Vampires little secret

By RossLyncsIsMine

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Brooklyn Lee was a moody teenage girl, just like any other moody teenage girl Brooklyn had a secret. Her secr... More

~Keep your lips shut~
~Bluer than the ocean~
~Wheres blood, theres a murder~
~Your little secrets out~
~"Friends" with a bloodsucker~
~Blood stained hands~
~ Story of a Bloody Christmas ~
~Law breakers~
~Living on blood ~
~Bloody Holiday~
~Champagne & Feeling~
~Blood Suckers Tale~
~Bedded In Blood~
~Blood Market~
~Revenge A Dish Best Served Bloody~
~Love or Lust?~
~Welcome Back~
~Blood On Snow~
~Dead By Dawn~
~Blood Children~
~Blood Bound~

~The Brood~

85 2 2
By RossLyncsIsMine

My eyes shot open, my breathing was heavy and I was panicked. Whatever has happened since I've been knocked out could not have been great.
I expected to be tied down or at least wounded in some way. I was not. I was perfectly fine. I was laying in a soft bed, made with soft pale blue sheets. I was still wearing my bloody clothes. Forcing me to remember the events that to my knowledge happened a few minutes ago. I had no clue how long I've been laying here. Or where I was for that matter. All I knew was that Sam was dead and Alex believe that I was responsible. He tried to shoot me with the same gun that killed Sam.
The hunter that's fault it actually was got away with a dislocated wrist a slight concussion. Because I let her get away.
I wished I killed her, even if the consequences were that I'd turn feral.

I couldn't think of the past now, I was laying in an unknown room, in an unknown bed. Ive been kidnapped, I was ambushed right in front of my house and I couldn't stop it. Now I had to think, think about what could they want and how could I get out.
I stood up, looking around to make sure no one was around, making sure there were no traps.
I looked down at my feet, my socks still soaked in Sams blood. I sighed, trying to push the image of me kneeling in a puddle of red liquid as I inspected the room.
There was a dresser by the end of the bed, a dark wood, my boots where laid on top. There were no windows, instead there was a painting of the norther lights hung above the bed. A wardrobe not far to the left of it, I assumed it would be empty so I didn't bother to check.
A white rug was laid under my foot. Stainless, this room must not get used or it has been cleaned recently.
The door was just beside the wardrobe. I contemplated rushing for it, running as far as I could.
But what would wait on the other side? Was I guarded? Like a prisoner? Would they let me run? What have they done to my friends? Was a question that jumped forward.
Where where Alex and Aidan? Did they still believed that I was a feral? Were they looking for me?

Without further hesitation I reached for the door knob, before I could turn it I heard the faint click of the handle and the door swung open.
My eyes where met with a girls, about the same height as me. Pixie cut lavender hair and grey eyes. She smelled like coconut, her skin was also tanned. She wore a black dress with a grey sweater on top. She must've been a drainer.
She was very pretty, looked to be about my age too. Her figure was plumber than my own, her hips wide and her chest big, like a cola cola bottle. Her nails were painted the same lavender colour as her hair.
I stepped back, ready to fight for my way out as she stepped in, smiling sweetly.
She put her hands up, trying to reassure me that she was no threat.
She was unsuccessful, I still had my reasons to be on edge, I've been kidnapped. I was ready to do whatever it took to get out.

"It's ok, I couldn't hurt you even if I wanted to" she smiled, it was true, drainers were much weaker than feeders.
"What do you want?" I barked back, trying to get more information out of her before making a run.
"Talk" She responded, her arms still in the air.
"You" She finally let her arms fall to her side.
"So you kidnapped me?" I was starting to become annoyed. She was not being specific enough.
"You where not coming willingly" Her smile fell.
"Like hell I wasn't" I responded, letting my voice fill with anger. Did she really expect me to come willingly after what happened?
"Why would I come? What do you have to offer?" I asked, sort of curious and sort of anxious as I waited for an answer.
"Why not? Did you have a plan?" She asked, almost mockingly.
"I don't know how that's any of your business. Or why I should want to stay here" I looked around me "Wherever I am?"
She chuckled.
"This place is full of vampires, it's safe" She responds and I squinted at her, looking for the catch. I didn't care how safe it was here, I wanted to live my own life. On my terms. Far, far away from my old life's. Even though I had no clue where I was currently.
"You also nearly killed Azima" she commented and my eyes shot at her.
Was that her name, the hunter, why where hunters and vampires working together to capture me? She very specifically said she wanted my kind dead.
"You sent her?" I stepped closer, suddenly more aggressive than I intended, suddenly I felt taller than her, stronger.
"No, of course not." She responded rapidly, her eyes becoming wider with regret at her choice of words.
"We wanted to be civilised about bringing you here, she wanted to do things by force. She ran after you beaten her and we haven't seen her since" She explained. So this "Azima" girl went against them, whoever these vampires were. She wanted to take me by force and make sure I did whatever she wanted. But she killed Sam, she killed my only real connection to my humanity. She also underestimated me, she hasn't been trained. She wasn't a real hunter.
"So why did you knock me out?"
"I told you, we wanted to bring you here, be sure you were safe, but Azima made that very difficult. You wouldn't have listened to reason if we came to you after she killed your friend" she explained. She was right. I wouldn't have hesitated to kill anyone that came near me while Sam's cold body laid in front of me.
"If I ever see her again, I'm going to kill her" I sneered. I was never one fond of revenge, it was poisonous, pointless, It will never bring Sam back. But I wanted to her scared, even more scared then she was that night. I wanted to see her pink eyes glisten with terror before I snapped her in half.
Her smile came back, she nodded.
"I didn't blame you" She shrugged "She was always a pain in the ass"
Her smile faded after a couple of seconds.
"The boy, in the living room" Her voice was soft and low, she didn't want to anger me further but she was curious. My eyes shot up at her again as she mentioned Sam.
"Was he dear to you?"
I nodded. Sadly, his death still hasn't settled with me. It was like the light that lived in me, my last bit of hope for a normal life has been snuffed out as he took his last breath.

I turned around, hiding my quick breaths and sad eyes.
"The other two, they seemed hostile" She continued, mentioning Alex and Aidan as if the death of Sam was that forgettable.
"No" I responded, harshness in my voice as I defended them. They've been nothing but helpful. They're the only reason I'm was not a jumper. "They're great" I added, my mind spinning, where were they?
"Are they here too?" I asked as I turned back to face her.
She shook her head.
"We left them" She averted her eyes as she realised that Alex and Aidan where innocent. They weren't here. My disappointment shot through me.

I hoped they got out of there on time, or called the police as if they just found the body of Sam. The police would investigate, find the knife and the gun covered in my blood. They would eventually find more of my DNA deep in the woods. My death wasn't going to be ruled an accident now. I was obviously murdered, just like Sam.
My family will be devastated. Mr Andrews will be heartbroken. My mother will break down. My brother will blame himself for not being there when it happened. My father will go back to New York as fast as possible, to deal with things far away from the scene, from that town. My partners will probably sell the house.
All of that was hard to think about. Alex and Aidan would still thing that I was feral and will not look for me. Unless they think the people who kidnapped me didn't kill me.

