Amulet of time 1: The Age of...

By The_Lily_Potter

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First of the 'Harry Potter and the Amulet of Time' series. After Harry gets a strange birthday gift he and h... More

Prologue: A Most Unusual Gift
Chapter 1: The Weasleys
Chapter 2: The Alleys
Chapter 3: The Express Delivery
Chapter 4: So Near, and yet So Far
Chapter 5: The Hogwarts Four
Interlude - What the Sorting Hat Said
Chapter 6: Introductions and a Feast
Chapter 7: The First Day of Lessons
Chapter 8: A Trip to The Library
Chapter 9: The First Week of Training
Chapter 10: Swords and Foils
Chapter 11: The Art of Animagus
Chapter 12: A Lesson in Beating Each Other Up
Chapter 13: Now You See Me, Now You Don't
Chapter 14: Bows and Arrows
Chapter 15: Flashbacks and Duelling
Chapter 16: The Wonders of Wandless Magic
Chapter 17: The Sign of A True Marauder
Chapter 19: Halloween Suspicions
Chapter 20: Slytherin Spies
Interlude: The First EVER Quidditch Match
Chapter 21: Fantastic Beasts and What NOT To Do To Them
Chapter 22: The Great Prank War
Chapter 23: Dark Discussions
Chapter 24: Hogsmeade Discoveries
Chapter 25: The Snakes' Report
Chapter 26: OWLs and The Leaving Feast
Interlude: A Trip to The Elves
Chapter 27: The Battle in The Chamber
Chapter 28: Birthday Treats
Chapter 29: Once More Into The Breach

Chapter 18: Quidditch? What's Quidditch?

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By The_Lily_Potter

The biggest shock for Harry and Ron came in the second week of October. As usual, the group was gathered in the library for a study session. Ardwick, Gallatea and Christabel were doing the tonnes of homework they had been set for over the weekend, and Ron, Hermione and Ginny were practicing their invisibility. Hermione had nearly managed to complete her training, and Ron wasn't far behind. Ginny was still having some problems because she feared not being able to see herself. She would get semi-transparent and start to panic. Harry had tried to help her but he wasn't getting very far. At that moment Harry was trying to get her to relax enough to become more transparent.

After a while, Ron let out a loud whoop of joy as he finally managed to complete the invisibility transformation. Hermione yelled in outrage, as when they had started she had been ahead of him. Now she found her preoccupation with an Arithmancy question had lost her her lead. Ginny had given up and was sitting with Christabel and helping her with her herbology. Ardwick had given up on his homework and was watching to see how much progress Hermione was making. Harry and Ron joined him at his table to watch. He looked on confused at his friends' conversation.

" So, Harry, what sort of chance do you think the Cannons have of winning this season?"

" Well, you'll just have to wait until we get home to find out. I mean, it's not like people from our time can send us the quidditch results with an owl."

" True. Hey, have you noticed something?"

" What?"

" They don't have any House teams here. I mean, you'd think they would play quidditch here. The quidditch pitch hasn't even been built."

" Ron, have you even considered that they don't play quidditch because it hasn't been invented yet?"

" Oh."

" Yes 'oh'. How many times have you read 'Quidditch Through the Ages'?"

" Quite a few…"

" And what does it say there?"

" That quidditch was created in the time of the founders…"

At this point Ardwick thought it prudent to interrupt. After listening to the conversation for a few minutes he surmised they were talking about something they had in their time that wasn't around in his. He was immensely curious about this 'quidditch', as the other two boys seemed really excited talking about it.

" Um, guys? What's quidditch?"

" Guess that answers the question of whether it's been invented or not."

" Harry!"

" What?"

" Never mind."

The two boys turned to Ardwick. Seeing the expectant look on his face they glanced at each other and decided to explain. After all, Harry thought, what harm can it do? He turned to Ron to ask his friend for help explaining the complex rules of quidditch.

