By mhyz-serena

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~Sequel to Let Me Be Yours~ Let's join Amira and Ali in their journey of adventure, forgiveness, finding love... More

B. Y. ... BYE 👋


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By mhyz-serena

He walked slowly as if calculating his steps, out of his suite and headed for hers.

He turned the door handle slowly and walked into the calm and somewhat humid living room. The TV was on, playing an animation he didn't bother to know the name of.

She still had the painting from Abeedah and he smiled at it as he proceeded to the bedroom.

He peeped before entering and she wasn't there. Apart from the crumbled sheets, the room was spotless.

From where he stood he could hear music coming from the closet.

Hmm, prepare for a beating man.

He smiled at his subconscious and went towards the door.

He entered and spotted the source of the music on her vanity at the end of the space, her MP3 player.

Even the closet was clean and he only noticed how full it was.

What does she do with so much clothes?

The air there smelt different from the other rooms, it's mixed with those of cosmetics, different perfumes and what have you.

But she wasn't there also.

An evil smirk twitched his lips at a side as he inched further towards the bathroom.

The door was open and he could hear the sound of the shower running.

Something in him kept whispering 'go back' but then his childish self didn't, it's been a very long time since he had some fun.

They've lived in that house for over a week now without any sort of communication. He tried talking to her a few times but she fires him that 'dangerous' look which effortlessly makes him shut up.

But now he has to talk to her and looking for trouble is a perfect way to make her do that.

She's in the shower stall, having a hot bath. Her silhouette still fine even through the hazy glass.

He shifted his eyes from her, trying to hide his smile.

She's gonna bury you alive if she sees you here.

Doing the exact opposite of that, he knocked.

She gasped and immediately turned around, wiped the glass and saw him leaning over the doorjamb, his eyes on her and for a first, an ugly smile on his face.

"You-what..." She opened the door and poked her head out. "What the hell are you doing here?! Can't you see I'm bathing?! Leave! Shoo! I'll yell bloody murder if you don't... what are you still doing there?!"

"You shouldn't have leaned on that."

She glanced at herself and went back in. "You_"

"I'll be waiting in the bedroom." He left, still trying to choke down his laughter.

God is she hot.

He stopped by a cabinet in the closet and drew the glass door open. It's a group of beautiful and classy abayas.

A sad smile worked on his lips as he remembered his mum's abaya collection which was the largest he's ever seen. Not like he's seen that of many ladies but the last time he counted hers before she passed away they were reaching a double hundred.

Now that's much.

But it isn't like she doesn't give out clothes, she does that almost everyday.

Perhaps that's why she never runs out of it.

Passing his hands through the gowns, he stopped on an ash cotton beaded abaya and pulled it out.

Abeedah had called him last night to ask if they could go to the foundation with Amira and why would he say no?

There's no use in keeping her locked up at home always and moreover she'll be with them. Though she should have asked him herself but it's all about the 'no talking' rule and he appreciated that she didn't just leave without his permission but asked Abeedah to tell him about it.

That's something he never expected from her. Not after everything. And it made him respect her even more.

He opened cabinet after cabinet, drawer after drawer, got her a better veil cos that of the dress was too small for his liking, then he stumbled on her undies and took a pair of matching bra and panties, kept them beside the abaya on the chaise. He noticed she wasn't a fan of too much accessories so he got her a pair of drop earrings and a stoned wristwatch, a Fendi handbag and last, a wedge heel.

The shower turned off just as he's admiring his snappy work and he tiptoed out of the closet.

It took less than two minutes for the music to stop and for her to come out with a leg of the wedges he chose for her.

"I just knew you'd be here." She muttered as she approached him with what he assumed to be a threatening expression. Covered in a baby pink terry bathrobe and her wet hair falling off her shoulders all the way to her bosom.

"Yeah I told you."

"You don't come into the bath when a lady is bathing." She smacked him on the arm with the back of the shoe.

"Hey stop that." He tried to take it from her but she landed another one on his back.

"And you aren't even welcome here so why did you have to come into the bathroom of all places?" She rambled, still hitting him while he tried to dodge and they kept going around the room.

"What if I was pooping huh? You wanna know how smelly it is? Well it isn't as bad as yours."

