Remnant's Maiden Of Dawn

By CameronKiller535

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RWBY Harem x Female Village Survivor Rights to Rooster Teeth More

Volume 1 Profile (Redux)
Chapter 1: Second Chance
Chapter 2: The Academy
Chapter 3: Familiar Faces
Chapter 4: The Trial
Chapter 5: First Day
Chapter 6: Instinct
Chapter 7: Chains Broken
Chapter 8: Unclear Bond
Chapter 9: The Return
Volume 2 Bio
Chapter 10: New Changes
Chapter 11: Master Vs Weapon
Chapter 12: Favor
Chapter 13: The Dance
Chapter 14: Mission Start Part 1
Chapter 15: Mission Start Part 2
Chapter 16: Confessions
Chapter 17: Need for Change
Chapter 18: Apologies
Chapter 19: Old Wounds Fade
Chapter 20: Wild Night
Chapter 21: Sweet Rose
Chapter 22: Sick Wolf Family
Volume 3 Bio
Rival Bio
Chapter 23: Amity
Chapter 24: More Challengers
Chapter 25: Wise Words
Chapter 26: Emotions vs Desires
Chapter 27: Undeserving
Chapter 28: Descent
Chapter 29: Fatal Omen
Chapter 31: Downfall
Chapter 32: Broken By Revenge
Chapter 33: Left Isolated
Chapter 34: Mask Of Guilt
Volume 4 Bio
Chapter 35: Next Step Forward
Chapter 36: Lasting Sorrow
Chapter 37: Persistent Pain
Chapter 38: Fears
Chapter 39: Incoming Threats
Chapter 40: Luck Worsens
Chapter 41: Answers Of Poison
Chapter 42: Painful Steps Forward
Chapter 43: Fate Of Kuroyuri
Chapter 44: Determined Paths
Chapter 45: Familiar Sky
Volume 5 Bio
Chapter 46: Haven Reached
Chapter 47: Troubles Arising
Chapter 48: Planning Ahead
Chapter 49: Improving
Chapter 50: Past Life
Chapter 51: Fear and Answers
Chapter 52: Old and New Times
Chapter 53: Fear Of Loneliness
Chapter 54: Power Of Forgiveness
Chapter 55: Battle Of Haven PT.1
Chapter 56: Battle Of Haven Pt.2
Chapter 57: Reunited
Volume 6 Bio
Chapter 58: Path to Argus
Chapter 59: Question
Chapter 60: Past Lives Revealed
Chapter 61: Weakened Wills
Chapter 62: Melancholy
Chapter 63: Revertion
Chapter 64: Seperated
Chapter 65: Pushing Forward
Chapter 66: Lost Memories
Chapter 67: Clashing Ideals
Chapter 68: Together
Chapter 69: Resolving Hate
Chapter 70: Completion
Accidental Publish
Chapter 71: Destination Reached
Chapter 72: Atlas Academy
Volume 7 Bio/New Title
Chapter 73: Advancing
Chapter 74: Dream Realized

Chapter 30: Strength Past Loss

1.2K 31 3
By CameronKiller535

3rd Person POV:

Screams. Screams were the only thing heard in Amity Colosseum as the crowd looks down at the corpse of the robotic girl named Penny Polendina, who was accidentally killed by Pyrrha Nikkos.

Y/N: (tearing up at the gruesome sight) My gods...Penny.

Oobleck: (putting a hand up to his ear) Broadcast, what are you doing? Kill the feed!

Broadcast OP: (over the earpiece) Something's wrong! We don't have control of the cameras! We can't even stop the broadcast!

Oobleck: What!? How is that possible!?

His questions are answered as all the screens change to an ominous bright red with a black queen chess piece hovering over the scene. They turn back to the arena as a familiar voice rings out throughout the Colosseum and the rest of the world watching these events.

Cinder: This is not a tragedy. This was not an accident. This is what happens when you hand over your trust, your safety, your children, to men who claim to be our guardians, but are, in reality, nothing more than men.

Cinder: Our Academies' Headmasters wield more power than most armies, and one was audacious enough to control both.

Ironwood, realizing who she's talking about, grimaces and rises from his seat, marching up the steps.