"What is this place anyway?" I sat down at the end of the bed, admitting defeat. There was no reason to run from here just yet. I should decided to stay even if just for a day or two, to collect myself.
"It's like a camp, except much fancier" She answered as she leaned against the wardrobe.
I sighed as I looked down at my hands, stained with blood. Why was I here? Did they just rescue newborns? Why did they want me here?
"Look Lila, this place is good, you don't have to stay but I think it's better if you do"
She called me by my new fake name which made me chuckle. Her reasoning wasn't bad, it wasn't great either.
"How do you know my name?" I asked, as if I didn't know that there was a purse full of fake documents under that name. Still I wondered if they went through my house too, or was that too time consuming?
"What was your plan? After you faked your death and got a new name?" She asked, disregarding my question. She was smarter than she looked.
"Move to Alaska" I answered with an eye roll. It seemed like every time I said my plans out loud the further away I was from them.
"And then what?" She asked yet another question. I shrugged as I rubbed my bloody thumbs together.
"That doesn't sound like a plan" She continued, now distracting me with her mockery. I didn't need a plan, moving to a state far away from everything, things would just work out. I would get a job or live in the wilderness like an animal. I didn't care, all I wanted was to get away. I didn't want to worry about who wanted to kill or kidnap me.

"I get it now" She commented after a couple of seconds of silence. I glance at her and away from my hands. What did she get?
"You're smart, strong willed and strategic, like a feeder." She comments before continuing. "But you're also good at lying, reading people and concealing your true feeling, like a seeker. Then again you had three men ready to do anything to keep you safe, like a drainer" She came to her revelation and I smiled, I never thought about it that way, this explained why I was a hybrid. It also made me feel good about myself for a quick second before reality soured my mood again.

"Who are you?" I furred my eyebrows together as I looked for clues in her grey eyes.
"I'm Astrid, but everyone calls me Ash. what's your real name?" She asked after introducing herself.
"Brooklyn" I averted my eyes again as my name made my heart hurt.
"It's nice to meet you Brooklyn. Would you like a tour of the place?" She pushed herself away from the wardrobe and headed towards the door.
"Sure" I shrugged as I stood up.
"There are clothes in the wardrobe for you, I'll wait outside" She smiles and stepped out.
I peeled the blood soaked clothes off of my body and put on one of the simple sleeved black dresses that hung in the wardrobe.
Among other dark clothing, there were plenty of jewellery in small boxes and multiple pairs of the same kitten heeled shoes. Just like Astrid's. Apparently this vampire camp had a dress code.


Ash walked me down a long corridor, only lit by the few dim lights that hung form the ceiling.
She was right, this place was fancy, from the little I've seen of it at least. The wallpapers where a light cream colour accented by a golden rim that ran along the top and bottom edge of the wall. The floor was a dark wood, both our hills clicked as we walked through. My head started spinning once again, should I really trust her? I've lost my sense of time since I was knocked out. It could've been hours.
My logic was confirmed when we came to a turn and were met by a window. The dark night sky and the moonlight greeted me. I stopped to stare. There was a thick forest surrounding the building.
"Ash?" I called out, she stopped walking and looked back at me. "How long was I out?" I asked.
"Three days" She responded.
Three days, New Years was just three days away. The investigation of my murder must've been well along the way now. My family probably moved to a hotel temporary. What were Alex and Aidan doing? Have they realised I was myself? That I've become a member of some rich vampire cult without my knowledge? That I was still alive and well? That I missed them even if one of them pointed a gun at me?

I slowly looked away from the window and started walking with Ash again. She explained how this building was to accommodate Feeders and Drainers.
"Are the seekers too posh to sleep in the same building?" I asked mockingly, even if I was part seeker, from what I heart they are the most unfriendly type. Then I realised how unfriendly I can be. Touché.
"You could say that" She chuckled. "They also need a building that's more sun proof" She added.
Seekers were also not big fans of sunlight. By Alex's explanation the more powerful the vampire was the more sunlight was harmful to them. That's why elders couldn't stay more than a couple minutes in it. Seekers weren't immune either but they could handle it for a longer period of time. Feeders will burn easily. Drainers on the other hand were completely fine, that's why most of them were tanned and looked much more life like than the rest. Just like Ash and Alex.
My stomach dropped, remembering just how much I missed Alex's tanned, warm skin agains my pale cold one. I hugged onto myself as I continued walking, picking up the pace with Ash.
I wondered if I could get a room in the seeker building, this one seemed a little too crowded with rooms upon rooms. Even if there wasn't a soul in sight. I still wasn't sure if I was going to stay for long. I still longed for a life of my own, but then again it would be great to be in an environment with my kind. To not be alone.

We finally came to a halt as we were met by a large door that I presumed led to the outside. Ash opened it and let the cool night breeze in. The building wasn't heated at all but it was still warmer than it was in the winter night. The cold didn't phase me, even with my legs bare I felt nothing more than just comfortable in my skin. We stepped out, the fresh snow crunching under our heels. She led me to another. Smaller building a little further away from the one I woke up in. I looked back as we where half way to the smaller building to look up at the one we just walked out of. It was a tall, about three stories high building. The windows on the upper floors where tall, reaching from floor to roof, while the lower floors such as the one I woke up in had few windows and were much smaller. Probably to minimise light. The building looked old, almost Victorian styled. The curtains were drawn in the top floor windows. The large balcony was empty apart from a few chairs and a long table.
I turned back to the direction I was walking in as the next building came into view. The same style except smaller, this building was only two floors high. The windows reached from floor to roof here too, I could just see through from a couple of feet away before walking in.
It was like a large dining room. Wooden chairs and tables made with white cloths and golden edged plates. Small tea cups with pretty golden flowers to go with the plates. Small spoons. Sharp knifes and forks set at the edge as well. It was as if they were prepared for a grand meal.

People were seated along the tables. Vampires, everywhere. My heart dropped with both happiness and anxiety to see so many of my own kind. Most woman where dressed in similar long sleeved black dresses and small heels as Ash and I. The man wore black button ups, some wore black ties too.
They where all seated. Chatting and enjoying each other's company.
"Wow" I murmured. Astrid smiled and took my hand, dragging me to some spare seats at the end of one of the long tables.
"What is happening?" I whispered as I leaned closer to her, not really wanting to make eye contact with strangers who where sitting just a few inches to my right.
"It's lunch time" She answered cheerfully. I glanced up at the large clock that hung above one of the windows, it was 12pm, midnight. "Clever" I commented, this vampire camp must be set to a nocturnal schedule. Sleeping during the day, socialise and feed during the night.
I wondered what lunch would intel, would they bring out a bowl full of animal blood? Human blood? Where there live humans who let people take their blood for money like the girl at the blood market back in New York? The questions spun around in my head as I sat there. Surrounded by vampires, not confidante enough to make conversation.
Were they aware that I was new? Did I stick out? Before I could spiral into panic, my question was answered with another question.

