Amulet of time 1: The Age of...

By The_Lily_Potter

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First of the 'Harry Potter and the Amulet of Time' series. After Harry gets a strange birthday gift he and h... More

Prologue: A Most Unusual Gift
Chapter 1: The Weasleys
Chapter 2: The Alleys
Chapter 3: The Express Delivery
Chapter 4: So Near, and yet So Far
Chapter 5: The Hogwarts Four
Interlude - What the Sorting Hat Said
Chapter 6: Introductions and a Feast
Chapter 7: The First Day of Lessons
Chapter 8: A Trip to The Library
Chapter 9: The First Week of Training
Chapter 10: Swords and Foils
Chapter 11: The Art of Animagus
Chapter 12: A Lesson in Beating Each Other Up
Chapter 13: Now You See Me, Now You Don't
Chapter 14: Bows and Arrows
Chapter 15: Flashbacks and Duelling
Chapter 16: The Wonders of Wandless Magic
Chapter 17: The Sign of A True Marauder
Chapter 18: Quidditch? What's Quidditch?
Chapter 19: Halloween Suspicions
Chapter 20: Slytherin Spies
Interlude: The First EVER Quidditch Match
Chapter 22: The Great Prank War
Chapter 23: Dark Discussions
Chapter 24: Hogsmeade Discoveries
Chapter 25: The Snakes' Report
Chapter 26: OWLs and The Leaving Feast
Interlude: A Trip to The Elves
Chapter 27: The Battle in The Chamber
Chapter 28: Birthday Treats
Chapter 29: Once More Into The Breach

Chapter 21: Fantastic Beasts and What NOT To Do To Them

1.1K 40 17
By The_Lily_Potter

Harry awoke in the hospital wing with a pounding headache. As soon as he opened his eyes he had to close them against the fierce light shining through the windows. He could feel a potion being pressed to his lips but was too weak to protest. As he swallowed, he could feel his headache begin to dissipate and felt as if he could try opening his eyes again. This time he could see several figures sitting around his bed. All of his friends were there, as well as Lolide, who was standing at the end of his bed, muttering various incantations. Once his vision cleared, he could see the room in more detail. Correcting his vision had been one of the first pieces of wandless magic he had learned from Rowena, and it was times like this that he was glad he no longer needed to wear glasses. Looking at his friends more closely, he was shocked to see tears falling from the girls' eyes. Ron and Ardwick didn't look much better. Although they hadn't been crying, they were obviously upset. Harry thought this seemed a bit odd, considering it was only a small quidditch accident. You'd think I'd died or something. I could only have been out half an hour, he thought. Deciding to find out what was going on he spoke up.

" Hi guys, why the long faces?"

This was apparently the wrong thing to say, as Gallatea gave a loud sob and launched herself at him. This was a mistake, for as soon as her arms wrapped around Harry's waist he could feel a sharp pain lancing down his back. Letting out a loud yell, Gallatea sprang back from him, a horrified look on her face.

" I'm so sorry, Harry, I should have known better."

" It's alright, 'Tea. What's going on? Why do you all look so upset? I can't have been out that long…"

" Harry, you were out ten days, mate," exclaimed and incredulous Ron.

" TEN DAYS?! How…? Why…? What…?"

" You broke your back in the fall," Ginny explained, " Lolide was able to fix it, but it was touch and go for a while. We weren't sure you were going to make it."

It took a minute for this new piece of information to sink in.

" I broke my back?"

" Yes."

" And nearly died?"

" Yes."

" Oh, sweet Merlin. The fall didn't seem that high, and the bludger didn't do that much damage…"

" I'm afraid it did, Harry. And that stunt you pulled with me where I fell of my broom was dangerous too. You could have killed me!"

" I'm sorry, Ard. It was a Wronski Feint, and I didn't mean to hurt you, just keep you away from the snitch."

" S'k, I forgive you. Will you teach me the Wonkey Faint?"

Ron and Harry looked at each other, thinking about Hermione at the Quidditch World Cup, and burst out laughing.

Later that night Harry awoke to noises coming from the far end of the infirmary. Sitting up, he quietly got out of bed and made his way over to the curtain around his bed. Pulling it back a little, he got himself comfortable for a little eavesdropping. He knew it was dishonest, but he suffered from an abundance of over curiosity. After only a moment he realised who it was he was listening to. Lolide and Gryffindor. They were speaking in hushed tones, in rapid fire elvish. Harry could pick out the gist of what was being said, thanks to his lessons with the elven healer. However, some of what they were discussing was lost on him. The words that he did understand, though, pieced together some of what Slytherin had mentioned in the Chamber of Secrets.

" …come…often, Godric. You…your heart…take the strain. I can…this time, but…do less…time."

