High school Sweethearts ( Dav...


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Y /N and Daveed were high school sweethearts ... well they were ... one day randomly Daveed broke up with Y/N... More

Nick Name
What really happen
Graduation !
Not an update
What really happened
Forgieness? Can you imagne? No....
Who are you?
We cant tell her!
Thank tou ...
Dinner ....
He said what????
Its a..... aborted! Also hamilton!!
Burn out .....
Make up
One last time....
Its okay ...

After care

258 5 18

A/N this is mostly gonna be about after care .... you know after the deed .... to make sure you okay and stuff ... if you don't know what that means .... search it up ....

Last night .... after the deed....

"My god..." I said ... we both laugh because we thought of Jefferson ...
" I love you ..." he said turning his head and kissing my forehead ..
" I love you too floof..." i say reaching my hand up to his hair ... I played with his hair ... we stayed like this for a little ..,
" okay I'm going to go run a bath for you..." he said, Daveed got up and put on his boxers and went to go run a bath .... I sat there just rethinking everything that just happened....
Jesus Christ I missed him .... and I never want to loose him again.... I see daveed walk back over and he picks me up bridal stay and lays me down in the tub .... he pours epson salt and some bubble mixture! He also places a little ducky .... all I can think of his little song on Sesame Street......he messaged my scalpe for a few while I adjusted to the water .... he then started to clean me off and message my back ... I would let a few moans escape during that time .... it felt so good..... he lets me chill in the tub for a few while he makes some food ! After the foods done he comes back over and helps me get dressed . I wear one of his shirts and some shorts. Daveed carry's me over to the chair ...
" hey you know I can walk right?" I say looking up at him ....
" oh really?" He said putting me down on my legs ... immediately I fall down ... he just laughs ..
" hey! Not fair!" I say punching his leg ....
He picks my back up and sits me down .... me and him eat and then he carried me back to bed were I play with his hair and he holds me in his arm .... after a while I fall asleep in his arms ... it felt so warm .... like a dream .... the next morning I wake up to a forehead kiss ....
" Goodmorning sleepy head!" Daveed said handing me a plate of pancakes, eggs and bacon .... he sat down with me and turned on some show while me and him ate ... it felt so right ... so perfect .... after he went to go clean the dishes and I went to go take a shower ... I waddle over to the shower and sit on the ledge to help prop me up so I can shower .... I sing a little ....
" wise men say.... only fools rush in..... for I can't help falling in love with you ...." I finish one part and then I hear someone else sing ...
" shall I stay? Would it be a sin... oh if I can't help falling in love with you ..." it was daveeds voice ...
" what are you doing in here?" I say poking me head out the curtain ...
" oh don't act like I haven't seen you naked" he said winking ....
" you could've knocked!" I say going into back into the shower and washing my hair ...
" sorry I just had to pee and heard you singing! So I wanted to join in ! You have a amazing voice KitKat! He said ...
" aww stahp it!" I say blushing ...
" anyways I gotta go feed soccer! If you want I can come back!" He asks ...
" no it's fine!" I say finishing up showering ...
" you sure you can barely walk!" He said laughing ....
" hey! I'm sure!" I said stepping out and grabbing a towel ... he immediately covered his eyes ...
" permission to look?" He said keeping his hands over his eyes ....
" permission granted !" I say laughing .... he uncovers his hands and gazes at my body in awe....
" whatcha looking at?" I say wrapping the towel around my body ... and laughing
" goddammit your beautiful...." He said pulling me in and kissing me ...:
" you better go feed soccer before he calls CPS on you!" I say laughing ..... he also laughs and we both say our goodbyes and he heads out.... I walk ... we'll try to at least .., to my dresser to get changed ... today I had some work online so I finished that help .... rehearsals for Hamilton start next week so start to stretch a little .... it did hurt but it did help a lot! I was more able to walk without so much pain! I walk over to my kitchen and make myself a grilled cheese ... for the rest of the day I chill till jazzy comes over out to the blue .... I go open the door ...
" sooo... how did it go?" She said walking in ...
" well..." I say and then I walk around for a few showing her how bad I was hurting ....
" oh snap ..... you must have had fun!" She said laughing ....
" yes I did..... anyways why are you here?" I ask ..
" well Lin needed help designing new and improved costumes for Hamilton! So I thought me and you could work on them!" She said ...
" okay! So I'm guessing you already made some designs because you look so happy ..." I say motioning for her to sit on the couch ...
" yes!" She shows me the designs and I tweak them a little. Me and her work on the rest of the designs ! Tomorrow she's gonna come back with fabrics and sizing from everybody in the cast .... I head to bed and watch a few more episodes of my favorite show ... but then I feel a little sick .... I run to the bathroom as fast as I can ( which is not very fast...) and throw up .... oh god .... please not what I think it is .... should I tell daveed already ? No I'm gonna wait till tomorrow... after I take a test ..... I go to bed ... but I can barely sleep .... what if daveed wants the baby .... I'm not ready for it .... I can't even take good care of it ... I drink ... and I am not even in right mental space ..... what if daveeds leave me? The next morning as early as I can I run to the nearest drug store and buy a few tests .... I rush home and take all the tests .... positive ..... what do I do .... I start to freak out and have a panic attack.... I quickly text jazzy ....

Y/N: I'm pregnant 🤰
Jazzy: congrats 🎊🎉
Y/N: the problem is that I don't want it .... ❌ just call me I need help

Jazzy quickly calls me and sees me panicking ... the first thing she does is try to calm me down ....
" hey it's gonna be okay ... let's breathe okay?
1 In..... good job now out.....
2 in ..... out ...
3 in .... out... it's gonna be okay ... Do you feel any better?" She asks ....
" yea I just don't know what to do ... what if daveed wants it .... I don't want to ... I can't handle it.... -" she cuts me off ...
" hey it's gonna be okay .... stop thinking so much... want me to come over when you text him?" She asks ...
" yes please .... can you come over now I just want to get it over with ...." I say ...
" okay I'm on the way ! Want me to stay on call?" Jazzy asks ....
" yea I would like that ...." I say ... until she's here she talks to me about anything .... she gets here and she helps me text it .... I was feeling to sick to send it so she did
" daveed ... I'm pregnant...... but I don't want it ... I can't handle it .... I don't want to put the baby in a bad home ...."
..... no response..... one hour later ... nothing ....
" he hates me!" I say crying in her arms ....
" KitKat.... he does not hate you .... he just needs some time to take in all the information....." she says trying to reassure me ....
" yea .... I guess your right ...." I say looking up at her and wiping away my tears .... she stays with me until his response.....

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