"Is she the new one?" An exited, older looking guy asked from Ash. She nodded. He looked over me. Eyeing me as if I was so interesting, as if he never seen something like me.
"Welcome" He greeted. I forced a small smile. He chuckled.
"Are you a seeker?" He asked, probably at my unfriendly demeanour. Before I could answer Ash cut him off.
"She's a hybrid" She explained and the guys eyes widened in shock. He looked back at me. His eyes now more confused than amused.
"I've never met a hybrid before" He commented. I've heard that before. Aidan said vampires like me where rare, that most vampires who were turned fit into one of the categories, the vampire within you then chooses that path and your body will form the way that vampires need to. Until a month ago I was sure I was a feeder.
I didn't know what other benefits being a hybrid was other than being able to feed multiple ways, other than having an occasional vision or being able to read people well I didn't have the full seeker mindset and abilities. Such as turning into fog. Shapeshifting is what Aidan called it. Fog was the basic way of shifting but according to him, some older and more experienced seekers could turn into animals. I've done neither, turning into fog wasn't on my to do list, I didn't see the benefit so I didn't try.
Before the man could go on to another line of questioning, the whole room went quite.

Three older looking people walked in. Two woman, one man. One of the woman had long blond hair, reaching almost to her ankles, she wore a long black dress that dragged behind her like a gown. Her eyes where a pale blue. The other had short silver hair, her eyes a light green, she wore a tighter black dress, a slit ran up to her upper thigh, allowing her pale skin to show as she walked. They looked to be in their thirstiest.
The man, he was taller than both woman who trailed behind him. His hair was a dark brown, slicked back, he wore a black suit, black tie and shirt to match. His tie clip was a shiny crimson colour. His eyes were green, he looked to be about forty or so.

As they stepped in and walked to the front of the room. A cold chill ran through everyone. The way they held themselves was powerful.
They all seemed important to the others who were seated. They must've been the founders of this place, or the leaders. They seemed old, not much in appearance but in soul, they radiated knowledge and a sense of wisdom that no one else did.
They where elders. Vampires who lived for centuries long, one of the firsts. The only ones with venom strong enough to turn humans into vampires.
My heart dropped at the revelation. I was in the presence of old knowledge, of ancient vampires. They have given life, they've taken it too I'm sure. But I understood why the room sent so much respect their way. They where vampire gods in my eyes, in all of our eyes. The mere fact that they stood there, so elegantly and stone like made me feel honoured. It was like meeting a celebrity. Meeting the first human even. Imagine meeting your oldest ancestors. The air was stuck in my lungs. I dared not make a sound. Nor did anyone else around me. We were all star struck.

Finally one of them spoke. The man, stood just a step in front of the other two. His fingers knitted together. He had a small smile on his lips as he looked around the room, before he spoke.
"I hope all of you are well" His voice carried across the large room, echoed slightly as there was no other sound, no one dared disturb his speech. The room felt more positive now, the other vampires and myself felt welcomed, felt a little more at ease in the presence of elders.
"Let us enjoy this meal" He finished as all three of them bowed before making their ways back out the door.
We all bowed back in respect, almost banging foreheads agains the hard wood table.
After a brief second of bowing we looked back up.
My eyes catching one last glimpse at the male elder, his green eyes staring into my own and I felt shocked and scared simultaneously. An elder looked at me.


Plates where sat in front of feeders and seekers, a palm sized blood jelly sat on the pretty porcelain plates. The smell of the room was filled with the scent of sweet blood, the eyes of others widened or whitened as they enjoyed the aroma. Seekers seems to contain their hunger better than feeders did, but even they couldn't stop their eyes from going white as their vampires took over their senses.
I bit my lip as I glanced down at my own plate, poking the jelly with a spoon and watching it jiggle. Not sure if I should indulge and cave into my vampiric self and devour it. If Ash told the truth, I was unconscious for three days, my stomach was empty, my senses where weaker. Feeders could go a month without feeding, but I was still young. I should enjoy every opportunity, free blood...
I swallowed, calming the itch in my throat unsuccessfully. I picked up the spoon again and slid it into the jelly, taking a spoonful as close to my nose as I could.
AB+ human blood. Where did it come from?

"Is everything alright?" I heard a harsh voice from in front of me. I looked up, putting the spoon full of blood jelly back on the plate.
"Yeah" I responded just as harshly, my eyes narrowing at the guy sitting in front of me, he was not there a couple of minutes ago. He was slim, tall. His eyes were a dark brown, just like his hair.
"Why aren't you eating then?" He asked, his voice calm and cold but still harsh.
I looked at him, baffled at why he cared?
"Calm down Kyle, she's not used to this shit" Astrid called, as she pointed at the jelly in front of me. Kyles statue like expression didn't change. He just looked at me after waving Astrid's comment off.
"Are you hungry?" He spoke, his tone not as harsh anymore. His features were stiff, lifeless almost.
I nodded. Not really wanting to talk to him. He leaned back in the chair, looking at my face, trying to read me. Trying to figure me out.
"Could you stop being creepy for a second?" Ash asked and he rolled his eyes in response.
"Just eat the damn jelly" He stared into my eyes, as if he tried to speak it into reality.
I did, I picked up the spoon and lifted it into my mouth. The aroma and taste of blood filled my mouth. I let it linger before swallowing, I let the cold shivers run down my back and all over my body before speaking.
"Happy?" My tone was just as monotone as his.
There was a small smile tugging at his lip but he disregarded it.
"Kyle gets offended when people don't like his cooking" Ash commented. I glanced at him, he rolled his eyes.
"It's not cooking, it's blood, I get offended when people don't eat at all, it's a waste" He snapped back, his face and tone not changing. He was almost robotic. I could tell he was a seeker even if his eyes didn't turn white, the way he talked and held himself so much stiffer than any feeder would. He also studied my face intensely, just as I have his and the elders before.
"Are you a drainer?" He asked after watching me eat a couple spoonfuls of his jelly. It was delicious, and it was much nicer to feed calmly and with utensils instead of through a straw from a medical bag.
"Why? Do you find me attractive?" I teased as I licked the spoon, letting my drainer side do the work. He didn't respond.
"Drainers don't eat your death pudding" Ash commented, almost disgustedly. She was one of the only drainers in the room. I wondered how they fed around here.
"She's confusing" Kyle shook his head as he crossed his arms, still trying to figure me out.
"You seem cautious, cold yet you flirty" He diagnosed me.
"You're a terrible seeker" I commented as I lifted another spoonful of jelly in my mouth. He seems to be taken aback by that comment, his eyebrows darted together.
"She's a hybrid" Astrid commented finally putting Kyle out of his misery. His face eased once more and he shook his head.
"That's impossible" He commented, slow and knowledgeable.
"Nicholai said he has only ever met one in his two thousand years" He ads and I internally roll my eyes, seekers really where full of themselves, and thought they knew everything.
"Who's Nicholai?" I asked as I finished off the jelly.
"The elder" Kyle explained and I nearly dropped my spoon.
"You talk to the elders?" I asked, shocked as to why the elder would console in a skinny seeker guy. He nodded, a hint of a smile lingering as he saw how shocked I was.
"Of course, I'm a seeker. If they need a spy, they'll come to me" He bragged, his face still emotionless.
"And that's why they sent me to get her" Ash chimed in.
"They talk to you too?" I asked, even more shocked. Why would the elders send a drainer to get me? Then again I didn't know why I was important to them in the first place.
"No, not directly. But if they need someone to blend in with the crowd I usually get the job" She explained as she saw the confusion on my face.
"Or Azima" She adds, and I shivered with disgust. She and Astrid must've worked close together.
"Don't act like I wasn't there" Kyle commented and this time Ash rolled her eyes.
"I wish I could forget that we work together" Ash leaned back in her chair, they obviously had a somewhat jokey, somewhat sour relationship. They obviously known each other for a while and worked closely together with Azima. The three of them must've been in charge of getting me here.