" Lolide, … can. Your medicine…thing…stopping my…"

" Godric! You know…I…get help…Rowena…heal you, and…Helga…herbs for this sort of thing."

" I know…have to…the students. I know…training…Harry. Are you…sleeping?"

" I'll look…"

Harry jumped back into his bed, turning his back to where he knew Lolide would be coming in to check on him. He closed his eyes, feigning sleep when she came in, and sighed in relief when she left again without comment. He had had a lot of practice pretending to be asleep after the Dursleys, so he was confident he could fool anyone. Not long after, Gryffindor bade good night to the elf and left the infirmary. Harry thought back on what he had heard, thinking, I'll have to tell the others about this…

Monday the 12th December found Harry still sitting in the infirmary, his friends all gathered around him. They had gone to visit him straight after breakfast and would be heading to their first class soon enough. He wanted to tell them what he had heard the night before, but knew he had to omit certain facts, such as the language the adults were speaking in at the time. He knew he was not supposed to tell anyone about the lessons he had been having from Lolide, as if he told they would be discontinued. Harry didn't want that to happen, as he was really enjoying the lessons. Lolide seemed to think he had some elven blood somewhere in his past, as he had really taken to elven magic. He found it fascinating, and was making spectacular progress. The problem was, if he didn't tell his friends that the pair had been speaking in Lolide's language, he would have no excuse for why he didn't hear the whole conversation. He would have to think on his feet, and avoid as many questions as possible, which would be a little difficult with Hermione around. Taking a deep breath, he prepared for disaster.

" Um…guys? I heard something last night that you might find interesting…"

" What was that, Harry?" Gallatea asked him.

" Well you know Slytherin was talking to the snakes about Gryffindor visiting Lolide?"

Six affirmative nods made him plough on.

" Well, last night he was in the infirmary. I woke up in the night and heard them talking…I couldn't really hear from over here, but from what I could hear, Gryffindor has been struggling with the lessons he has been giving us. Lolide said something about his heart, and how it was getting harder to treat him. She suggested talking to Ladies Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw about it, but I don't think he was too happy about the idea."

" Is that all you found out, Harry?"

" I'm afraid so, 'Mione. But if this is the year that…," looking around at Ardwick, Christabel and Gallatea, "…um, the big event happens, like we think, then I suggest we do as much as we can to help."

As expected, Hermione was the first to object. Harry had been thinking about what was going on earlier that morning. He had gotten the feeling that this would be the year that Slytherin would split from the other founders and leave Hogwarts. If it wasn't this year, then it would be soon, was the conclusion he had come to. The events certainly seemed to fit. However, if Gryffindor's health was failing, and it was a result of the extra training he was giving them, then Harry felt it was their responsibility to help. Hermione, however, didn't quite see it that way…

" Harry, we talked about this after the quidditch pitch fiasco. We can't just go around changing time, it's not right. It's out of our hands and you know it! We've already done enough damage, we don't want to add to that. You have to think of the consequences…"

" Hermione, I have thought of the consequences. I've also listened to Ginny…"

" Me? What have I said?"

"…and I know that whatever we do here is not going to affect the future. In fact, if we sit back and do nothing we will be doing more harm than good. I told you all of this after 'Tea's birthday, so why can't you trust me?"

" Harry, I do trust you…"

" You have a funny way of showing it."

"…but I just want one scrap of proof that we're not going to mess everything up."

" You want proof? Think back to the first day of classes when Ginny had a vision in Divination. She saw me in the Chamber of Secrets with Gryffindor, fighting. If we're not meant to help, then why would I be there? And you know it was a true vision, because Ginny is a Seer."

Hermione just gaped at her friend. She had completely forgotten about Ginny's vision, and by the looks of the others' faces, so had they. Harry just gave them a smug little smile before ushering them off the class.

The next day everyone was surprised to see Harry coming into the Great Hall for breakfast. After the damage done during the quidditch match, no-one had expected to see him for at least another week. As he sat down at the Ravenclaw table, Gallatea rushed up to him and put her arms around him. When she pulled back she gave him a questioning look. Harry took the hint.

" Lolide let me out early. She knew how desperate I was to go to tonight's animagus lesson, so she decided to make me go to classes. She said that if I can't cope with normal lessons, I can't go tonight."

Gallatea just gave him a big smile and another hug. The pair sat down at the Ravenclaw table, and Harry was immediately bombarded with congratulations from the rest of his House. They had never gotten to celebrate their win over Gryffindor at the quidditch match, as their seeker had been in the hospital wing, but now he was back, they were planning a huge party. Just as they were deciding what sort of food to have, Hufflepuff stood up and motioned for silence.