Once they had finished, Ardwick was sat with an amazed yet faintly confused look on his face. He had grasped the basic idea, but would need to see a game in action before he fully understood the attraction to the sport. Taking in his expression, Harry had a brainwave.

" Ron, go back to your dorm and bring your copy of 'Quidditch Through the Ages'. If Ard reads that it'll probably clarify a few things. Plus it has moving pictures of famous games, so it might help if he can see some of the moves."

Nodding in agreement Ron left the library to bring the book. As soon as he left, Harry waved his hand and thought, Accio book. A few minutes later, the book Ginny had bought him for his birthday, 'A Seeker's Guide to Legal Dirty Tactics', came flying through the library doors. Harry gave Ardwick a smug look.

" Ron will do anything I tell him. It would never occur to him to just summon it."

Ardwick looked at Harry for a moment before bursting out laughing. The noise and flying book had attracted Gallatea's attention. She left her homework and went over to the table the boys were sitting at.

" What's so funny?"

" Ron and I were just explaining how to play quidditch to Ardwick. It's a sport we play in our time, using four balls and broomsticks. At home we have House teams and a Quidditch Cup every year. I've played on my team since my first year, and I was the youngest seeker in a century."

" Seeker?"

Harry, sighing, got ready to explain the rules for a second time. By the time Ron came back Gallatea was rambling happily about quidditch. She had always been good on a broomstick, and enjoyed flying. The idea of playing a sport in the air really appealed to her. She had immediately wanted to borrow 'A Seeker's Guide to Legal Dirty Tactics', and had claimed 'Quidditch Through the Ages' as soon as Ardwick had finished it. Seeing her enthusiasm he couldn't help but think, what have I started now?

The next day was a Saturday, and as soon as breakfast was over Gallatea was dragging Harry out of the Great Hall and onto the Hogwarts grounds. She had been waiting since yesterday to try out the sport her friend had told her about, and now she had a whole day free to play. Harry was confused until they reached the flat area of ground where the quidditch pitch stood in his time. He spotted two brooms sitting on the floor. One he recognised as his beloved Firebolt. The other was a beautiful handcrafted broom made of cherry wood. He turned to the grinning Gallatea for an explanation.

" What's going on, 'Tea?"

" I want you to play quidditch with me. I brought our brooms, and figured we could transfigure some stones into hoops and balls. What do you say?"

" I think we should get Ron and Ardwick as well. I don't think the other girls would be interested in playing, but we could play two on two, each team with a chaser and keeper."

" Great, that's just as well. The boys are meeting us here after breakfast. I asked them earlier this morning."

Not long afterwards Ardwick and Ron came down the slope from the Hogwarts entrance, brooms in hand. Like Gallatea's, Ardwick's was hand made in a deep mahogany. Ron's was his old Comet 60. Not the best broom, but good enough for a fun game. As soon as they arrived, Harry and Gallatea raised their hands and transfigured two branches into goal hoops. Two rocks became a quaffle and a bludger. As they didn't have any beaters, they thought it was best to use only one bludger. Ron looked on in envy at his best friend. Harry had been the quickest to pick up wandless magic. After only six weeks he could easily do most spells without his wand, or even without an incantation.

" Right, we're ready," Gallatea announced as she leapt on her broom. The others soon followed and an intense game was played, Harry and Gallatea against Ardwick and Ron. Gallatea was proving to be a very skilled chaser, whereas Ron and Ardwick both flew in a style better suited to beaters. Harry wasn't bad as a keeper, but had to keep stopping himself from looking for a non existent snitch.

Two hours later the windswept and beaming group headed back inside. They went to the library where they found Hermione, Ginny and Christabel sitting around a table studying. Seeing their friend come in with brooms in their hands, the three sent them questioning looks.

" We played quidditch," was all Harry had to say.

