What Now? | N.H.

Par LXWriting

66.4K 1.4K 720

Diana and Harry have been best friends since childhood. After One Direction starts touring Harry misses her e... Plus

Chapter 1 | September 19, 2010
Chapter 2 | X-Factor
Chapter 3 | Nandos
Chapter 4 | February 20, 2013
Chapter 5 | Tattoos
Chapter 6 | Hotel Room
Chapter 7 | Phone call
Chapter 9 | Dumpsters
Chapter 10 | Secrets
Chapter 11 | Runway
Chapter 12 | New York City
Chapter 13 | Cafe
Chapter 14 | I'm Sorry
Chapter 15 | Out
Chapter 16 | Media
Chapter 17 | New Years
Chapter 18 | New Year's PT.2
Chapter 19 | Diana
Chapter 20 | AMAS
Chapter 21 | Sunrise
Chapter 22 | Home
Chapter 23 | London
Chapter 24 | Pink Carpet
Chapter 25 | Meet the Family
Chapter 26 | The Aldaine's
Chapter 27 | The Wait
Chapter 28 | Hospital Room
Chapter 29 | Football
Chapter 30 | Group Date
Chapter 31 | Midnight Memories
Chapter 32| Time Zones
Chapter 33 | San Fransisco
Chapter 34 | Take Me Back
Chapter 35 | Epilogue Pt.1
Chapter 36 | Epilogue pt.2
Chapter 37 | Epilogue Pt.3

Chapter 8 | The Interview

2.3K 52 24
Par LXWriting

"Harry, have you seen my phone?" I yell at Harry who is in the bathroom brushing his teeth while I look under the cushions of the sofa, throwing the pillows everywhere.

"No," Harry manages to say with his mouth full of toothpaste. I groan and turn my attention back to the couch.

"Will you two shut it," Zayn says peeking out from behind the curtain of his bunk.

"I HAVE TO FIND MY GODDAMN PHONE ZAYN" I throw one of the pillows from the couch over my shoulder and it hits Zayn square in the face. Zayn mumbles something and ducks his head back behind the curtain.

Something taps on my shoulder and I jump, dropping the cushions that were in my hand. I turn around to see Niall standing there smiling at me. He lifts his arm and I shift my eyes to focus on his hand and I see he has my phone in his hands. I quickly grab the phone from his hand and wrap my arms around his neck. Niall's hands tighten around my waist and lift me up so my feet dangle in the air.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I squeal into his ear. Niall presses his lips into my hair and I smile and sink further into his arms. Thankfully the rest of the boys are asleep and Harry is in the shower so no one can see us. "Okay put me down I have to be at the airport in," I check my watch, "30 minutes, shit."

I quickly brush past Niall and grab a small backpack that I had packed and walk back to Niall. I tuck my head into his chest and he pulls me in tightly around my shoulders. "Good luck," Niall whispers into my hair. I lean up and plant a quick kiss onto his lips before pulling away and looking around to see if anyone saw. Thankfully no one did.

"I'll miss you," I whisper to him as I blow a kiss towards him and walk backwards towards the door.

"Bye boys!" I yell and Liam and Zayn respond with tired groans. I giggle and walk out of the door.

The cab driver drops me off in front of a tall building made up almost entirely of windows. I smooth down my straight leg jeans. I had decided to wear a plain white bodysuit tank top with a pair of straight-leg jeans and white high-top converse. My hair was pulled back into a small bun where my middle part was still visible.

I stood there staring at the intimidating building for too long before I worked up the nerve to walk in.

The lobby is furnished with white leather couches and white marble floors. "Hello my name is Diana, I have an interview for 11:00," I say to the young woman sat behind the front desk with her glasses resting on the tip of her nose reflecting her computer screen.

"Of course right this way," The woman stood up and grabbed a folder off of her desk and waved her hand gesturing that I follow her. The sound of her heels echoed through the quiet building. I stepped into the small elevator before the younger woman who stayed behind to keep the doors open. She takes a step forward and presses the level 8 button.

I stand there wringing my hands nervously and watch as the floor levels go up until it finally stops at level 8. The woman places her hand on the side of the elevator door and nods towards a glass office room a couple of feet in front of the elevator. "Ms. Wintour is waiting for you in her office," She grins and I nod my head and watch as the elevator doors close in front of me.

I nervously traipse towards the office mumbling encouraging words to myself as I approach the door. I quickly shake out my limbs and reach my arm forward to knock on the blurred, glass door.