" Now that we once again have all of our students with us, I would like to make a little announcement. The first ever Hogwarts quidditch match has been a huge success. The Ministry of Magic loved it, as did all of the parents. The Minister himself will be arriving after breakfast to discuss a patent deal with Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley, as well as details of how to set up nationwide quidditch teams. As well as the Minister, we will be visited by a representative of Flourish and Blotts of Diagon Alley about a publishing deal for the quidditch rule book. I would therefore like to ask that Ron and Harry come up to Lord Gryffindor's office as soon as they have finished breakfast."

As soon as Lady Hufflepuff had finished, every set of eyes in the Hall turned to either Ron or Harry. Both boys were sat in shocked silence. They couldn't believe that one discussion in the library about the Chudley Cannons' chances of victory had let to this. Standing up at the same time, they made their way out of the doors.

Once they arrived at what would one day be Dumbledore's office, they waited to be let in. Unlike in the future, they had no idea where to start with guessing passwords. After a few minutes, the gargoyle leapt aside, allowing the pair to enter. They were nervous as they reached Gryffindor's office, not knowing what to make of the Minister for Magic. When they got to the top of the revolving staircase, they nervously knocked on the door. A few seconds later it was pulled open by Lady Hufflepuff, and the boys were ushered over to their seats. Behind Gryffindor's desk sat a strange looking man with a long beard and half moon glasses. He was wearing deep blue robes that matched his eyes, and Harry and Ron thought he looked a lot like Dumbledore. He smiled when he saw the two boys, and leant forward to address them.

" So, you are the fine young men who have brought a new craze to Hogwarts. That quidditch match at the start of the month was very popular, both with parents and Ministry members. In fact, word has spread very quickly, and we have several people wanting to set up teams. In order for this to work, we need your permission, as the creators, and suggestions in how a league system can be set up. Do you agree to this?"

The two dumbfounded boys looked at each other, before Harry turned to the Minister.

" With all due respect, Minister, this has taken us sort of by surprise. Would we be permitted to discuss this for a few minutes before we agree to anything?"

" Of course, take your time."

Harry turned back to Ron and addressed him in English.

" Ron, what do you think about this? I mean, it would be a wonderful thing, being the creators of quidditch, but we do have to consider what 'Mione has been saying. The only thing that troubles me is, if we created it in this time when we are fifteen, and learn about it in the future when we are younger, then where did the original idea come from? It could cause a time paradox. And from what I know of Muggle physics that could do something drastic, like destroy the universe or something."

" Harry, the way I see it, we're already in that situation anyway, and were from the moment we told Ardwick about quidditch. There's nothing we can do now to change it. We may as well make the most of it, and stop worrying. For all we know, we could be doing what we're supposed to. You were the one telling us that we were here for a reason, well how do you know this isn't one of them?"

" I see your point, Ron. So, are we going to do this? And what about the book deal? We'll have to change our names, because in our time they would notice something. The original quidditch rule book is still available in our time, after all."

" Yeah, just think of all the money we can make in 1000 years from the patent and book sales! But seriously, I think you should do the negotiating."

" Why me?"

" You're better at this sort of thing, what with all of the practice you've had."

Harry just nodded and turned back to the bemused Minister. He obviously hadn't understood any of what the pair had been saying, and seemed to be wondering what language they were speaking. He seemed to collect himself when he noticed Harry was staring at him.

" Have you finished your…discussion?"

" Yes, Minister."

" Will you sign the patent?"

" Yes, we will. However, Ron is concerned about what will happen about proceeds? Will we receive any money for the use of quidditch as a sport?"

The Minister seemed a little surprised at this question. He had not expected the two fifteen year olds to think about things like that.

" Of course! You will receive loyalties for every match played, to be delivered to a place of your choice…"

" Then we would like you to open a joint account for us in Gringotts. All loyalties from games and the rulebooks will be paid into it. Also, we need all new teams to pay a starting fee of 10 Sickles."

" Very well, I will see to it myself."

" Thank you, Minister, we appreciate it."

The Minister passed them several pieces of parchment, which they read in depth before signing. The man then made copies of each to be placed in the Gringotts vault.

" Well, thank you boys, I can get started on organising teams now. Would you like to give me any suggestions for how they should be arranged for competitions?"

Harry gestured for Ron to continue. The redhead outlined how the quidditch league back in their time worked, as well as suggesting a European and World Cup if the sport ever spread outside of Britain. The Minister took notes on all that had been said, before taking his leave. As soon as he had left, another man came out of a side room and took the seat the Minister had just vacated. He looked at the two boys over his spectacles and smiled at them.

" Misters Potter and Weasley, such an honour it is to meet you. I am Jeremiah Flourish, co-owner of Flourish and Blotts' bookstore in Diagon Alley. I hear you have written a fascinating book, and I am interested in publishing it. Would you agree to this?"

