Baby of the family

By AntandDeclove

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The story of Decs life(or my version of it) More

Part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 13
part 14
part 15
part 16
part 17
part 18
part 19
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part 21
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part 24
part 25
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part 27
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part 78

209 8 2
By AntandDeclove

"You're being ridiculous Declan" Anne snapped down the phone line.

"What?" Dec asked surprised,he hadn't expected this reaction from his mother,she was the one person who he was guaranteed to get sympathy and understanding from,no matter what the situation.

"You heard me" Anne replied "you're being ridiculous.You're a grown man,pining for your pal who is away on honeymoon,that's crazy"

"I know how it sounds Mam" Dec sighed "I wish I didn't feel like this,but I do and it's not just the fact I miss him,it goes a lot deeper than that"

"How?" Anne asked sternly.

"Well" Dec replied "I'm not totally sure,it's just a feeling I have,a feeling that things are going to be different now that Ant and Lisa are married and I'm not sure how to deal with it?"

"Well,you may be right about that" Anne informed him "things may well be different,but you just adapt"

"Not sure I can" Dec mumbled.

"Well,you don't have any choice" Anne snapped "peoples lives move on,you just cope with it the best you can"

"Maybe I don't want them to move on" Dec grumbled "things were great just as they were"

"Declan" Anne replied "you're being selfish,you should be happy for Ant"

"I am happy for him" Dec insisted "I hate that I feel this way and I don't plan on saying anything to him,I thought I'd get a bit more understanding from you though"

"Decky" Anne replied gently,her stance now softening towards her sons predicament "I really think you're worrying about nothing.You're as much a part of Ants life as he is yours.I don't know why you're having these doubts,but i know you and I know Ant and I think you're imagining an issue that doesn't even exist"

"Maybe" Dec sighed "what if they have kids?what happens then?"

"So what if they do?" Anne asked,feeling slightly exasperated "that's very likely and one day you might too when you meet the right girl.How would you feel if Ant then had these same feelings that you're having right now?"

"I'd be devastated probably" Dec sighed.

"Well then" Anne smiled "and if they do have kids,how wonderful would that be?"

"Pretty wonderful I guess" Dec smiled.

"You'd love it Decky and you know you would" Anne laughed "you would love their kids and they would adore their 'uncle Decky' just the same as your nieces and nephews do"

"Guess I need to give my head a wobble then" Dec stated.

"I guess you do" Anne agreed "but if you're still feeling bad,then talk to Ant about it when he gets back"

"No" Dec replied bluntly "I'm not doing that,I don't want him to be burdened with my insecurities about this,he already does so much for me,hopefully it will pass"

"I'm sure it will" Anne assured him "just remember how difficult Ants life was when he was younger and how he must have felt on his wedding day"

"He felt very happy" Dec replied.

"I'm sure he did" Anne said "but did you actually ask him how he was feeling?"

"Yes,of course I did" Dec snapped.

"I meant about him not having his dad there to watch him get married?" Anne sighed "that couldn't have been easy for him,I'd imagine that would have made him quite sad"

"Never even thought of that" Dec frowned "they haven't been in contact with each other for years though"

"That doesn't make it any easier" Anne stated "I guess you never discussed that with him on the day?"

"Never thought to" Dec frowned "I guess you're right Mam,I am a selfish little git"

"No,you're not Decky" Anne smiled "I didn't mean that,you're just sensitive and insecure sometimes,we all can be,but just try and enjoy Ants happiness ok?who knows how he was feeling about his dad not being there,I wouldn't be surprised if he was saddened by it,but hid it for everyone elses benefit"

"Yeah" Dec nodded "the thought of that makes me sad if that's what he was doing"

"Just remember that lad adores you and I know him being married isn't going to change that" Anne smiled.

"Yeah,you're right Mam" Dec replied "as usual"

"Mother knows best" Anne laughed "well,you know where I am if you need to talk"

"Yeah,thanks Mam" Dec smiled "I can always rely on you to bring me back down to earth with a bump"

"You certainly can" Anne replied "and please stop worrying ok?I know you and Ant are going to be just fine"

"Yeah" Dec sighed "we will be"

Anne was still concerned about the hint of sadness in Decs voice.

"You're ok now?" She asked.

"Yeah,I am,thanks Mam" Dec replied.

"At least you have this new film to look forward to" Anne stated,tactfully attempting to change the subject "Alien Funeral is it?"

"Alien Autopsy" Dec laughed.

"Alien Autopsy" Anne repeated "that'll be great won't it?my son,a movie star,just when I thought things couldn't get any better"

"Yeah alright Mam" Dec smiled "don't get too excited,we haven't even started filming yet and who knows how it will be received once it's released in the cinemas?it could be a flop"

"Now you stop that Declan" Anne scolded "I know you and I know that you don't take on any project that you don't believe in one hundred percent,so you stop with the self pity right now"

"Ok,ok" Dec laughed "it's going to be brilliant,that better?"

"Yes it is,much better" Anne confirmed "now,I need to go into town to get some pork chops for your dads tea,so if we're all done here?"

"Alright" Dec laughed "I can take a hint,not that it was a very subtle one,give my love to Dad"

"I will do" Anne confirmed "bye son,I love you"

"Love you too" Dec replied "bye Mam"

Even though the phone conversation hadn't exactly gone the way Dec had intended,he did feel better for it.

Of course he had been expecting Anne to pander to him,to tell him how much he had a right to feel the way he did and how it was breaking her heart to hear how upset he was.

That wasn't what he got,but what he did get was even better.Anne helped him put things into perspective and no matter how harsh her words had seemed,Dec knew she was right.

He made himself a cup of tea and sat back down on the sofa.

