in the middle of the hallway?"

Simón's heartrate piked up seeing Miguel standing there looking at them with confusion. He tried not to let the panic show on his face but he didn't know what to answer. Ámbar and Rey were still staring intently at each other; a battle of wills if Simón had ever seen one. 

Finally, Rey turned towards Miguel.

"I was just asking them some security questions; if they had seen or heard anything suspicious lately," he explained. "With Sharon prowling around the house, we have to be more alert than ever."

Simón sighed internally. Thank god, he didn't tell on them. 

Miguel's lips turned down grimly. "Yeah, I'm very worried about that. I don't know how she manages to go around Security. She has probably bribed a guard, but without proof, it is impossible for us to know which one and we can't just change the whole staff one day to another."

"I assure you that we're doing everything in our hands to make sure something like what happened last night won't happen again," Rey stated in a professional tone.

Miguel nodded his head. "Thank you, Rey. If you get any new information, please let me know immediately."

Rey nodded too and left with one last look in Ámbar's direction. Miguel turned to them.

"Now, you two should go to bed, it's late," he told them. His eyes settled on him and he frowned with confusion. "Simón, why are you carrying a backpack?"

Simón froze.

He looked at the strap and back at him.


"Whatever, it doesn't matter," Miguel dismissed. "Come on, I'll go with you." He gestured with his hand for Simón to accompany him. "Goodnight, Ámbar."

"Goodnight..." She said slowly and threw a wide-eyed look at Simón when Miguel turned his back.

Simón shared her troubled look as Miguel took him away but he had no choice but to follow.

Miguel reminded him on the way to keep an eye out for anything strange in the house and to not stay in the storage room with the guys until very late. He left him in his room and bid him goodnight, and he didn't leave until Simón closed the door.

Simón looked at the empty room he had left only five minutes ago and his shoulders slumped.


He dropped the backpack on the bed and sat down in the mattress. Would Miguel roam around for much longer? He had no way to know without peeking outside and risking looking even more suspicious.

The faint ticking of the clock on the wall sounded louder in the silence, and the more time passed, the more it seemed to be making fun of him.

Finally, Simón sighed and kicked off his shoes to lay down on the bed. He leaned his head against the pillow and pulled out his cell phone.

Simón: I think I better sleep here tonight

The answer came a minute later.

Ámbar: Noooo, come ooon 😢 😢 😢

Ámbar: Just wait some minutes and walk out again, Miguel won't know

Simón: He almost discovered us just now, and Rey knows!

Simón: Oh, and Maggie. She saw me walking out of your room this morning

Simón: Sorry, I swear I was careful, she came out of nowhere!

Ámbar: They won't say anything, don't worry about it

Simón: How do you know?

The dot dot dot under her name showed her writing for some time.

Ámbar: Well, Rey could've told him just now and he didn't, right?

Ámbar: I don't think either of them will

Simón thought it through. Yes, Rey seemed inclined to keep the secret for now, but he could change his mind at any moment. And although Maggie apparently hadn't said anything to Miguel yet, who knew what she would do the next day. She was a wild card; Simón had no idea what went through her mind. And that was only part of the problem.

Simón: And what if Miguel comes to my room at some point and I'm not there?

That was what he'd been thinking since he left him in his room.

Ámbar: He won't

Simón: How do you know? He looked suspicious of us

She seemed to write and delete for a while.

Ámbar: Fine, if you don't want to sleep with me, I won't force you

Simón: Don't say that, you know that's not true

A minute passed without a response.

Simón: Love

No response.

Simón: Come on, don't get angry

Dot dot dot...

Ámbar: I'm not angry, I just miss you

Simón's heart squeezed.

Ámbar: I'm mad at everyone else. This is stupid. We're both adults, we can do whatever we want

Simón looked up. Although that was technically true, they were still under Miguel's roof so they had to respect his rules. Well, technically the house was Luna's. But Luna was a minor so she too had to listen to Miguel.

He sighed. This wouldn't happen if he had his own place instead of living off someone else's charity. Ámbar could complain because it was her house but he had no right; he'd had to be very shameless.

His phone rang with a new message.

Ámbar: Can I go there then?

His heart leaped.

Simón: Do you know where I am?

Ámbar: No, but if you give me some directions, I'm sure I could find it. You forget I grew up in this house with a loooot of alone time. I practically know it like the back of my hand

God. Now he wanted her to be there just so he could hug her; that was so sad.

Simón: ... If Miguel finds you here, we won't get out alive

Her response came fast and decided.

Ámbar: Let him scold me, I don't care

Simón hesitated, conflicted. When he had told Luna some months ago that he could be the person who guided Ámbar, he definitely hadn't meant encouraging her to break rules and get scolded.