Cinder: They cling to this power in the name of peace, and yet, what do we have here? One nation's attempt at a synthetic army, mercilessly torn apart by another's star pupil.

Cinder: What need would Atlas have for a soldier disguised as an innocent little girl? I don't think the Grimm can tell the difference.

Pyrrha continues to stare at the remains of Penny in dread and guilt. Lips parting as she raises a hand to cover her mouth. Then her eyes start watering, a single tear falling.

Back in the fairgrounds, a gaping Weiss Schnee and Blake Belladonna watch the hacked screen of the Shopkeep's stall. The owner and several others including Roy Stallion are gathered nearby. Blake's expression becomes a glare as the speech continues.

Cinder: And what, I ask you, is Ozpin teaching his students? First a dismemberment, now this? Huntsmen and Huntresses should carry themselves with honor and mercy, yet I have witnessed neither.

The two teammates share a look before the last member of RWBY, Yang Xiao Long, is seen hunching over her windowsill listening to the speech before she straightens and turns as Zwei barks behind her.

Y/N: (That's HER!)

Cinder: Perhaps Ozpin felt as though defeating Atlas in the Tournament would help people forget his colossal failure to protect Vale when the Grimm invaded its streets.

Cinder: Or perhaps this was his message to the tyrannical dictator that has occupied an unsuspecting kingdom with armed forces. Honestly, I haven't the slightest clue as to who is right and who is wrong.

Cinder: But I know the existence of peace is fragile, and the leaders of our kingdoms conduct their business with iron gloves.

Ozpin watches the screen intently, The Long Memory at his side and Atlesian Airships hovering beyond his window. Amid the silence over the Colosseum as they absorb the revolutionary words, no one notices Emerald exit the stadium.

Cinder: As someone who hails from Mistral, I can assure you the situation there is... equally undesirable. Our Kingdoms are on the brink of war, yet we, the citizens, are left in the dark.

Two blue Atlas Soldiers watch the message on their Scroll, not noticing the wave of Grimm coming out of the mist shrouded treeline until they hear growling.

Both turn and open fire the best they can, shooting down a few. But many more rush past them with Cinder's voice still stirring up trouble from her position with a malevolent smile.

Cinder: So I ask you: When the first shots are fired...who do you think you can trust?

Y/N: (That voice...that arrogant voice...she will....)

Y/N: (Right eye turning red with her left eye turning sky blue) PAY!!!

In the Colosseum, the screens cut from red and black to complete static.

Oobleck: (to Port) The feeds are all jammed! We can't get a message out!

Port: (to the people working behind the scenes) Will somebody tell me what in the world is happening!?

The question is answered with the sound of a wailing alarm throughout the structure, the alarm continues to blur with the screens flashing orange saying "CAUTION".

Warning Announcer: Alert. Incoming Grimm attack. Threat level: Nine. Please seek shelter in a calm and orderly manner.

The crowds begin to flee, wild and screaming, through the exit tunnels, while Ironwood enters the announcers' box and grabs the microphone from between Port and Oobleck.

Ironwood: Ladies and gentlemen, please. There is no need for panic.

With that said, a Giant Nevermore appears atop the arena's domed force field, giving a series of deafening screeches as it claws and pecks at the defense with its beak.

Sun: (standing up in alarm along with Coco) A Nevermore?!

Coco: (lowering her sunglasses) How did it get past the Kingdom's defenses!?

Ren: (rising up beside them) It wasn't alone.

In the headmaster's office, Ozpin is gripping his cane tight, watching the city come under attack with a horrified expression.

Qrow: (running alongisde Glynda) Oz!

Ozpin: (turning to them) Get to the city!

Qrow: But--

Ozpin: (resolutely) NOW!

Qrow and Glynda exchange a look before going back the way they came. Meanwhile, Mountain Glenn is almost silent, as every monster lurking there from Beowolves to Boarbatusks, Ursai and Nevermores, and even lumbering Goliaths with wide red eyes rush forward.

Ironwood: (back at the Colosseum watching the Nevermore attack the shields until he answers his Scroll, stammering) Ozpin, the girl... I-I can explain!

Ozpin: (gravely) You brought your army to my Kingdom, James.