" Yes, sir. Ron and I have discussed it, and we would be honoured for you to produce our books. We have only one condition. We would like eight special copies made. They are to be leather bound, with names we will provide you with embossed on the front. They are for us, and our friends. Do you agree?"

" I certainly do, Mr. Potter. If you would sign on here, and write down the names you would like, I will get right to work."

The boys signed the appropriate parchment, and wrote down their names, the names of all their friends, and the Weasley twins. Ron knew his brothers would kill for an original copy, especially a personalised one. Once everything was completed, Mr. Flourish took his leave, and the boys, after thanking Gryffindor for the use of his office, left to go to their next lessons.

That evening the seven friends met in the Gryffindor room for their animagus lesson. This was the one they had all been waiting for. After months of preparation, they were finally ready to try the transformation. If all went to plan, they would change for the first time and 'lock' their forms, allowing them to transform anytime thereafter. The whole procedure had taken less than four months, which was mostly due to the help they had received from Lady Hufflepuff. The whole thing took a lot less time if you had a teacher than if you tried to do the whole thing yourself.

When Hufflepuff entered the room at precisely seven o'clock the students all hurriedly took their places in a circle on the floor. Helga chuckled to herself at their antics and took her place in the circle. After a few moments of meditation to center themselves, the teenagers were ready to complete the transformation. Helga, seeing their impatience, proceeded.

" Now, I know you are all excited, but I need you to relax. You will have to listen very carefully, because if you do it incorrectly, you will be stuck as a half-human-half-animal. Once you have entered the meditative state we have been working on, I need you to picture your animal in your head. You need to think of all of its characteristics, not only physical, but instinctive and mental. Once you have done this, clearly think the incantation 'Corpus Animagus'. This should transform you, but only if you are fully focused. Once the transformation is complete, you must think 'Facio Animagus'. This will 'lock' your transformation, allowing you to change at will thereafter. Enter your meditative states now, and good luck!"

The students all closed their eyes and began to relax. It took just over ten minutes before the first **POP** could be heard, and a peregrine falcon was flying around the room. Changing back, Gallatea went to sit at one of the tables so as not to disturb the others, a big grin on her face. The next to change was Harry, who prowled around the room for a few minutes before changing back and going to sit next to Gallatea. Twenty minutes later, after Ardwick had finally changed, the group decided to celebrate. Snapping her fingers, Hufflepuff summoned a house elf, which promptly went back to the kitchens to gather various party foods. A few moments later, the other founders arrived, courtesy of Gallatea's telepathy, and the party proper began. At 3am the group made their way to bed, knowing they had a Care of Magical Creatures lesson first thing the next morning.

Care of Magical Creatures for the time travellers was a vast improvement on Hagrid's lessons. They all loved the half giant dearly, but they were glad not to be studying any more blast ended skrewts. This term they had been learning about the various breeds of dragon, and today was to be their first practical lesson. Gallatea had been a little worried, as dragons were her biggest fear, but Harry had reassured her that he wouldn't let anything happen to her.

After a brief lecture from the Care of Magical Creatures teacher, the group was led over to a pen where a Welsh Green was tied up, asleep. Most of the students kept a respectable distance, but Horatio, thinking his noble status made him impervious to harm and despite the teachers' protests, strode up to the sleeping reptile and started to tickle it. By this time, the rest of the students, bar Gallatea, had started to back away when they saw one enraged red eye open and look in their direction. When the dragon started to move, even Horatio didn't stay put. Almost everyone started to run out of range of the flames they knew would soon be flying through the air. Harry, however, paused to look back at the beast. He froze in shock when he saw Gallatea still stood rooted to the spot in front of the dragon. Making a split second decision, he raced back towards his friend, pulling her to the ground as a jet of flame burst through the air, right where her head had been. Rolling them both across the ground, he pulled her to her feet and started to pull her over to the Forbidden Forest, out of range of the flames. The furious creature started to give chase until it reached the end of its chains. Sending fire after them, Harry only just managed to pull them out of range before they got roasted alive. Sitting down behind a tree, he pulled Gallatea onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her. The girl clung to him and as she continued to shake, Harry murmured comforting words to her.

" It's alright, 'Tea. I promised I wouldn't let you get hurt, and I didn't. Please calm down, it's over now."

" I thought I was going to die."

" I thought so, too, but you're ok."

" Thank you, Harry. I can't believe Horatio did that!"

" Well, at least now I know where the school motto comes from…"

" What?"

" Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus."

" Never tickle a sleeping dragon?"

" Uhuh."

" Harry, I can't believe I came so close to losing you. Please, never leave me again."

" Not until I have to, 'Tea. You're too important to me."

And with that their lips met in a tender kiss.

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