...That being said, his guest bed felt very cold and empty without her. And Ámbar was very convincing...

Ámbar: I await instructions 😉

Oh, what the hell.

Simón described the way the best he could, and, luckily, Ámbar seemed to get it. She just told him to leave his door ajar so she wouldn't accidentally enter someone else's room.

Simón stood up to do as she said, leaned against the desk behind the door and waited.


Following Simón's directions, Ámbar was outside his door in five minutes. She had changed into her pajamas so she could sneak out in the morning without looking suspicious and even walked on her tiptoes to not make much noise. She felt mischievous in a playful way, and Simón must've felt so too because both broke into giggles when she walked in and he closed the door quickly to hide them from view.

"Was it too hard to get here?" He whispered, taking her hands.

"No, don't worry," she smiled. She gave him a short kiss and pulled away to walk further into the room. "So this is the room they gave you," she said, looking around.

Out of nowhere, Simón jumped in front of her with wide eyes, gesturing panickily for her to keep her voice down.

Ámbar startled. "What? What?" She whispered, alarmed.

Simón moved the finger he had placed in front of his lips and pointed to the side. "Pedro's room is right next to this one, Matteo's on this other side, and I have no idea how thick these walls are," he whispered with fear.

She blinked. "And you don't want them to hear us talking because...?"

"Because they'll tease me if they know you were here."

"Tease you how?"

"I- Um..." He shrugged nervously. "You know, the usual stuff. What we did or didn't do..."

Ámbar's lips curled up. He was so cute when he got embarrassed.

She took a step closer, eliminating the space between them. "Now that you mention it..." She ran her hands up his chest, which was still covered by the t-shirt she gave him, and wrapped his necklaces playfully around one finger. "I do recall a conversation we had about doing something to your room..."

She looked into his eyes. Simón read her intentions in her gaze and got flustered.

"Ámbar, no, we can't, the guys are right there, I just told you."

"This is a mansion; the walls can't be that thin," she pointed out with amusement. She placed her hands on his shoulders and, with a slight pressure, managed to make him sit on the bed, but he still looked unsure.

"I don't know, what if they are?" He said worriedly.

Ámbar looked to her left. Well, there was one way they could check. She parted from him and moved to the wall, leaning her ear against it. She closed her eyes and focused for a long while.

She opened them. "I don't hear anything."

Simón crawled over the bed and leaned his ear against the wall too. "Me neither," he said after a moment. He sat back on his knees. "Maybe they're sleeping?"

Ámbar moved back off the wall. "Well, wonderful then," she smiled impishly. "They'll be none the wiser."

Pushing him back, she pressed him against the headboard and climbed on top of him, her knees on each side of his hips. She cupped his neck and kissed him slowly, savoring his mouth. Simón kissed her back and held her waist— "What if the mattress creaks?"  

Ámbar staggered from the sudden loss of his lips. She blinked and backed up to bounce on her knees on the bed. No sound of springs. "We're good."

"Okay, great." Simón moved towards her and grabbed her face to kiss her.

Ámbar followed, but after so many objections, she wasn't so sure anymore.

She pulled back. "If it really worries you though, we could not do it," she offered. "I mean, you don't have to want to because I want to. That wouldn't be fair. And I totally respect—"

He shut her up with a kiss.

Simón cupped the back of her head with one hand, her lower back with the other, and laid her down underneath him. His tongue caressed her bottom lip and the inside of her mouth in a way that sent a chill down her spine and heated her blood.

He pulled back and looked at her, running his thumb over her cheek. "How could I not want you, my love?"

She shrugged a little. "You could just not feel like it or feel too uncomfortable. You ignored my flirting for months, it's not that far-fetched," she reminded him.

"The most challenging thing I've ever done, I assure you." He kissed her. "Now, I vote that we stop talking," he murmured close to her lips. "For one, to not wake them up, and two, because I would much rather use my mouth for something else."

Ámbar smirked and kissed him, granting his wish and hers. She wrapped her arms around him and he molded his body over hers, slipping his hands underneath her pajama top. The kiss got deeper and hungrier as they lost layers of clothing, and by the time they got under the covers, both their breathings were ragged.

Simón let wet kisses on her neck and each of her breasts and Ámbar writhed underneath him, struggling not to make any noise. Each stroke to her nipples sent sparks down her body and amped up the throb between her legs. Her hips kept jumping upwards, seeking some friction, but he wasn't in reach and seemed to be in no rush.

Ámbar drowned her fingers in his hair and pulled a little, trying to convey her urgency. Simón left her breast and crawled up to cover her mouth with his. His arousal rubbed against her abdomen, hard and enticing, and she shuddered in anticipation. When his hand slid between their bodies though, he didn't use it to position himself but rather bypassed himself altogether and stroke her between her legs.