"Alright, I'm sorry. Please stop." He sat on the bedfoot bench.

"Oh? It's funny right?" She raised a threatening brow at him.

"Wait how did you know my poo is smelly?"

"Do you even do that?"

Ali was stupefied by the serious look on her face. "No you seriously didn't ask that."

"Well you look so..." She trailed off, squinting her eyes on him.

"So?" He probed for an answer, a teasing smile revealing the tip of his teeth.

"I don't know, forget about it. Stop trying to change the topic, you just saw me completely naked and you're laughing?!" She yelled like she just remembered.

"Well that makes us even."

"What does that mean?" She scowled.

"You saw me change the other day remember?"

"Wh..." She left her lips hanging as she blinked her eyes at him. "And why the hell will I watch you change?! You felt comfortable going bare in front of a woman! What will I even look at in you?!" She slapped his head with the shoe.

"Ow! Will you stop it!" He rubbed his head.

"I can't believe this! So you actually thought I watched you change?! How unbelievable! So was that why you came into the bathroom when you knew I was in?"

"You left the door open." He tried to defend himself.

"Oh! So that gives you a free ticket?! This is my room if you're forgetting and I can walk around naked if I want. How shameless of you to watch a woman take her bath! I thought you're better than this."

"Wah, I didn't even see you. I just saw your figure."

"Will you shut up!" She slapped him on the head again. "What difference does it make? You've seen everything!"

"No I didn't. But if you'd lose that belt, I surely will."

Her mouth hung open at his statement, she goggled herself, then him, herself and she huffed, clenched the chest of the robe and turned around.

"Wait." He stood up and stepped towards her.

"What?" She turned over to face him.

He took some strands of her hair and curled then around his finger.

"Let me dress you up."

"What?!" She scowled.

"Come." He dragged her hand into the closet and sat her down by her vanity table.

"What're you doing?" She looked at him through the mirror.

"Making your hair."

"What the_" She tried standing up but he sat her down.

"If you don't like it, I'll never do it again. I don't promise." He held her shoulders, looked into her eyes.

"I don't wanna take chances. You might uproot my entire head!"

"Trust me, I've done this before. A long time ago."

She dithered for a while then sighed. "Okay."

"Where's your hair dryer?"

She pulled out the second drawer of the stand and took it out. "You'll have to pull the extension cord closer."

"No p."

She smiled at his excitement, who'd ever believe Ali could be interested in such things?

He fixed the dryer and began drying her hair, combing it as he did. After drying he oiled up and dried it again.

"You have a curling iron?"


"Hair stretcher?"


His shoulders slumped and he pouted. "Hair clips?"

"Uh-uh." She shook her head.

"Then what do you use to dress your hair?"

"Combs and ribbons."


"What else do you want? I go to the salon fortnightly. They have all what you want."

He sighed. "I'll get all those for you in shaa Allah. Where are your combs and ribbons?"

"First drawer on the island."

He went there and after shuffling through the items, came back with a cutting comb, gel, hair spray and different colours and sizes of ribbons.

"And what are you using all those for?"

"I'm not using all of them. Just keep quiet and watch."

"Okay boss."

"Shut up." He jeered, combing back her hair gently. "Abeedah called me last night."


"You're leaving in?"

"Thirty. I'll meet them at Fauziyya's."


She watched him as he cut the hair into two, applied some oil, packed the lower half with a ribbon, cut the other half into two, oiled, combed, packed one also and he began plaiting the other backwards.

"Whoa, who taught you how to plait?" She watched him from the mirror, amazed at how smoothly he braided, it's almost like his fingers weren't in her hair.

He smiled. "Someone."



Ayeesha, Ayeesha, Ayeesha, "Oh, that cousin of yours? The one who was pregnant during our wedding?"


"You two must be pretty close."

If she saw right, a dark look pitched in his eyes but he quickly veneered it with a small smile. He bopped his head once.

"Well impress me Mister."

He smiled now, a real one.

After making the two braids, he packed all the hair together and tied it with a small ribbon then used a bigger ribbon to roll the hair into a doughnut. He laid her edges beautifully and then sprayed some finishing oil, sighed. "Ideal for a hijab."