Ozpin: Use it.

Ironwood's worry turns to determination. His fleet of ships are being attacked by even more giant Nevermores though to minimal effect.

Soldiers inside are scrambling to enter commands inside the bridge around their commanding officer.

Atlas Ship Captain: Dammit! (speaking into his Scroll as he turns to the screen of data) This is Blue Four! Blues Two and Three, fall into defensive position!

Blue Three: (over the Scroll) Roger! Blue Three, in position!

Atlas Ship Captain: Blue Two, what's your status? (no response) Blue Two, come in! Someone answer me, dammit!

He doesn't know that the bridge of the last ship is wrecked, computers sparking and men down as a pair of high boots walk through the destruction.

Dressed in an Atlas uniform and holding both Hush and Melodic Cudgel with a feathered hat on top, Neopolitan opens the door of a familiar-looking cell with a devious grin.

Roman: Well... it's about time... (leans out of the shadows and into the light)

Outside with the Airships, where the furthest craft suddenly turns towards its allies and fires several bright red lasers at the engine of the one closest to it.

Atlas Ship Captain: We're hit! What's going-

The ship goes down crashing into another in a series of explosions and sends both of them tumbling toward the waters below.

Roman: (laughing manically at the controls as Neo watches from the side) Woo-hoohahahaha! Oohh, it is good to be back!

Finally, at Beacon's cliffside landing platforms, three Bullheads arrive, the middle one opening its hatch to reveal four members of the White Fang, and their leader.

Adam: Bring them to their knees!

Another Bullhead opens its door, this time with several creatures of Grimm inside. A growling Ursa jumps from it and lands on Academy grounds.

Back with Weiss and Blake the two watch the horror of the Grimm attacking civilians with the Atlesian Knight 200s firing at the dark creatures.

Civilians continue to flee as Grimm continue to run amok, and a dead Creep on the ground starts to dissipate.

Weiss: I don't believe this...

Blake: (pulling out her Scroll) Yang, are you okay?

The scene changes to Yang running in the hallway of the dorms along with Zwei.

Yang: (responding to Blake through her Scroll) I'm fine. Is Ruby and Y/N with you? They're not answering their Scrolls.

Blake: No, they're not with us. (at those words, Yang stops in her tracks with a worried expression on her face) Yang, I'm sure their fine. Ruby are leader and Y/N has Asuna and Maria I'm sure they'll take care of each other.

Yang closes her eyes and curls her fist into a ball.

Yang: (hesitantly) Right.

Yang continues forward with Zwei and turns the next corner of the hallways. The scene changes back to the fairgrounds with Weiss and Blake.

Weiss: This can't be happening. (pauses) Penny...

Yang: I'm headed to the docks near the courtyard. The White Fang are releasing Grimm into the school!

Blake: (alarmed) The White Fang is here!? (through her Scroll, Blake hears the sounds of Grimm growling, and her expression grows ever more worried) Yang!

Yang: Ugh! Gotta go! Be careful! (call ends)

Weiss: Blake, what are we going to do?

Blake: (pensively) We're going to the docks, and we're doing our job.

She uses her Scroll to call upon her rocket locker, which lands behind her and opens up to reveal Gambol Shroud. Weiss gives one last look at Blake before nodding in agreement.

Back at Amity Colosseum, the Nevermore let's out a shirek as it continues to weaken the force field that's keeping it from getting in.

Warning Announcer: Warning: Safety Barriers Failing.

As civilians run past her in a panic, Ruby stays kneeling on the ground with her head down, her expression in a mixture of shock and sadness.

The Nevermore circles around the colosseum, while Pyrrha struggles to stand as she looks in shock at the torn apart Penny.

Jaune: (in the stands with the remaining members of Team JNPR) PYRRHA!! Pyrrha, that thing's going to break in! You've gotta move!

Jaune, Ren, and Nora look up and see the force field flash as the Nevermore rises back up before diving back in.

Wasting no time, Jaune jumps from the stands into the arena.

Nora: Jaune!

Jaune: (runs towards Pyrrha) Pyrrha, please snap out of it!

Suddenly, the Nevermore completely breaks through the holographic barrier, and the force of it landing on the arena floor knocks back Jaune, Pyrrha, and the pieces of Penny.

