Longing For You

By briisk_333

57K 1.8K 5K

Cheryl; HBIC at Riverdale High, and Toni; one of the well known geeks at school. Cheryl has lots of girls run... More

Characters Pt 1
Characters Pt 2
Sleep Over
Happy Birthday!!!
Let's Party!!
Having Fun
Say What Now?
Date Night
Just Friends
It's Official
A Night To Remember
Hits The Ceiling
Together Again?
"Fake Dating"
Messing With Me
Bye For Now
I Don't Remember
A Lot of Time
The Future
Is It Her?
The Silent One
Day One
Getting Shit Together
In Trouble
Home Sweet Home
Flash in the past
Calm after the storm
One last and final chance

Get Out

2K 61 82
By briisk_333

February 14,2020(Same day)

Cheryl's POV

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair frustratingly. I paced back and forth across my room, thinking about everything that has happened these past two days.

Honestly I didn't even mean to say what I had said on that video on Instagram, I was completely drunk and high. Yes I smoke, but that's not the point.

I was just saying shit and found everything funny at the time, and the situation that happened to Toni slipped. Everyone of her friends probably hate me and I hate me too honestly.

A knock on my bedroom door brought me out of my thoughts. "Come in" I said to whoever was at the door. My twin brother Jason came through the door and he didn't look happy. "Hey, What's up" I said as I looked at him.

"Why the fuck would you say that type of shit online about your best friend" he asked me angrily.

I breathed out and said "Jason listen, I know all of the shit was harsh I know and I shouldn't have exposed her, it's just that I was". I paused not wanting to tell him what I do sometimes when I'm stressed.

"Spit it out Cheryl. I don't have time for your games right now" Jason said with a glare. I gulped looking down and whispered out "I was high and drunk, that's why I said all of that on Instagram".

I heard him breath out angrily and then he spat out "You're gonna apologize for the shit tonight and your gonna find a way to delete that video and tell your little girlfriend and her friends to keep their mouths shut about it. You're also gonna find a way to make sure nobody has that video saved on their phones or anything. I don't care how the fuck you do it, but make that shit work. I don't know what the fuck is going on with you. Drinking and Smoking? Really Cheryl? You know why I hate that shit".

I looked down at the floor remembering how Jason's ex girlfriend had died from lung cancer because she was always drinking and smoking.

"I'm sorry" I whispered out ashamed of myself. "Tell that shit to Toni instead" he spat as he walked out of my room slamming the door.

I sat on my bed and laid back looking at the ceiling. I just wanted to clear my mind of everything, so I closed my eyes and tried doing so.

Minutes later someone knocked on my door and I didn't bother answering. "Cheryl?" I heard a voice say as I heard the door opening.

I knew it was my little sister so I just asked "Are you here to yell at me and make me feel like even more shit".

It was silent until I heard her speak up and she said "I won't yell at you, because you know I don't like when people yell. But what you did was way out of hand. I didn't even know that happened to Toni, but basically everyone is talking about it on Insta. This isn't the girl I know as my big sister. She isn't a bully of any type or kind. If I'm being honest with you Cheryl that girlfriend of yours is changing you. You may or may not realize but she is changing you and not for the better. You really should find a way to apologize to Toni so you guys could build your relationship again but that's practically out the window. Umm also I heard Jason yelling at you and I hope you don't just keep your feelings dug deep down again. We don't want what happened last time to happen again".

I ignored the last part, and nodded my head, eyes still closed and said "Okay , I hear you".

I heard her sigh and then she softly said "I love you Cheryl, and I just wanna make sure my sis is okay". I wanted to cry right there and then, but I stopped the tears from even daring to fall. "I love you too" I whispered out with my voice cracking slightly.

I expected to hear the door closing afterwards, but I felt a pair of lips press onto my forehead and a soft voice saying "Stay strong for me big sis".

I opened my eyes, and gave a weak smile saying "Anything for you Paris". She gave me a small smile and then walked out of my room closing the door behind her softly.

I felt tears rolls down my face, but I quickly wiped them away and got out of my bed.

I checked the time, and saw that it was near the time we were supposed to be at the Topaz's.

I went into my closet and found something appropriate to wear to the dinner we were having.

I didn't feel like going all out, so I just went with a simple dress. After I put on the dress, I went to the bathroom to curl my hair, and then I did my makeup at my vanity table.

Cheryl's outfit

I gave myself a once over looking in the mirror and thought I looked good enough. I exited my room and went downstairs to see everyone waiting for me.