"Wow, it's wonderful! How comes you're so good?" She cooed, checking herself up in the mirror.

"I used to do it for my mum, always." He smiled at her as she admired herself.

She glanced at him. "Really?"

"She loved buns, a lot. They're easy to make and go well with hijabs."

"And she let you do it for her?"

He chuckled. "She's my mother, she loved my work from the very first time and always calls me to do it for her. Just like you will."

"You're sounding so sure Mama's boy."

"Cos I am." He ran a finger across her hairline. "You love it."

"Of course I do." She went on her feet, adjusting her bathrobe. "So you are a mama's boy."

He chuckled and got a wipe for his oily hands. "Used to be."

"And now?"

"Whatever you take me as." He glanced at her, the smile still on his face.

"You're now a big fierce guy," She twirled on her heels. "And still a mama's boy."

"You're beautiful." He said softly, his eyes exploring her face.

She cocked a brow at him. "And you're handsome."

He shook his head and stepped closer to her. "I'm frank, you are very beautiful."

She looked in his eyes, trying to catch the look in it but the intensity of his gaze made her heart jump.

No, don't do it, please don't.

"Relax, I'm not gonna kiss you." He stepped away from her and she sighed silently.

"I chose your clothes." He directed at the chaise, his hands sneaking into his pocket.

She turned her eyes to it and the first thing she saw were the innerwears.

"What the..." Her breath hitched and she trotted towards it, hoping her eyes were deceiving her. "You... how could you do this?! God! Do you wanna kill me from embarrassment today?!"

He smiled. "No offense."

"There is offense Mr Man. You saw my underwears and even touched them!"

He chuckled but didn't say anything. Thought she picked a shoe from there?

"You're unbelievable. Give me some privacy I wanna dress up."

He straightened up from his reclined position and approached her.

"I'll be leaving." He said, standing in front of her.

She felt uneasy by the word he used. Not going out or traveling..., leaving. "Leaving?"

"And I don't know for how long I'll be staying away. A day, a week, a month..., or even more than a year."

Her heart leaped to her throat. "What... Why? Where are you going to and why will you stay that long?"

He sighed and scratched the side of his eyes with his index. "I need to go away Amira, for some time. I shouldn't stay away for long but... I don't know. It depends on how fast I come to terms with everything going on. And I can't assure you, neither can I tell you when I'll be back or where I'm going to. If you can't stay here alone, I'm sure Khalil and Farouq won't have a problem with you staying with them but if you aren't comfortable then..., you can go back home."

The bra she was holding fell off her hold and eyes instantly watered up.

"I'm sorry Amira but things haven't been easy and I'm trying - I've been trying but I think this is for the best, it seems like the only way."

"C'mon Ali, can you hear yourself speak?" She asked, terrified and the liquid in her eyes dancing.

"I know it isn't easy but I've made up my mind about this."

"But you're gonna come back home right?" A hot tear squeezed out of her eyes.

"I honestly don't know."

That sentence broke her heart into a million more pieces.

"And I don't know if I should ask you to wait or... tell you that we'll still be together after it."

She slowly sat down on the chaise, not trusting her wobbly knees to carry her weight anymore and the tears flowed down freely.

He knelt before her and took her hands in his. "I'm sorry Amira. I honestly am. I know I'm a jerk cos this is selfishness but Amira we've been staying away from each other for the past one week and nothing's adding up, nothing's getting better.

"Amira I need to settle things, everything, I need to have a direction, a purpose, I need to get my mind fixed on one thing. I haven't been able to do that all my life and I think it's high time I do. To stop wasting your time and to know if I can do this or just... let you go."

She closed her eyes slowly and felt the hot tears run down as a sob broke through her lips.

"Nothing can be assured right now Amira and I'll never get tired of apologising to you. For everything and for anything I'll do in the future. I'm gravely sorry and I wish I could take away all the pain and suffering I had to make you go through and still making you go through. Please understand that I have to do this, I can't say for us but for me, to know my stand and what I'm up for. I hope you can someday find it in your heart to forgive me for this and everything else. I'm deeply sorry."

They're quiet for some time before she sniffled and wiped her face with the hand of her bathrobe.

"When will you be leaving?" She croaked.