The Nevermore screeches and lunges towards Pyrrha. Suddenly, a blue blur stands in between them as Y/N with Asuna and Maria in hand slashes it's left eye with her crimson blade.

The Nevermore is then knocked back by a red, twirling blur of roses, with the cause of the blur gripping one of Penny's swords and stabbing into the Nevermore, before jumping back down in beside Y/N.

Pyrrha: Ruby? Y/N?

Ruby: Leave her alone!

Y/N: You're going down.

The Nevermore rises up and circles around the arena before lunging back down. Ruby and Y/N hold their respective weapons defensively.

Suddenly, the Nevermore gets pinned down by a barrage of rocket lockers, and screeches out in pain before going unconscious. The lockers then open up, revealing the weapons of various students, including Crocea Mors, StormFlower, Magnhild, and Fulcrum.

The respective owner of the sword pulls it out from his locker, and is shown alongside Scarlet gripping his cutlass and flintlock pistol, Sage with his sword, and Neptune with his gun in hand.

The others then grab their respective weapons all ready for battle until their suddenly shaken when the Nevermore starts to get back up. Ren then leaps up into the air and uses the blades of his weapons to slash at the Nevermore's other eye.

Arslan uses her rope dart to swing down and grab the towering Yatsuhashi from the ground carrying him upward. Sage also leaps up into the air, and Nora runs up to the Nevermore's head and hit it with Magnhild in its hammer form.

When Arslan reaches peak height, she lets go of Yatsuhashi, who is then joined by Sage, as the two broadsword wielders slash down and decapitate the Nevermore.

Causing it's head to land near Ruby before dissipating into black particles, while the students form a perimeter. As Arslan lands back on the ground next to her teammates, Ruby looks over to the teary-eyed Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: (kneeling on the ground) Ruby, I... (she stops and holds a piece of Penny's torn cloth in her hands as her eyes continue to well up) I'm so sorry.

Ruby: (forlornly) Me too. (suddenly angered) But it wasn't your fault.

Jaune: She's right. (walks over to Pyrrha with Miló and Akoúo̱ in his hands) Whoever was on that microphone... they're the ones that did this. And we have to make sure they don't take anyone else.

Y/N: I'll personally see to that.

Pyrrha stands back up and takes her weapons back from Jaune, the two of them exchanging determined expressions.

They then look over to Ruby, who smiles at the impressive ensemble of students. Their moment is cut short when they notice hippogriff-like Grimm land on top of the colosseum.

They fly towards the group of students as Ren calls the Grimm species out by their formal name.

Ren: Griffons.

Neptune: Anybody got a plan of attack?

Ruby: Y/N! I need your scroll!

Y/N: Got it.

She hands her scroll to Ruby, who uses it to call on her rocket locker as well as Y/N's own locker with them opening up revealing her Crescent Rose and Y/N's dual pistols Amaya.

They both reach for the weapons but are stopped by two Griffons land on top of their lockers, as both roar at them they are scared off by the sound of two gunshots.

Port: (holding Blowhard in hand, with Oobleck holding Antiquity's Roast in its club form) Students! I think it would be best for you to leave.

Ruby: But we did a-

Oobleck: Miss Rose! This day will surely go down in Remnant's history. I'd prefer it if my students could live to tell about it.

Ruby and Y/N nod at each other over the Doctor's words before grabbing their respective weapons with Ruby Crescent Rose and twirling it into it's scythe form and Y/N holstering her pistols.

Ruby: Let's go!

As all the students leave, Ruby gets distracted by the flash of Velvet's camera. She stops to look at the photograph she took but is interrupted when her leader calls out to her.

Coco: Velvet!

With the students clear of the arena, Port and Oobleck stand back-to-back with their weapons in hand as the Griffons circle around them.

Port: (laughs enthusiastically) One final match, Barty! Place your bets!

Civilians continue to run and flee in panic as they reach the docking bays of the colosseum. Atlas Soldiers are seen directing civilians to calmly step into the Air Buses.

A female student is seen breaking down in tears as another person tries to comfort her. Suddenly, White Fang Bullheads are seen dropping off more Grimm at the docking bay.