"Sorry, I guess I lost track of time" I told them looking at my parents only. My mother smiled and said "It's okay honey, it's okay if we're a little bit late. Right Clifford".

My dad nodded his head and then he held out his arms for me, and I accepted them. He gave me a bone crushing hug which made me say "Dad, I really can't breath".

He chuckled still hugging me and then let me go and gave me a kiss on my forehead.

"Alright everybody, into the car we shall go" my dad said as he opened the door. We all walked out the door and got into the car. Dad got in after he locked the house door and we made our way to the Topaz's house.

At the Topaz Residence

I ran my shaky hands against the side of my dress as my dad rang the doorbell. We waited a few seconds and then the door opened with Mrs.Topaz.

"Come on in guys" she said with a smile as she opened the door more. We all walked in and greeted her as we went inside.

When she reached me she hugged me and whispered in my ear "Somethings wrong with Toni and I'm worried. She was hyperventilating in her sleep earlier about something and wouldn't tell me what happened. Could you check up on her upstairs for me, cause I know how close you two are".

I gulped feeling guilty and then put on a smile saying "Sure thing Mrs.Topaz I'll go check on her right now".

She smiled and gave me a small thanks and walked over to my family in the dining room. I sighed and made my way up the stairs to Toni's bedroom.

I stood at her closed door debating if I should really go in or not. After lots of thinking I just decided to go for it, and knock on her door. "Come innn" I heard her voice say.

I took in a deep breath and then opened the door. I saw her laying on her stomach in her bed playing something on her phone. "Um hey Toni" I said quietly.

She turned around quickly and then growled out "What are you doing in here". I shifted uncomfortably and then said "I came here to apologize and everything for what happened".

"Well sorry isn't gonna fix what has been said or done" she told me looking anywhere else but me.

"And I know that but right now it's the least I can do. Toni trust me I didn't mean to tell that to Jazmine and I didn't even know she was recording anything. I-I was under the influence of alcohol and I was high, and I was talking pure shit. What I said was uncalled for because you told me that....situation cause you trusted me but I basically told the whole school. I'm really really sorry Toni. I know that sorry isn't gonna fix how people know about what happened and I know that sorry isn't gonna fix the pain that your probably feeling now. I know I'm a shitty person for everything that I've done these past two days and it's okay if you hate me cause I hate me too".

I hung my head down low as tears threatened to fall. I cleared my throat and continued "No one deserves to be outed about something like that and I wish I could go back and just keep my fucking mouth close. People would say it's Jazmine's fault because she posted it and it partially is but the rest is my fault. I'm sorry and I hope you can forgive me TT".

"Don't call me that" she said to me. I looked up at her and she was looking out the window.

I sighed and said a small okay and sorry. "Um I told Jazmine to take it down so no more people could see it and later on I'm gonna try and find a way to make sure that nobody has the video or anything . I know this sounds bad because your a A plus student with perfect attendance but I think it's best that you stay at home for a while until everything is partially back to normal. You don't have to listen to me, cause it's whatever you wanna do. Are we still best friends cause it's oka-".

"No were not and I don't think we could ever be best friends again. I trusted you with personal stuff and here you go throwing it out to everyone. I told you I was in love with you and here you go telling your girlfriend. Do you even know that she freaking bullies me everyday Cheryl? Yes your own girlfriend. Bullies me when your not around and makes me feel worthless. Talking about oh I need to stop taking you away from her. Saying that no one will ever like me and if it seems like it, they're just faking it. You only love her and only want to be with her an no one else. Sounds a bit too possessive and insecure if you ask me. Honestly to me, it seems like your basically dating the devils child. Your girlfriend is changing you to become a bully and heartless just like herself. I bet you don't even know what she is truly. Now get the hell out of my room I don't wanna see you ever again".

I felt something tug at my heart painfully and I held my chest. It kinda felt like I couldn't breathe but that didn't matter right now.

"I-I understand. I just want to let you know that I didn't want any of this shit to happen, and I'm sorry for fucking everything up. I'm sorry for being the worst best friend, and not being a best friend that you could trust. I'll leave you alone and make sure y-you won't ever s-see me at school or anything".

My head was twirling and everything so I stumbled out of her room and closed the door behind me.

I dizzily walked down the stairs and into the dinning room where everybody else was. Everybody looked at me and I gave them a smile.

I then walked to the table and sat down next to my brother. We held hands, said a prayer and then dug in.

Hours later

Finally after like 3 hours we had made it home. My parents sat down and had conversation with Mrs.Topaz after we had dinner while my siblings and Toni's siblings did whatever.