He thought back to Ant and Lisas wedding day that had taken place just a few days earlier and smiled at the memory.

Of course his Mam was right.It was unlikely anything would change between him and Ant,why would it?he could see that now.

He was glad he had spoken to Anne about his concerns,but he was happy he hadn't mentioned the fact he had been thinking about calling Ant in Dubai.He could now see how ridiculous that would have been.Anne would certainly have given him a good telling off for that.

So Dec decided to busy himself over the next week or so until Ant got back by catching up with friends and writing down ideas for the next series of Saturday Night Takeaway and before he knew it,Ant was back home and filming for Alien Autopsy had commenced.

It took Dec barely a few minutes of being in Ants presence on that first day on set to realise that absolutely nothing had changed and his fears were totally unfounded.

Dec listened happily as Ant described how amazing the honeymoon had been,but he had missed Dec while he was away.

Those words made Decs heart jump for joy and everything he had felt over the last couple of weeks,the doubt,the sadness,the isolation,were all washed away in an ocean of relief.

The lads had a great time filming the movie,it was a lot of fun and they got to work with some big Hollywood stars.

"It's been great hasn't it?" Ant smiled after the last day of filming was wrapped up.

"Yeah,it's been brilliant" Dec nodded "just hope it does well"

"It will" Ant replied confidently "there's no reason why it wouldn't"

"I guess we'll soon find out" Dec nodded.

Just a few weeks later,once everything else on the film had been completed,Ant and Dec found themselves at the premiere of the first movie where they had the starring roles.

In fact they found themselves at three premieres,one in London,one in Newcastle and one in Ireland.

The boys were having the time of their lives,flying in private planes between the cities and relishing all the attention and compliments they were receiving regarding their performance.

Once the film was finally released,Ant and Dec waited excitedly to hear how it had been received by the public.

"Umm...not too well" Ali winced as she,Ant and Dec sat in her office.

"What do you mean 'not too well'?" Ant enquired confused.

"I mean exactly that,it hasn't done too well" Ali sighed "not many people have been to see it yet"

"That doesn't make sense" Ant frowned,disappointment clearly evident on his face "it had great reviews,if even the critics liked it,then why wouldn't the public?"

"I don't know Ant" Ali frowned "maybe not that many people are into aliens"

"Maybe" Ant replied sadly.

"Listen" Ali stated "don't be downhearted just yet,it's only the first week,it could pick up,I'm pretty sure it will,the British public love a quirky story like this"

"Not sure they do" Ant replied glumly.

"Declan,you're quiet" Ali observed.

Dec shrugged his shoulders "not much to say really is there?"

"It's ok to be disappointed Dec" Ali smiled kindly "you boys have been excited about this for ages now and no one was expecting this news"

"Ali's right Decs" Ant nodded towards his friend "I can see you're upset,I am too"

"I'm fine" Dec snapped,before abruptly standing up and pushing his chair back "if we're all done here?"

"Er...yeah" Ali replied "we're all done"

"Good" Dec stated "come on Ant"

Ant obligingly followed Dec out of the door,turning back quickly towards Ali.

"Don't worry Ali" Ant smiled "I'll keep an eye on him,he'll be ok"

Ali smiled back at Ant,without saying a word,there was no need,she knew Dec was in good hands.

Unfortunately,the film didn't do much better over the next couple of weeks,taking only half as much money at the box office that it had cost to make and just a couple of months after the excitement of the premiere,it was hastily released on DVD.

The boys has to learn to live with their disappointment,that was just a part of life and not everything in their lives and careers would be successful.They unfortunately even became embarrassed and ashamed of their involvement with the film.

"What's done is done Decs" Ant shrugged one day "just about everything else we've done has been successful hasn't it?"

"Not everything" Dec replied.

"Well,most of it then" Ant smiled "I think we're doing alright,you and me,so we made a daft movie that everyone hated,but I bet our fans loved it"

"Yeah,I bet they did" Dec laughed "nutters the lot of them"

"Yeah" Ant smiled fondly "but lovable nutters"

"They must be to watch that rubbish just because we're in it" Dec pointed out.

"Well,we didn't think it was rubbish at the time did we?" Ant enquired.

"I guess not" Dec sighed "I was just so convinced it was going to be a huge hit,it never even crossed my mind that it wouldn't be,you know it'll probably come back to haunt us for the rest of lives don't you?"

"Yeah probably" Ant laughed "still,it's best we just move on from all this now,we did a job,we got paid,end of,onwards and upwards"

"Yeah,you're right" Dec smiled "and it's not like we don't have anything else in the pipeline is it?we don't really have time to be movie stars"

"Exactly" Ant replied "it's 'I'm a celebrity' soon,cannot wait to get back to Australia,then 2007 is shaping up to be our busiest year yet"

"Yeah,you're not wrong there" Dec agreed "this new show Simon Cowell has got planned sounds great"

"Britain's Got Talent" Ant grinned "it sounds wicked doesn't it?and I'm so glad he wants us to present it"

"Why wouldn't he?" Dec asked cheekily "we're the best and he knows it"

"Ha,yeah I guess he does" Ant laughed.

"Sounds pretty similar to Pop Idol" Dec pointed out "except for the fact it won't only be singers auditioning"

"Yeah" Ant nodded "similar,but better"

"Definately" Dec smiled "I can't wait to get started on that,but there's one other thing I'm really nervous about though.The one thing we've been asked to do that I know is more important than anything else.I'm just so scared of what we'll see and how I'll cope with it"

"What's that?" Ant enquired,although he already knew the answer as he was having exactly the same fearful thoughts.

Dec shook his head despairingly at the thought of what was to come.

"Going to Africa for Comic Relief!"

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