"Prove it" Kyle changed the subject as he looked at me. Wanting me to show some sort of evidence that I was a hybrid.
I smiled, smug knowing that whatever I had to prove I could. I was a hybrid, I knew that for a fact. A skinny seeker boy wasn't going to question my identity, again.
I dropped my spoon on the pate, next to the little chunks of blood jelly.
I looked at him straight in the eye and focused, focused on whatever emotion he felt the strongest in that moment.
He's face was impossible to read, but his eyes glistened with curiosity for what I'd do next.
My eyes turned white in a second. Showing my seeker side. He shrugged, unamused by my eyes. Obviously one out of three wasn't that impressive.
I started concentrated on the smell of blood, letting my eyes fill with black as my vampire got ready to hunt. His expression stiffened even more, but still didn't let any of his emotions show.
I smiled to myself, proud of being able to conjure my seeker side at will.
I then concentrated on my wants, I wanted to see Alex and Aidan again, I wanted them to know I was ok, I wanted them to know I was myself.
Alex especially, I knew how much it would hurt him to know he failed someone again, that I turned feral just like his sister.
My eyes started flickering, between normal and full, just like a drainers.
Kyles expression fell slightly, he's eyes softened in shock. He was confused and interested.
Astrid clapped excitedly beside me as if she had just seen a cool magic trick and I smiled slightly.

"Do you believe me now?" I asked as I laid back in my chair, mentally tired form trying to concentrate on so many emotions.
"Damn" He commented, composing himself once again.
"I have so many questions" He adds, his arms still crossed.
"So do I" I answer, still confused as to what this places purpose was? Why was I here? How long did they know about me? And why were there elders here?
"Yeah me too" Astrid cut off the tension with her cheery attitude. Kyle and I both had strong personalities, and we both liked to keep things to ourselves, we also desperately tried to read the other. Try to crack the code and find out everything the other was feeling.

"Who was the boy in the living room?" Astrid asked and my eyes shot her way. Intense and unable to answer.
"I'm curious too" Kyle responded.
How did he know about Sam? Was he there when I got drugged and dragged here?
"Why does it matter?" I asked, not wanting to answer.
"Because Azima was an idiot but she wouldn't just shoot someone, not on purpose at least" Kyle explained his reasoning.
"I don't care what kind of person she was" I raised my voice as I leaned closer to him, still a table in the way.
"She pulled a gun on me, threatened to shoot me if I didn't go with her, and when I didn't comply she threatened to shoot Sam" my voice was louder, but still not loud enough to be heard by everyone else who was still in the room. Most vampire left straight after they finished their meals and we were left in an almost empty dinning hall.
"So his name was Sam" Kyle took mental notes and it angered me further.
"I wish I killed her" I whispered as I looked down at my bracelet, a burnt orange colour. The one Sam gave me just a few days before he died. I ran my finger along the embroidered letters "From your forever friend Sam" and I held back my immediate urge to cry.
Kyle probably saw the bracelet and it's massage and dropped the subject.
"What about the other two guys?" He asked.
Astrid turned to me, curiously on her face.
"You said they were not a threat, so who are they?" She asked and I rolled my eyes. Why was I being interrogated? They where the ones who kidnapped me. The one that drugged me.

"Friends" I answered vaguely.
"Not many friends would go through something like that" Kyle commented and I knew what conclusion he made, so I beat him to it.
"The tall one, he was my boyfriend. The one with the blue eyes had a thing for me" I avoided eye contact with both of them.
"Wait, your boyfriend tried to kill you?" Astrid's asked, outrage in her voice.
"He through I turned feral" I nodded, Kyle was about to a ask another question but I cut him off.
"How long were you following us? You know a lot and yet so little about me" My voice conveyed how confused and annoyed I was as them. Azima, the hunter girl knew Alex and Aidan cared about me enough that they would've never let me die or turn feral, she also knew that Sam meant a lot to me, and chances where if he was in danger I would go along with her.
"Azima stalked you for about four months" Kyle answered.
Four month? She's been following me since September? The month I met Aidan. She saw everything, All of our fights, all of our moments. She new about Alex, about Sam, Scarlett, Amanda. All my family issues. Yet she choose to try and bring me here at gun point? Was she really that stupid?
"What even was your plan?" I asked after a few seconds of silence.
"We wanted to talk to you after you turned" Astrid's voice was calm and regretful, she must've regretted trusting Azima.
"To tell you about this place and why it would be great if you came here" She continued, her grey eyes glistened.
"We obviously didn't know about the boy, or the other two" Kyle added.
"Why? They've been with me for the past month" I didn't get why Azima wouldn't tell them about the guys? Wasn't that her job?
"When we arrived after Azima disappeared, we thouth the two guys killed your friend and tried to kill you" Kyle explained as Ash nodded along.
"Why did you guys want me here anyway? Being a hybrid isn't that exciting, it also isn't something I can control yet. And anyway I don't know what you do here" I babbled on about the reason I shouldn't be here.
"We just followed orders" Ash answered.
"We didn't even know you were a hybrid" Kyles monotone voice had a hint of anger.
"So why am I here?" I drew my brows together in confusion and they shrugged. They were just following orders.
"Who wanted me here?" I asked again.
"Nicholai" Kyle said that name again, the elder, tall male with the green eyes.
"You're telling me an elder wanted me?" I was confused. Why?
Kyle nodded.
"What is this place?"
"I told you it's like a camp, for vampires" Astrid's voice was nice and calming.
"It's more like a military base" Kyle commented and my eyes shot his way. That made more sense. Spying on new vampires, getting them to come here, bask in the elders glory, feed and house them so they'll fight whatever fight for you. It was smart, obviously elders would have the brain cells to come up with something so smart.
"So what? The elders just want another soldier?" I asked, bitterness in my voice. I could be in Alaska right now if it wasn't for them sending a human after me. Sam would be alive. I could've start a new life.
"Brooklyn, maybe your should talk to the elders" I winced at the sound of my name. Astrid was right, I should talk to them. Even if they were intimidating ancient undead creatures.
"How would I go about talking to them?"
"I could ask them to give you an appointment" Kyle leaned closer to us from his previous laid back position.
If he really was so close to the elders it would be easy for him to get me to talk to them. It was an exiting and slightly terrifying thought.
I nodded, agreeing to Kyle's recommendation to talk to them.