He thought of a good way to answer that question but no matter what he'll say, the answer was not gonna change.

He squeezed her palm in his, not looking at her face. "You won't meet me when you come back today."

Her hands trembled in his as was her whole body.

He's leaving today?!

"C'mon, cut this joke out it's not funny."

"I'm not joking around with you Amira. I'm seriously leaving today."

"What are you saying?! Ali you're gonna leave like this and of all times you had to tell me today?!"

"I tried talking to you about it thrice but you didn't give me a chance_"

"Ali I never told you not to speak!" She cried at the top of her lungs. "I might have done what I did but I didn't know you wanted to talk about something this serious! Shouldn't you have said it nonetheless?!"

"Cos I was scared! Yes, I was scared. And nervous. I didn't know what to expect. I feared your reaction, I feared this! I feared having to hurt you again."

"But you still went through with it!" She hit him away from her, crying. "You still went through with it knowing fully well it'll hurt me. You still went through with it without letting me know and you're telling me you're nervous? Ali please reconsider this. Postpone this trip or whatever it is. I know you made this decision because I was being negligent towards you but I promise I'll change, I promise not to be so childish again please..." She trailed off as she broke down in tears.

He sighed and pinched the space between his eyes. "Amira do you like living like this?"

"I don't! And that's why I want us to work this out, together, not by you running away."

"I'm not_"

"You are! You are running away! You're leaving me alone. To deal with myself, to deal with this! Ali can't we just sort this out? Let's talk it out now, here."

"Amira please let me do this." He held her hands in his. "Please."

"Ali it's not about you going, it's about why you are and what it might amount to."

"I promise I'll try to make a decision we'll both be at ease with."

"No Ali,"

"The thing is I will go Amira and there's no use trying to stop me."

She sealed her eyelids at his remark.

He sighed and sunk a hand into his pocket, brought out a credit card and placed it beside her on the chaise lounge.

"Use it for your expenses while I'm away, the pin is the last four digits there. I'll get to you, first, when I make a decision I'll let you know."

A thick cloud of silence hovered above them after that and he rubbed his palms on his thigh before getting up.

"I'm sorry." Was all he whispered before closing the door behind him.

She slipped to the rug, sobbing painfully.

Why does she feel so much pain? She honestly can't relate. The pain was so intense she can't describe it. It's as if a better part of her heart was being treacherously pulled out of her. Well what can she say? She has gotten quite close to her husband and she didn't see them ever having to do this.

Him ever choosing to leave to get his thoughts together.

For Pete's sake can't he do that in his room? Why does he derive so much pleasure in watching her suffer? Why does he have to do things always the hard way? Why can't he choose to do things easy and make it easy for everyone?

She likes being with Ali, well not like she's having a better choice if she doesn't. But through his arrogance and hostility and aloofness, she's able to see a good man in him. It's true their beginning wasn't favourable, but at least he'd learnt his mistake, he manned up and accepted he's wrong, he let down his pride and ego and apologized.

Ali she knows, is a deal of a stubborn man whom if for say, wanted to hold on to his impersonation of her even after learning the truth will do that even if it means losing his family but keeping his ego in check.

Well in the world we live in today a lot of that happens. People tend to value their arrogance and pride and ego over compassion, relationships and humanity.

And on Ali's case, losing his family won't affect him in any way financially. That much she knows.

And through the little time they've been together there has been much improvement in his attitude towards her. He apologizes the moment he realizes he did wrong, uses the word 'please' a lot, has been a whole less authoritative and more easy going.

At times she's thankful for everything bad he did to her because now he realizes the value of their relationship. And deep down she knows everything he does, he does not for anyone but sincerely.

Now how on earth will she begin to be at ease with what he wants to do? How is he expecting her to do that?!

Her whole system seized to function when she heard the warming up of a car engine outside. She snapped up and dashed to her bedroom to look out the window and saw him talking to the securities.

Lawrence alighted from the car and they exchanged a few words with Ali before he made for the vehicle.

She called out to him on impulse and all eyes went to her. She didn't care that she's only in a bathrobe and nothing proper to cover her head.

She slowly shook her head, telling him silently not to go, to stay, at least until she's ready for the worse. But after his eyes slowly drifted from hers, he spoke to the men and they all turned around and left.

