Talk Later- BWS

By bwsforyou

42.6K 672 124

Who knows what they are; would they class themselves as friends? What will happen when a fuck buddy type of r... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven

twenty four

927 16 0
By bwsforyou

MARCH 2021

'Babe I'm stuck in traffic would you be able to pick Noah up?' Brad asked through the phone.

'Am sure I'll see if Lola can drive me to Nat's.' I said as I rushed to grab my shoes considering Brad was meant to pick him up now with Nat and David having a dinner reservation. 

'Tris is in the flat.' He told me as I heard his engine start up again, obviously speaking to me through the built in Bluetooth in his car.

'Lola can you drive me to Nat's?' I shouted through the flat.

'Coming!' She yelled back.

'She's going to drive me round now, so Tris is home?' I double checked as Lola and Callum appeared.

'Yeah he's not going out til seven.' He told me, it was currently five o'clock now. 'Thank you so much babe.'

I quickly hung up as we made our way to Lola's car. Nat's flat was around a ten minute drive and Brad's flat was relatively close to there.

Thankfully the traffic from ours to Nat's wasn't too heavy.

'Thank you guys.' I said as I hurried out of the car.

'We'll wait and drop you to Brad's.' Lola shouted.

'It's fine go on! I want to nip to the shop anyway.' I waved them off. 

As I got into Nat's she was all dressed up ready for their first date night in months.

'You look amazing!' I gushed as I embraced her in a hug.

'Thank you, and thank you so much for taking him tonight.' She smiled widely.

'Sorry about your brothers timing.' We both rolled our eyes. 'If I had of known I could have came by earlier and got him.'

After a few minutes of Nat rhyming off Noah's nighttime routine they both said goodbye to their baby before strapping him into his buggy and handing me his baby bag.

Brad's flat was only a ten minute walk so it would be good to get some air and it also may help Noah sleep later.

Although I was slightly shitting myself being trusted with someone else's baby. It's different when Brad's there because well, he is Noah's uncle.

As I was walking along I came to shop near Brad's apartment so I decided to go in and grab a few things such as Brad's favourite chocolate and a bottle of vodka along with make up wipes and a box of condoms; remembering he told me we used the last of them.

Obviously we will be waiting until Noah goes to be getting up to anything.

Nat and David wouldn't be out for long seeing as David wasn't drinking and they were both still extremely tired from the sleepless nights. And by the sound of Brad's voice on the phone today, he was stressed. When Brad's stressed it only ends in one way.

I put the bag in the bottom of the buggy after I paid as my phone rang, it being Brad.

'Hello.' I answered as I continued to push the pram.

'Hey are you home yet?' He asked, sounding less annoyed than earlier.

'I'm just out of the shop.' I told him. 'How far away are you?' I asked.

'Probably about twenty minutes with this fucking traffic.' I heard him beep his horn in anger.

Okay maybe he was still annoyed.

'Babe calm down.' I tried to sooth him. 'I've got some goodies for us and Noah will be waiting for cuddles with his uncle.'

'I'll see you soon.' He sighed.

'I love you.' I told him.

'I love you.' He replied and I could hear the smile in his voice.

A few minutes after we hung up we reached Brad's apartment. As I was waiting for the lift Noah began to cry, I rushed to get him out of his pram and cradle him.

'Shhhh baby you're okay.' I rocked from side to side with him. 'Come on uncle Brad will be home soon, we don't need two cranky boys.' I stroked his cheeks after I got the pram into the lift and pressed the button.

He calmed down by the time we got to the door where Tris greeted us.

'Oh hello you two.' He cooed as he pulled us into a hug.

He helped pull the pram and took the baby bag from my shoulder.

'You're dressed nice.' I commented as I took in a view of his outfit.

'I'm going on a date.' He said with emphasis on the date.

'Oh are you now?' I asked as he stood with a large grin. 'Do we know her?'

'You may.' He shrugged with a grin.

'Well if you can take him while I go to the toilet, we can talk about it after.' He took Noah from me as I dashed off to the toilet.

As I returned to the living room I found Tris sniggering, stood with the plastic bag from the shop sat beside him.

'Oi fuck off.' I snatched it from him.

'Condoms and vodka, top babysitters you are.' He said as he sat back cockily with a smirk on his face.

'Do you want some for tonight?' I teased him. 'Or do you not kiss on the first date?'

He made a face at me before handing me Noah and disappearing to the kitchen.

I lay Noah down next to me on the sofa and put a few pillows around him when Tris appeared from the kitchen with a drink.

'Do you want one?' He asked but I declined. 'Man I need this I'm nervous!' He said full of adrenaline.

'Tristan Evans getting nervous? I never thought I'd see the day.' I shook my head as I mocked him.

'I actually think I like her that's what's scary.' He said as he bounced his knee.

'You'll be fine, just be yourself!' I encouraged him before we heard keys rattling in the door, and just as if Noah knew he became restless from beside me.