I sat in front of a large room on the 3rd floor of the farthest building away from the dormitory I woke up in. The built was in the same Victorian style, huge windows with the curtains drawn. The carpets were a dark blue colour while the wallpapers were white with golden gothic style designs.
It was a couple hours after feeding. The sun was going to come up in a few hours and everyone would go to bed. Vampires didn't sleep I found out, but they could turn off almost. To save energy and hide form the sun. It meant that we could dream, but still I was glad that vampires could rest in a way and not have to be awake for the rest of my life.
I still didn't know how Kyle could get me here so quickly. He must've been close with the elders or at least they thrusted him enough to want to meet with me.
I was nervous, what would the elders say to me?
Would they even speak to me directly?

As I spinner deeper into my thought. Kyle sat down beside me on the velvet sofa.
"They should be ready for you soon" His voice was still emotionless. It was kind of annoying to not be able to read him like I read most people. I nodded, trying to calm myself and keep myself composed.
"Thanks" I murmured, almost not wanting to thank him.
"Ash would of held a grudge if I didn't get you in, so thank her" He was looking straight into space as he explained his reasons. I knew he and Astrid were close, they've obviously worked together for a while and had some sort of connection. But I wanted to dig deeper.
"Are you two dating?" I asked, blatantly, not caring if it was too personal. I loved as his face fell slightly and showed the smallest hint of emotion. I was curious as to why he didn't want to upset her so much? Was a relationship between a drainer and a seeker uncommon?
"Gosh no" He answered, showing a hint of discomfort on his face.
"We where turned by the same elder, we're technically siblings" He explained as he composed himself once again.
Before I could respond with something witty, the double doors in front of us opened and I felt frozen. Nicholai, the tall male elder stood just a few feet in front of me. He wore a smile on his pale face. His emerald green eyes shined in the poorly lit hallway and I could see two pairs of pale blue and green eyes behind him. He opened his arms before speaking to me.
"Come in child" He smiled, and I hesitantly stood up, shooting a panicked look at Kyle before stepping closer to them.
Their demeanour made me feel small and insignificant. They were all powerful undead beings. The first of my kind. They must've been smart, strong and powerful.
To my knowledge, elders had all the power that other vampires had, almost like a hybrid. Exempt they could use compulsion on humans and vampires alike. The thought of being mind controlled by an elder terrified me. But I built up the courage to walk up to them and bow. He smiled, turning around and walking into the large fancy room.

It looked like a lounge straight out of a Victorian period drama. The carpet fluffy and cream coloured, the large chandelier was hung high on the ceiling. The large red sofa and arm chairs sat around a coffee table in the middle of the room. There was a fireplace just a few meters away from the coffee table, above it was an old painting of the three of them. I wondered how long ago the portrait was made and how long have these three elders known each other.

They lead me to the sofa, sat in front of me, Nicholai in the middle of the two woman.
"How could we help you?" He asked, I didn't know how to respond. I didn't really know what I wanted to know.
But even before I could form a complete thought, he cut me off.
"Let us introducing ourselves, this is Irina" He pointed at the long haired blond woman to his left, her face was stone cold and emotionless, even more terrifying than Kyles to not be able to read her thoughts through her face.
"This is Zuri" Nicholai pointed at the short silver haired woman on his right, her pale green eyes complimented her dark but still pale skin. She had a slight smile on her face as she sat elegantly and less stiff on the sofa.
"And I am Nicholai" He opened his arms once again and I smiled shyly.
"So how can we help you feel more comfortable here Brooklyn?" He asked again.
"She doesn't like that name" Irina spoke up, she must've seen the uncomfort on my face at the mention of my name.
"I'm terrible sorry, should I call you Lyn?" He asked and I nodded. Not wanting to bother the elders with my discomfort.
And anyway, my grandmother used to call me Lyn, she thought it was more elegant than Brooklyn or Brook. I liked it.

"I just wanted to know why I was bought here?" I cut to the chase even if I felt rude doing so.
Zuri smiled wider but stayed quite. Letting Nicholai answer.
"You have extraordinary abilities Lyn" He smiled, his eyes sincere.
I shook my head slightly, that couldn't have been it? They wanted something.
"You would be an amazing member of our brood" He added. Brood? A pack of vampires. Was this a brood? There were at least eighty vampires here. But why did they want me as a member?
"What even is the purpose of this brood?"
"To make sure our kind is safe, we protect each other" He responded.
"From what?"
"Anything, or anyone"
"You make it sound like we're in danger"
"We could be, at any given moment Lyn, any given moment" He's deep green eyes started to become more intense, scaring me slightly.
What was he so scared of? Was Azima telling the truth? Where there hunters out there? And if so, did they plan to attack?
"I still don't understand why you would choose a newborn for your brood over two older more experienced ones?" I meant Alex and Aidan. Being a hybrid didn't give me any advantage, I didn't have the vampire upbringing they had. They both had their elders with them through the changing. I did not, I was still new to most thing that had to do with the living dead. I was a newborn, nothing too special.

Zuri lightly chuckled form beside Nicholai, as if she knew something about me that I didn't.
"Lyn, you do remember the night of your turning don't you?"
"It's foggy" I responded, it was. I remembered the crash itself, I was 16, I didn't have a licence. The roads where covered in ice and snow and the car slid into another car before I could hit the breaks.
I blacked out, woke up in the hospital in New York and felt heavy, hot and itchy all over. I attacked a nurse, bit her on the arm. That was the first time I drank directly from a human.
But no, I didn't remember being bitten at all. If I did, I would want to find the elder who turned me, and them ask why they just left me to figure things out on my own?
"Do you remember the elder who turned you?" Irina asked.
I shook my head, Zuri found that amusing too.