Two days later found the group, minus Gallatea, sitting in the charms classroom. The topic of conversation – Gallatea's birthday. The question everyone had, was 'what do you get the daughter of Rowena Ravenclaw?'. The Ravenclaws were rich, even richer than the d'Escargots. There wasn't anything she couldn't have. Luckily for Harry, he had thought of the perfect thing to get her. The others knew he had something in mind, and were rather annoyed that he wouldn't tell him. Ginny argued that if he didn't tell them, they ran the risk of one of the group buying her the same thing. Harry just gave her a secretive smile and told her no-one would think of the same thing. Hermione had cornered him that morning and demanded to know what it was, thinking it was something potentially dangerous. Harry, though, had again refused to tell her. He knew that if he told Hermione, she would stop him. He would get a big lecture about not messing with time.

Eventually, they all agreed that a surprise party and small gifts would be the best option. The party would be more personal than big gifts, and the presents themselves would just be small tokens. They had a week to get everything ready, and they decided to each take one task. Ron was in charge of food, as he was easily the first to volunteer. No-one was very surprised, everyone knew Ron was obsessed with his stomach. Hermione was doing decorations. She didn't trust anyone else to do it. Christabel and Ginny were in charge of entertainment for the day. It was a lot to organise, which is why it would take two of them. Ardwick was left with the job of procuring odds and ends any of the organisers would need. He had a knack for being able to get his hands on pretty much anything you would need, no matter how strange. Harry was given the job of keeping Gallatea distracted the night before, while the others got the Gryffindor Room ready for her birthday. It shouldn't be too hard for him, he just had to keep her in the Ravenclaw common room for the evening. He was planning to offer her extra English lessons on Sunday nights anyway. Since he had made so much progress with his wandless magic, he didn't need to attend the lessons any longer. He decided he could spend the lesson time teaching his friend more English. Her progress had been good, and she was even learning to read and write it quite quickly.

Having decided what they were all going to do, they got back to thinking about presents. Ron, Hermione and Ginny had decided to give her something representing their time. It would be something her wealth couldn't buy her. Ardwick and Christabel decided that making her something themselves would be the best idea. The time travellers were only there for a year, and so they wanted to make it a birthday their friend would remember for a lifetime.

The next day found Harry seeking out Rowena Ravenclaw. His Head of House could be quite difficult to find at times, especially when she was working on a new project. He saw her leaving the Great Hall after lunch and quickly left to follow her, leaving a curious Gallatea watching his back. She couldn't understand why the boy would need to speak to her mother. Shrugging, she turned back to her meal, figuring she would probably find out later.

Meanwhile, Harry was chasing the founder down the corridor. He had never realised how fast she could move. Not that he had ever taken any notice. Deciding she wasn't going to slow down, he quickly thought of a way of getting her attention.

" Lady Ravenclaw! I need to speak with you."

That did the trick, and Rowena stopped and turned to wait for him. She had a curious look on her face as he came jogging up to her.

" Could I please speak to you in private?"

" What about, Harry?"

" It's about an idea I had for a birthday present for Gallatea."

" Very well, then. Follow me."

She quickly moved off and Harry had to jog to keep up with her. She led him down an unfamiliar corridor for a few minutes before he realised they were in the Ravenclaw Tower, not too far from his common room. She stopped abruptly before a door and entered a lavishly decorated room. The furnishings were expensive, and in an attractive shade of dark blue. The room, Harry noticed, was not dissimilar to Gryffindor's office. He realised this must be Lady Ravenclaw's office. He had never been here before, but he could see it suited her personality well. Taking a seat, she motioned for him to do the same.

" So, Harry, what can I do for you?"

" Well, I've had an idea for a birthday gift for Gallatea and was wondering if you would help me with it."

" Of course I will, Harry. What is it you have in mind?"