'It's uncle Brad.' I cooed as I lifted him and rested him on my chest where his head faced the door.

'Hello.' Brad shouted as he closed the front door.

'Living room!' Tris shouted back causing Noah to jump. 'Shit sorry.' He whispered.

I shook my head and laughed as he genuinely looked scared.

Brad flung his backpack on the floor appeared in the living room and rushed over to where Noah and I sat.

'Hello hello.' He took Noah from my arms as he peppered him in kisses. 'You alright babe?' He leaned over to me and kissed me.

'Hello Brad, hello boyfriend, hello flat mate!' Tris teased as he lay on the other sofa.

Brad handed Noah to me before ran towards Tris and straddled his waist as he grabbed his cheeks and made a kiss noise before smacking his lips against Tris'.

I let out a loud laugh as Tris swatted him away that was until Brad dropped on him and lay with his arms wrapped around him.

I looked to the baby on my lap as he sat with his mouth and eyes wide open as he watched his two uncles, not having a clue what was going on, the commotion catching his little eyes and ears.

'They're crazy.' I said as he turned to look at me. 'Crazy.' I cooed as I lightly tickled him causing him to let out a little wail of laughter.

'Was that him?' Brad said as he finally climbed off of his best friend.

I nodded with a chuckle as Brad sat down next to me. I tickled Noah again causing all three of us to laugh.

Who knew a baby's laugh would be so contagious.

Tris had left for his date not long after Brad got home, I decided to make us dinner while Brad got showered. So I put Noah in his pram and wheeled it into the kitchen so I could keep an eye on him. 

'What's this huh?' I grabbed one of his stuffed toys from his pram and dangled it in front of him.

He let out a little noise and I nodded along, 'Are you going to tell me a story?' My hand made its way to softly tickle his belly.

He had a large smile on his face as he jumped and covered his face. 'Hey you don't be covering that gorgeous little face.' I cooed as I held his tiny hand. 'Show auntie Grace your big smile.'

As Noah continued to giggle Brad appeared only just wearing a pair of grey joggers. I bit my lip as my eyes trailed from the new chain around his neck to his deep V line before my eyes found the outline of his bulge.

I shook my dirty thoughts away as I grabbed Noah's stuffed toy and pretended to leave kisses on his face.

'Someone's happy.' Brad said as he took a bottle of water from the fridge.

'I think he's due his bottle soon.' I said causing Brad to hum. 'It'll be time enough after our dinner.'

Brad came behind me and put his front against my back with his hands on my waist. He leaned down and softly kissed my neck to which I threw my head back.

'Thank you for helping out today.' He wrapped me into a hug.

'He's a fun baby to hang out with.' I shrugged before I went back to making our dinner.

Brad took Noah from his pram and sat at the island with him on his lap.

I took this as an opportunity to snap a quick photo of the two. It has to be said Brad with babies does make me broody.

GraceBmusic_ Instagram story:

'I'm going to get you a Newcastle top.' Brad shook his head as he inspected Noah's Liverpool jersey which no doubt David had dressed him in. 'We can't have you running about in this shit when you're older.'

'Brad!' I exclaimed. 'He's a baby, don't talk like that in front of him.' I scolded him to which he rolled his eyes.

'He can't talk yet stop worrying. I'll only need to worry when he can tell Nat what I say or do.' He said before looking to Noah again. 'Isn't that right? But it will be me and you against the girls.'

He put his face into his belly and made kiss noises causing Noah to giggle and squirm.

'I think he might need his nappy changed.' Brad said as he smelt his bum.

'Do you know how to do it or do you want me to?' I asked knowing he wouldn't have a clue.

'Can you help me?' He looked up to me cutely which made my heart melt; but I wasn't going to tell him that.

'Okay I'll grab the bag, bring him to your room.' I instructed as he followed and walked off down the hall.

As I went into Brad's room I found him and the baby lying on the bed next to each other where Brad talked to him and he made baby noises in response.

'Okay let's get going.' I chapped my hands catching Noah's attention as I began to take his outfit off to change his nappy and also put him in his pyjamas.

'Shhh.' Brad hushed Noah as he cradled him and tried to calm him down from crying. 'Uncle Brad's here.' He kissed his head but nothing would drown his cry's.

'Singing might calm him down.' I told Brad as I reappeared from the bathroom.

I took the crying baby and wrapped him in his blanket before placing him on my chest with his head on my shoulder as I rubbed his back. Brad sat down next to me and began to hum a few words to a song which instantly calmed him down, Noah grasped Brad's finger which was stroking his face in his hand which made Brad grin largely.

Within ten minutes he was sound asleep, I held him for another few minutes to make sure he was in a deep sleep before laying him on the sofa with pillows surrounding him. 

'What's in this bag?' Brad asked as his eye caught the plastic bag next to the pram.