"Come in," I hear a voice call from inside. I slowly opened the door and I am greeted by a petite woman with a short, brown, bob with bangs, looking up at me from above her glasses, still holding various papers in her frail-looking hands. "You must be Diana. Please take a seat," Ms. Wintour extends her arm out towards the chair on the other side of the desk from where she is sitting. I walk over and shake her hand before sitting down in the uncomfortable chair.

"Ms. Wintour, it is an honor to meet you," I reply while trying not to fangirl.

"Why thank you, darling," Ms.Wintour reaches over and grabs my portfolio from the corner of her desk. "I've got to say your portfolio is quite impressive," She says scanning through the pages.

"Thank you,"

"Now tell me about your experience with modeling," I start to explain the details of past photoshoots, my idols, why I want to model, and many other details deemed necessary.

About an hour goes by of Ms.Wintour asking questions to which I respond, to the best of my ability. "Alright that is all, you should be expecting a call within the next week regarding the position," I stand up from my seat and shake her hand again.

"Thank you for the opportunity," I probably thanked her way too many times throughout the interview but, what else was I supposed to say? The glass door closes behind me as I approach the elevator. The elevator dings and the doors open. I step inside and push the button for the lobby. I can't seem to stop shaking from my nerves even though the interview was over but, now I had to wait to see if I got the job or not. I run over the events of the interview in my head over and over again until I snap out of my daze when the elevator door opens. I walk out of the elevator and towards the main door, waving at the receptionist as I leave.

I pull my phone out of my back pocket to call a cab. I dial the number and lift the phone to my ear when a black range rover pulls up in front of where I am standing. The driver rolls down the blacked-out windows and calls my name. I approach the vehicle hesitantly and immediately relax when I see Paul in the driver's seat. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in Cork with the boys?" I ask.

"I thought you could use some protection seeing as you didn't bring anyone else with you," Something about his tone of voice makes me think he's lying but, I don't question it as I climb into the back seat. Paul turns back at me and smiles before pulling into the main road.

I'm too distracted, worrying about my interview to notice that Paul was not driving towards the hotel I was going to stay in tonight. About thirty minutes into the drive Paul pulls up to a worn-down building with a set of wooden double doors with red letters spelling out "Wilton's" on each side of the door. I turn to look at Paul wearing a confused expression on my face. Paul just nods towards the doors and unlocks the car doors.

"Where are we?" I ask "You're not trying to kill me are you?" Paul snickered at my question before shaking his head.

"I promise you no one is trying to kill you," Paul turns around to face me in his seat. "Just go in, trust me, you'll love it,"

"Can you at least tell me what I am doing here?"

"I'm not answering any more questions. Now get in there," I groan and open my door and slip out of my seat.

"Fine," I groan, "But if I die it's on you Paul," I say as I slam my door shut and start walking towards the doors.

I walk into the building slowly, wondering what I could possibly be here for. I gasp as I look around at what seems to be an old theatre. I continue further into the theatre taking in the beauty of the cast-iron pillars, the sloping wooden floor, and the carved balcony, and the classical arches around the upper walls.

I hear someone clear their throat behind me and I jump and turn around to face the noise. When I turn around I see Niall dressed in skinny jeans and a button-up shirt rolled to his elbows, holding a single pink rose in his hands. My jaw drops and my heart beats faster in my chest. Niall walks up to me and offers me the rose which I gratefully accept. I reach up to wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him as close to me as possible.

"You owed me a date," He pulls whispers in my ear. We both smile into a deep passionate kiss before Niall pulls away and grabs my hand leading me into the main theatre area. I gasp as I look around in astonishment at the old candlelit room. Niall looks back at me and grins as he walks me towards a small table in the center of the room. A white cloth is draped over the table and two silver dishes sit on each end. Niall lets go of my hand and pulls a chair out, gesturing for me to sit in it.

"Holy shit, he's such a gentleman," I say as I sit down.

"And why is that so surprising?" Niall smirks as he makes his way towards his seat.

"I just didn't know you were such a romantic," I giggle, "I mean the rose, the candles, this gorgeous fucking theatre. I'm impressed,"

Niall shrugged with a smug face, "I am amazing aren't I,"

"Oh, shu-up," I playfully push his shoulder.

"But not as amazing as you,"

"Aww, that was so cheesy,"

"Can we eat now I'm starving?"

Niall and I both lift the fancy silver cloche that covers our plates.

"Niall you didn't," I gasp looking down at my plate, "Nando's peri-peri chicken wrap!" Nialls laughs looking up at my smiling face.

"What can I say I know the way to a woman's heart," Niall bites into his wrap.