He glanced at her and for a second she wanted to believe he was reconsidering and he'd not go on that lousy trip but then he opened the door and slipped in.

She placed a palm on her lips as she started crying, watching painfully as he wheeled out of the gates without a second thought.

Or maybe there was.

She ran to the closet and got her phone to dial his line.

Her heart shattered more than ever when the IVR mentioned his phone was switched off.

She tried again and again but it's the same response.

Dejectedly, she fell on the floor and cried her watery eyes out.

Why do you love hurting me Ali? Why?

Her phone rang minutes later and she quickly sat up to check, her hopes spiraling up.

Disappointment washed through her as she saw it's Abeedah calling.

She picked up anyways.

"Salaam alaikum."

"Wa alaikumassalam," She cleared her throat to clear the croakiness.

"Are you crying?"

"Umm, no. I'm sorry but I can't make it, something came up all of a sudden."

"What? Why? What happened?"

Amira heaved a sigh, turned her eyeballs around so the tears won't fall.


"It's nothing." Her voice broke and she began sobbing. She instantly ended the call and wept out her eyes.

* * *

"You should stop doing this Amira. Eat something for crying out loud." Fauziyya lamented, a plate of rice in her hand.

Amira shook her head, wiped off the single tear rolling down the side of her eyes.

"C'mon Amira, you haven't eaten or said anything since yesterday. You're making us worried sick." Abeedah added, rocking Zaynah in her arms.

"I'm not hungry." She said, her voice hoarse from crying and sorrow.

"What you're doing isn't fair and neither is it helping the situation, tell us what the problem is."

She shook her head again, the tears still falling off.

"Amira please_"

A knock on the door sent Abeedah and Fauziyya looking at its direction while Amira only stared blankly at the wall.

The two ladies had went over to her place after the event at the foundation yesterday only to meet her an utter mess.

She wouldn't say anything, only constantly erupting into tears.

She'd gone to his room before they came and was distressed that he didn't take anything with him. Not even his phone or laptop and she could also say he didn't take any cloth because all his bags were untouched.

He left everything behind, even she.

After trying fruitlessly to get her to speak, they insisted she came with them because they couldn't leave her all alone in that condition.

But they didn't know Ali was gone. They only tried his phone and it didn't go through.

So here they are, at Fauziyya's.

Umar bopped his head at his wife, telling her to come over which she did after dropping the plate on the nightstand.

"Did she say anything?" He asked when they're out of earshot.

She shook her head in the negative.

"Ali's gone, without a trace."

She gasped and clutched her chest. "Gone?"

"He left yesterday, so Lawrence said." Khalil informed. "She knows, perhaps even why."

"But the thing is, nothing leads to him. He left his phone and system behind, he didn't fly cos his passport is at home, the car he left home with is at his place in Jaji, that a certain man took it there yesterday. So if he left, he went by car, a car we don't know him owning."

"Or maybe public transport." Khalil added.

"But why would he leave like this?" She whisper-yelled.

"I'm sure she has some information. He isn't anywhere, not here, or Abuja, or Lagos, or anywhere he owns a house. Not even in Yola."

"He might have left by air, I mean anyone can get another passport." Khalil insinuated.

"He didn't Khalil, at least Andy or Zayyad would have had a clue. And he took a leave from work, two days ago. Moreover he's been very normal these past couple of days, nothing about him seemed off."

"Yeah right." Khalil nodded, brows arched in concentration. "We've been together almost all the time and he was always home when not at work. I was even starting to like being around him y'know, at least more than the past twenty years."

"This is the first time he's done something like this and what I'm most afraid of is the Lamido. What will we tell him if he isn't found? Soon? We don't even know if he's still alive or not."

"Maybe we should ask Amira. Perhaps she'll say something if you talk to her." Fauziyya suggested.

"You said she's been crying?"

"Up until now. Seems she didn't even sleep and she's not eating either."

"Why don't you tell her we wanna talk to her?" Khalil said and Fauziyya nodded then went back into the room.

"Don't you think we should inform Uncle Sulaiman about this sooner?" Khalil sought.

"Let's try and get something from his wife first, then we'd know what to tell him. And how."