Ámbar's little whimper was muffled by his mouth on hers; something he probably planned for, in hindsight. But he found her clit quickly, and he wasted no time in circling it with the pad of his finger. Her moan was loud then, completely uncontrollable just as she was helpless against the overwhelming sensations provoked by his touch.

He seemed to enjoy that little fact because she felt him smile against her lips. It was smug; she knew without needing to see it.

All her body wanted was to focus on the electric shocks going through her and let the pleasure flood her senses, but she forced a hand to move and snake between them. Simón inhaled sharply when she wrapped him in her palm. He tore his lips from hers, shuddering, and with just some caresses, he moaned against the pillow.

Ámbar chuckled breathlessly. Served him right. Her amusement was short-lived though as Simón let out an indignant huff and plunged two fingers inside of her, knocking the air out of her lungs.


Ámbar pressed her lips tight to quiet her sounds, but it was a hard task with how his mouth latched onto her neck, sucking and biting as his hand worked her between her thighs. She gripped him more firmly and began to pump him, brushing his tip in the way she knew drove him mad. Simón groaned and responded in kind, matching the rhythm of his fingers with that of her hand. They had gone from agreeing not to make noise to competing for whom could make the other make more in a matter of minutes— And she loved it.

She grasped his hair hard and squeezed him with her legs. This was the Simón only she knew. The one who matched and defied her. That answered her fire with fuel and fire of his own. Everyone could see his passion on stage— She'd always have to share that side of him. But not this one. This one was hers.

She pulled his hand away and all but shoved him into his back. The sheets pooled around her hips as she straddled him, and he devoured her with his eyes, dark and full of want. His chest heaved and his eyes locked with hers intensely. 'Do your worst' he seemed to say.

So she did.

Ámbar guided him inside her, sinking down until their hips met and— Oh, it was so much better than his fingers. Simón's hands dug on her thighs, and she could see the same pleasure written all over his face. She rocked a little, experimentally, finding an angle, making his breath catch. Then she started to ride him in earnest.


Simón clenched his jaw and his eyes slammed closed. She carried on, fast and relentlessly, until he was practically begging her to slow down, have some mercy. She moved even harder instead, and Simón threw his head back, biting his lip hard not to moan. He didn't survive many more rolls of her hips and exploded inside her, with his back arched and a choked sound. It was so hot to see him like that, to watch and feel the proof of his orgasm, that she only needed to ground against his pelvis a little more to follow him in the euphoria.

Ámbar fell forward. Simón wrapped her in his arms, holding her against his chest as they tried to slow down their breathing. There was something so nice about like this, she thought. Skin to skin, her breasts flattened against him, the pounding of his heart beating on her own chest like a drum. It was an intoxicating feeling of closeness, especially in the afterglow.

"I really hope the walls aren't thin," Simón sighed after some minutes, "but if they are, it was worth it."

Ámbar chuckled softly and leaned her head up to nestle her nose against his neck. "You're welcome."

He chuckled too, softly and contently, and grabbed the covers with one hand to tug them over them. She tried to rise but she didn't get very far before he pulled her against him again.

"Nooo, stay like this," he pouted, clinging to her like a kid to its favorite plush toy.

Her heart melted for like the hundredth time that day. So she wasn't the only one who liked the closeness.

"I gotta put my pajamas back on to leave early tomorrow," she explained, although her argument sounded weak even to her own ears.

"You can put it on in the morning," he murmured, his voice starting to sound drowsy.

She tilted her neck back. "But, am I not crushing you like this?" She said, a little worried. It couldn't be very comfortable for him.

"Not at all," he replied and lowered his lips to kiss her head. "And even then, I can think of way worse ways to die than with you in my arms."

And there went her heart again. God, this man was going to kill her— He couldn't be this cute.

She would've peppered him with kisses again if it wasn't for how relaxed she felt and for the fatigue of the day catching up to her. Simón's chest was moving languidly up and down, so it must've been the same for him.

Ámbar settled a little better on top of him and whispered, half-expecting he wouldn't hear her due to sleep having already pulled him under. "Goodnight, my love."

His reply came in the form of slurred words in a mumbled sentence, but it came and it made her happy. "Sweet dreams, beautiful."

It only took some minutes for said dreams to take her away.


Ámbar laughed quietly when it was him who pushed her off him in the middle of the night when he rolled on his sleep. So much for staying put huh?

She guessed she should've been annoyed by being woken up so abruptly but she found it funny. Even endearing, for the way his arm pulled her back as if it hadn't been him who pushed her away in the first place. He sought her out even asleep; she couldn't find fault in that.

Ámbar cuddled against him again and closed her eyes, smiling. She wished all her nights could be like this. And all her days.

With his scent in her lungs and the lullaby of his breathing, she fell back asleep.




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