Two Atlesian Knights escorting General James Ironwood effortlessly gun down an Ursa. As they proceed forward, the Knights are suddenly brutally ripped apart by a much larger, armored Beowolf variant.

The Beowolf then notices Ironwood as the General starts to run towards it, gradually picking up speed as he nears the charging Beowolf. He screams a loud battle cry as he pulls out a pistol from his coat.

He then ducks and slides under the Beowolf's swipe and shoots at it twice. Pivoting as he skids across the floor, and using his free hand as a brake.

The Beowolf lands and shakes its head then charges at Ironwood again, who fires his revolver three more times before having to duck under another swipe. The Beowolf attempts to swipe at him again with its left claw, but Ironwood effortlessly stops it with his own right hand.

He then fires at the Beowolf's feet, the explosion causing it to get airborne, and still gripping it's claw, Ironwood proceeds to swing it back down to the ground with his own brute strength.

Ironwood then picks up the Beowolf, aims the revolver at its skull, and shoots it, causing black blood to splatter from it. Ironwood then watches the body of the Beowolf dissipate before leaving.

The students are then shown exiting the arena entrance and gather together in front of Ironwood.

Ruby: What's going on?!

Ironwood: Grimm are crawling all over the city. The White Fang's invaded Beacon, and to make matters worse, some... vagabond has seized one of my ships.

Ironwood: Until we regain command, the skies are out of our control. So I'm...(Ironwood pauses noticing a Creep advancing on the group from behind, and shoots it before finishing.)...going to take it back.

As Ironwood turns for his ship, he is stopped when asked a question.

Jaune: What should we do?

Ironwood: (turns and faces the students) You have two choices. Defend your Kingdom and your school... or save yourselves.

Ironwood: (the students exchange looks with each other) No one will fault you if you leave. (Ironwood then proceeds to climb up on the dropship in front of him, as he addresses the crowd.) Let's move out!

As Ironwood leaves, the students look at each other and murmur before Sun speaks up.

Sun: I mean... come on!

Jaune: We can take a ship to Beacon!

While the students head to the nearest airship, Roman Torchwick is seen giddily fidgeting around with the controls of the Atlesian Airship, callsign "Blue-2", like a child in a candy store.

Roman: Hmm... let's see, what does... this button do? (After the button is pressed, a noise is heard.) Oh, fun! How about...this one?

Roman: (With the press of a button, the airship suddenly empties its cargo of Atlesian Knights, all on standby, as they fall to the ground with a massive thud.) Hm. Alright, nothing.

Neo then comes up behind him, handing a scroll with the Black Queen insignia, as he inserts it in the console.

Roman: Oh-ho-ho! Now this one, this one's gonna be fun!

As a squadron of Knights shoot down Grimm, they suddenly stop as their visors and LEDs turn a dark crimson, and turn around, pointing their guns at Glynda and Qrow, who are fighting off some Grimm.

Glynda: What?!

On the courtyards of Beacon, Weiss and Blake are nearly caught off-guard by the local Knights also succumbing to the virus and turning towards them, fortunately Blake reacts quickly.

Blake: Look out!

She manages to push Weiss aside in order to dodge incoming fire, but the Knights surround them, forcing them to draw their weapons.

Meanwhile, Ironwood is still en route to the Airship, hears the Atlesian Knights within the ship activate succumbing to the virus and aim at him.

Ironwood: No!

As Ironwood reaches out, the dropship suddenly loses altitude, plummeting from the ground as two flashes can be seen from the cockpit.

The students watch in horror as they see dropship fall from the sky. Ruby decides to run to the bay doors of their Air Bus.

Sun: Ruby! What are you doing!?

Y/N follows after her as the two jump off the Air bus as it barley takes off, Ruby uses her semblance with Y/N doing the same to safely land on the runway.

They run to the stadium seeing it's completely empty with only the lockers staying in place on the ground.

Ruby: Use the lockers.

Y/N: Got it.

They run to their respective locker before punching in the code, and using their weapons to latch on before taking off to the sky.

They soon land on top of Roman's ship with a long thud.

Ruby: Ready?

Y/N: Ready. Let's get this over with.

Chapter End

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