"I was the one that turned you Lyn" Nicholais face turned serious. My heart dropped. There it was, the reason why I was really here. The reason why I was a vampire in the first place.
I chuckled. Uncomfortable, shocked and confused. Was that why I was recruited? Did Nicholai seek out his newborns?
"Aren't you a little late?" I asked, trying to keep my emotions from swirling out of control. From being hysterical. From asking too many questions.
"I didn't have a chance to take you in, to teach you and guide you. But I made sure you where alright. And when I found out you planned to run away from your life I wanted to take the chance that I missed two years ago and take you under my wing" He explained. I heard from Alex that elders can be very maternal, Aidan on the other hand didn't really like his elder. Mostly because he was tricked into being turned instead of having a choice like Alex did, or the turning being life saving like in my case.
Elders where not always good, but most of them acted like parental figures for their newborns. If Nicholai wanted to fix being an absent elder, I wasn't going to stop him.

"Of course when we found out you where a hybrid we became even more fascinated" Irina's facade finally broke as she spoke. Her face softened but her eyes gleamed with curiosity.
"Your kind is rare" Zuri spoke up as she leaned forward. As if she tried to inspect me from closer, her smile fell.
"So I've heard" I leaned back, now more comfortable and less intimidated by the elders. I still showed respect and didn't dare speak loud or rudely to them. It seemed like they understood my personality quite well and were hard to offend. Still I wanted to make sure I was on their good side.
"We would be joyed to have you stay, but we won't hold you back if you would prefer to leave" Nicholai was polite, not intimidating at all when he spoke, still the way he held himself, so stiff and great. I couldn't but feel small in his presence. The way he spoke was warm, gentle. He knew how to comfort people and it was obviously why he was the one who spoke the most. He knew people well, knew how to approach and make them feel what he wanted them to feel without using compulsion.
Still it was hard to read him. His face showed the slightest bit of amusement as his lips curved into a smile. But his eyes seemed deeper.
I didn't know where I'd go, I still wanted to go, be free, do things my way. But I was fascinated by the brood. The way it worked. They vampires and the elders. I felt safe, I felt like I could speak my mind. No one would judge me. We've all been through the same thing. We all craved others life forces. Why would I leave that comfort behind? The people I trusted the most thought I was dead or turned into an uncontrollable monster. I had no one. I could live for centuries, I wasn't in a rush. Staying seemed like a rational idea.

"I would love to stay, if you'd have me" I smiled at the three elders elegantly sitting in front of me. Nicholai allowed himself another smile.
I was now part of a brood, a vampire pack.


The room was large, dark but still felt sophisticated and so much more elegant that what I was used to. My new room in the elders quarters was larger, much larger than my room back at home, and looked enormous compare to the room I woke up in.
The elders gave me a room in their building, as there was no building for hybrids. Irina said I was too special to stay in the feeders quarters. Being Nicholais offspring and being a hybrid apparently made me entitled to a more luxurious treatment. I didn't mind. Even if I wanted to make friends I'd have a hard time finding topics to talk to other vampires about. I was quite boring without being a special species. I hoped this place was more mature, and they wouldn't treat me too differently.
The hard wood floor seemed old, it creaked with each step I took. The large windows were covered by long heavy golden curtains. The wardrobe stood just a few feet away from the bed. Which was made with cream coloured silk sheets. A small bar was also located near the door, stocked with brandy and whisky. A large red rug laid under the bed. The paintings on the wall where all framed by golden frames.
The wardrobe contained the same styled long sleeved dresses in a couple different cuts, lower cleavage or turtle necks. The same multiple pairs of heels. Silver and shiny jewellery.
The bathroom was large, a massive bath tube sat in the middle, a shower not far behind it. The counter tops where marbled and shiny. The mirrors large and freshly cleaned.
Sofas in navy blue colours sat in front of a small fire place. It was luxurious, I felt sophisticated and proud to be in such a nice room after such a mentally tiring week.

I laid down, feeling the velvet material as I took it all in.
I was part of a brood now, I met the elder who turned me. I was considered special, I was treated like royalty.
Yet why did I feel so sad? What could I possible want? Things were going so much better than planned...
I reached my arm towards the ceiling, letting the light of the chandelier pass through my fingers. Even the ceiling was perfect... no imperfections to look for. Nothing to be melancholic about.

Except the fact I was alone, I was lonely. Even though my own kind surrounded me. It was ironic, four months ago all I wanted was to be alone, and now that I was, I wanted to share it with someone. Share the silence, the calm. I never missed being pestered with stupid questions until now. How I'd love for Scarlett and Amanda to tell me stories, to share some gossip. How much I wanted my brother to run through that door and tell me one of his stupid jokes. How much would I laugh as Sam raided the bar...


I glanced down to my wrist, the bracelet still tied around it. What would he do in my position? Guilt crept into my brain as I laid there.
"Nothing, he's dead" The voice in the back of my mind reminded me. I guess I was still denying it. The fact he died because of me. The fact he wasn't breathing anymore. The fact he was completely gone.
For four days now, the sun was coming up. Even if I couldn't see it due to the heavy curtains. My internal clock told me it was roughly five in the morning.
Four days... what where Alex and Aidan up to? God I missed them the most. I missed Aidan's snarky attitude, I missed Alex's kind soul. I missed the way they always make me believe things were going to be fine.

"Everything's going to be fine" I whispered to myself as I let my arm fall above my head. I wanted to believe I could do anything on my own, I didn't realise how much I relied on others to comfort me. It was pathetic...
I shouldn't need anyone, I don't need anyone.
"I will be fine" I sighed as I closed my eyes. Trying to turn off for the next twelve hour or so.


I opened my eyes, feeling just the same as I did when I closed them. As if time froze. I didn't feel the grogginess that I'd feel after a long night sleep. I didn't have heavy eyelids. My bones didn't cack as I stood up. I didn't yawn or stretch.
I wasn't really sleeping I knew, but I still wanted to. Sleeping always meant another place completely. Away from the tea world, dreaming.
As a vampire I couldn't dream. I accepted that.
But it still made me a little sad.