" Well…"

Gallatea's birthday dawned with a cloudless blue sky and brilliant sunrise. The girl herself was sat at the top of the Astronomy Tower, and had been since the previous evening. Looking out over the Hogwarts grounds she thought over all that turning sixteen would mean for her. Sometime this year she would have to choose a husband. Although she was only just sixteen, in her culture it was customary to get married at that age. The trouble was, she still felt like a child. She seriously envied Hermione and Ginny. She knew that in their time they didn't have betrothals anymore, and they weren't classed as adults until they were eighteen. As she thought this over, she discovered what the problem was for her. She was already in love. In love with someone she could never have. Since the first moment she had seen him, being introduced in the Great Hall, she had known he was the one she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. She had even asked him for a betrothal, and as she thought back to it, memories of the conversation she had with her mother after the Welcome Feast floated into her mind.


" Mother, I have chosen a husband."

Rowena looked up, startled, as her daughter came into her office. At her words and tone of voice she could tell it was one of the new boys she had chosen.

" Come in, my daughter. Tell me, who have you chosen?"

" The new boy, Harry Potter. As soon as I saw him I knew he was the one I wanted. Please, Mother, do you approve?"

The founder looked at her daughter sadly. She could see that her mind was made up, and wasn't sure how to break the news.

" Gallatea, there is something I must tell you about the new students."

" Whatever it is, Mother, it can't be too bad."

" They're not of our people. They came here from the future using a powerful magical amulet. They will eventually have to return, and they cannot take you with them. You see why you cannot marry the Potter boy? If you fall in love with him you will have your heart broken. Don't take the chance, Gallatea."

The young girl's face crumpled. She knew Harry was the one she was meant to be with, but if what her mother said was true, she could never have him. I'll just try to be his friend, she thought, at least it's better than nothing…

**End Flashback**

Gallatea wiped the tears from her eyes, took one last look at the rising sun, and headed back to the Ravenclaw common room.

At breakfast Gallatea had people coming up to her and wishing her a happy birthday. She was a little disappointed that she hadn't seen her friends yet. Harry would usually sit with her at mealtimes, but he was nowhere to be found. Neither was her mother, come to think of it. It seemed a little strange that both were missing at the same time. Strange, she thought, maybe they're planning something. The next thing she knew a pair of strong arms were enveloping her from behind. Turning around she saw the object of her thoughts.

" Hello, 'Tea. Happy birthday!"

" Thanks, Harry. Do you know where my mother is? I haven't seen her this morning, which is strange because she normally comes to see me before breakfast on my birthday."

" I saw her earlier on the grounds, but I don't know what she's doing now."

" Ok. Are you going to eat anything? It's nearly time for Runes."

" Sure."

Much to her disappointment, Harry took his arms from around her and sat down. It's just a sign of friendship, he doesn't feel any more for you, she thought as Harry ate his breakfast.

That evening after dinner, Harry dragged Gallatea from the Ravenclaw table and up to the Gryffindor Room. The others, including Rowena and Lolide, had left earlier to get the party ready for when the pair arrived. It was Harry's job, being a fellow Ravenclaw, to bring the birthday girl up for seven o'clock. Once they reached the room, Harry opened the door and ushered the sixteen year old into the dark tower. As she entered, the candles flared to life and her friends and family jumped out yelling " Surprise!"

She didn't know what to say. All of the people closest to her were gathered in one room smiling at her. Harry was behind her, having just closed the door. Gallatea was speechless. This was the most thoughtful thing anyone had ever done for her birthday. With a wave of Ginny's hand some soft music began to play in the background as Hermione ushered her over to a table. The table had food of all kinds at one end and presents at the other.

" Surprise, my daughter. You didn't think we'd forget your birthday, did you?"

The young girl turned emotional eyes to her mother before throwing herself into her embrace. After a few minutes, she pulled away and turned to the rest of the group, hugging each one in turn, and lingering a little longer in Harry's arms.

" So, 'Tea, what do you want to do first?"

" I think I'd like to open my presents first," she told the raven haired boy.

Moving over to the table, she took a seat and picked up the first present. It was wrapped in dark blue paper with a gold bow. Pulling off the wrapping she found a box containing a curious round object she had never seen before. Turning to the group, she couldn't help but look confused.

" What is it?"

Ron grinned brightly, for it was his gift.