"I was going to say something, but, sadly, you aren't wrong,"

"How was your interview?"

"I think it went well. I am supposed to get a call within the next week saying if I got the job or not,"

We finished eating and the blue-eyed boy stood up from his seat and offered me his hand. I lace my fingers with his and he dragged me into the middle of the theatre.

"Wait here," Niall told me. He walked over to a small radio and clicked a button and the theatre was filled with the soft strumming of a guitar. Niall walked back to me and folded me into his arms, rocking me side to side slowly with the beat of the music. I tucked my head into his chest and let myself get lost in his scent. He grabs my hands and spins me around the wooden floor. I turn around and face him. His face is painted gold by the dim candlelight. Niall pulls me in and lifts my chin with his hand, our faces only inches apart. I can feel his warm breath on my lips and he leans in capturing me in a slow, passionate kiss.

Spark flew throughout my body from his touch. Our lips move perfectly in sync when Niall's hands find my cheeks, deepening the kiss. Our lips leave each other's and the older boy rests his forehead on mine as he smiles at me. I gaze into his eyes, my heart full, and reach my arms up to wrap around his neck and we continue to sway to the music.

"Can I ask you something?" Niall says softly.

"You can ask me anything," Niall lifts his head off of mine to look me in the eyes. I start to get nervous as his gorgeous cerulean eyes search mine.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" At this moment I feel like my heart is going to explode out of my chest. I can't help the smile that spreads across my face.

"Of course," I say before giggling and pulling Niall into another kiss.

We lay on the floor surrounded by candles, gazing up at the intricate, detailed ceiling. I started to laugh at the memory and Niall turned his head to look at me confused. "What are you laughing at?" Niall asked.

"Oh nothing just thinking about your X-Factor audition," I said, smirking without taking my gaze off of the ceiling. "You really can't dance," I said laughing, grabbing at my gut.

"Hey! It was a hard dance okay?" Niall tried to argue.

"Sure it was Horan," I say sarcastically. Niall reaches out and jabs me softly in the side causing me to flinch away from him. We both laugh as we reflect on the memory that was Niall dancing poorly to Lady Gaga on national television. "And somehow I still thought you were cute after seeing those cursed dance moves,"

"Aw you had a crush on me," Niall retorted in a mocking voice.

"I did not!" I sassed.

"Just admit you had a crush on me," Niall said smugly.

"Okay fine... maybe. But, so did you!" I admit, "You're the one who kissed me in the parking lot!" Niall let out a soft chuckle as he turned to face me propping himself up on his elbow. I do the same.

"Yeah and I'm glad I did," Niall's lips turn upwards into a small grin. I push him gently on his shoulder while trying to hide the blush that had painted my cheeks red.

"You're such a sap," I teased.

"But you love it,"

I roll my eyes as Niall smirks. We lay there in a comfortable silence. My head lays on his chest and his arms are wrapped around my waist.

"We should probably head back soon," Niall suggests as he runs his fingers through my hair. I nod tiredly and Niall kisses the top of my head. It had gotten pretty late and I was getting tired so I didn't protest. Niall sits up and I groan not wanting to move from his warmth. "I'm going to call Paul to pick us up,"

About 20 minutes later Paul shows up and we climb into the car and drive back to the hotel. Niall and I enter the hotel from the back entrance in order to not be spotted by paps.

Niall starts to walk to his room which he had booked next to mine. Right before he is about to walk in I call out to him, "Hey Niall, do you want to stay in my room tonight?" I ask him quietly so as to not disturb any of the other guests at the hotel.

"Oh. Um. Sure." Niall answered, "Just let me grab something more comfortable to wear,"

"Okay," I yawn. I leave my door unlocked and climb into my bed but, not before taking my clothes off and slipping on an old t-shirt. I close my eyes and slowly start to drift off to sleep when I feel Niall wrap his arms around me and kisses me on the back of my head.

"Goodnight Angel," I smile at the nickname and sink back into his touch and fall asleep.

(A/N) I feel like I haven't updated in a while. I am so sorry I had a bit of writer's block for this chapter but, I am somewhat happy with how it turned out. It's not great but it'll do. Anyways I can't stop freaking out because the Golden music video is coming out tomorrow or I guess today (I really need to fix my updating schedule, It's almost one in the morning) I really hope the music video is a continuation of the Adore You music video but, whatever it is it's going to be great because it's Harry and Golden is an amazing song. Also, I listened to Ashton's Superbloom album and I loved it. I usually don't listen to music like that but it was great and I really want to buy the vinyl and I don't even have a record player. Thank you for reading!

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