I didn't say much during dinner or after because Toni's words just kept repeating in my head. I walked into the house after my siblings and then headed straight to my room.

I locked my door and went to the bathroom and locked the door too. I searched through my cabinets to find what I was looking for but couldn't.

I trashed through my entire bathroom and still couldn't find anything. I screamed out in frustration and just sat on the floor. I looked at my arm and saw rubber bands on my wrist. These were rubber bands Paris gave me so I wouldn't do self harm.

I started playing with them and just thought about everything. I stayed there on the floor and let everything out.

I just knew that after today I wouldn't cry about anything for like 2 more months. After all the crying I just got in the shower and washed my body and face.

I got out, dried myself off and went back into my bedroom. I threw on a random set of pajamas and got into my bed. I decided to count to the amount of days it's been since I self harmed myself and I fell asleep around 300.

Next Morning (February 15,2020)

Veronica's POV

As I was driving to school, I was furious. Cheryl really went above and beyond and I won't take that shit.

My knee was bouncing up and down as I drove and I felt Betty's hand rest on my thigh. "Calm down Vero" she said softly. I nodded and my leg stopped shaking but I was still infuriated.

As soon as I get to that school and I see Cheryl it's on sight.

I parked my car in the parking lot and then helped Betty out the car. We both walked into the school together and started walking to our class even though it was early.

Betty always liked being early to her classes and I didn't wanna complain because that girl has my heart.

As we were near our class I saw Cheryl who was walking down the hallway looking at her phone in anger.

I released my hand from Betty's and walked straight towards her. Cheryl looked at me and was about to speak but I punched her right in the mouth.

Her phone dropped and she held her mouth as she groaned . I punched her again and again while she tried pushing me off of her.

I pushed her into the floor and started beating the shit out of her. I heard Betty yelling for me to stop and I heard kids surrounding us.

After I was done I got off of her breathing heavily and wiped my mouth. "How does it feel to experience your whole body in pain" I spat out at her.

I looked at her and saw the blood coming from her nose and her bruised up face. She just laid there on the floor holding her stomach in pain and looking straight ahead.

She then got up slowly and fixed her bag on her back and picked her phone off the floor. Without saying anything, she limped away from all of us which confused me.

Usually Cheryl would fight back or say something but she didn't even do anything. I turned to Betty who had a mad expression on her face. I tried touching her face but she smacked my hand away.

"I understand what she did was uncalled for, but that doesn't mean you have to do all of that. You know I don't tolerate that type of violence " she told me .

"Baby I'm-" "I don't wanna hear it right now Veronica let's just get to class". I nodded my head and took her hand in mine and went to class.

Cheryl's POV

I sat in my car outside the school as my body felt like it was on fire. I tried finding any pain reliever medication in my bag or car but no luck.

I sighed out heavily, which then resulted in me groaning in pain. I held my stomach and started the car to make my way home

At blossom residence

I just reached home and struggled to get out the car without feeling any pain. I got my bag and phone out the car and limped my way to the front door.

I opened the door and then went upstairs to my room. I threw everything on the bed and went inside the bathroom.

I took off my clothes and looked at myself in the mirror. I traced the bruises that were on my body and sighed. It's not anything new.

I put on a robe and went downstairs to get buckets of ice and dumped them in the bathtub. Then I took off my robe and just laid on the ice in the bathtub.

It was freezing cold at first but then my whole body went numb. Just how I like it. After feeling the pain get better, and just laying there for minutes I decided to get out the tub.

I was freezing, so I quickly put on some clothes and then put on a different robe than before.

I turned on hot water so it could melt the ice and while doing so I turned on the heater in my room.

I looked at my face in the mirror and started to get angry but I calmed myself down. You can't get mad because you deserved this. I nodded my head to myself, and then turned off the water after all the ice melted. I went in my bed and went in my phone.

There were videos of Veronica beating the shit out of me on basically everyone's Insta stories and posts.

I turned off my phone and threw it somewhere. I searched for the remote and when I found it I turned on the TV and watched Euphoria all over again. I just don't want people to think of me as a disappointment I thought in my head as I fully put my attention to the TV.

A/N: It definitely hasn't been a whole month since I've updated thisss......🙊Let's pretend that didn't happen yeah? 🌚Ummmm what y'all think of this chapter? 👀

I didn't expect it to come out so depressing and suicidal, but it did, so yeah. Srry for any mistakes

Vote and Comment luvss❤️❤️

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