A knock at my door snapped me back to reality. I straightened my dress out and combed my hair with my fingers before opening the large door.
Astrid stood in the doorway, a box in hand. I stood to the side, letting her in and shutting the door behind her.
"Good morning" She greeted cheerfully as she put the box on the bar stool.
"It's like 9pm" I responded as I glanced at the clock on the wall. The nocturnal schedule still felt weird to me.
"Wow" She said as she looked around the room, ignoring my comment.
"This place is nice, it's like five times bigger than my room" She ran her fingers along the back of the velvet sofa.
"I know, I still don't get why it's so big for one person" I said as I stood next to the box at the bar, watching her as she admires the room just like I did last night.
"The elders treat you well" She adds, a big smile on her face.
"It's probably because of Nicholai" I shrugged, I assumed Kyle would've filled her in on the revelation that Nicholai was my elder.
"Don't forget you're a hybrid" She finally looked at me after glancing around the large room.
"It's like I'm friends with vampire royalty" She adds and my face dropped,
"Friends?" I echoed, her face dropped as she saw mine and she started back tracking.
"I mean it's like knowing vampire royalty" She almost stuttered.
"You think of me as a friend?" A small smile creeped onto my lips.
"I mean, yeah, if that's ok" She walked closer, still awkward and slightly uncomfortable
"Thanks" I smiled and I saw her become relaxed.
"Anyway, what's in the box?" I asked as I pointed at the box beside me.
"Kyle told me to give it to you" She shrugged as she walked behind the bar to inspect the alcohol.
"It's from Nicholai"
I took an ice pick and teared the box open, it was full of bath products and make up. Just more stuff to spoiled me with.
"Aw that's cute" She pointed at one of the sparkly bath bombs.
"Take it" I handed it to her and without hesitation she slipped it into her jumper pocket.
"Thanks" She smiled
"Of course, that's what friends do right?" I smiled back at her
"Let me pour you a drink" She took one of the glass bottles from the shelf under the bar and two small glasses.
"Isn't it too early to drink?" I asked as she poured the amber liquid into the glasses. It was technically vampire morning.
"We'll heal before it can actually have an effect on us so I doesn't matter" She handed me the glass.
"What's the point then?" She shrugged at my question as she took a sip.
"The aesthetic?" She grinned.
I took a sip too, letting the bitter taste run down my throats and leave a burning sensation behind.
"That's nasty" I commented and she chuckled. I never drank hard alcohol before, champagne was the exception, everything else was usually mixed with something, such as the Mojito I drank at Sam's party a couple moths ago. The cheery mood stiffened as I saddened at the thought of Sam again.
Ash must've realised as she tried to cheer me up.

"Should we have a make over or something?" She asked as she headed towards the wardrobe, scanning through the dresses, all way to similar to each other.
"Has anyone you loved ever die?" I asked, her face stiffens as her hands froze on one of the dresses.
She shook her head before continuing searching.
"I watched someone close to me turn into someone completely different" She answered as she held a shorter black dress to the light, the sleeve was lacy and the neckline was much lower than the ones we both wore.
"That's sort of like dying" She added, her eyes became more sad, she smiled melancholically as she laid the dress on the back of the sofa. She silently continued to search through the accessories.
"I'm sorry to hear that" I said as I looked at the bottom of my glass, swirling it to see the amber swirls.
"I'm sorry too, about your friend" She picked up a jewellery box that contained a shiny silver necklace.
"Thank you" I nodded, trying to push the sadness away. She continued laying jewellery on the dress. She seems to have great taste, but she wore a grey jumper over her dress most times. It complemented her eyes, it also made her stood out more from the others, all dressed in black from head to toe. Her lavender hair was messily curling in on it self, but she didn't seem to mind as it wasn't in the way. She seems so happy all the time, she hid her saddens well.
"How did you get through it?" I asked as I put my glass down.
"I had Kyle, otherwise I don't think I could've dealt with the fact that I didn't do anything" She answered. I nodded understandingly.
I don't have that support now, not after what happened back at home. My best friends, my whole family thought I was dead. And the people I trusted have no idea where I was.
"You can talk to me if you need to" She broke the silence. I smiled weakly. I really didn't think death would affect me so much. He died in my arms, I felt so much guilt for not being able to do anything. But I couldn't cry. I felt numb. As if I was immune to any other emotion but guilt.
I wondered if I would feel that way forever. Will I ever feel full again? Will I ever feel like a real person again?
Astrid did a good job at keeping me distracted from real feelings. She did make me feel just a little better, enough to not want to set myself on fire.

"Do the elders really not talk to you?" I said as I changed the subject. Not wanting to focus on the events of Sam's death that hunted my every waking moment.
She shook her head in response.
"Why? Isn't that like, vampire racism?"
"Kind of, but not really. They don't talk to anyone directly but a hand full of people" She explained, not too phased by the topic.
"How did you know they would talk to me?"
"They really wanted you here, we knew you were special in some way but we never would of guessed that Nicholai was your elder"
"Nor did I"
"Are you happy that you found him? I mean, I couldn't imagine going through changing without a mentor" Her eyes became bigger with pity. I smiled lightly.
"I don't really know him yet so... no" I shrugged as I answered her. What could Nicholai teach me now, apart from how to use my powers and defending myself. I didn't think there'd be anything much else that I needed to know about being a vampire.
"You know the two guys, that were left behind. They thought me most things" I smiled down at my hands as I remembered the times Aidan told me a new fact about vampires, the time when my pillow talk topic with Alex where drainers, how he thought me about other vampires species. How I missed them... My smile fell again, happy seconds didn't last long.
"It makes sense, you really cared for them"
"I did... I do" I furred my eyebrows together, not knowing if I should still care for them or not. Confused as to why or how I should let them go.
"I'm sorry we left them" She apologised again.
I shook my head.
"It's fine, they where not part of my plans anyway. I lied, Alex was, I wanted him to find me eventually. He promised he would. I imagined a quaint Alaskan life with him. They shattered the second he held a gun at me though.
"You can flirt with as many people as you want here, you know, rebound?" I chuckled at her suggestion.
"Even tho most guys are boring here" She sighed, I could imagine her flirting and letting the men here bask in her shiny personality and pretty face.
"How do drainers feed here?" I asked and she giggled.
"Why? Are you interested?" She teased and my smiled crept back on my face.
"Maybe" I flirted back. Drainers were way too good at flirting, and it shocked me how much I enjoyed it now that I spent so much time with them.
"We kind of gather in a room with some feeders and seekers and like.... hug half naked" She explained. My eye widened, that sounded really awkward.
"Like an orgy?" I asked and she laughed.
"No, it's just a big group hug" She giggled.
"Of course it's not as fun, but hey" She shrugged as if she accepted the no sex style of feeding. I remembered the hot feeling running through my body when Alex touched me.
"Is it different? To feed from vampires and not humans I mean?" She nodded
"A little, humans pass out afterwards but vampires just become really thirsty. Also their skin is cold as hell. Vampire energy feels colder, harder to gain, it takes longer" She explained.
"So do you prefer human?"
"A little, if I can't enjoy the physical aspect of it , it isn't as satisfying"
"But don't you get those hot shivers all over? The ones that shoot energy through you're whole body?" I asked as I remembered the feeling. She smiled.
"Your boyfriend was a drainer wasn't he?" Her smile grew. I nodded shyly.
"I heard that that feeling is stronger when you're attached to the person, I never heard of a drainer in a relationship before"
I did feel sort of attached to Alex, he was after all my first. But I also loved how he spoke to me, the way he could calm me down so easily.
"Yeah, he said I was his first real relationship"
"I'd give anything to for someone to fall in love with me" She sighed
"It's hard for drainers to get emotionally attached" She sounded sad.
The thought of that made me a little happier. But the fact that Alex grew attached to me so quickly and we created a bond made my heart hurt a little, it was bittersweet to know he might've loved me and that I'd probably never see him again.


