agony. |darth maul

By br00tle

27K 736 235

Under the hood was something Kin had never seen before. Striking red skin with intricate, bold black tattoos... More

part 1: the fool.
part 2: the assassin.
part three: the redeemed.
final thoughts.


1K 36 8
By br00tle

The force buzzed around Kin like an electric current, loudly and nearly painfully. She had never felt like this before. It wasn't painful enough though, instead of jumping right back up she groaned and rolled herself over- propping herself up off the floor.

The room was dark and empty, with nothing but gray walls and a solid black floor. There didn't even seem to be a door. Instead of screaming, Kin pulled herself to her feet and grunted something about men.

So this is what getting kidnapped is?

She instinctively ran her fingers along the walls, searching for some sort of door. Maybe the wall lifted up? She should've known Maul was some sort of trafficker, no one just pulls shit quite like he did. A nervous laugh escaped her as the reality of the situation sank in. Her fate was sealed.

Just as true panic began to set in, the wall slid up. Kin flinched and soon realized this had to be some sort of compound. Her hands flew up in immediate surrender as she saw who awaited on the other side. An elderly man, cloaked in all black with his head not pointed a her- but angled down.

"Where am I?" She asks, suddenly sizing up the man in her mind. Kin had never taken someone down with just her hands in her life, but she was desperate for some sort of escape. Plus, he was so old and wearing long cloaks that would make it easy to trip him.

"She's weak in the force." The mans voice was rough and crackly, nearly inhuman. Kin stands still and awkward, not knowing what to do or who she's talking to. 

"With the correct training-"


"You said you had brought me a Jedi." The old man spoke again and Kin tried to look past him, to try and see where Maul was standing. She was going to kill him. "This is no Jedi, apprentice."

What? There wasn't time to ask questions, Kin frantically explained herself, "I'm not a Jedi! I was in the agri-corps but not anymore, I- I don't- I can't give you what you want?" She offers.

The man gives a laugh- no, a cackle and looked up at Kin. She nearly gasped, he looked familiar? Something political, something-

"Senator Palpatine?" Kin asks, thinking out loud. She gasps for real this time, it sure was him. She knew political business could get dirty- but kidnapping? Kin couldn't recall a single relation she had to the senator.

"Young one," he starts, completely ignoring what she had just said. "You can prove yourself."


But there was no time for Kin to demand answers- a red plasma blade was at her throat.

cringe lmaooo. listened to sorry for party rocking while writing this. comment- give critiques or just talk to me im so desperate for friends tbh

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