They both sighed.

Fauziyya came out and shrugged at them.

Seems Amira isn't responding.

Umar and Khalil exchanged looks before proceeding to the room.

She's still lying on the bed and they moved closer, Umar stood by the end of the bed and Khalil leaned on the wall, facing her.

"Umm," Umar began. "Amira we honestly don't understand how you're feeling cos we don't even know why he did this, neither did we know he's intending to. It's only yesterday when Fauziyya told me about your state that I tried calling him but then it wasn't going through. I asked of him everywhere I could but to no avail. All we know is he's not in town, at least not anywhere we know he could be. His passport is at home which means he probably didn't fly out and he took a leave from work. So can you please help us with some information? He must have said something to you right? Maybe where he is or why he left just like this?"

A tight knot clogged in her throat and she croaked, more tears dropping off her eyes. "He left."

"Left? To where?" Umar probed.

"He didn't tell me. He just left."

"Well, did he tell you why?"

She started crying and Fauziyya walked over to her and sat on the bed, consoling her. Abeedah passed her a cup of water but she declined.

"Look Amira, you have to tell us what you know okay? We're clueless now and the longer it takes the more people will realize he's gone and what do we say to them then?" Khalil implored.

"He's right Amira. Tell us. Did you two perhaps have a fight or something? Or do you have an idea where he might be or why he left?" Fauziyya contributed.

"He said he needed to go away. That he needed to think and come to terms with everything. That he needed a direction, a purpose. He only told me yesterday before he left, I thought he was joking, I tried to stop him, I pleaded, but Ali wouldn't listen. He still left. He didn't even tell me for how long he'll be away. He said maybe a day, a week or month or... or a whole year." She broke down again and Fauziyya hugged her, her heart reaching out to her.

All of them went quiet, digesting what she'd just revealed.

"Just when I thought I figured out how Ali's brain works." Umar mused.

"He never seizes to amaze people." Khalil lamented.

"And he didn't tell you how he could be contacted?" Abeedah asked.

Amira shook her head, leaning on Fauziyya's shoulder. "He only said he'd get to me when he makes a decision."

"What decision?" Umar sought.

"If... if he'd still want us to be together or..." She reduced to tears again.

"Wait, are you trying to tell me he did all of this just to think about wanting to stay with you or not?" Khalil asked incredulously.

"I wish I knew. But that should be what he meant by what he said. We were perfectly okay. Then he started acting all weird for three whole weeks and when I talked to him he said we needed to stay away from each other. I got angry and started to stay away from him, I wasn't angry angry, I was only childish angry and he'd always laugh at me when I tell him not to talk to me. Well if he had left without coming to meet me yesterday and acted all okay then I'd say it's all because of it but then he just said he was leaving out of the blue and then he began blabbering stupid things and before I knew it he was gone. He left his phone behind, his clothes, he took nothing along."

"And he told you that he needed to go away to find a direction and purpose. And to make a decision on you staying together or not."

She nodded, wiping her tears with her hijab.

"And you can't pick up anywhere you think he can be?"

"I believe I should be asking you that Ya Umar."

He sighed. "Well let's see what we can do about this first. But you need to be strong, at least he said to contact you whenever he's settled his mind, for the time being we'll try finding him. Do eat and have some rest for now." He nodded at Khalil and they walked out together.

"Man I don't get what she's saying." Khalil began as they headed for the foyer.

"She's saying the truth Khalil. Ali told me about it, it's a silly thing so it isn't the reason he did this."

"So you knew but I didn't?" He asked in an accusatory tone.

"Khalil," Umar stopped and faced him. "It's not it. Trust me. I think I understand why he did this. He said he needed to settle things within himself and between them. Perhaps he wants to do the former and he decided to get us all panicked instead of just telling us about it."

"Well maybe cos he knew we'd have someone keep an eye on him."

"At least I'm a bit relieved knowing he isn't being suicidal again, but we still need to find him."


"I think we should let his father know about this."

* * *

Plot twist? 🤭 Who can guess what's gonna happen next? And do you think he might've had another reason behind what he did? 🤔

I promise an immediate update if anyone guesses or closely gets where he went to😉

Khalas 😇

Xoxo ❣

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