"Oh wow" She commented from the sofa as I spun around in the dress.
The necklace reached all the way to my cleavage and the earrings weighed down my earlobes. She cured my hair in an elegant style, it felt bouncy and fancy with the whole get up.
"Whose funeral is it?" I heard the all too familiar monotone voice of Kyle from behind me. He must've slip in while Astrid started blasting music form the old record player.
"Yours if you start being a jerk" Astrid shot him a look and he gave her one of his eye rolls.
I chuckled, to my surprise I found the two of them and their dynamic quite amusing.
"She looks hot admit it"
"I'd rather get my toes chewed off than admit anything"
"How nice" I cut their bickering off. "Can I help you?" I asked, he leaned against the bar.
"Nicholai wants me to train you" he cut to the chase.
"Train me how?"
"You're a shitty Drainer and an even shittier Seeker" He smiled, amused by his own comment.
"I love the positively"
"I'm not here to be positive"
"You're here to be an ass? I don't see how that's going to help me be any better at seduction or spying" I furred my eyebrows together in annoyance, he was full of himself. He was getting in my nerves.
"You're hot headed, impulsive, sometimes aggressive even. You are a perfect feeder. And that's why you need to calm down and take any insult or sarcastic comment I throw your way." He explained, his face back to its usual statue like expression.
"You want me to be emotionless?" I tried to relax my face, not showing how fed up I was.
"Yes, you're anger issues are useless if you want to learn how to shape-shift"
"Shape-shift?" I echoed, letting my eyes dilate in shock. As I mentioned before, I was never interested in shape shifting. It seems like it would take up a lot of effort. But now I was slightly intrigued.
"What use is being a hybrid if you can't do everything each species can do?" His eyes glimmered in amusement and I rolled my eyes. He had a point, that I hated to admit.
"Where do we start?" My voice monotone and emotionless. I tried channelling my inner seeker. It came out when I was uncomfortable or unsure about the people surrounding me, almost like a secure system against people who tried to get to know me.
"Come with me" He let a small smile curl at the edge of his lips and Ash and I did so, followed him out of the elders house and into the cold crunchy snow.


"You said you'd teach me how to shape shift?" I exclaimed as I dodged his punch.
We where in one of the smaller buildings. The floor was laid with red rugs and it was soundproofed. Punching bags and large sticks lined one of the walls. The rooms only light was the moon that shined through the large windows that lined the wall opposite the one lined with punching bags. Ash sat in the corner. Watching as her vampire brother tried to kick the crap out of me.
I still wore a dress and high hills. Dodging his attacks and trying to figure out how to attack him myself. He was fast, and I was inexperienced with hand to hand combat.
I was good at defending myself though. Even as his skinny self tried to kick and punch me every other second.
"I didn't say I would start the training with shape shifting did I?" He shot back as he elbowed me in the stomach. I groaned in surprise before I hooked my leg with his and tripped him.
He fell down with a loud bang but sprung up faster than he fell.
He ran towards me, I dodged again, but he turned around, holding his arm out as I ran towards him and I fell to the floor this time.
He put his foot on my stomach to hold me down and I tapped the floor three times to make sure he knew I was out.

"Skinny boy has some moves" I said to Ash and she giggled. Other than the bruises on my ego I had no injuries. The fight wasn't long, nor tiring but I did not enjoy it nonetheless.
"You'd be unless against trained fighters"
I nodded in agreement and shrugged. What did he expect? I wasn't a vampire warrior.
I never had combat training let alone fought against a vampire before.
The closest I've come to fighting anyone was months ago when I found out Aidan was a vampire too and we wanted to fight for hunting grounds.
I didn't even understand why I would need to be trained to fight anyone. This camp seems like a safe place.
"She's not that bad, she took Azima outa after all" Ash stood up form her spot to defend me.
"Even a drunk hobo could take Azima out" Kyle rolled his eyes.
"Was She not trained?" I asked, almost mockingly but still curious.
"She didn't want to be, she'd rather use a gun" Ash explained.
"She was an idiot, no wonder she ran away to become a hunter" Kyle rolled his eyes Ariana a he continued criticising Azima, Astrid's face soured and she quickly jumped to her defence.
"Her mother died Kyle, do you expect her to stay?"
"Her mother died two years ago Ash, why is she going nuts now?"
"She didn't know how she died until now, she has every right to be mad" Ash's face softened at the mention of Azima's dead mother.
"How did she die?" I asked, cutting their bickering off.
"A vampire killed her" Ash's eyes saddened.
"That's why she wants us dead?"
"I don't think she wants us dead" She argued.
"She pointed a gun at my forehead and said she wants my kind dead" I pointed at the middle of my forehead as I quoted Azima.
"She grew up with vampires, she'd never hurt her family"
"She grew up here?" My confusion grew.
"Her mother was a Blood mage, Nicholais close friend"
"Friend" Kyle chuckled as he echoed Astrid's last word.
"Whatever they where, Azima grew up surrounded by vampires, she's just mad and confused" Astrid continued defending Azima.
"Whatever, she's still impulsive and stupid for just leaving and trying to kill someone who was obviously important to Nicholai" Kyle was on the brink of showing anger but he composed himself.
Azimas mother died two years ago. If Nicholai and the blood mage where close that meant they kept each other safe. Nicholai wasn't there when Azimas mother was murdered, he couldn't protect her. Where could Nicholai been while she was murdered? Azima wanted to either sell me to actual vampire hunters or kill me. She mentioned her father... her father being interested in me, was her father a hunter? Was she murdered by a hunter?
"Is Azima's father alive?" I asked after a few seconds of silence, both their eyes shot at me.
"Azima is a blood child" Ash answered, just confusing me even more.
Before Kyle could continue with his explanation I hear a voice in the distance. Shaking me out of my thoughts...


The voice was loud, slightly panicked as it was searching for me.
"Did you hear that?" I asked as I walked closer to the window.
"Who even knows your full name here?" Astrid's eyebrows drew together as she walked next to me too, to inspect where the voice could have come from.
"No one, Lyn is what the elders called me" My eyes couldn't look at her, I was searching beyond the tree line, deep in the forest.
Could some that's found me? Kyle stood up too, not bothering with the windows he walked straight out the door.
Stopping a few feet in front of the windows where Ash and I stood. He looked up at the night sky, sniffed the air and his pupils turned white. Before I could even blink he turned into a small cloud of fog. Flying deep into the trees.

I stood in shock at the sight. Seekers where shape shifter I was aware of that but I have never seen it. It looked so majestic, so easy...

He came back after a few minutes, in his normal form, dragging a dark haired boy behind him.
I shot out the door at the realisation. Could it really be?
"Brook?" His voice was tortured, in pain. I couldn't believe my eyes. I thought I'd never see him again. But there he was standing in front of me, messy black hair and bright blue eyes...


Hellooooo pretty readers! This chapter was really fun to write. I love new characters and I love that we're getting deep (and I mean deep) into the story!

I really hope you enjoyed and if you did I would really appreciate a little star or a comment telling me what you thought about the chapter or the new characters!?

Again I hope you enjoyed it and I hope to see you in the next chapter :)

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