'Oh I- uh.' I went to get it but he reached it before me.

'Ah vodka.' He lifted the bottle out. 'And condoms.' He looked to me with a smirk.

I snatched the bag off of him and went to the kitchen.

'You were the one who told me we were out.' I shrugged as I grabbed two glasses and poured some vodka.

'You know I got a new mattress.' He said in a whisper as he came behind me. 'It hasn't been christened yet.'

I grabbed the glass and took a swing from it letting the liquor burn my throat.

Just before he could say anything else his phone began to ring, it was his sister.

He went into the living room to answer while I put a few snacks in bowls for us. I also took some time to calm down from the sexual frustration that was building up inside me at this moment.

My eyes trailed over his body as I entered the living room, he sprawled out of the sofa with his vodka in hand.

I sat down at the other side of the sofa after putting the snacks on the table in front of us.

He slowly moved towards me and put his arm behind my neck. 

'What's with the distance love?' He whispered as his fingers traced shapes on my skin.

I turned to glare at him but he took this as an opportunity to connect our lips. Thankfully, before it got heated Noah began to cry.

Jumping up, I grabbed him from his made-do be he had been lying on.

'What's wrong baba?' I cooed softly as I walked around the round gently bouncing him. 'Shhh.'

I felt hands on my waist then he began to sway our hips slowly as he hummed in my ear to try and settle the baby in my arms.

As he calmed down again his eyes were wide open as he watched his uncle. My head briefly turned to see Brad smiling down to his nephew, no Grace you do not need a baby.

He leaned his head in so his lips grazed mine for a few seconds, my head fell back to rest against his chest.

Once he was settled we sat back down on the sofa with Noah now resting in Brad's arms. He fumbled with his uncles fingers with his dummy in his mouth, now that he was occupied we decided to watch TV.

Around an hour later Nat and David collected Noah and they returned home.

'Finally.' Brad mumbled as he closed the front door. 'We are alone.' His hand drew me closer by my waist.

I let my head dip down to his neck and began to nibble on his collarbone. I felt him throw his head back as muffles left his mouth with his hands gripping my waist harder.

'Ah fuck Grace, fuck!' He moaned as I let my area create friction with his.

'Shall we pour a drink?' I asked innocently as I pulled away from him slowly, letting my breath fan against his neck.

'Grace.' He groaned. 'Please no teasing.' He followed hot on my heels as I made my way to the kitchen where the vodka was.

He watched intently as I grabbed the bottle and took a swing, letting the liquor burn my throat. Moving closer, he followed my actions and took a large gulp of the spirit.

'Grace,' he mumbled while pushing his curls back with both hands. 'I really fucking need you.'

I had to stop myself from reaching my climax at the words that left his mouth, when my man was eager it made me swoon. Grabbing his hand, I hurried to his room with him right behind me.

As we entered the dimly lit room, I powerfully pushed him onto the began where I then straddled his waist with my knees at either side of his body.

'You drive my crazy.' He said barely audible as his breath fanned at my neck and his lips moved along my skin.

I began to rock on him as excitement began to take over my body, my head dropped back as my mouth gaped open with his lips trailing across my skin.

His lips began to leave kisses down my cleavage while I squirmed on his lap.

'Please Brad.' I moaned in his ear causing him to lose it.

He threw me onto the bed and rushed to undress us both before he was hovering above me.

'Are you sure?' He looked me deep in my eyes as he rolled a condom on.

I bit my lips and nodded, my eyes never leaving his until he reached down and kissed me before sliding into me.

My head instantly fell back with pleasure as I felt him move slowly in me.

'Brad.' I moaned as he began to place kisses to my breasts.

My legs tightened around his waist as he picked up his pace, his hands at either side of my head holding himself up as he pounded into me.

'Grace you're so- so tight.' He said through a muffled moan.

I watched as his eyes shut tight, sweat covered his forehead, where his damp curls also stuck. His mouth lay open as his head began to fall back as he moaned.

The sight of my boyfriend a mess above me, all because of me really was turning me on even more. The power of women.

'You're so good.' I said through a high pitched groan as he thrust harder, hitting my g-spot.

'All mine.' He breathed heavily as he kissed my body making me squirm beneath him. 

'Let me,' I mumbled as I nibbled at the skin on his neck. 'Let me go on top.'

I watched as his eyes lit up at the words and eagerly flipped us over so I was on top.

He guided my hips and I moved up and down, helping me to move on him. We both moaned loudly as he hit the spot.

'I fucking love you.' He shouted as he arched his back and began to buck his hips against mine.

'I- I love yo- fuck.' I moaned loudly as he began to rub my clit while still in me.

After we both reached our climax I fell onto his body, unable to move.

He pulled me into his side and kissed my forehead as I wrapped my arms around his body with my head on his chest as I listened to him steady his breathing.

'You should go to the shop more often.' He joked causing me to let out a shaky laugh.

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