" It's a sneakoscope. It makes a noise if someone near you is being dishonest."

" Um…thanks…I think."

" You're welcome."

Moving on, she got a set of gryphon feather quills from Christabel, a large leather-bound book with blank pages for her to write her English dictionary in from Ardwick, a bag of sweets from Hermione, containing among other things a box of Bertie Bott's Every

Flavour Beans and some Chocolate Frogs. She looked at the sweets in amusement before turning to Hermione. The girl shrugged.

" I thought you'd like to be the first person in history to try some modern sweets."

Gallatea grinned back at her blushing friend. Next she opened a present from Lolide. It was a round crystal stone, about the size of a hen's egg.

" What is it?"

" It is an elven healing stone, young Ravenclaw. It is being protecting you, I think. You may be finding a use for it in the future."

" Thank you, Lolide. Will you show me how to use it?"

" Later, young one. I believe you are having more gifts to open."

Gallatea reached for the second to last gift on the table. It had red wrapping paper and a tag telling her it was from Ginny. Opening it she was thrilled to find a photo album. She had seen Ginny taking pictures a few weeks ago and wondered what she was doing. She was amazed with the camera. She found it a lot quicker than waiting for someone to paint a portrait. The album contained pictures of her mother and friends, with some on their own and some in groups. Right at the back was one she had insisted Ginny take. It was taken by her mother, and had all of her friends, as well as her, in the picture. The seven of them were standing on the front steps to Hogwarts, grinning like mad and waving. Gallatea felt hot tears rolling down her cheeks as she looked at Ginny.

" I thought you might like something to remember us by."

" Thank you, Ginny. I will take good care of it."

Turning back to the table, she picked up the last gift. The tag told her it was from her mother. Ripping off the paper she found a large wooden crate that was rocking slightly backwards and forwards. Curious, she pulled it open and found a full set of quidditch balls inside. She gave her smiling mother a shocked look before launching herself at the founder.

" I heard you'd taken an interest in this new sport, and thought you might appreciate the equipment. They're hand made, as I wouldn't be able to get them from any shop."

" Thank you so much, mother."

" You're welcome, my daughter."

Turning back to the group, Gallatea realised she hadn't received a gift from Harry. Her heart sank a little at this thought. Hermione had obviously come to the same conclusion, because she turned to the boy and grabbed his attention.

" Harry, where's your gift? We've all been dying to know all week."

Harry smiled at them and held his hand out to Gallatea. Taking it, she was pulled from the room, the others following close behind her.

" Harry, where are we going?"

" Just wait, you'll see when we get there."

The group was making its way across the Hogwarts grounds, moving in the opposite direction to the lake.

" Close your eyes, everyone. I want you all to be surprised."

Doing as he said, everyone but Ravenclaw closed their eyes. Harry gave a big grin and waved his hand, removing the invisibility charms on his present.

" Alright, you can look now."

As one the group opened their eyes.

" What the…"

" Oh, my.."

" What is that?"

" He didn't…he did! I can't believe…"



Harry looked pleased at the various reactions of his friends. Waving his hand, he woke Ron up from his faint and went over to the stunned Gallatea.

" Do you like it?"

" Like it? I LOVE it! But what…? How…? When…?"

" I built it from various bits and pieces. I'm getting quite good at wandless magic. I needed a little help from your mother, but I got there in the end. The hardest thing was trying to keep it hidden. Come here, I have something to show you."

Taking the unresisting girl by the hand, he pulled her over to a small patch of ground where a rectangle of pure black onyx was set into the earth. He waved his hand above it and whispered 'Gallatea'. The password accepted, words formed across the surface of the onyx. On closer inspection, the girl could see a message written across it in both English and Anglo-Saxon.

To Gallatea Ravenclaw

A special gift for a special friend. I will remember you always.

From Harry Potter

" Oh, Harry. Thank you so much."

" You're welcome. I wanted to get you something that would last forever."

With that the pair headed back to the party, a brand new quidditch pitch stretching out behind them.

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